Over the last few days I have had time to think about the options available to the Nationalist movement - whether to stay with the BNP and try to rebrand it or start a new party up.
I am moving to the latter position.
That is primarily because of the following reasons ;
1) The BNP brand is a 'dead brand' in that it no longer has any support amongst the masses that could act as a basis for a rebrand. The association with Griffin, the ammunition provided to its critics by Griffin and the history of the party are such that it can survive, but it can never take power.
Therefore as it can no longer take power, but just stumble along as a money making scam for Griffin and Dowson in the margins of society, means that it is a total waste of time being involved in the BNP.
For instance take a look at the latest BNP election result that somehow managed to avoid being posted on the main website ;
MEDWAY River ward by-election, August 12th 2010
Electorate 5,438
Turnout 25.4%
David George CRAGGS (The Conservative Party Candidate) 617 (44.6%)
John Alun Charles JONES (The Labour Party Candidate) 544 (39.4%)
Garry HARRISON (Liberal Democrat) 104 (7.5%)
Steven Richard KEEVIL (The Green Party) 45 (3.3%)
Brian Christian RAVENSCROFT (British National Party) 39 (2.8%)
Ron SANDS (The English Democrats - "Putting England First") 33 (2.45)
That is an appalling result.
I happen to know Brian Ravenscroft well and he is a trusted and very hard working activist and excellent Medway organiser. He leafleted the ward and also did the required leg work.
This result will be reflected across the country as more results come in.
2) Many of the remaining activists in the BNP are so indoctrinated that they truly cannot understand that the great mass of society rejects the BNP entirely. Like all cult members, they see the BNP only from the inside - not from the perspective of how the rest of society sees it from the outside.
The BNP is seen as a 'racist' party for racists and Nazis.
That is how society sees the BNP.
That means it will never have the potential to become a mass movement and take power.
The Labour government banned BNP members from working as police officers and prison officers and the Lib-Cons are talking about extending that ban to other professions, therefore sooner or later the party will be de facto banned anyway, and middle class professional people will avoid it entirely.
The BNP can only grow weaker.
3) The party is internally schizophrenic.
It is comprised on one hand of hard core Nazi's on one wing and on the other Civic Nationalists.
Both sides despise each other.
The Nazi wing are in complete denial about the parties recent constitution change to allow ethnic minority members in, whilst the moderate wing are up in arms that the party did not do this sooner and that the party has not gone far enough to allow more ethnic minority people in the party.
Such internal ideological tensions cannot be resolved.
Sooner or later a split will occur.
Therefore it is better that a split occurs now.
Let the Nazis keep the BNP and return it to its National Socialist roots.
There will always be a party required for Nazis, and though the NF seeks to fill this gap, the BNP Nazis are a far more intelligent sort than the NF ones.
That way as the BNP remains for the National Socialists, a space is made in politics to clear the way forward for a new party that rejects such historical baggage.
Contrary to the propaganda put out by the BNP there is a fourth way forward for Nationalism.
For decades the BNP was simply for Racial Nationalists and stood in total opposition to Civic Nationalism.
Then the BNP began to evolve a third position, that of Ethno-nationalism between Racial Nationalism and Civic Nationalism - and this worked for a while to keep the party quiet.
But the internal schisms remained, and will remain.
They are ideologically reconcilable within the BNP.
But there is a Fourth Way forward that avoids the problems of Racial Nationalism, Ethno-nationalism and Civic Nationalism - and that is
British Cultural Nationalism is the promotion of new vision of Britain based on the promotion of British Nationalism, the preservation and promotion of British culture
and the creation of a National Community based on British Nationalist principles.
As you know it is Ethnicity that creates a culture.
Contrary to the Racial Nationalists propaganda, Race does not create Culture - as the variety of different nations, peoples and cultures within Europe prove.
From nation states with their own unique culture like Italy's to ethnic cultures like the Anglo-Saxon English and its unique English cultural forms like the Magna Carta all prove these are all ETHNIC CULTURES and NATIONAL CULTURES derived from specific ethnic groups eg the English and the Italians.
Therefore race does not produce culture or else all of Europe would have one culture and would be one nation with one language for we are all from one race, that being the White European Race.
Therefore a new Nationalist cultural movement must arise that promotes a cultural nationalism as well as allowing space in society for those who wish to live in an ethnic communalist way.
British Cultural Nationalism is integrationist, anti-multi-culturalism, anti-immigration, anti-political correctness etc and demands an end to mass immigration and colonisation and insists on British National cultural homogeneity.
Those who come here or live here must integrate into our culture, or leave.
At the same time this British Cultural Nationalism can allow ethno-nationalists the space within the cultural sphere and political sphere of the British nation state to politically organise, form their own communities and express their organic ethnic British identities - such as English, Welsh, Scottish and Anglo-Irish.
As these indigenous ethnic identities are the basis of the British cultural nexus, then a British Cultural movement must allow these identities the right to organise within society and manifest themselves - if people wish to do so.
