Below is an Gnostic interpretation of 666.
666 is the new Religion of the Book is that forming.
This is the religion of the Anti-christ.
Its centre will be in Jerusalem and it will be a place where a Mosque, a Church and a Synagogue will be built and where the priests of Christianity, Imams of Islam and Rabbis of Judaism representing each religion will work together to create a new unified Religion of the Book.
This will be the Temple of the Anti-Christ where his Throne will be built and where 666 will then become a global power unifying all the followers of the old religions under the dominion of the Religion of the Book and the power of the Anti-christ.
At the same time a global government will be built alongside the Religion of the Book and it will seek to destroy all nations and place them under the control of the council of the Anti-christ, a new United Nations organisation.
This work is underway right now and will be accomplished by the Anti-Christ and achieve its fruition after the Apocalypse.
The Anti-christ will not a Christian, Jew or Muslim though he will pretend to be speaking in the name of each of them - instead his aim will be to create a new religion that binds them all together in such a way as to ensure they come under his control.
Religion and politics will fuse in the name of the Religion of the Book and all mans freedom will be lost.
Those that seek peace and order in the world and a new universalist creed to control mankind both before and after the Apocalypse will see in both the Religion of the Book and this new global government a way to stop terrorism, violence and religious wars.
But this will not come to pass.
The Religion of the Book is designed not to save man but enslave him, and it will allow the Anti-christ to rule the world via the Religion of the Book and the political structures that he will create.
The followers of 666 will adopt a symbol that displays their alleigance to this new faith and politics and they will hunt down all those that they see as 'heretics'.
Only those who wear the symbol of 666 will be able to work, have access to medical supplies, stand in elections, have food, water etc in the world after the Apocalypse.
You either serve the religion of 666 and you obey the global government of 666 or you are killed or exiled, defined as terrorists and heretics and hunted down.
The symbolism of 666 relates to the 7 inner seals of the 7 Chakras.
6 is the number of Chakras that each individual follower of each of the religions of the book, and the coming Religion of the Book, will only ever be able to achieve.
Therefore it is a number that is not complete.
Only 6 Chakras are opened in the followers of the Religion of the Book and therefore full spiritual vision does not occur.
Man is unable to access God within himself.
Therefore the 'spiritual vision' of those that follow those religions, and the coming Religion of the Book, is flawed and leaves man still enslaved to Yaldaboath in each of his present guises.
The new Religion of the Book, the religion of the anti-christ, is designed to ensure it only allows people to open just 6 chakras and not the essential 7 th Chakra.
666 is a symbol of delusion and not spiritual liberty.
Let those that have wisdom understand.
As stated here ;
The Sanskrit name for the 7th chakra is "Sahasrara", meaning "thousandfold." The 7th chakra is represented by a 1000-petaled lotus, which symbolizes the infinite nature of this chakra, connecting us with the Divine.
The 7th chakra is located at the crown of the head and serves as the crown of the entire chakra system, symbolizing the highest state of enlightenment. The function of the 7th chakra is connection with the infinite. In art, Christ is depicted with a halo around his head. This could represent the awakened spirituality of the 7th chakra.
Therefore the 7 th Chakra is opened by the Gnosis and this opens the way for God to to be present within the individual.
If Man does not unlock the 7 inner Chakras and 7 inner seals then the Apocalypse will occur and this will force Man to open the 7th inner Chakra and free him from the dominion of the Anti-christ and 666 The Religion of the Book.
The symbol of the Holy Grail which is so prevalent in the world today is of course a symbol of Sophia-Wisdom, which represents the Gnosis and the secret knowledge destroyed by the Church that unlocks the 7 th Chakra.
The symbol of the Holy Grail is a symbol of the Johannine Tradition that was hunted down and destroyed by the Church after Constanine took it over and the Petrine succession was imposed to control Christianity - the tradition that was destroyed was that of the Gnostic wisdom of the 7 Chakras and how to open them.
In each of the main religious traditions a prophet will arise who has opened the 7th chakra for themselves and who has become a Gnostic.
Each of these individual Gnostics will no longer need to obey or be confined by the commands of their religious books as God will be within them and his spirit flowing through them and out into the world.
