Friday, 25 June 2010

McKinstry on Racism

McKinstry knows that the winds of civil war are blowing our way.

If the government and the system persist in their treason, then the National Revolution will begin.

The Lib-Con Government gives 13 Billion in foreign Aid whilst cutting care for British people.

The Equality Act now allows employers to undertake Affirmative Action schemes, which is PC way of saying anti-white racism'.

Our plight as a community is ignored.

The Lib-Cons are actively assisting in, and promoting political correctness - therefore they are still the same enemy.

England is in the middle of a profoundly disturbing social experiment. For the first time in a mature democracy, a Government is waging a campaign of aggressive discrimination against its indigenous population.   

In the name of cultural diversity, Labour attacks anything that smacks of Englishness. The mainstream public are treated with contempt, their rights ignored, their history trashed. In their own land, the English are being turned into second-class citizens.

This trend was highlighted this week by the case of Abigail Howarth, a bright teenager who applied for a training position with the Environment Agency in East Anglia but was turned down because she was too white and English. The post, which carries a £13,000 grant, was open only to ethnic minorities, including the Scots, Welsh and Irish.

Such social engineering was justified by the Agency on the grounds that minorities were under-represented in its workforce, the parrot cry used by bureaucrats throughout the public sector to justify bias against the English. 

Almost every interaction with any public service now leads to a detailed analysis of one’s ethnic status

Though Abigail’s case rightly caused outrage, it was not unique. This kind of reverse discrimination is now rife across the state machine, underwritten by the very English tax­payers who are the targets of institutional prejudice.

Although it is technically illegal to restrict jobs to certain ethnic groups, the racially fixated commissars have found a way round that problem by developing training schemes open only to minorities. Under the 1976 Race Relations Act it is permissible to use racial considerations in recruitment to trainee positions such as the one to which Abigail applied. 

Such practices are dressed up as “positive action” to widen diversity and, in the words of one Labour council, “to overcome past discrimination”. So HM Revenue and Customs offers work experience jobs, worth up to £15,900 a year pro-rata, to ethnic minority graduates, while the Museums Association has two-year ethnic minority apprenticeships.


Similarly, Birmingham City Council gives £16,000 a year to “black and minority ethnic individuals” in its “Positive Action Traineeship Scheme”, and a £10,000 allowance to clerical trainees from “the Bangladeshi and Pakistani communities”.

Discriminatory training schemes can also be found in ITV, the civil service and the NHS, which boasts “a management development programme specifically designed and tail­ored to the needs of black and minority ethnic midwives”. 

It was revealed last year that Avon and Somerset Constab-ulary rejected 186 applications from white men on the grounds that they were already “over-represented” in the force. In the same way, London Mayor Ken Livingstone last month refused to endorse a series of nominations for the London Fire Authority because they were dominated by whites.

And whole towns are beginning to suffer state disapproval. Eighty administrative jobs in the Prison Service have recently been transferred from Corby in Northamptonshire to Leicester because, as the Home Office admitted, Corby’s population is predominantly “white British”, a terrible sin in our multicultural society.

It is a bitter irony that the Labour Government, which works itself into such a synthetic rage over racial prejudice, should practise overt discrimination on an epic scale. The remorseless focus on supporting minorities has led to a perverted ideology of anti-white racism. 

Almost every interaction with any public service now leads to a detailed analysis of one’s ethnic status. A vast race equality industry has been built up, filled with overpaid paper shufflers, consultants and advisers with little to do except invent new grievances.  

There is an air of the Maoist permanent revolution about their activities. Since immigration now runs at probably one million people a year, the make-up of society is changing dramatically. So, in this climate of endless demographic upheaval, the race relations brigade will always be able to invent more work for itself.

Yet anti-English discrimination undermines the central plank of the propaganda for mass immigration. We are constantly told we need vast influxes of foreigners to boost our economy and fill vacancies but unem­ployment levels in immigrant communities are so high and skills so lacking that we need to reserve parts of our economy for them.
So if we have to spend a fortune on training schemes, why are we inviting hundreds of thousands of arrivals from the Third World and Eastern Europe here every year?

Economics have little to do with the issue. The Left in Britain have seized on mass immigration and multiculturalism as a battering ram to destroy the society they despise. They once sought to change our country through economic revolution. That failed with the Winter of Discontent and the downfall of communism. But demographic change through migration has proved far more damaging.

George Orwell once wrote: “England is perhaps the only great country whose intellec­tuals are ashamed of their own nationality. In Left-wing circles it is always felt that there is something slightly disgraceful in being an Englishman and that it is a duty to snigger at every English institution.”

That is now precisely the mentality that predominates within the machinery of the British state. And our country is dying as a result.

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Anonymous said...

The Environment Agency has done this before: "She's too white and too English to train with the Environment Agency" Bedford Today.
Published Date:
10 August 2007

This vile racism against us cannot go on any longer.

We are always at the bottom of the heap. Foreigners first at every turn.

Anonymous said...

Bring it on, up the revolution!

Anonymous said...

The problems of England's white populaion seem to be in alignment with the way things are done in the United States. Foreigners get government backed loans to buy businesses while hard working americans have to work for these same people. It's truly disgraceful.

Anonymous said...

The problems of England's white populaion seem to be in alignment with the way things are done in the United States. Foreigners get government backed loans to buy businesses while hard working americans have to work for these same people. It's truly disgraceful.

extant said...

The winds of Civil unrest is already here mnate, there is no stopping it or everting it, it is inevitable.
Which ever way they attempt to pacify the indiginous population or the ethnics for that matter, it will happen. Not in several years but within 12 - 18 months at best.
I have noted some serious changes over the past few months that are rapidly exculating, you would have also seen them.

The rebirth of Europe has already began.The traitors will know soon why we have survived as a culture and people for thousands of years


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If you see a job advert which discriminates against English whites, send in an application anyway pretending you're an ethnic with good qualifications and experience. Agree to an interview but don't show up. This will waste huge amounts of their time and make recruitment much more expensive for them.