At the moment not only is our British National cultural identity repressed, but our indigenous Ethnic identities are repressed as well.
British National Culture is undermined by globalism, mass immigration and political correctness whilst our right to define ourselves by our indigenous ethnic identities is designated as 'racist' and virtually criminalised.
The Union Jack is banned from being flown from public buildings by liberals and the Cross of St.George called a 'racist' flag by the same liberals that appease Muslims, Islamists, minority sexual groups etc etc and who demand those minority groups have the right to impose their demands and identity on us and our society.
We are not allowed to define ourselves as British by culture nor English (for example) by ethnic identity.
Therefore in order to change this the following must occur ;
All immigrants must adopt our British national culture, whilst the indigenous ethnic people of Britain have the right to adopt community structures as defined by their ethnic identity if they so wish.
That means we ban the burkha, ban sharia law courts, prohibit the building of any more mosques etc. Rights or laws in our society that demand the majority must have regard to the demands of minority religious groups will be abolished, as it is not for the British state to demand the majority cater to the demands of minorities.
That is the antithesis of democracy.
That is The Tyranny of the Minorities and the total subversion of the democratic principle.
Immigrants who are here must adopt either a British national cultural identity or an indigenous British cultural identity.
No other cultural forms must be allowed to manifest themselves in such a way that our British culture is threatened or the demographic right of the indigenous ethnic groups to remain a majority in their own country is threatened.
Those that refuse to integrate into British culture will therefore be regarded as colonists and deported back to whence they came - regardless of what race, nationality or religion they are.
Just because a colonist has a British passport - that does not make then British by ethnicity or by culture.
A colonist is a colonist.
All immigrants must therefore integrate into the British national culture whilst the indigenous ethnic groups are allowed to form their own ethnic communities if they wish too.
A nationalist cultural movement that does not mention race ( which is an issue toxic in politics due to media conditioning) but that asserts the importance of a cultural struggle to assert our national culture and which allows ethno-nationalists the right to form ethno-communities eg English, Welsh, Scottish, Anglo-Irish within the context of the British Nationalist State etc is one that the masses would support.
The BNP is a party defined by race.
What is required is a party defined by culture.
A party that demands ;
1) the promotion of British culture
2) that allows people to express their indigenous British ethnic identity and culture if they wish and at the same time organise politically as ethnic communities eg form an English Parliament
3) that demands an end to immigration from all nations of the world regardless of their race
4) that deports all colonists regardless of their race, religion or nationality
5) that ends political correctness
6) that ends multi-culturalism and demands integration into British culture
7) that demands that people of all races and religions integrate into British culture
8) that rejects all forms of racism, including the racism of politically correct anti-white affirmative action and positive discrimination, and instead demands the creation of a meritocracy
9) that ends all further immigration
10) that bans the burkha and bans sharia law and other separatist organisations eg the Muslim Parliament and other religious courts and Halal and Kosher butchery and other cruel forms of animal treatment. This will apply to all non-indigenous British religions that have not been part of British culture for thousands or many hundreds of years. Only Christianity and the indigenous pagan religions must be protected by the law. If people want to consume Halal and Kosher foods, then they must import them into the United Kingdom from countries that allow such practices. If they want a ruling from a religious court then they must go abroad and get one. It is not for the British state to use the law to terrorise the majority into surrendering our country to the demands of minorities.
11) that promotes British culture in schools and society
12) that scraps all anti-free speech laws and empowers the British Constitution
13) that demands we withdraw from the EU and take our country back
14) That puts British workers first regardless of their race
15) that puts British families first for housing and schooling and the NHS regardless of their race
16) that removes all illegal immigrants, convicted foreign criminals and illegals in the country regardless of their race
17) that fights Islamist terrorists in the country in a way that will protect us instead of in accord with the idiot dictates of political correctness
18) that ends the Tyranny of the Minorities
19) that avoids any hint of Nazism, Racism, Far Left socialism, Cultural Relativism Liberalism or political correctness
20) that promotes British Nationalist values both internally and externally
21) That demands local people pass by local referendums with an overwhelming majority vote to allow the building of new facilities for non-indigenous organisations, religions and community centres even if funded with private money. No more money from the tax payer to support separatist organisations or groups.
Is a party that will gain mass support.
The BNP is too linked in the mind of the public with racism and Nick Griffin.
Therefore a new political movement must arise to replace it.
As I have seen over the last couple of weeks, those who have stayed in the BNP do so as they do not care about how the mass of the public see them.
They are content with the BNP as it is, a minor political party on the fringe of society.
In order to save our nation and people we need much , much more than that.
We need to get into power.
The BNP is unable to do that.
Therefore I propose a new party, with a new ideological basis as the way forward to enable us to do that.
This idea and ideology is though about five to ten years ahead of where the consciousness of most Nationalists is, so the majority will of course resist such an change.
The problem is that if they do so then we lose those five or ten years and damage the ability to create a new party and movement to replace the BNP and get us into power.