Monday 30 November 2009
Enrichment Birmingham Style
From this ....
To this .....
In just over fifty years Britain has gone from the Bevin Boys to the Burger Boys.
Screw multi-culturalism.
Birmingham gang warn about becoming Taliban suicide bombers
Nov 30 2009 by Ben Goldby, Sunday Mercury
GUN-toting members of a new Birmingham teenage gang are boasting about becoming suicide bombers, it was claimed last night.
The chillingly named Bang Bang Taliban have told community workers they want to dominate the city’s gangland – and that they would gladly be “martyred” as Islamist terrorists.
The gang, thought to be linked to the notorious Burger Bar Boys, mainly consists of Asian youngsters from the Handsworth area.
“They’re threatening rivals with violence and talking about becoming suicide bombers,” said one community worker, who asked not to be named. Their affiliation is with the Burgers, and nine out of 10 of their members will start off as couriers and runners for the bigger gangs.
“It’s a real shock to hear them talking about suicide bombings and grinning about it.
‘‘We have to educate these boys and get into the schools to help stop them getting involved. Someone is influencing these youths, someone is getting them involved in this.”
A group calling themselves The Bang Bang Taliban have posted rapping videos about gang life on the YouTube website.
In the songs, the singers boast about shooting rivals, using knives on other gang members and carrying out armed robberies.
The group’s videos have also attracted comments from Handsworth Police.
Last week, we revealed that West Midlands Police was using social networking sites and YouTube to politely convince gangsters to hand over their weapons.
Under the Bang Bang Taliban video Handsworth cops wrote: “Birmingham Reducing Gang Related Violence has spearheaded the work dealing with the issues surrounding gangs in Birmingham, with the aim of reducing gang related violence. Stop the guns, call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”
The force posted similar messages under another gang video in which youths brandished shotguns and warned rivals they would ‘blow their heads off’.
Last night a West Midlands Police spokesman said that work to reduce gang violence remained a priority.
“Officers visit sites like YouTube on a regular basis and use their popularity to engage with young people,” he said.
Chief Superintendent Tom Coughlan claimed earlier this month that Birmingham’s two most notorious gangs, the Burgers and the Johnson Crew could be wiped out within a few years.
But Dr Derrick Campbell, a government advisor on gangs and chief executive of Race Equality Sandwell, said he was sceptical.
“In my view, this statement is strangely naive,” he said.
Baroness Warsi Enriched
Must Be An Election Coming - Labour remembers white people
Must be an election on the way.
White working class have been neglected by government, admits minister
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 4:10 PM on 30th November 2009
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New focus: Communities Secretary John Denham says Government bodies and councils have been 'blind' to the needs of the white working class
New focus: Communities Secretary John Denham says Government bodies and councils have been 'blind' to the needs of the white working class
Government bodies and councils have been 'blind' to the needs of white working class communities, a Cabinet minister said today.
Communities Secretary John Denham called for a new focus on the needs of poor whites affected by mass immigration.
And he said state agencies charged with tackling inequality and disadvantage should no longer focus solely on ethnic minority groups.
Instead they must 're-assess' their priorities to include poor whites as well.
Mr Denham said areas with high immigration levels felt a sense of 'insecurity and unfairness' because of the impact of new arrivals on jobs and public services.
Unless councils act, these could lead to tensions and resentment, he said.
He said: 'Many local agencies have a clear and good commitment to tackling racism and race inequality and are right to do so. But on its own this is not enough.
'We can only challenge racism and race inequality effectively as part of a strategy that tackles all forms of inequality and disadvantage.
'This must include poorer white working class communities, as well as disadvantaged minority ethnic communities.
'Agencies which have been blind to these issues, or thought their only remit was to address minority issues, must re-assess the way they work.'
His comments are the latest attempt by ministers to address fears over immigration in Labour heartlands, and confront the threat from the British National Party.
* Nuclear family is 'on the way out', Government advisor warns
They follow a speech by Prime Minister Gordon Brown earlier this month in which he said it was 'not racist' to talk about immigration.
Addressing the Trades Union Congress today, Mr Denham pointed to similarities between black and white working class groups.
Poor white boys had more in common with their poor black classmates than with middle class whites, he said.
The inequality agenda should focus on 'need' and not 'outdated ideology or assumptions which may no longer be true', he said. These could lead to white working class boys being 'overlooked'.
If Government policies are seen to be unfair, he said, they could be exploited by groups seeking to 'drive people apart'.
'We have to avoid the perception that some groups are singled out for special treatment,' he said.
'When we target help at one group, we cannot allow others to be left behind, or to feel disconnected.'
'By ensuring that our policies are both fair, and seen to be fair, we reduce the risk that they can be exploited by others who would distort them to drive people apart.
'And we properly address the complexities of the problem: ensuring that the white working class boy struggling in class gets the support that he needs, just as his black and Asian classmates do.'
Read more:
White working class have been neglected by government, admits minister
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 4:10 PM on 30th November 2009
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New focus: Communities Secretary John Denham says Government bodies and councils have been 'blind' to the needs of the white working class
New focus: Communities Secretary John Denham says Government bodies and councils have been 'blind' to the needs of the white working class
Government bodies and councils have been 'blind' to the needs of white working class communities, a Cabinet minister said today.
Communities Secretary John Denham called for a new focus on the needs of poor whites affected by mass immigration.
And he said state agencies charged with tackling inequality and disadvantage should no longer focus solely on ethnic minority groups.
Instead they must 're-assess' their priorities to include poor whites as well.
Mr Denham said areas with high immigration levels felt a sense of 'insecurity and unfairness' because of the impact of new arrivals on jobs and public services.
Unless councils act, these could lead to tensions and resentment, he said.
He said: 'Many local agencies have a clear and good commitment to tackling racism and race inequality and are right to do so. But on its own this is not enough.
'We can only challenge racism and race inequality effectively as part of a strategy that tackles all forms of inequality and disadvantage.
'This must include poorer white working class communities, as well as disadvantaged minority ethnic communities.
'Agencies which have been blind to these issues, or thought their only remit was to address minority issues, must re-assess the way they work.'
His comments are the latest attempt by ministers to address fears over immigration in Labour heartlands, and confront the threat from the British National Party.
* Nuclear family is 'on the way out', Government advisor warns
They follow a speech by Prime Minister Gordon Brown earlier this month in which he said it was 'not racist' to talk about immigration.
Addressing the Trades Union Congress today, Mr Denham pointed to similarities between black and white working class groups.
Poor white boys had more in common with their poor black classmates than with middle class whites, he said.
The inequality agenda should focus on 'need' and not 'outdated ideology or assumptions which may no longer be true', he said. These could lead to white working class boys being 'overlooked'.
If Government policies are seen to be unfair, he said, they could be exploited by groups seeking to 'drive people apart'.
'We have to avoid the perception that some groups are singled out for special treatment,' he said.
'When we target help at one group, we cannot allow others to be left behind, or to feel disconnected.'
'By ensuring that our policies are both fair, and seen to be fair, we reduce the risk that they can be exploited by others who would distort them to drive people apart.
'And we properly address the complexities of the problem: ensuring that the white working class boy struggling in class gets the support that he needs, just as his black and Asian classmates do.'
Read more:
Nothing British Supporters Make Jokes About Ethnic Cleansing
The Conservative Home website has attacked the BNP, as usual, and I responded on the site about the evil treatment of the indigenous people of Diego Garcia who were ethnically cleansed from their home under both Labour and Tory governments ;
I posted this comment here - and note the sick joke by one of the Tories on the sick about ethnic cleansing ;
The utter hypocrisy of the Tories on the issue of Gibraltar is exposed when we study the ethnic cleansing and mass deportations of the Diego Garcians from Diego Garcia under Tory and Labour governments.
In early March 1967, the British Commissioner declared BIOT Ordinance Number Two. This unilateral proclamation was called the Acquisition of Land for Public Purposes (Private Treaty) Ordinance and enabled him to acquire any land he liked (for the UK government). On 3 April of that year, under the provisions of the order, the British government bought all the plantations of the Chagos archipelago for £660,000 from the Chagos Agalega Company. It has been suggested that the plan was to deprive the Chagossians of an income and so encourage them to leave the island voluntarily. In a memo dating from this period, Colonial Office head Denis Greenhill (later Lord Greenhill of Harrow) wrote to the British Delegation at the UN :
" The object of the exercise is to get some rocks which will remain ours; there will be no indigenous population except seagulls who have not yet got a committee. Unfortunately, along with the seagulls go some few Tarzans and Man Fridays that are hopefully being wished on Mauritius. "
Lets not also mention the plight of the Boers in concentration camps under the Tories and the extermination of millions of indigenous peoples of the planet during the British Empire under Tory governments.
