Now anyone who knows Collett knows he is an arrogant prick.
During the Leeds Trial Collett went out for a drink with the security team that was led by Warren Bennett, a truly dedicated British Nationalist and professional security officer.
The times when I had spoken to Warren about security issues were many, and each time his main emphasis was on protecting Griffin and protecting his lads in the security team.
Warren was always a true professional.
During this drink with the security lads Collett got drunk and started to throw his weight around.
As a result of him giving one of the security lads a bit of lip, he got a little slap for his trouble.
Instead of just shutting up and keeping quiet, Collett allegedly tried to pull a knife on the security lad.
This of course was a very, very silly thing to do.
After being disarmed, Collett then started to shout out to the security team ’You better all back off as if you don’t I will go Queens Evidence against Griffin. “
Collett was removed from the pub and taken back to his hotel.
I was then invited by Warren Bennett for a conference with him and a witness about what had happened.
Now Warren was worried about two things, first the fact that Collett was a total liability for the party and his security team and secondly about Colletts threat to go Queens Evidence.
Warren told me that his security team had decided not to offer Collett any more protection.
Griffin though had made it plain to me that if the security team would not guard Collett as well as him then in his own words ’they can all fuck off’.
On the issue of Collett saying he would go Queens Evidence - Griffin said nothing.
Nothing at all.
It was as if the fact Mark Collett had said this did not register in his mind.
Instead the security team went on strike and were all expelled by Griffin or resigned from the party.
But later events revealed why Griffin was so determined to protect Collett.
I believe that Collett and Griffin had both been involved in the ’leaflet scam’ that had been going on for years in the party.
I suspect that Collett was giving Nick Griffin a nice little slice of the cut from the scam.
This can be easily proved by checking the bank accounts of collett and seeing if he made any regular large cash withdrawals.
If he did so, then they went to Griffin.
It was this threat, to go Queens Evidence and reveal their actions and cons together, that so terrified Griffin.
Griffin in the end sacked the entire security team to save his own neck.
He protected Collett, a man who had threatened to betray him, rather than stand up for the security men who put their lives on the line for him.
This whole episode makes sense only if you analyse later events in the party.
When Griffin revealed at the meeting just before the General Election that he had just discovered that Collett had been stealing from the party, this was a lie.
He had known long before that as Jenny Noble, the Party Treasurer, had informed him of Colletts theft from the party over a year before - and Griffin had done nothing.
Sorry I am wrong.
Griffin did do something - he immediately sacked Jenny Noble as Party Treasurer.
I knew Jenny Noble very well, and no-one in the party idolised Nick Griffin more than her.
Jenny Nobles integrity, her honesty, her committment to the BNP and her loyalty to Griffin was second to none.
Yet as soon as she did her job as Party Treasurer, which was to tell him she had discovered that Collett had been over charging the party for at least £40,000 per year for leaflets, Griffin removed her from her position.
Now that may also have been due to the fact that Jenny also discovered that Griffin was using the Trafalgar Club as a private slush fund, but the main reason was her discovery of Colletts scam.
But instead of thanking her and going to the police, Griffin sacked her to shut her up.
Now why would Griffin sack Warren Bennett and Jenny Noble to protect Collett ?
Why would Griffin allow Collett to carry on using the scam even though he had been made aware it was happening by Jenny Noble ?
Griffin had been involved in it all along.
For years Griffin and Collett were almost a couple, in a strange almost Greek homo-erotic ’older man, younger boy’ type of way.
In many ways their relationship resembled the supposed homosexual relationship Griffin had been involved in with Webster years before, where the older Nationalist Martin Webster supposedly introduced the young Griffin to the inner sanctum of Nationalism in exchange for a little bit of gay hanky panky on the side.
Collett was like a little puppy forever yapping around his masters feet.
It was obvious that they had been involved in this scam for years together, and when Collett threatened to expose Griffin and the con during the Leeds Trial then because he was as deep in the shite as Collett then Griffin had to protect Collett at all costs - which is the exact same situation we see today with Jim Dowson.
The fall out with Collett was, I believe, due to Nick telling Mark Collett ’Mark you are going to stop the scam now. I wont reveal what you did in the past as to do so will destroy my reputation as well. But I am now involved in a real money making scam with Jim Dowson and the chump change we used to make together is now meaningless. “
Dowson came along and opened Griffins eyes up to a whole new world of scams to rob the BNP membership.
