The most interesting development in Multi-Culturalism over the last three decades has been the development of the EDL (English Defence League).
Contrary to the media lies about the EDL being 'Nazis and Racists' they are not.
They are genuinely a multi-racial group which is opposed to Islamic Extremism - but now they have to move on to opposing not just Islamic extremism but also the primary causes of Islamic extremism - which is liberalism and multi-culturalism and the media which propagandises these poisons in our society.
And it is about time that such a group has developed in this country.
The tragedy is that the EDL are the only group seeking to Nationalise naturalised British citizens.
Whilst Black, Asian, mixed race and other naturalised British soldiers are fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, the only voice that ever appears on the liberal media are the usual 'token' liberal middle class blacks and Hindu or Sikh asians of the Ethnic Middle Class, whose politics are liberal and totally unrepresentative of unassimilated working class Blacks and asians in the UK.
This is the greatest betrayal of all for Black and asian British citizens and naturalised citizens of all ethnicities, races and religions, that the ONLY naturalised black, asian and ethnic voices who ever appear on the media constantly peddle liberal and far left middle class bollocks.
Nor are there any voices of the BWhite working class, except for 'mockneys' like Billy Bragg and John Cruddas who are simply middle class, class traitors.
The irony is that the longer that these middle class liberal blacks and asians are allowed on the white liberal media to promote their hatred of nationalism, patriotism, and to promote their loyalty only to their racial group and their hatred of the British Army and appeasement of Islamic extremism - then the more the public think that blacks, asians and other naturalised ethnic and racial groups in Britain who are British citizens are not assimilated, even when they are.
Just as the white working class and Abandoned White British are not assimilated into liberal society, neither are working class naturalised British citizens - unless they are liberals and middle class like the white liberal middle classes themselves.
Liberalism is in fact more pernicious than racism, for whilst racism is recognised the innate class bias of the white liberal middle class and the ethnic middle class is not ever recognised or resisted.
The White Working class are despised by white liberals and the ethnic middle class more than anyone else, and whilst naturalised immigrant British citizens have their lobby groups and spokespeople like Trevor Phillips to speak for them, the White working class are totally abandoned by the white middle class elite and their ethnic middle class fellow travellers.
No-one speaks for us, except for the BNP and when we do we are called 'racists'.
We are the forgotten and despised - the 'underclass' chav untermensch of 'multi-cultural Britain'.
The entire premise of the multi-cultural experiment was built on false foundations - for how can we as a nation assimilate millions of immigrants, and a million more each year - WHEN WE HAVENT EVEN ASSIMILATED OUR OWN WHITE WORKING CLASS YET !!!
Before the multi-cultural project began then the first group who should have been assimilated into British society were the white working class and the White Abandoned British, but they didnt do that - and now when we see a new Ethnic Middle Class being welcomed into the White Liberal Middle Class, and we are forced to stay in our devastated working class communities, then is it any wonder racism and resentment grows against immigrants.
The first people who should have been assimilated were our own people - but we were forgotten and rejected.
If mass immigration was not about assimilating immigrants into British culture then lets call multi-culturalism by its real name - COLONISATION.
If the aim of mass immigration was to assimilate immigrants into British society, then it was doomed to failure due to its failure to assimilate first the White Working Class and the 'underclass' and secondly its failure to abandon multi-culturalism, or colonisation, for assimilation.
Either way mass immigration has been a total disaster.
If Black, asian and other ethnic and racial groups are British citizens and are truly British then they will be also against immigration and demand all sectors of our society have the chance of assimilation, working class whites included - and the facts and polls show that a large majority of naturalised British citizens are against immigration.
But this opinion is never represented in the media by the usual liberal and leftist Black and Asian tokens and naturalised British self appointed 'community spokespeople' who are allowed on the media and who posture as British but who are in fact spokespeople only for their own racial and religious communities, and even though they are wealthy and middle class, they constantly play the race card for their own benefit and for the benefit of their own community.
Assimilated naturalised British citizens would, if they were allowed on the media, express nationalist and patriotic opinions as much as Indigenous British citizens would.
Nationalist Black and Asian British citizens and all naturalised British citizens must be allowed on the media to promote nationalist values to their communities.
But they are not allowed on the media to do this - so instead we have the constant liberal propaganda of the White Middle Class elite and their Ethnic Middle Class fellow travellers pumped out all the time to naturalised British citizens.
This is a constant died of bollocks about 'British society is institutionally racist, you must be a liberal, you can only be a rap star, a runner or a nuclear scientist who saves the world'.
And all this does is create generation after generation of young black and asian kids and naturalised citizens with a chip on their shoulder, who despise society and most dangerous of all - they despise whites as racists and British society as racist.
This is why the primary racism in this country in relation to race attacks is against British whites and why Islamist terrorism threatens our society.
The white liberals and Black and asian liberals and other naturalised British who pump out on the media a constant diet of liberal bullshit merely ensure non-indigenous British citizens have no loyalty to Britain and British culture.
