The above is the Ugandan national flag.
Note the spears.
In fact the indigenous Ugandan tribespeoples are very proud of their history as hunters and warriors.
But unfortunately the Communist Bloc and the Soviet Union, the same people the UAF and the Labour Party supported during the Cold War, shipped in millions of AK47 machine guns into African nation states and has this led to the endless civil wars and tribal conflicts we have seen in Africa decade after decade, including in Uganda.

Image - Karimojong tribesmen of Uganda display their AK47 weapons sold to Africans by communists and socialists and that have destroyed Africa
( Link Here - http://www.chipspeace.org/projects )
If only the indigenous people of Uganda and the rest of Africa had been left to live with their traditional ancestral weapons such as simple spears then the country of Uganda and the African continent would be a far happier place than it is today.
And no doubt the many millions of them driven from their indigenous homelands would not be now living in the West claiming asylum.
That is the legacy of Communism, they supplied the weapons that drove the genocidal wars that have killed millions of black indigenous Africans and led to the immigration invasion in the West.

"If only the indigenous people of Uganda and the rest of Africa had been left to live with their traditional ancestral weapons such as simple spears then the country of Uganda and the African continent would be a far happier place than it is today" – of course, spears are less effective than modern weaponry of non-called foreign mentors self-proclaiming the delight of savages worldwide with some modern civilization of which AK-47 is a logical development and example of.
The picture at the top of this article is of the Ugandan national coat of arms, not the national flag.
It doesn't affect the validity of the article.
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