Picture this:
You’re at home one evening and an armed convoy rolls into town. Soldiers arrest you and your family, and everybody else – the whole town. They allow you to pack one suitcase each; load you all into trucks; machine-gun all your livestock and pets; burn your house and contents; and a few days later deposit you on a street-corner in a slum in Mexico City. They inform you that the U.S. Government needs your town for a military base, and that the Border Patrol, Immigration Service, and Coast Guard have been ordered to prevent your return to the States, and by force if you insist.
Thats what the British government and American government did to the Diego Garcian people.
Hypocrites the lot of them.
This is the response from Sally Roberts, a Tory ;
Sally Roberts said in reply to Lee John Barnes...
" there will be no indigenous population except seagulls who have not yet got a committee."
I am tempted to say, that if I were a seagull I would have no hesitation in showing my distaste for the BNP and its policies by doing what seagulls habitually do....
Reply Monday, November 30, 2009 at 13:16
How sick is that. This reveals the moral vacuum at the heart of the Cameron Conservatives, where they make jokes about the ethnic cleaning of the indigenous people of Diego Garcia.
Sick people indeed.
I posted this comment here - and note the sick joke by one of the Tories on the sick about ethnic cleansing ;
The utter hypocrisy of the Tories on the issue of Gibraltar is exposed when we study the ethnic cleansing and mass deportations of the Diego Garcians from Diego Garcia under Tory and Labour governments.
In early March 1967, the British Commissioner declared BIOT Ordinance Number Two. This unilateral proclamation was called the Acquisition of Land for Public Purposes (Private Treaty) Ordinance and enabled him to acquire any land he liked (for the UK government). On 3 April of that year, under the provisions of the order, the British government bought all the plantations of the Chagos archipelago for £660,000 from the Chagos Agalega Company. It has been suggested that the plan was to deprive the Chagossians of an income and so encourage them to leave the island voluntarily. In a memo dating from this period, Colonial Office head Denis Greenhill (later Lord Greenhill of Harrow) wrote to the British Delegation at the UN :
" The object of the exercise is to get some rocks which will remain ours; there will be no indigenous population except seagulls who have not yet got a committee. Unfortunately, along with the seagulls go some few Tarzans and Man Fridays that are hopefully being wished on Mauritius. "
Lets not also mention the plight of the Boers in concentration camps under the Tories and the extermination of millions of indigenous peoples of the planet during the British Empire under Tory governments.
Picture this:
You’re at home one evening and an armed convoy rolls into town. Soldiers arrest you and your family, and everybody else – the whole town. They allow you to pack one suitcase each; load you all into trucks; machine-gun all your livestock and pets; burn your house and contents; and a few days later deposit you on a street-corner in a slum in Mexico City. They inform you that the U.S. Government needs your town for a military base, and that the Border Patrol, Immigration Service, and Coast Guard have been ordered to prevent your return to the States, and by force if you insist.
Thats what the British government and American government did to the Diego Garcian people.
Hypocrites the lot of them.
This is the response from Sally Roberts, a Tory ;
Sally Roberts said in reply to Lee John Barnes...
" there will be no indigenous population except seagulls who have not yet got a committee."
I am tempted to say, that if I were a seagull I would have no hesitation in showing my distaste for the BNP and its policies by doing what seagulls habitually do....
Reply Monday, November 30, 2009 at 13:16
How sick is that. This reveals the moral vacuum at the heart of the Cameron Conservatives, where they make jokes about the ethnic cleaning of the indigenous people of Diego Garcia.
Sick people indeed.
Well Done The Swiss
SWP / UAF - old, sad and smell of piss
Here is a video from BNP wales where they film the SWP / UAF at a recent street demo in Wales.
Look at them, go on , just look at them.
They are all old, sad men who were once Communists during the Cold War and who smell of piss.
This is the reality of the UAF / SWP - idiot students and sad, old, smelly men.
Look at them, go on , just look at them.
They are all old, sad men who were once Communists during the Cold War and who smell of piss.
This is the reality of the UAF / SWP - idiot students and sad, old, smelly men.
David Cameron UAF supporter,
Wales BNP
Another Non- Story from Tory Toff James Bethell
The alarming regularity with which the Tory Toff James Bethell and his Nothing British About The BNP blog appears like a Jack In The Box in newspaper articles in the Zionist media like The Sun, owned by the arch Zionist Rupert Murdoch, reveals both the closeness between the Tories and the Zionist lobby, as revealed in the recent Channel4 TV documentary The Israel Lobby, and the Nothing British About the BNP site.
It appears that Nothing British About the BNP serves the interests of Israel before Britain, and James Bethell is a typical Tory Zionist stooge.
As for the issue of Gibraltar, there is no way a BNP government would ever surrender Gibraltar, especially to the current crop of sleazy Spanish socialists nor their sleazy Spanish Conservative Zionist counterparts.
Once a decent Spanish Nationalist government was elected, and one which the BNP had strong links too as part of a Pan-European Nationalist Movement, then if the choice came between surrendering Gibraltar to Islam or preserving Gibraltar by working with a Spanish government who would be prepared to fight and eradicate Islamic terrorists and pirates coming from North Africa and who are attacking ships, local people and land in the Mediterranean including Gibraltar, then of course we would work with our Spanish nationalist allies to defend Gibraltar, Spain and Europe from the Islamist menace.
The threat to Gibraltar is two fold - first from Islamic terrorists with British passports going to the island and using it as a base for terrorism and also from Islamic pirates coming from North Africa and attacking the Mediterranean coast, the same sort of piracy that once devastated the coasts of England and Ireland in the 18th century.
Our duty is to protect the British people of Gibraltar and also work with Spain to ensure their national security.
BNP: Give Gibraltar back
Published: Today
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THE BNP would hand the key outpost of Gibraltar to Spain in an astonishing betrayal of its 30,000 British citizens.
The move would also deprive the UK of a naval base - defended bitterly for more than 300 years - of huge strategic importance.
Party leader Nick Griffin, elected as an MEP in June, made the offer at a fascist rally in Madrid last week to suck up to European extremists.
His bizarre reasoning is that it would help the Spanish combat radicals in nearby northern Africa.
Deceitful Griffin told fellow fanatics: "Taking into account the geographical situation of Gibraltar and the Muslim threat on its door, I would prefer to see a Spanish flag fly in Gibraltar before an Islamic one." He added: "It would be much easier to sort it out if we had nationalist governments in Britain and Spain because it would then be an agreement between equals."
The gaffe was exposed by James Bethell, founder of anti-BNP pressure group Nothing British.
Mr Bethell - favourite to be selected by the Tories to fight for the seat of Gosport, Hants - said: "Nick Griffin talks about protecting our national interest but he would surrender our sovereignty to Spanish fascists in a heartbeat.
"The only flag that should be flying over the Rock is the Union Jack."
A recent referendum on the island, off the southern tip of Spain, saw 99.64 per cent vote to remain British.
Read more:
It appears that Nothing British About the BNP serves the interests of Israel before Britain, and James Bethell is a typical Tory Zionist stooge.
As for the issue of Gibraltar, there is no way a BNP government would ever surrender Gibraltar, especially to the current crop of sleazy Spanish socialists nor their sleazy Spanish Conservative Zionist counterparts.
Once a decent Spanish Nationalist government was elected, and one which the BNP had strong links too as part of a Pan-European Nationalist Movement, then if the choice came between surrendering Gibraltar to Islam or preserving Gibraltar by working with a Spanish government who would be prepared to fight and eradicate Islamic terrorists and pirates coming from North Africa and who are attacking ships, local people and land in the Mediterranean including Gibraltar, then of course we would work with our Spanish nationalist allies to defend Gibraltar, Spain and Europe from the Islamist menace.
The threat to Gibraltar is two fold - first from Islamic terrorists with British passports going to the island and using it as a base for terrorism and also from Islamic pirates coming from North Africa and attacking the Mediterranean coast, the same sort of piracy that once devastated the coasts of England and Ireland in the 18th century.
Our duty is to protect the British people of Gibraltar and also work with Spain to ensure their national security.
BNP: Give Gibraltar back
Published: Today
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THE BNP would hand the key outpost of Gibraltar to Spain in an astonishing betrayal of its 30,000 British citizens.
The move would also deprive the UK of a naval base - defended bitterly for more than 300 years - of huge strategic importance.
Party leader Nick Griffin, elected as an MEP in June, made the offer at a fascist rally in Madrid last week to suck up to European extremists.
His bizarre reasoning is that it would help the Spanish combat radicals in nearby northern Africa.
Deceitful Griffin told fellow fanatics: "Taking into account the geographical situation of Gibraltar and the Muslim threat on its door, I would prefer to see a Spanish flag fly in Gibraltar before an Islamic one." He added: "It would be much easier to sort it out if we had nationalist governments in Britain and Spain because it would then be an agreement between equals."
