She should shut up and realise she was only given her job and peerage as a sop to political correctness.
Instead she thinks she is a 'politician'.
She says one thing to Muslims and another thing to non-Muslims.
She is a Taqqiya specialist two faced idiot.
From now on those muslims that blow people up with bombs are not to be called extremists and terrorists but naughty and those who keep quiet about them preparing bombs or who support Sharia Law are to be called not so naughty.
Muslim baroness warns the 'bigots': Dinner party Islamophobia is rife, says Warsi
By Tim Shipman
Last updated at 7:57 AM on 20th January 2011
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Controversial: Baroness Warsi will use a speech to attack Britain's approach to Islam, claiming Islamophobia is seen as normal and acceptable at dinner parties
Controversial: Baroness Warsi will use a speech to attack Britain's approach to Islam, claiming Islamophobia is seen as normal and acceptable at dinner parties
The first Muslim woman Cabinet minister will today launch a controversial attack on Britain’s approach to Islam.
Baroness Warsi will caution that Islamophobia is seen as normal and acceptable at dinner parties.
The Tory Party chairman will warn that describing Muslims as ‘moderate’ or ‘extremist’, fosters prejudice against them.
In a speech at the University of Leicester, she will pledge to use her position to wage an ‘ongoing battle against bigotry’.
Lady Warsi will say: ‘It’s not a big leap of imagination to predict where the talk of “moderate” Muslims leads.
‘In the factory, where they’ve just hired a Muslim worker, the boss says to his employees: “Not to worry, he’s only fairly Muslim”.
‘In the school, the kids say: “The family next door are Muslim but they’re not too bad”.And in the road, as a woman walks past wearing a burka, the passers-by think: “That woman’s either oppressed or is making a political statement”.’
Her high-profile intervention suggests that the Government is more willing than its Labour predecessors to tackle sensitive issues of race and religion.
But Lady Warsi’s controversial speech will lay her open to the charge that she has sided with her own community at a time when Christian leaders are also concerned that public respect for their faith has diminished.
The Tory chairman will say that terrorist offences committed by a small number of Islamists must not be used to condemn all Muslims.
But she will also acknowledge concerns about the failure of some British Muslims to integrate into Western society.
And she will warn that some Muslim communities must do more to ostracise extremists.
‘Those who commit criminal acts of terrorism in our country need to be dealt with not just by the full force of the law,’ she will say.
‘They also should face social rejection and alienation across society and their acts must not be used as an opportunity to tar all Muslims.’
Echoing views: Baroness Warsi's views match, in part, those of David Cameron, who asked in a New Year speech why so many young Muslims were becoming radicalised
Echoing views: Baroness Warsi's views match, in part, those of David Cameron, who asked in a New Year speech why so many young Muslims were becoming radicalised
According to extracts of the speech, reported in the Daily Telegraph, she will reveal that she raised the issue of Islamophobia with Pope Benedict XVI during his visit to Britain last year, urging him to ‘create a better understanding between Europe and its Muslim citizens’.
In part, her views echo Mr Cameron’s New Year message. In it, the Prime Minister asked why Britain was allowing young British Muslims to become radicalised.
There are around 2.9 million Muslims in Britain today, up from 1.6 million in 2001.
The country has seen ten years of rapid growth in its Muslim population.
To temper Lady Warsi’s argument, she will also acknowledge that Britain has a long history of diversity and tolerance.
Lady Warsi became Britain’s first female Muslim Cabinet minister in May. But she has been attacked by extremist Islamic groups for not being religious enough.
In 2009 she was pelted with eggs by a group of protesters whilst on a walkabout in Luton, who complained that she was not showing enough support for Muslims in Afghanistan.
She later said the BBC the men were ‘idiots who did not represent the majority of British Muslims’.
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1 comment:
Re: "She later said the BBC the men were ‘idiots who did not represent the majority of British Muslims’."
There's no such thing as a 'British' Moslem. Only 2 kinds of Moslems exist. Those who believe the Qur'an to the letter and those that don't.
BW ran into some of the former, who evidently didn't appreciate her role as a subversive.
She should be thankful they only threw eggs at her and not acid.
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