Friday 12 February 2010

Andrew Gilligans Island

Image - Andrew Gilligans Island - " I am the big man here "

Image - Andrew Gilligan and Jabba The Hut - separated at birth ?

Andrew Gilligan is a vile media slug who because he exists perpetually within an artificial media island where us 'ordinary people' are kept far from shore, and hence the island is kept very insular and exclusive and solely for the rest of the media retards, he thinks he is an intellectual big man.

But its easy to pretend to be a big man when you are alone an island.

Anyone can win a debate when you are stuck on an island with just a few coconuts, fruits and vegetables to debate with.

Heres a challenge Gilligan - I will debate with you anywhere, anytime.

But you wont will you.

Thats because you are a media maggot whose entire existence is based on sanctimonious media monologues, not a free and fair debate.

If we are such losers then debate with us - but you wont.

So whos the real loser - the losers who will debate with anyone anytime or the loser who seeks to glorify his own stupidity, hypocrisy and cowardice and who refuses to debate with us ?

Yes, Gilligan you are a loser.

The BNP will dig its own grave far better than Peter Hain

The BNP's core weakness, its saving grace, is its own stupidity. The vast majority of its members are sad, ineffectual and damaged losers, says Andrew Gilligan.

By Andrew Gilligan

Published: 9:25AM GMT 12 Feb 2010

During one of those anti-columnist mobbings on Twitter and Facebook, I started to wonder what would be the best way of ensuring my own personal, profile-raising censure by the forces of online self-righteousness. Attack Michelle Obama? Express scepticism about Bono? Demand compulsory foxhunting, or the closure of the Health Service?

And then I hit on it: I would say that, under certain circumstances, it is a mistake to condemn the BNP. So here it is, this is that column. To your keyboards, Twitterers – unless, of course, you want to read my argument.

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The BNP's core weakness, its saving grace, is its own stupidity. The vast majority of its members are sad, ineffectual and damaged losers. The performance in office of its councillors and MEPs has been laughable. Its vote actually fell in the most recent elections, though it picked up two Euro-seats through the weakness of others. The BNP is not a serious party. The main danger is that its opponents and the media talk it up into one.

That, I think, is the risk of a new anti-BNP campaign, called Expose, to be launched next week by the group Unite Against Fascism (UAF). It promises "well-researched information" to "reveal the undemocratic and racist nature of the BNP". In its press release, one of Expose's launch speakers, the Cabinet minister Peter Hain, condemns the appearance by Nick Griffin on the BBC's Question Time, calling it an "outrage" and "circus" that "boosted" the far-Right party.

"Following Griffin's appearance on Question Time, where he made openly homophobic remarks," adds the release, "two gay men – Ian Baynham in London and James Parkes in Liverpool – were killed."

In fact, the attack that killed Baynham took place almost a month before Griffin's Question Time appearance. And though James Parkes was attacked after it, he was not killed. So much for the "well-researched information".

The "undemocratic and racist nature of the BNP" is, alas, its principal attraction for many of its supporters. And though Question Time was indeed a "circus," that was largely the fault of the UAF and its allies, who staged rowdy demonstrations outside the BBC.

All the evidence of our own eyes on the night – and, more importantly, the opinion polls since – shows that despite the UAF's best efforts to get Griffin maximum coverage, his appearance on the programme was a failure, very far from a "boost" to his party.

There are effective ways to defeat the BNP – the group Searchlight has inflicted significant damage on it, through patient voter-registration drives, door-to-door campaigning and precise, genuinely well-researched intelligence driving a dagger into its real weaknesses.

And there are ineffective ways. The BNP thrives on two things: media attention, and the politics of victimhood. The kind of stunt, false claim and mob outrage politics practised by the UAF gets the fascists more of both.

Why do some on the Left give the BNP more credit than it deserves? Why do they pronounce its defeats victories? Why do they credit it with things that never happened? The answer is that the kind of campaigning practised by Hain and the UAF is not about the BNP at all – it's about themselves.

For those, like Hain, compromised by their membership of a morally bankrupt government, opposing the BNP is one of the few ways they can still make themselves look righteous and good. It's one of the few ways they can still prod Labour supporters out to the polls. For Trots of the Socialist Workers' Party, whose members lead the UAF, anti-fascism is a useful common cause to build links with the mainstream Labour movement.

To a slightly worrying extent, the BNP and some of its opponents need each other. I'm not saying they're not also sincere in their hatred of racism. I'm just saying they've got their tactics wrong.

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  1. Gilligan is robotic in his repetition of all the typical anti-BNP statements - is he trying to impress those higher up in the media with such public displays?

    "The vast majority of its members are sad, ineffectual and damaged losers."

    "The performance in office of its councillors and MEPs has been laughable."

    Two absolutely pathetic statements - completely unsubstantiated ad hominen nonsense - but what else would we expect? These statements are really fat cunt Gilligan wank fantasies. As he fumbles beneath rolls of lardy like fat for his minuscule penis he can only maintain his pathetic 2 inch erection by imaginings of loser BNP members and Nick and Andrew not actually making hard hitting EU speeches. He is aroused by the media constructed fantasy.

    "Its vote actually fell in the most recent elections, though it picked up two Euro-seats through the weakness of others."

    Oh dear, he resorts to that old desperate chestnut, this video reveals the truth about the BNP vote not the media lie:

    The BNP Best Value For Money At EU Election

    "The BNP is not a serious party. The main danger is that its opponents and the media talk it up into one."

    This is another classic piece of nonsense. If the BNP was not a serious party why then do the combined forces of the establishment and media spend such vast amount of time attacking the BNP, such as Gilligan's own hack piece article? What a twat.

    "The "undemocratic and racist nature of the BNP" is, alas, its principal attraction for many of its supporters."

    You mean like undemocratic where we abide by every democratic principle and yet our opponents use violence, intimidation and professional media whores (like Gilligan) to lie about the BNP? It is our opponents who are undemocratic.

    "There are effective ways to defeat the BNP – the group Searchlight has inflicted significant damage on it, through patient voter-registration drives, door-to-door campaigning and precise, genuinely well-researched intelligence driving a dagger into its real weaknesses.

    HAHA. Oh you mean there are effective ways to defeat a party that is not serious and has loser members? Seems Gilligan is making much of defeating such an apparent feeble opponent.

    "And there are ineffective ways. The BNP thrives on two things: media attention, and the politics of victimhood. The kind of stunt, false claim and mob outrage politics practised by the UAF gets the fascists more of both."

    Firstly, Gilligan you retarded fuck, all political parties thrive on media attention. As regards the supposed BNP victim status, the dictionary dfination of a victim is:

    "a person who suffers from a destructive or injurious action or agency"

    Well then the BNP are victims of the establishment and media. Fact.

    Gilligan you are a messed up, contradictory, self-loathing, degenerate, FAT, weak-minded, tiny-dicked, lick-spittle, brown-nosing piece of shit.

  2. Jewish comment on Jewish Gilligan -

  3. Funny that no comments have been allowed on the telegraph site. Now why would that be?
    A propaganda piece nothing more from a useless slob . Still he has to earn a living as working is too much for him.

  4. Remember the spoilt brat that threw stones at you as a child, only to run away to his mummy when you confronted him? Gilligan anyone?

  5. I had the pleasure of seeing a UAF representative collapse under questioning in a call from a curious 14-year-old patriot on YouTube yesterday.

    I wonder if Gilligan's island has a telephone? I'm sure we'd all love to hear you tear him a new arse, Lee. :)