The gaffe was exposed by James Bethell, founder of anti-BNP pressure group Nothing British.
Mr Bethell - favourite to be selected by the Tories to fight for the seat of Gosport, Hants - said: "Nick Griffin talks about protecting our national interest but he would surrender our sovereignty to Spanish fascists in a heartbeat.
"The only flag that should be flying over the Rock is the Union Jack."
A recent referendum on the island, off the southern tip of Spain, saw 99.64 per cent vote to remain British.
Read more:
UKIP Toff Has Posh Pig Snout In Trough
Lord Pearson has a 12,000 acre estate in Scotland and owns a 3.7 million pound mansion in London - yet in the midst of the worst economic depression in British history, when 37,000 old people have died of hypothermia because they cannot afford to pay their heating bills, when British children are going hungry as their parents havent the money to feed them and clothe them - the multi-multi--millionaire UKIP peer Lord Pearson claims £100,000 from the tax payer for the butlers in his London mansion.
The greedy little slimy shit should be ashamed of himself - a man with his level of wealth claiming for butler fees from the tax payer is a disgrace.
He says he wants to abolish the House of Lords, but until then he will use it as a cash machine to pay for his butlers and servants.
Scumbag Tory Toff.
Typical UKIP profiteering behaviour.
The new leader of the UK Independence Party, Lord Pearson, claimed more than £100,000 in publicly-funded expenses on the basis that his £3.7 million house in London was his second home while also owning in a 12,000-acre estate with servants in Scotland.
By Jon Swaine
Published: 11:25PM GMT 29 Nov 2009
1 of 2 Images
Lord Pearson on Rannoch Moor: UKIP leader Lord Pearson claimed £100,000 allowances for £3.7m London home
Lord Pearson at home in Scotland Photo: LOUIS FLOOD
Lord Pearson's London residences
The Ukip leader's London residences in Victoria, left, and Kennington, right, for which he claimed more than £115,000 in expenses Photo: PETER PAYNE
Lord Pearson of Rannoch, a businessman and peer who warned that the MPs' expenses scandal exposed a “growing gulf between the political class and the British people” was last week elected leader of Ukip.
He has sat in the Lords since 1990. Since 2001, the earliest year for which expenses records are available, he has told the Parliamentary authorities that his estate beside Loch Rannoch, Perthshire, is his “main home”.
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This enabled him to claim about £100,000 in taxpayer-funded overnight subsistence allowances between April 2001 and June 2007 for staying at his town house in Victoria, one mile away from Parliament in central London, where he had no mortgage to pay.
Peers can claim £174 a night – with no receipts required – to cover the cost of staying at a second home or hotel room in the capital “for the purpose of attending sittings of the House”.
After selling the flat for £3.7 million In June 2007, Lord Pearson moved to another London flat two miles away in Kennington. He paid £1.2 million for the flat, again without a mortgage. He then claimed another £15,000 in allowances on the basis of his overnight stays there.
Lord Pearson has repeatedly declared in official company documents that his London home was his “usual residential address”.
His London house was also given as the address to which applicants wishing to work as a housekeeper or gardener at the Scottish estate should send their CVs, in an advert placed by Lady Pearson in The Scottish Farmer in January this year.
Lords rules state: “Members whose main residence is within Greater London cannot claim night subsistence.”
As well as claiming £115,683 for overnight subsistence, since 2001 Lord Pearson has claimed £56,685 in “day subsistence” allowances. Peers can claim £86.50 a day for meals, drinks and taxis while working in Westminster, with no need for receipts.
The peer – who was paid £40,000 a year for his remaining City work until being elected Ukip leader – also claimed £48,471 in travel expenses – including £10,064 for the cost of flying between Scotland and London in the last two recorded years alone.
Lord Pearson told the Daily Telegraph yesterday that rather than gaining from the allowances system, he had been “impoverished” by his political career. “Working in the Lords has cost me millions,” he said.
“I had to take a substantial cut in my city earnings … from memory I have given up about £200,000 per annum since 1990.”
He said: “My (main) home is in Scotland. I spend almost exactly half the year there.” He said he had cited the London home as his “usual” address in company documents “for convenience” in dealing with business correspondence.
Lord Pearson, 67, made his fortune from Pearson Webb Springbett, the insurance brokers he co-founded in 1964. He was chairman when it was sold to the THB Group in January last year for a multi-million pound sum.
Speaking in the Lords in July about what he called the “parliamentary expenses saga,” Lord Pearson said that he had long been “trying to warn of the growing gulf between us, the political class, and the British people.”
He said that the expenses scandal had “done nothing to endear the people to their political class.”
In a newspaper interview on Saturday he said Parliament had become “irrelevant”. “We should think about abolishing the House of Lords,” he added. “We in Ukip are anti the political class.”
The greedy little slimy shit should be ashamed of himself - a man with his level of wealth claiming for butler fees from the tax payer is a disgrace.
He says he wants to abolish the House of Lords, but until then he will use it as a cash machine to pay for his butlers and servants.
Scumbag Tory Toff.
Typical UKIP profiteering behaviour.
The new leader of the UK Independence Party, Lord Pearson, claimed more than £100,000 in publicly-funded expenses on the basis that his £3.7 million house in London was his second home while also owning in a 12,000-acre estate with servants in Scotland.
By Jon Swaine
Published: 11:25PM GMT 29 Nov 2009
1 of 2 Images
Lord Pearson on Rannoch Moor: UKIP leader Lord Pearson claimed £100,000 allowances for £3.7m London home
Lord Pearson at home in Scotland Photo: LOUIS FLOOD
Lord Pearson's London residences
The Ukip leader's London residences in Victoria, left, and Kennington, right, for which he claimed more than £115,000 in expenses Photo: PETER PAYNE
Lord Pearson of Rannoch, a businessman and peer who warned that the MPs' expenses scandal exposed a “growing gulf between the political class and the British people” was last week elected leader of Ukip.
He has sat in the Lords since 1990. Since 2001, the earliest year for which expenses records are available, he has told the Parliamentary authorities that his estate beside Loch Rannoch, Perthshire, is his “main home”.
Related Articles
Dozens of MPs refusing to pay back expenses to Sir Thomas Legg
This enabled him to claim about £100,000 in taxpayer-funded overnight subsistence allowances between April 2001 and June 2007 for staying at his town house in Victoria, one mile away from Parliament in central London, where he had no mortgage to pay.
Peers can claim £174 a night – with no receipts required – to cover the cost of staying at a second home or hotel room in the capital “for the purpose of attending sittings of the House”.
After selling the flat for £3.7 million In June 2007, Lord Pearson moved to another London flat two miles away in Kennington. He paid £1.2 million for the flat, again without a mortgage. He then claimed another £15,000 in allowances on the basis of his overnight stays there.
Lord Pearson has repeatedly declared in official company documents that his London home was his “usual residential address”.
His London house was also given as the address to which applicants wishing to work as a housekeeper or gardener at the Scottish estate should send their CVs, in an advert placed by Lady Pearson in The Scottish Farmer in January this year.
Lords rules state: “Members whose main residence is within Greater London cannot claim night subsistence.”
As well as claiming £115,683 for overnight subsistence, since 2001 Lord Pearson has claimed £56,685 in “day subsistence” allowances. Peers can claim £86.50 a day for meals, drinks and taxis while working in Westminster, with no need for receipts.
The peer – who was paid £40,000 a year for his remaining City work until being elected Ukip leader – also claimed £48,471 in travel expenses – including £10,064 for the cost of flying between Scotland and London in the last two recorded years alone.
Lord Pearson told the Daily Telegraph yesterday that rather than gaining from the allowances system, he had been “impoverished” by his political career. “Working in the Lords has cost me millions,” he said.
“I had to take a substantial cut in my city earnings … from memory I have given up about £200,000 per annum since 1990.”
He said: “My (main) home is in Scotland. I spend almost exactly half the year there.” He said he had cited the London home as his “usual” address in company documents “for convenience” in dealing with business correspondence.
Lord Pearson, 67, made his fortune from Pearson Webb Springbett, the insurance brokers he co-founded in 1964. He was chairman when it was sold to the THB Group in January last year for a multi-million pound sum.
Speaking in the Lords in July about what he called the “parliamentary expenses saga,” Lord Pearson said that he had long been “trying to warn of the growing gulf between us, the political class, and the British people.”
He said that the expenses scandal had “done nothing to endear the people to their political class.”
In a newspaper interview on Saturday he said Parliament had become “irrelevant”. “We should think about abolishing the House of Lords,” he added. “We in Ukip are anti the political class.”
Sunday 29 November 2009
Gordon Brown and Osama Bin Laden
No War With Iran
If Israel is allowed to have hundreds of nuclear bombs, then why not Iran.