These prophets will be persecuted and their followers martyred until the Anti-christ is overthrown after the Apocalypse.
These Gnostics will not just be men of peace - they will also be Warriors of God, instruments of divine vengeance making way for spiritual growth in the world.
The followers of the Gnostic prophets will wage a Holy War against all those that wage war against them and eventually they will triumph as they will be led by God to victory against the Anti-christ.
This is why the symbol of the Second Coming of Christ is as a warrior with a sword.
The Second Coming of Christ is not to rebuild Christianity - it is to transform us into a Gnostic Christos.
The Gnostics of the Second Coming will not follow a religion of Christ - they will each become a Christos regardless of what religion they once were.
They will transcend Christianity, Islam and Judaism and each become a Christos, a living instrument of the spirit.
They will usher in The Age of the Spirit as foretold by Joachim of Flora.
Once the war is won against 666 and the Anti-christ then the spirit of God that resides within them will turn from war against the enemies of the spirit and begin the process of healing the planet, healing Man and creating the Perfecti.
The meaning of life is to allow God to live within Man and through Man manifest the divine within the universe.
This is what the awakening of the 7 Chakra will allow.

"Christ is depicted with a halo around his head. This could represent the awakened spirituality of the 7th chakra."
The halo is there to cleanse yourself, by the action of moving it down from the top to the bottom of your body, pushing all the shit off of you when it passes your feet. You can try this for youself Lee! It does not represent the awakening of the 7th chakra.
By the way, it is always shown as a disc in the vertical plane. It is not. It is a solid disc in the horizontal plane. Like a frisbee.
"destroyed by the Church after Constanine took it over"
Yes, the true teachings of Joshua bar Joseph.(named Jesus & declared christ by the Greeks).
"The symbol of the Holy Grail which is so prevalent in the world today is of course a symbol of Sophia-Wisdom, which represents the Gnosis and the secret knowledge destroyed by the Church that unlocks the 7 th Chakra."
There is no secret knowledge, it is there for all to see. They chose not to because they would not be able to cope with it, as they are not ready. To do so before they are ready, would just send them nutty!
If anyone says they know secret knowledge, they know nothing. They only have, at the most, one strand that they think gives them power.
Like the twats that are trying to take over with their "New World Order".
There is no such thing as power, it's just an illusion. When you have all of the Chakras working together, you still do not have power!
"Only those who wear the symbol of 666 will be able to work, have access to medical supplies, stand in elections, have food, water etc in the world after the Apocalypse."
The symbol of 666 is the new ID card, which would be changed into a chip implant if they can get this crap to be imposed opon the world population.
The 7th chakra once fully developed gives off a visible light in enlightened beings, such as the Buddha.
You are talking about a spiritual excercise that is for those that practice Yoga anc chakra cleansing, I am talking about the light of a divine being who has become an elightened one.
Those that do chakra cleansing are not Buddha's.
Meditating on the 7th chakra is not equivalent to opening it.
Of course the knowledge of the chakras, Grail , Sophia are not secret knowledge for us - I meant for the masses. This is why so many Christians still follow the Church of Constantine and not the teachings of Christos.
You are right that the masses are not ready for the Gnosis, that is why the Apocalypse will occur - in order to force them to awaken.
The Chuch has tried to keep the teachings of the Gnosis secret for centuries, and it was only the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls that brought them back to our attention - they were secret only until about thirty years when they became more widely interpreted and publicised.
Even now how many Christians know about the chakras and Gnosis ? virtually none.
Power is never an illusion - as the one who has power over himself is more powerful than than people who are slaves to their own delusions and ignorance. They make themselves powerless.
The master of his own being is always more powerful than a slave to their own lower instincts and false desires.
When you have all the chakras working you achieve balance and harmony and are free from delusion - and someone with balance and harmony who is free from delusion is more powerful than someone who is unbalanced, unfocused, and in the grip of delusions.
The ID card is not 666 - simply as we all have ID cards anyway from NI numbers to birth certificate numbers to voting numbers to bank accounts.
Reagrdless of whether we had an ID card or not, they could still control us as they wish. Therefore an ID card is irrelevant as to the power of the antichrist.
Nor is it a chip implant, though that would facilitate the one world government.