The ultimate manifestation of this hatred that then develops in these young people is shown by the 7/7 bombers - they were born here, their parents were wealthy and middle class and they went to university here and they had more opportunities than most White Working Class ever kids have ever had - but they lived in Muslim ghetto's, mixed only with their own people, absorbed the liberal hatred for British society that is the dominant feature of the liberal mindset and media propaganda, absorbed the liberal propaganda about a 'racist British society' and then projected that hatred back against British society.
If the blame for the radicalisation of young British muslims can be laid anywhere - it can be laid at the feet of the White Liberals who have deliberately promoted multi-culturalism, who have peddled bollocks about racism and a racist British society and who have allowed multi-culturalism to become the New Apartheid and separate development - colonisation as we used to call it.
All that this endless liberal propaganda does is ensure every generation of young black and asian kids and other naturalised British citizens born in the UK - NEVER ASSIMILATE.
It is the aim and desire of the media to ensure that Blacks and Asians and other naturalised British citizens do not integrate, so that they end up as degenerate, dumb and alienated as the white kids brought up in this vile, sick society.
They then become 'liberals by default' - too stupid to understand reality and therefore they vote for the Labour Party.
The White liberals do not want naturalised, Nationalist, Patriotic, assimilated British blacks and asians and others who will rally to the British flag and defend British culture - they want alienated, racist, self hating British blacks and asians who end up joining the ranks of the idiot white liberals.
This is because the liberals want British culture destroyed.
The liberals want Britain destroyed.
The liberals want immigrants to remain as colonists, not as assimilated British citizens loyal to Britain, proud to be nationalists and patriots - as the White Liberals despise Britain, they despise nationalism and they despise British culture.
This has to end.
The media must allow nationalist, patriotic and assimilated Black and Asian British voices on the media to guide these communities out of the ghetto of multi-culturalism and separate development - which is the New Apartheid.
This is why the EDL are so significant in relation to the development of an assimilated British society where British blacks and asians and other naturalised British citizens are able to become nationalists and patriots as opposed to liberals and socialists.
The EDL are the first of the groups that have attempted to nationalise British youth of all races and religions, and a myriad other groups must also begin to do the same.
Including the BNP.
The BNP must also demand that ALL British citizens, regardless of their race or religion, assimilate into British culture.
The BNP must also demand an end to multi-culturalism and the imposition of Mono-Culturalism - the mono-culturalism of British culture.
Multi-culturalism is the enemy of the British nation, all British citizens regardless of race and British culture.
Multi-culturalism kills nations.
Multi-culturalism kills society.
Multi-culturalism kills British culture.
Multi-culturalism creates a 'soft apartheid' and ghettoisation where each community undergoes separate development and each non-white community cares only for itself and not the British nation, the interests of the British people and British culture.
Multi-cultaralism is the primary driver and cause of racism in Britain.
Because multi-culturalists have never demanded assimilation, then many of the indigenous British people have developed a perception that they have only ever seen colonists come to this country who hate Britain and the British people and hate British culture.
Whilst they call themselves British citizens, they have been encouraged by white liberals to see themselves and define themselves according to their race or religion and to regard Britain and British society as 'racist'.
Therefore many people in those communities have not assimilated and become racist colonists amongst us. This has led to the rise in race attacks against White indigenous British people from these non-assimilated groups.
This has to end.
The death grip that liberalism and multi-culturalism has had on the various racial and religious communities in the UK has to end.
There has to be organisations arise that 'Nationalise' those communities and allow them to become British Nationalists and patriots who work for the benefit of Britain and all the British people - regardless of their race.
This is why the EDL are so important.
At this very moment the EDL are taking alienated young people who are Black and asian and naturalised British, and also white kids who ahve been taught to loathe themselves for being White and British and turning them from liberal self loathers into nationalists.
This is the first step on the creation of a truly nationalist and assimilated British society.
Organisations must arise that say to young Black and Asian kids and all other racial and religious communities in the UK 'You are British, therefore you must become a Nationalist and a patriot'.
We must kill multi-culturalism and the power of liberalism in our society and nationalise all communities in the UK.
The EDL and groups like it must now seek out and recruit young Black and Asian kids into its ranks and 'nationalise' them.
If the government will not turn colonists into British citizens then the EDL and groups like it must.
If the government wont end multi-culturalism and demand assimilation, then the EDL and groups like it must do this.
Only by groups like the EDL reaching out to the alienated ethnic communities who have been taught that multi-culturalism = hating Britain, hating British culture and hating nationalism and patriotism, can the multi-cultural ticking time bomb be defused.
At this moment Black and Asian born British soldiers and other naturalised British citizens are dying in Iraq and Afghanistan.
But apart from the times when a black soldier with a medal is used to attack the BNP and thereby plastered all over the papers - when was the last time you saw a decorated Black British soldier or naturalised British soldier who is a nationalist and a patriot allowed on the media to promote nationalism, patriotism and British culture and demand an end to mass immigration, anti-white racism and multi-culturalism.
Never - thats when.