If Israel was forced to surrender its atomic weapons then perhaps it wouldnt act like a Zionist Nazi all the time. It would then have to negotiate and reach comprimises instead of using violence to assert its interests or deploying its Zionist puppets in AIPAC and the Zionist Network in the UK to use our troops to fight and die for Israeli interests.
Iran have undertaken no hostile actions directly against its neighbours, unlike Israel.
Israel has a right of self defence as any nation has, but that does not mean it has a power or right to launch pre-emptive attacks on other nations.
The world is sick and tired of the pre-emptive strike policy of Bush and Blair, such as we saw in Iraq - the last thing we need is nations like Israel in the grip of insane Zionists with nukes to undertake such pre-emptive attacks.
There were no WMD in Iraq and we know there are none in Iran - so why bomb it when it has no weapons ?
As long as the Zionist Nazis run Israel, then the greatest threat to world peace comes from Israel and its Zionist agents in the US and UK.
When Israel sheds the Zionist Nazis from its political system and embraces Israeli Nationalism, as opposed to Zionist National Socialism, then the entire world will be a safer place.
If the US and Israel attack Iran, then have no doubt that Britain will have to offer troops.
There is now way we should get involved in another war in the Middle East.
There must be no war with Iran - keep Britain out of foreign wars and foreign wars out of Britain.
If Israel was forced to surrender its atomic weapons then perhaps it wouldnt act like a Zionist Nazi all the time. It would then have to negotiate and reach comprimises instead of using violence to assert its interests or deploying its Zionist puppets in AIPAC and the Zionist Network in the UK to use our troops to fight and die for Israeli interests.
Iran have undertaken no hostile actions directly against its neighbours, unlike Israel.
Israel has a right of self defence as any nation has, but that does not mean it has a power or right to launch pre-emptive attacks on other nations.
The world is sick and tired of the pre-emptive strike policy of Bush and Blair, such as we saw in Iraq - the last thing we need is nations like Israel in the grip of insane Zionists with nukes to undertake such pre-emptive attacks.
There were no WMD in Iraq and we know there are none in Iran - so why bomb it when it has no weapons ?
As long as the Zionist Nazis run Israel, then the greatest threat to world peace comes from Israel and its Zionist agents in the US and UK.
When Israel sheds the Zionist Nazis from its political system and embraces Israeli Nationalism, as opposed to Zionist National Socialism, then the entire world will be a safer place.
If the US and Israel attack Iran, then have no doubt that Britain will have to offer troops.
There is now way we should get involved in another war in the Middle East.
There must be no war with Iran - keep Britain out of foreign wars and foreign wars out of Britain.
The UAF and Searchlight silence over UKIP
Image - Damian Thompson, Thatcherite writer for the Thatcherite paper The Telegraph, and a Neo-Conservative looney like Bush and Blair who also supports the Thatcherite Neo-Conservative looney Lord 'I see God' Pearson of UKIP. Vote UKIP for a new crusade and a Zionist WW3 against Iran.
The silence from the UAF and Searchlight over the election of Lord Pearson, a spawn of Thatcher, is deafening.
Whilst the UAF attack the BNP for our so called 'racism' over our critique of Islam (a religion, not a race, by the way) they have been totally silent about the statements of Lord Pearson, his links with Geert Wilders and his intention to campaign on the issues of immigration and Islam.
We all know why.
Searchlight is not an 'anti-racist' group, it is a Zionist front group - something which UAF has itself confirmed many times.
Therefore the silence of Searchlight reveals much about UKIP and Searchlight.
I have stated that the role of Lord Pearson is to turn UKIp into the Thatcherite wing of the Tory Party and therefore create in British politics a US dominated political poodle to replace the EU friendly Conservative Party.
UKIP is a Zionist and US sponsored pseudo-political party, which has been created to put pressure on the Tories to remain as part of the America / NATO/ Israel alliance.
This is why Searchlight have not, and will not , attack UKIP for their 'racist' immigration policy, their 'racist' policies towards Islam and their links to 'racists' like Geert Wilders.
This silence is the greatest proof.
It proves not only that UKIP is a Zionist front group, it proves that the attacks by Searchlight on the BNP are simply Zionist attacks on the BNP as the BNP is the only British Nationalist party that puts Britain and the British people first.
The failure to attack UKIP will reveal the real nature of Searchlight to everyone, and will allow us to attack both UKIP and Searchlight.
As for the UAF, they have also not attacked UKIP.
The question is why ?
The reason for the UAF not attacking UKIP is not because they are pro-Zionist as they are not, seeing as they a front group of the Socialist Workers Party who are avowedly anti-Zionist, their failure to press the attack on UKIP is due to incompetence.
The UAF have a racist and illegal 'black leaders only' policy which means the UAF is not run on the basis of talent but solely on the basis of skin tone.
Therefore it has Weyman Bennett as leader, a man so stupid and inept, that he doesnt know his arsehole from his elbow.
The UAF havent got a clue how to deal with UKIP, as Weyman Bennett hasnt got a clue.
Therefore we can expect at some time Weyman Bennett to be pressurised by a few token honkies in his steering committee to get his act together and begin to campaign against UKIP - though if he doesnt that will be good for us as well, as we can then reveal that he and the UAF are total hypocrites.
All in all the last few months have been a disaster for the UAF, Searchlight and UKIP.
The EHRC case against the BNP means we will now be recruiting ethnic minority people into the party and therefore the old attack on us 'The BNP are a racist party' can be defused with a simple rebuttal of 'No, we are not as we have an open membership policy and have ethnic minority members'.
Bang goes the most powerful weapon the left and media use against us.
Then we have the fact that Lord Pearson will seek to drive UKIP onto the rocks of racism by campaigning against Islam and mass immigration.
Now if the left and media do not attack him on this then this reveals a double standard we can easily exploit.
But the main issue for UKIP is this - how the hell are its blazers and blue rinse brigade going to cope with the screams of racism that will be cast at them when they begin to campaign on the issues of Islam and mass immigration.
They wont be able to cope is the answer.
The average UKIP member has the spine of a slug - and thats why they are in UKIP.
They will not be able to cope with any level of media abuse or abuse from the far left on the UAF on the issue of them being racists.
I suspect that once the self righteous howls of racism from the liberals, the media and the left start to get thrown at UKIP many of its members will leave.
It appears that the party has shed thousands of members over the last year anyway and did not receive any boost from the european elections re membership.
As for Farage winning a seat as an MP, well anyone who believes that is simply bonkers.
He will come second or third, but he will not win.
As for the smoke screen argument that Farage resigned to concentrate on being an MP - come off it guys.
Tony Blair was an MP, leader of the Labour Party and Prime Minister and a war criminal.
Farage is either an idiot, or there was another reason for his resigning as party leader, and we all know the real reason was to allow UKIP to become the Thatcherite wing of the Tory Party under Lord Pearson.
The plan failed though, as none of the big wigs, tory toffs and other remnants of the Thatcherite vermin in the Tory Party will defect to UKIP.
For proof of the Thatcherite uprising in the Tory Party, take a look at the article here by the Thatcherite Damian Thompson and the comments on the article from Thatcherite Tories saying they are going to vote for UKIP - the job of UKIP is working already which is to terrify the pro-EU Cameron fops into remaining as lickspittles of America.
The Tories will be frightened as many Thatcherite Tory voters will now vote UKIP, which is the Pearson Plan - to turn UKIP into an electoral instrument against the pro-EU Cameronites and to try and force the party back into the pockets of America.
As for the idea that UKIP will challenge the BNP for votes in working class areas - that is a suggestion only an middle class idiot Thatcherite like Damian Thompson would make.
The white working class DESPISE Thatcher.
We remember what the bitch did to our country.
The idea that the British public want a return to Thatcherism - which involved privatising the NHS, encouraging mass immigration, opening up Britains borders, inviting in the Islamist loonies of the world into Londonistan so as to secure cheap Arab oil, ending the supply of council houses and dumping our people into homelessness, closing down British national industries, stripping down the British armed forces, making us the servants of America (and Europe) , more free market globalism and deregulation of the banking system, more globalisation and the internationalisation of the British economy, more British jobs being outsourced and economic domination by a bankrupt America controlled by the shysters and scumbags of Goldman Sachs is the sort of thinking that only demented Tory Toffs on country estates would have.
UKIP have shot themselves in the foot big time.
We will kill UKIP simply by calling them 'Thatchers Bastards' and Lord Pearson as a Thatcherite Tory Toff.
Job done.
The problem is that UKIP are too retarded to know they are screwed.
Wait till the left start howling at them 'racists' - then we will see the real nature of UKIP.
UKIP will start to contract and die like a salted slug.
David Cameron UAF supporter,
Lord Pearson,
Lord Pearson - Another UKIP crook
Carrying on the long tradition of theft, fraud and false accounting that is the mark of UKIP, Lord Pearson its leader is now embroiled in his own bribery scandal.