666 I believe relates to the chakras and the religions of deficiency.
There are an antichrist in every generation.
Therefore the antichrist is not just a specific person in a specific moment in time but also a power that uses an individual in every generation for the benefit of Yaldaboath.The antichrist is always the person within the hierarchy of established religions who works for the benefit of the religious establishment to destroy the Gnosis, or who acts in the name of the being that controls those religions, and who seeks to suffocate, subvert and deny the Gnosis.
Antichrist exists in every generation - the one we are debating is the antichrist of the apocalypse.
This is the antichrist of our generation.
"The 7th chakra once fully developed gives off a visible light in enlightened beings,
such as the Buddha."
On this I do not know, as I have never meet any one so far that has all 7 chakras
opened. My experience tells me that they would not shine in visible light, as that would use energy. Which would be wasted.
"You are talking about a spiritual excercise that is for those that practice Yoga anc chakra cleansing, I am talking about the light of a divine being who has become an elightened one."
See above
"Those that do chakra cleansing are not Buddha's."
Yes I agree!
"Meditating on the 7th chakra is not equivalent to opening it."
Now here I agree with you 100%. To open any chakra requires the input of energy & untill it has been opened is quite painfull.
"Of course the knowledge of the chakras, Grail , Sophia are not secret knowledge for us - I meant for the masses. This is why so many Christians still follow the Church of Constantine and not the teachings of Christos."
Yes I agree.
"You are right that the masses are not ready for the Gnosis, that is why the Apocalypse
will occur - in order to force them to awaken."
I do not think this is correct, unless they are ready, they will fall apart. If the pot has a flaw it will break it into pieces. Unless you mean there own personal apocalypse.
"The Chuch has tried to keep the teachings of the Gnosis secret for centuries, and it
was only the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls that brought them back to our attention -they were secret only until about thirty years when they became more widely interpreted
and publicised."
I agree in as much as the Church wants to hang on to its power. The real Church is
within you. So the information was always there within you.
"Even now how many Christians know about the chakras and Gnosis ? virtually none."
Yes I agree. Also see above.
"Power is never an illusion - as the one who has power over himself is more powerful than than people who are slaves to their own delusions and ignorance. They make themselves powerless.
The master of his own being is always more powerful than a slave to their own lower instincts and false desires."
Yes in one sense you are right but power as thought of by the average person is just an illusion!
"When you have all the chakras working you achieve balance and harmony and are free from
delusion - and someone with balance and harmony who is free from delusion is more
powerful than someone who is unbalanced, unfocused, and in the grip of delusions."
Yes, see above.
"The ID card is not 666 - simply as we all have ID cards anyway from NI numbers to birth
certificate numbers to voting numbers to bank accounts.
Reagrdless of whether we had an ID card or not, they could still control us as they
wish. Therefore an ID card is irrelevant as to the power of the antichrist."
Nor is it a chip implant, though that would facilitate the one world government.
666 I believe relates to the chakras and the religions of deficiency."
Yes I agree but I think the people who are trying to implement this, think it is so.
"There are an antichrist in every generation.
Therefore the antichrist is not just a specific person in a specific moment in time but
also a power that uses an individual in every generation for the benefit of
Yaldaboath.The antichrist is always the person within the hierarchy of established
religions who works for the benefit of the religious establishment to destroy the
Gnosis, or who acts in the name of the being that controls those religions, and who
seeks to suffocate, subvert and deny the Gnosis.
Antichrist exists in every generation - the one we are debating is the antichrist of the apocalypse.
This is the antichrist of our generation."
I think the Christ & the Antichrist are both within you. I also think a better way of thinking about it is to call them positive & negative. You then realize that one can not exist without the other.
I also think that none of this can be learnt from books of any sort. The only thing you can get from books is a pointer or sign post!
Interesting theory on the apocalypse. I can see the anti-christ being trying to unite all the world in his image, but the only way to do that is unite all the religions. It ain't a bad idea just has to be the right person to do it. I for one would love to just abolish organized religion, but it would never happen. The Chakras are important for sure, but sadly only a handful of people know about them. I think this calamity you speak of might be the planet Nibiru that will reach our planet soon on December 21, 2012. Only time will tell if it is true or not.
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