What he and Collett had been doing with their little leaflet scam was pathetic in comparison to the money Griffin and Dowson could make.
So out went Collett, kicking and screaming about corruption in the party - but unable to reveal what he knew as he would incriminate himself at the same time as he incriminated Griffin.
Today the BNP is in a worse situation than with Collett.
Collett was a small scale crook, whilst Dowson is a major thief.
Griffin has swopped the petty Mark Collett ‘BNP leaflet scam’ for a multi-million pound scam with Jim Dowson.
Griffin has to go and Dowson also.
Any man who will betray the very security team who would have given their lives to save him is not fit to be involved in British Nationalism.

Oh my it all makes horrible sense.
Didn't Griffin and Jackie accuse Warren Bennett, in front of a roomful of members, of theft when all along they both knew it was a lie.
£500 rings a bell for that one.
Isn't that why one female councillor resigned, on the strength of hearing that lie?
When she realised what a corrupt back stabbing cabal reigned at the top of the BNP.
Now you are admitting that you knew about Griffin and Collett's scams and you were well aware about the gross level of incompetence of Walker and Hannam (who were only used by Griffin because they were complicit in his scams) why have you waited until now to voice this? Why didn't you support the Decembrists(prior to their blog exposing this) when they were challenging Griffin about it all? Why did you allow yourself to be used as one of Griffins vicious attack dogs?
You know fine well that what they done was for the good of the Party and not for self interest!
Now you are admitting that you knew about Griffin and Collett's scams and you were well aware about the gross level of incompetence of Walker and Hannam (who were only used by Griffin because they were complicit in his scams) why have you waited until now to voice this? Why didn't you support the Decembrists(prior to their blog exposing this) when they were challenging Griffin about it all? Why did you allow yourself to be used as one of Griffins vicious attack dogs?
1) I didnt 'know' anything, I had suspicions but no factual evidence.
2) I have no idea of walker or hannams roles in anything, and thats why I am not mentioning them. I speaking only about what I know and what I can surmise.
3) The Decebmrists, like Griffin, wanted to treat the BNP constitution like toilet paper. Thats why they had to go. Now Griffin is doing the same, and thats why he has to go as they had to go.
4) The Decembrists were wrong, and thats why I attacked them. It is also why I am attacking Griffin now, as he is as wrong as they were.
Now you are admitting that you knew about Griffin and Collett's scams and you were well aware about the gross level of incompetence of Walker and Hannam (who were only used by Griffin because they were complicit in his scams) why have you waited until now to voice this? Why didn't you support the Decembrists(prior to their blog exposing this) when they were challenging Griffin about it all? Why did you allow yourself to be used as one of Griffins vicious attack dogs?
1) I didnt 'know' anything, I had suspicions but no factual evidence.
2) I have no idea of walker or hannams roles in anything, and thats why I am not mentioning them. I speaking only about what I know and what I can surmise.
3) The Decebmrists, like Griffin, wanted to treat the BNP constitution like toilet paper. Thats why they had to go. Now Griffin is doing the same, and thats why he has to go as they had to go.
4) The Decembrists were wrong, and thats why I attacked them. It is also why I am attacking Griffin now, as he is as wrong as they were.
Why were the Decembrists wrong?
They wanted shot of Collett for his scamming. Walker and Hannam for their gross incompetence. They wanted Griffin to remain as political leader. They wanted a proper management structure for the Party, one that Griffin couldn't meddle in. They wanted financial transparency. They wanted the party back for it's members, a Party that would fight to save Britain.
So what was wrong with the Decembrists?
I have explained time after time after time why the Decembrists were wrong.
They wanted to kick Collett straight out of the party, without any recourse to his constitutional and legal rights as a member - which is unlawful.
By asking for unlawful demands that would have resulted in the party being sued, they had to go.
I did not want to protect collett, but the law was clear - the BNP could not just kick Collett out as they wished.
Therefore I had to defend Collett, as by doing so I defended the legal interests of the party.
If they had not ;
1) undertook an unlawful campaign in the party and outside the party using anonymous attack blogs to attack collett and the party
2) been incompetent enough to get caught doing 1)
3) Made unlawful demands to force a BNP member out unlawfully and ensure the party could have been sued
4) stolen the BNP membership list and used it for mailings their supporters mail shots attacking Griffin and collett
5) stupid enough to get caught doing 4)
Then they would have been able to undertake a lawful, internal party campaign to get the issues around collett investigated.
They walked into Griffin trap, by doing exactly as he wanted.
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