Note his whine 'I did give bribes but so did everyone else', the atypical whine of the crook who has been caught.
As usual the response is 'I didnt get to read the letter', which as the chairman of the company at the time of the offences is irrelevant as per liability.
If the company is guilty, Pearson is guilty.
Ukip leader's insurance company at heart of Costa Rica bribe claims
Insurance firm PWS, founded by Lord Pearson of Rannoch, caught up in case that could lead to charges in UK
* Buzz up!
* Digg it
* David Leigh and Rob Evans
* The Observer, Sunday 29 November 2009
* Article history
Lord Pearson of Rannoch
Lord Pearson of Rannoch, the new leader of Ukip. Photograph: Jonathan Hordle/Rex
The insurance business that made the fortune of the new leader of the UK Independence party (Ukip) is embroiled in an international bribery scandal that could lead to criminal charges in the UK, according to documents obtained by the Observer.
A detailed indictment served in Costa Rica this month alleges that a subsidiary of PWS, the insurance brokers which Lord Pearson of Rannoch founded and chaired, grossly overcharged the small central American state for its insurance premiums.
The Serious Fraud Office is investigating, and has arrested a number of PWS executives for questioning.
But the company itself will face no penalty if the prosecution succeeds; it has been disposed of to another insurance broker since the scandal broke, and the rump of PWS which holds the liability for any fine or penalty is in liquidation and without funds.
PWS is alleged to have paid bribes of more than $700,000 (£426,000) into a bank account linked to the then Costa Rican president, Angel RodrÃguez, and provided a $1.6m slush fund for workers of the state insurance company.
Friends of Malcolm Pearson, the Thatcherite peer elected on Friday as the leader of the anti-European and anti-Cameron Ukip, said he knew "absolutely nothing about the alleged payments".
The indictment alleges that Pearson himself, as company chairman, was warned of the existence of the slush fund by a new Costa Rican regime which was probing corruption allegations as long ago as September 2005. The friends said he had never received the letter from the Costa Rican authorities. It had been diverted from his attention by others in the firm he chaired. One said: "He was contacted by the British ambassador in May 2006, which was the first he knew of it."
According to his friends, the City law firm Freshfields was subsequently called in, and the chief executive of PWS, Julian Messent, resigned, following the visit to Pearson of a delegation from the Costa Rican authorities.
Minutes of the Pearson meeting published in Costa Rica say that, during those negotiations, he offered to co-operate with the central American prosecutors, if no action was taken against the PWS company. He suggested PWS might return any money if the claims were substantiated.
Following complaints of inaction, however, the SFO was called in in 2007. It made arrests, and obtained banking information, which was sent to Costa Rica in August. Pearson said he had been interviewed by police and expected to be a witness if any UK charges were brought.
He added: "It is very regrettable that something like this should happen. But in 1997 when this started, it was regarded as perfectly normal. Under that regime, all the other insurance brokers were doing exactly the same thing."
Julian Messent said he was unable to comment as the inquiry was still in progress. Pearson, an old Etonian, was made Lord Pearson of Rannoch, where he has a Scottish estate, by Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s. He and two others working in his father's insurance business founded PWS when he was 22.
Note his whine 'I did give bribes but so did everyone else', the atypical whine of the crook who has been caught.
As usual the response is 'I didnt get to read the letter', which as the chairman of the company at the time of the offences is irrelevant as per liability.
If the company is guilty, Pearson is guilty.
Ukip leader's insurance company at heart of Costa Rica bribe claims
Insurance firm PWS, founded by Lord Pearson of Rannoch, caught up in case that could lead to charges in UK
* Buzz up!
* Digg it
* David Leigh and Rob Evans
* The Observer, Sunday 29 November 2009
* Article history
Lord Pearson of Rannoch
Lord Pearson of Rannoch, the new leader of Ukip. Photograph: Jonathan Hordle/Rex
The insurance business that made the fortune of the new leader of the UK Independence party (Ukip) is embroiled in an international bribery scandal that could lead to criminal charges in the UK, according to documents obtained by the Observer.
A detailed indictment served in Costa Rica this month alleges that a subsidiary of PWS, the insurance brokers which Lord Pearson of Rannoch founded and chaired, grossly overcharged the small central American state for its insurance premiums.
The Serious Fraud Office is investigating, and has arrested a number of PWS executives for questioning.
But the company itself will face no penalty if the prosecution succeeds; it has been disposed of to another insurance broker since the scandal broke, and the rump of PWS which holds the liability for any fine or penalty is in liquidation and without funds.
PWS is alleged to have paid bribes of more than $700,000 (£426,000) into a bank account linked to the then Costa Rican president, Angel RodrÃguez, and provided a $1.6m slush fund for workers of the state insurance company.
Friends of Malcolm Pearson, the Thatcherite peer elected on Friday as the leader of the anti-European and anti-Cameron Ukip, said he knew "absolutely nothing about the alleged payments".
The indictment alleges that Pearson himself, as company chairman, was warned of the existence of the slush fund by a new Costa Rican regime which was probing corruption allegations as long ago as September 2005. The friends said he had never received the letter from the Costa Rican authorities. It had been diverted from his attention by others in the firm he chaired. One said: "He was contacted by the British ambassador in May 2006, which was the first he knew of it."
According to his friends, the City law firm Freshfields was subsequently called in, and the chief executive of PWS, Julian Messent, resigned, following the visit to Pearson of a delegation from the Costa Rican authorities.
Minutes of the Pearson meeting published in Costa Rica say that, during those negotiations, he offered to co-operate with the central American prosecutors, if no action was taken against the PWS company. He suggested PWS might return any money if the claims were substantiated.
Following complaints of inaction, however, the SFO was called in in 2007. It made arrests, and obtained banking information, which was sent to Costa Rica in August. Pearson said he had been interviewed by police and expected to be a witness if any UK charges were brought.
He added: "It is very regrettable that something like this should happen. But in 1997 when this started, it was regarded as perfectly normal. Under that regime, all the other insurance brokers were doing exactly the same thing."
Julian Messent said he was unable to comment as the inquiry was still in progress. Pearson, an old Etonian, was made Lord Pearson of Rannoch, where he has a Scottish estate, by Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s. He and two others working in his father's insurance business founded PWS when he was 22.
Saturday 28 November 2009
Zionist Sunday Express Attack
Image - Richard Desmond, " I peddle porn and Zionist war propaganda".
I have just had a heads up from Simon Darby that the Sunday Express are going to have another pop at me this weekend about my article on ACPO and attacks on various left wing scum on Harrys Place, where I stated that they should all be sacked.
I despise the Sunday Express.
It is owned by the pornographer in chief of the British porn world Richard Desmond, a particularly loathsome Zionist who likes to let everyone know he is a Jew so as to silence any criticism of his massive pornography empire.
I look forward to the day when the BNP will take power and pass a new British Media Ownership Law that will remove as owners of any media organisation those who have been involved in the sexual exploitation of our people, who own businesses linked to pornography or who are loyal to Israel as opposed to Great Britain.
Media reform is vastly overdue in this country.
It was vile rags like The Sun, owned by the Zionist Rupert Murdoch and the Daily Express owned by the Zionist Richard Desmond, who acted as the primary peddlers of the bogus WMD propaganda used by Bush and Blair to get us into the Iraq War.
I regard Desmond and Murdoch as war criminals on a par with Julius Streicher, who was hanged by the allies after the Second World War for peddling Nazi propaganda that led to the war.
What is good for the Nazis is good for the Zionists.
No doubt though Desmond will scuttle away to Tel Aviv as so many other crooks and criminals have done, from Dame Shirley Porter to Robert Maxwell, with his pockets and bank accounts bulging with money stolen from his staff pension accounts.
As for Harrys Place - it is run and owned by 'one of Britains most prominent Jews' and Zionists a certain David T as described by his chums in the Daily Express.
The Zionist Network runs through every newspaper and encompasses a vast number of lickspittles and catemites in this country.
I enjoy going on the Harrys Place site and giving back to those Zionist hypocrites and scumbag some of the abuse they like to give out to us on a regular basis, such as when they called nick griffin a sub-human a few weeks ago.
The Zionists just love to use the rhetoric of the Nazis, their ideological ancestors.
It appears that the Zionist Network, so expertly revealed by Peter Oborne in his programme the Israel Lobby, really do think they control our democracy and run our country.
Such hubris will not go unpunished.
The entire system of media propaganda, econimic fraud, oil imperialism and Zionist treason that has been built by this network is drenched in blood and misery.
The whole world is sick of the Zionists and their evil hypocrisy and vile shallow cant.
Whilst our British soldiers die in the dust and mud of Iraq and Afghanistan, the Zionist parasites that run our nation mock them and their sacrifice with their treason and usurpation of our national democracy.