The only blacks and asians and naturalised British citizens we get on the media are all middle class liberals and have never served in the military.
This is the ultimate sickness of the media - that they are more racists than the racists they profess to despise, for the only blacks and asians and naturalised British citizens they allow on the media are either as liberal as them or they are the usual racist 'community representatives' with their ethnic fancy dress and right on anti-white racism.
No blacks and asians and naturalised British citizens who are proud to be British nationalists are allowed on the media to express nationalist and patriotic views.
Oh no - such Nationalist Blacks and Asians and other naturalised British citizens who are against multi-culturalism and mass immigration are NEVER allowed on the media.
This therefore leaves the impression amongst people that they are all anti-British, anti-British culture and anti-assimilation and therefore leaves the indigenous British people thinking they are colonists not fellow British citizens.
This is the product of liberalism and multi-culturalism.
Therefore the EDL are doing one good job at least - they are taking alienated black and asian kids and other naturalised British citizens turning them from anti-white racists with a chip on their shoulder into British nationalists.
The day that we see Black, Asian and other naturalised British people on the media demanding an end to immigration, an end to multi-culturalism and the restoration of British culture and the ending of Multi-culturalism - then that is the day that racism will diminish, anti-white racism will diminish, islamic extremism will diminish, ghettoisation will diminish and a more cohesive British society created.
The tragic fact is that is the liberals who are the primary drivers of anti-white racism, racism against ethnic minorities and the destruction of British society and British culture.
This was not accidental.
They set out to do this.
Now the tragic consequences can be seen in incidents such as 7/7 and the endless race attacks against white people in this country by individuals incited into racism by liberal propaganda.
The day that British Blacks and Asians and other naturalised British citizens are on the media to defend British culture, defend British Nationalism, demand patriotism and demand an end to multi-culturalism, mass immigration and colonisation is the day our society will be far, far safer.
Until then the real enemy, the White Middle Class Liberal retards and their Ethnic Middle Class hypocrite fellow travellers will continue to profit from the New Apartheid in their sick and evil game to destroy Britain by using immigrants.
This is not just my opinion - this is a fact as revealed just a few days ago.
Immigrants were not allowed into the country for their benefit nor for the benefit of the British people - they were allowed in simply as White Middle Class wanker politicians and their Ethnic Middle Class co-conspirators wanted them in Britain in order to undermine British society, destroy British culture, undermine British national identity and ensure that the political interests of the liberals were promoted.
This was one of the greatest crimes against humanity in history.
They may as well have been slaves shipped in for their masters to use, as they were shipped here, dumped here and then indoctrinated with hatred for the White British people and British society.
Their job was simply to undermine social cohesion, destroy British culture, undermine nationalism and patriotism and nationalist values.
They were brought here as slaves in the name of Liberal Slavery, not as human beings who were brought here for their benefit or the benefit of Britain and British society.
They were then indoctrinated with hatred of Britain, British society, British culture and White British people by White Liberals for their own political ends.
One day these White Liberals and their fellow travellers will pay for their crimes.
The gun crime, drug abuse, violence, poverty and social alienation in black communities and Islamic extremism in Asian communities is a product of Liberalism.
We must all demand the following British Revolution ;
1) An immediate end to multi-culturalism
2) An immediate end to all mass immigration
3) Assimilation to replace multi-culturalism
4) British culture and British nationalist values imposed on our society to replace liberal values that promote and assist colonisation, terrorism and racism against the indigenous British and the social alienation of non-assimilated British citizens
5) Colonists of all races and religions deported if they refuse to assimilate into British society
6) The white liberal middle class media scum and their ethnic middle class fellow travellers forced to allow Black, Asian and White British Nationalists on the media to assist all our communities to assimilate into a new cohesive British identity that is based on British nationalism and patriotism
7) The prosecution of those politicians that used immigrants as slaves for their own ends and who usurped democracy and did this in secret without the permission of the British people and whose actions have led to racism, anti-white racism and Islamist terrorism.
8)A programme of nationalisation for all communities in Britain, from the White and Ethnic Middle Class to the Abandoned White British and the Colonists that requires them all to undergo a 'nationalisation' process. This will be a two year programme of National Service for all 18 year olds. They will either join the British Army, work on a farm or in hospitals, but all young people will undergo this process in order to impress upon them a sense of a shared British identity and sense of being part of our National Community.
9) The immediate removal of all proponents of Liberalism, political correctness and multi-culturalism from our schools, universities and public bodies such as the police.
10) The imposition of a process of nationalising young children in schools
This is the only way we will save our society.
We must create a British National Community out of the fractured and polarised remnants of Britain and British society.
Not until the youth and citizens of Britain of all races and religions stand united proudly beneath the British Union Flag and their united voices demand the British Revolution is enacted and liberalism extirpated and destroyed, will our nation be saved.
Not until the British Revolution has swept away the entire detritus and diseased remnants of the old liberal order and imposed its vision on all of our society, will our nation rise to greatness once again.
Now lets begin the Revolution.