The time has come for this network of traitors to be extirpated from our nation, for the ringleaders to be arrested and either prosecuted for treason or simply deported.
The Sunday Express was the primary propagandist for the illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the hands of its entire journalistic staff are drenched in the blood of this war.
Richard Desmond has even donated hundreds of thousands of pound to the butchers of New Labour.
Heres some facts on his porn empire ;
Even Rupert Murdoch has his own porn empire ;
To be attacked by this nest of degenerate porn peddlers, snakes and Zionist traitors is the ultimate moral validation.
UKIP Zionists and Lord Pearson
Image - Lord Pearson of UKIP, Tory and Zionist stooge. " I see God. He spoke to me and said 'Join UKIP to save the world'. Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition and the Bunker Busters. Yeeehhhhaaa War With Iran is now a certainty. Jeyzuz loves big bombs. Yep, I am as bonkers as a box of frogs. I also own a castle. "
What did I tell you, on day 1 in his new job as leader of UKIP Lord Pearson announces that ;
1) He and UKIP were prepared to do a deal with the Tories to close down UKIP and allow the Tories to remain in power, thereby perpetuating the rule of the conservatives
2) That the two leaders of UKIP, Farage and Pearson, are totally at odds with each other over the reality of the offer to the Tories - so one of them, Pearson or Farage, is lying or they are both idiots
3) That the plan is to stand a UKIP candidate in Barking specifically to ensure that Nick Griffin doesnt get elected into Parliament - and thereby confirming that the the role of the Zionist UKIP is to ensure that a real British Nationalist political party does not get into power and put British national interests before those of the US and Israel.
Lord Perason is either a traitor or a puppet of the traitors.
He was give his peerage by Thatcher and has been 'deployed' into UKIP in order to get the Tories into power and prevent the BNP getting Parliamentary seats.
Lord Pearson and UKIP are nothing more than a state safety valve, a pseudo-party working for the interests of the US and Israel rather than the interests of Britain and the British people.
And thanks to Lord Pearsons statement to the Telegraph, we can now prove it ;
Cameron rejected UKIP pact on EU referendum
Alice Thomson, Rachel Sylvester Suzy Jagger and David Charter
Recommend? (14)
Lord Pearson of Rannoch
Lord Pearson of Rannoch: did not hear back from David Cameron
The UK Independence Party offered to disband if David Cameron agreed to hold a referendum on the ratified Lisbon treaty.
Lord Pearson of Rannoch, UKIP’s newly elected leader, says in an interview with The Times today that he proposed the deal after the party’s strong showing in the European elections.
He reveals that he approached Lord Strathclyde, the Tory leader in the Lords, six months ago and asked him to tell Mr Cameron that if he guaranteed a referendum and gave the Conservative Party a free vote then UKIP would disband and its members stand down. He received no answer. Several months later Mr Cameron announced that the Tories would not hold a referendum.
Lord Pearson adds: “A referendum on a ratified Lisbon Treaty would have become about in or out, which is why the political class wouldn’t do it.”
Lord Pearson says that he was acting on behalf of his predecessor, Nigel Farage, when the overture was made.
Last night Mr Farage confirmed that the meeting took place with his blessing, although he argued that the offer was to withdraw the party from the general election rather than to disband. Lord Strathclyde also confirmed that the meeting took place.
“We made that offer but we didn’t get an answer,” Lord Pearson said. “I’m so angry with them now.”
UKIP — which has no MPs in Westminster but has 13 MEPs — wants to pull Britain out of the European Union, boost the UK’s defence budget by 40 per cent and bring back grammar schools.
Speaking after yesterday’s result, the peer, who hopes to cost the Tories at least 50 seats, said: “My ambition is for UKIP to do well enough at the next general election so that we can force a hung parliament and a realignment in British politics.”
Mark Francois, the Shadow Minister of State for Europe, said: “We don’t make policy on the basis of secret deals with other parties. We decide our policies on the basis on what is right for the country. As we have said, a made-up referendum after ratification would be pointless.”
UKIP is understood to be preparing to try to re-focus its appeal by attacking Islamic fundamentalism in an attempt to shore up its right flank against the BNP. It is planning to put a heavyweight candidate up in Barking to take on Nick Griffin, the BNP leader, in the next general election campaign and prevent him from claiming a Westminster seat.
The favourite for the UKIP nomination is Paul Wiffen, the party chairman in London.
Lord Pearson takes over immediately as party leader from Mr Farage, who had said that he wanted to stand down to fight the seat of the Commons Speaker, John Bercow.
The party intends to field 550 candidates in next year’s general election, many of whom will pay their own campaign costs. Mr Farage — who had spearheaded the party’s fundraising efforts, estimates that UKIP needs £1.5 million to fund an adequate election campaign, but about £4 million to compete properly against the bigger parties.
He is the only party leader who owns a moor, deer forest and country estate in the Highlands. Lord Pearson of Rannoch arrives for our interview clutching a scarlet briefcase embossed with a gold coronet and the initials P of R. This peer of the realm seems like the ultimate Establishment grandee.
Before the UK Independence Party leadership contest, he had fought only one election, when he stood for Pop, the prefectorial body at Eton. “The campaign’s been a bit of a shock to the system,” he says. “At Eton we just sucked up to other boys furiously and bought them ice creams. This time I’ve done six sets of hustings.”
( Oh, so not a Tory Toff then eh )
As an education adviser to Margaret Thatcher he took on the teachers’ unions.
( Yep. A Thatcherite placeman )
His aim is to cause maximum disruption at the next election. “This is the only language David Cameron understands. I don’t know how many seats we will actually win but the point is how many can we deny the other parties, principally the Tories. I hope we will cost them at least 50 seats — we may be able to force a hung Parliament, which is what I want. The political class says we must have the smack of firm government — well, that’s rubbish. I want UKIP to gum up the present political system completely so the monkeys can’t make any laws which we don’t want.”
( Hold on pearson - if Brussels makes all the laws, as you state in the article, then what is the point of 'gumming up' Parliament - only a strong Parliament can strike down EU laws, so in fact the UKIP policy of gumming up Parliament is a recipe for INCREASING EU POWER OVER THE UK as a hung Parliament means no governing party can pass legislation to restrict EU influence. Idiot )
He reveals that his party offered to do a deal with Mr Cameron to disband UKIP if the Conservatives promised a referendum on a ratified Lisbon treaty. “After we came second in the European elections in May, David [Lord] Willoughby de Broke and I went to see the Tory leader in the House of Lords, Tom Strathclyde. We said, ‘Look, we have done quite well, better than we thought, if you guarantee us a referendum on “in or out” and you give a genuinely free vote to the Conservative Party, we will disband’.
( So therefore confirming that UKIP is a pressure group and not a political party )
The UKIP leader has the support of the former Tory party donor Stuart Wheeler. “I’ve put some of my own money and I’ll put more — don’t tell the wife. She’s watching like a hawk.”
What do his old Tory friends think of his disloyalty to his former party? “That’s difficult. But a number of them have told me that I’m the conscience of the Conservative Party.”
( Therefore proving that UKIP is the Thatcherite wing of the Tory Party )
This 68-year-old is uncomfortable with the pace of change. “It does worry you sometimes when you drive through parts of the country and you don’t really see a white face very much. Obviously we have got used to it and it is something we all support, but it can be pretty difficult if you live in those places and that’s where I think the BNP vote is coming from.”
The British National Party said this month that it would welcome Lord Pearson. Are there similarities between the two minority parties? “Absolutely not — we are completely non-racist. They won’t allow Jews or blacks in their party.”
( Note the fact 'when he drives through the country' on his way from his castle, private moor and after deerstalking. Wanker. Note the lie about the BNP not allowing Jews in the BNP - we allow Jews, but we ban all Zionists regardless of their race, creed and religion and after the Equality Commission case ethnic minorities will be able to join the party. And if ethnic minorities do not join the party then that will be because they are racists and have no respect for British culture and are here simply as colonists. )
Unlike Nick Griffin, the BNP leader, he wants everyone of all cultures to embrace Britishness. “The Queen’s the best thing this country’s got by miles, together with the Armed Forces and the taxi drivers.”
( Slimy little shit. Pretending to have the populist touch by dog whistling taxi drivers when you have a chauffeur driven limousine is total hypocrisy )
“When you get into that level of pain you either die or you go mad — of course that’s what most people think I did — or you have a way out, which is a very powerful religious experience. I would never say I met God but certainly I went where everything was the opposite of where I had come from.”
What does Heaven look like? “It’s total lightness and goodness and warmth and the absolutely opposite of the dark and the cold and the destructive. The powerful impression that came through at the end was that God, the numinous, call it what you will — the supreme source of light and creativity — was sad because it was losing against the opposite, which is the diabolic and the dark.”
He knew that he had to fight against the dark side. “I take on the Christians because they believe that God must inevitably win. My instruction was different, that he’s not necessarily going to win, as far as this planet is concerned, anyway, and if you look at our planet today it isn’t obvious that he is winning.”
( What did I tell you, he is another Neo-Conservative loony like Bush and Blair. Just what we need, another Zionist member of the God Squad interested in spreading the words of 'Jeyzuz' all over the planet with a sermon of bunker busting bombs and Biblical bullets. Looks like under UKIP and Lord Pearson a Zionist war with Iran is a certainty. God will be pleased knowing that the 'good' guys now have the biggest bombs that can kill more of his creations in his name ! )
Annabel’s or Boujis? Annabel’s — never been to the other one
( Anyone who has been to Annabels is a total wanker and should be regarded as a idiot, just as anyone who goes to the corporate joke that is the (TM) Glastonbury Festival, with its cash machines on site, dinner parties, corporate hospitality tents and tents with en suite showers. )
Media Cover Up More Muslim Violence
On Channel 4 news last night Lord Pearson of UKIP said that the growing numbers of Muslims in the UK due to breeding, immigration and conversion was a real problem for Britain, then two seconds later said that 98 % of muslims were a benefit to British society.
The man is an idiot.
At least Slimy Nigel was a good snake oil salesman, this guy is a gibbering fool.
UKIP anti-Islamism is a merely a con to undermine the BNP vote for their Zionist masters.
Here we see an example of enrichment in action, which was Muslim youths attacking families at a Christmas lights switch on according to the comments on the article and elsewhere on the internet.
Can you imagine the media dogs howls of rage if an Eid festival had been attacked by whites or Christians ;
Eggs and bottles thrown at police after High Wycombe Christmas Lights event
10:04am Friday 20th November 2009
comment Comments (46) Have your say »
By Simon Farr »
This story was updated at 2pm.
EGGS and bottles were thrown at police officers and a police van was damaged in violent scenes after the Christmas lights switch on in High Wycombe last night.
Three juveniles from the High Wycombe area were arrested for alleged public disorder offences following the incident, which witnesses say started in Church Street at around 9pm.
A window of the McDonalds restaurant in the High Street was also smashed, in an incident Superintendent Paul Emmings called “disappointing” following the successful star-studded lights switch on in Frogmoor.
He said: “The event itself passed without incident and it was only afterwards that a small number of young people decided to fight.
“It’s very disappointing they set out to ruin a family event but it’s also a real credit to my officers that they managed to keep control of large crowds, the majority who were not involved in fighting, and dispel the incident very quickly.
“We are continuing to investigate and we will be reviewing CCTV from the event. Anyone identified as being involved in public disorder will be arrested.”
Wycombe Wanderers stewards are believed to have helped police restrain the crowds.
The three arrested youths have been released on bail until Thursday. Contact police on 08458 505 505 with any information.
The man is an idiot.
At least Slimy Nigel was a good snake oil salesman, this guy is a gibbering fool.
UKIP anti-Islamism is a merely a con to undermine the BNP vote for their Zionist masters.
Here we see an example of enrichment in action, which was Muslim youths attacking families at a Christmas lights switch on according to the comments on the article and elsewhere on the internet.
Can you imagine the media dogs howls of rage if an Eid festival had been attacked by whites or Christians ;
Eggs and bottles thrown at police after High Wycombe Christmas Lights event
10:04am Friday 20th November 2009
comment Comments (46) Have your say »
By Simon Farr »
This story was updated at 2pm.
EGGS and bottles were thrown at police officers and a police van was damaged in violent scenes after the Christmas lights switch on in High Wycombe last night.
Three juveniles from the High Wycombe area were arrested for alleged public disorder offences following the incident, which witnesses say started in Church Street at around 9pm.
A window of the McDonalds restaurant in the High Street was also smashed, in an incident Superintendent Paul Emmings called “disappointing” following the successful star-studded lights switch on in Frogmoor.
He said: “The event itself passed without incident and it was only afterwards that a small number of young people decided to fight.
“It’s very disappointing they set out to ruin a family event but it’s also a real credit to my officers that they managed to keep control of large crowds, the majority who were not involved in fighting, and dispel the incident very quickly.
“We are continuing to investigate and we will be reviewing CCTV from the event. Anyone identified as being involved in public disorder will be arrested.”
Wycombe Wanderers stewards are believed to have helped police restrain the crowds.
The three arrested youths have been released on bail until Thursday. Contact police on 08458 505 505 with any information.
Friday 27 November 2009
Tory Toff Takes Over UKIP
The election of Lord Pearson is a suicidal act by UKIP.
The spiv Nigel Farage was despised by the tory toffs who are fed up with the Cameron Cabal and their politically correct drivel, and the resignation of Farage was simply an attempt to ease Lord Pearson in to lead UKIP in anticipation that a steady stream of tory toffs would follow him into UKIP.
Of course they wont.
They will do as they have always done, which is to stay put and just bitch, piss and moan in the shadows.
The strategy of UKIP adopting Pearson as leader is simply to attract Tories to the fold, with a posh toff figurehead who the blue rinse brigade can coo and flutter over.
This is great for the BNP, as we simply have to point out to the public that a vote for UKIP is a vote for the Thatcherites, and now we can just point out that the leader of UKIP is a tory toff who seeks the support of Tory voters in order to turn UKIP in the Thatcherite wing of British politics.
Stick Lord Pearson in a dress and a wig, and you have a Thatcher.
A vote for UKIP is therefore a vote for old style Toryism and Thatcherism, the obsolete and outdated political ideologies of the 1980's.
If UKIP had been in power then we would still have got involved in the Iraq War and the Afghanistan War.
If UKIP is in power we would be out the EU, but under the control of America.
If UKIP were in power we would abandon the Euro, but come under complete domination by the Dollar.
UKIP are merely the slaves of America - so what is the point of voting UKIP and freeing ourselves from political, economic and cultural domination by Europe but then remain a political, economic and cultural slave to America ?
UKIP will keep us in NATO, and in fact would drag us deeper into the debt crisis of the American economic empire - and thereby merely ensure that UK national interests are perpetually subordinate to the selfish interests of the US.
We have had enough of this.
Lord Pearson is just another US / Israel / Zionist stooge like Gert Wilders.
Gert Wilders postures as a defender against Islamism but then splay his butt cheeks and bends over for Zionism at every opportunity.
There are few things as repugnant as seeing a so called 'anti-Islamist' acting as a fawning catemite of the Zionists and Israel.
This what Lord Pearsons plan is, he is a US Neo-Conservative Zionist stooge who wants to use Islamism as a way to faciltate our national betrayal to US and Israeli Zionism.
The real British Nationalists, and not the fake UKIP ones, understand that both Islamism and Zionism must both be confronted and extirpated from our country.
Watching Lord Pearson on the Channel 4 news I was struck by just how inane the man was, and how he appeals to the UKIP 'Hyacinth Bucket and Blazers Brigade' but how he will alienate the white working class who despise Tories and toffs.
If the plan is to use Lord Pearson as the 'lure' to draw disgruntled Tories from the Tory Party then his plan will fail - the fact is that there are few things on this planet as gutless as a Tory.
The Tory Party is primarily a cabal of octogenarian social climbers who see the Tory Party as a political golf club where ones social advance is ensured if one abases themselves enough before the right tory / free mason / golf club director etc etc
Tories are not POLITICAL, they are SOCIALITES - and therefore they will stay loyal to whatever political party promises access to the right social events, garden parties etc etc = and that will always be the Tories.
Therefore Pearsons Plan will fail - as he will draw very few Tories into the fold whilst alienating white working class voters with his Tory Party background.
At least the Kermit the frog lookalike Nigel Farage could connect with the masses, as he was the car salesman we all know and as a car salesman we was eminently suited to selling UKIP snake oil to the mug public punters.
Lord Pearson is like a duck out of the water of the moat, and he will not connect with the ordinary masses in any way.
What the masses want is not another Toff, not another spin doctor and not another politician.
What they want is someone to tell the truth and call a spade a spade.
They want a real man who is not afraid to tell the pompous arseholes of the political elite and the liberal scum that infest this nation to fuck off when they need to be told to fuck off.
They want someone they know who simply wants what is best for the country and our people, not someone who wants wealth, social advancement and a career as another political or socialite parasite.
This country needs a strong leader, not another tory toff with an Islam fetish and a desire to surrender our nation to the Zionist dogs that run America.
We need an arse kicker not an arse licker.
We are at war as a nation both at home and abroad.
We are in the midst of the worst economic collapse in human history.
Our political system has been revealed as a cess pit for profiteering pigs to gorge themselves in and profit from.
Our nation has been betrayed from within and surrendered to our enemies - both abroad and at home.
The era of pathetic pantomime politics is OVER.
We stand upon the abyss.
A new politics is required and a new political and social force to confront and defeat the enemies, both inner and outer, that infest our nation.
There is only force capable of fighting and winning the wars we must fight.
That is the BNP, the one political party in this country that has spent its entire existence fighting for its survival against the same inner enemies that have led our nation into the abyss.
Our nation can only be saved by a party whose strength and determination have been tempered over decades of struggle and resistance.
When the crisis comes we will be ready.
We merely await the moment when the masses will no longer believe the lies the media tells them, that moment when the truth is revealed to them in all its harshness - and at that moment they will sweep aside the old gang parties and seek a new force.
That moment is fast approaching.
Multi-Culturalism, Globalism and Capitalism
Multiculturalism as a process of globalisation
by K R Bolton
Academy of Social and Political Research
Multicultural politics, including that concerned with immigration, is a method of social engineering. Whoever raises a voice in public in opposition or even merely of caution is pilloried as a “racist” and a “reactionary”. Conversely, those who champion multiculturalism are upheld as the paragons of ‘progress’ and humanitarianism. Yet behind the moral façade multiculturalism is a cynical stratagem, an important part of the process of globalisation in the interests of a small, self-appointed plutocratic elite. This essay examines how multiculturalism is an aspect of globalisation.
“See, capitalism is not fundamentally racist—it can exploit racism for its purposes, but racism isn’t built into it. Capitalism basically wants people to be interchangeable cogs, and differences among them, such as on the basis of race, usually are not functional. I mean, they may be functional for a period, like if you want a super-exploited workforce or something, but those situations are kind of anomalous. Over the long term, you can expect capitalism to be anti-racist - just because it’s anti-human. And race is, in fact, a human characteristic - there’s no reason why it should be a negative characteristic, but it is a human characteristic. So therefore identifications based on race interfere with the basic ideal that people should be available just as consumers and producers, interchangeable cogs who will purchase all the junk that’s produced - that’s their ultimate function, and any other properties they might have are kind of irrelevant, and usually a nuisance.”
Noam Chomsky
It is ironic that an intellectual championed in particular by the anarchist-Left has given such a cogent definition of the motivating force behind multiculturalism. Among the numerous references to Chomsky made by the Left his diagnosis of capitalism as being “anti-racist” because it aims to create a society of humans as nothing more than “interchangeable cogs”, does not receive the same attention as his other views. As Chomsky states, individuals cannot function at an optimum level as producers and consumers if there are racial or what we might further categorise as cultural and national, divisions.
Chomsky is outside the mainstream of Leftist ideology, which sees humanity and the individual in precisely the same terms as capitalism sees humanity as defined by Chomsky in the above passage. Both capitalism and Marxism are globalist, and both are reductionist in seeing economic factors as the primary determinants of human behaviour and history. Marx himself was not adverse to Free Trade capitalism. He supported Free Trade insofar as he saw it as a dialectical catalyst for the destruction of national boundaries, which would internationalise “the proletariat” and eventually lead to a global system. Global capitalists maintain the same outlook today. Marx’s analysis in regard to Free Trade was correct, although his alternative is nothing more than to change the ownership of production and distribution. Marx said of Free Trade:
“National differences and antagonisms between peoples are daily more and more vanishing, owing to the development of the bourgeoisie, to freedom of commerce, to the world market, to uniformity in the modern of production and in the conditions of life corresponding thereto. The supremacy of the proletariat will cause them to vanish faster.”
Today’s global corporate executives and planners concur with Marx. Marx further identified “protectionism” as the conservative position, Free Trade as subversive and revolutionary. Those – mainly political scientists and journalists, especially in the English-speaking world – who insist on defining “conservatism” (sic) as Free Trade liberalism, should return to an actual source; in this instance Marx, to re-evaluate their definitions:
“Generally speaking, the protectionist system today is conservative, whereas the Free Trade system has a destructive effect. It destroys the former nationalities, and renders the contrasts between workers and middle class more acute. In a word, the Free Trade system is precipitating the social revolution. And only in this revolutionary sense to I vote for Free Trade.”
South Africa Succumbed to Plutocracy – Not Communism
A classic example of the way by which multiculturalism is sold behind the moral guise of ‘anti-racism’, ‘equality’ and ‘human rights’ in the interests of plutocratic exploitation is that of South Africa. Without arguing the merits or otherwise of apartheid, the salient factor in considering multiculturalism as part of the globalisation process is that the fall of the Nationalist Government was the outcome of a nexus between Black communist-inspired terrorists from below and plutocracy headed up by the Oppenheimer interests working from above. Here communism and Big Business served as pincer movements with the ‘Boer’ in between. In eulogising Harry F Oppenheimer on his death in 2000 Mandela stated:
“His contribution to building partnership between big business and the new democratic government in that first period of democratic rule can never be appreciated too much.”
The result has not been a regime that would deliver South African wealth to the Blacks in a new utopia of peace and plenty. Rather the African National Congress (ANC)/Communist Party regime has opened South Africa up to globalisation and destroyed the remnants of the economic nationalism of the Afrikaner nationalist governments. It was the Afrikaner nationalists who stood for State economic intervention and who stood up to monopoly capitalism, since the days of the old Boer Republics. The Black regime has reversed this economic nationalism in favour of globalisation and privatisation.
In 1996, according to a Reuters report, Nelson Mandela, heralded as a saint by the capitalist press and the Left alike, stated that: “Privatisation is the fundamental policy of the ANC and will remain so.” Now the ANC Government is busy dismantling the state economic structure erected by the Afrikaner nationalists to safeguard their nation from the incursions of international finance capitalism. The ANC/CP Government is turning State run utilities over to global corporations, just as ‘privatisation’ and globalisation in New Zealand was originally enacted under a so-called “Labour” Government. For e.g. the State has divested itself of its 40% share in South African Airways, once the most profitable airline in Africa. The Johannesburg municipal water supply has been privatised and is now under the French corporation Suez Lyonnaise Eaux. Eskom the state electricity producer, was made into a public corporation to pave the way for privatisation. The ANC stated that: “Eskom is one of a host of government owned “parastatals” created during the apartheid era which the democratically elected government has set out to privatise in a bid to raise money.”
This good comrade, Mandela, nurtured by the Communist apparatus in South Africa, lauded by the Western media as a saint, paved the way for the privatisation and globalisation of the South African economy. He has followed the example of the rest of de-colonised Africa, where the global corporations moved in once the colonial administrations had pulled out. Global Capitalism and Cultural Identity
It is with the view to destroying national, cultural and ethnic boundaries that global capitalism promotes open immigration.
In their study of global corporations based on interviews with the corporate elite, Barnet and Muller state that both Adam Smith, theorist of Free Trade, and Marx, predicted that capitalism would become international, which has been pointed out in the opening passages of this essay. Barnet and Muller write that, “The world managers are the most active promoters of this Marxist prediction” of globalisation , of which we have previously quoted from The Communist Manifesto.
Barnet and Muller state that Jacques Maisonrouge, president of the IBM World Trade Corporation “likes to point out that; Down with borders, a revolutionary student slogan of the 1968 Paris university uprising – in which some of his children were involved – is also a welcome slogan at IBM.” Maisonrouge states that the “World Managers” (as Barnett and Muller call the corporate executives) believe they are making the world ‘smaller and more homogeneous”; that the “global corporation is “the great leveller’”, or as Chomsky puts it, everyone is being levelled down as an “interchangeable cog” in a world economy. Maisonrouge approvingly describes the global corporate executive as “the detribalised, international career men.” It is this “detribalisation” that is the basis of a “world consumer culture” required to more efficiently create a world economy.
These “detribalised, international career men” were more recently described by G Pascal Zachary, financial journalist, as being an “informal global aristocracy”, recruited over the world by the corporations, depending totally on their companies and “little upon the larger public”, a new class unhindered by national, cultural or ethnic bonds. They are without nationality, and are quite literally ‘interchangeable cogs’.
Creating The World Consumer
National, cultural and ethnic boundaries hinder global marketing. Barnett and Muller quote Pfizer’s John J Powers as stating that global corporations are “agents for change, socially, economically and culturally.” Barnett and Muller state that global executives see “irrational nationalism” as inhibiting “the free flow of finance capital, technology and goods on a global scale.” A crucial aspect of nationalism is “differences in psychological and cultural attitudes, that complicate the task of homogenising the earth into an integrated unit ... Cultural nationalism is also a serious problem because it threatens the concept of the Global Shopping Center.”
Barnet and Muller cite A W Clausen of the Bank of America as stating that national, cultural and racial differences create “marketing problems”, lamenting that there is “no such thing as a uniform, global market.” Harry Heltzer, Chief Executive Officer of 3M stated that global corporations are a “powerful voice for world peace because their allegiance is not to any nation, tongue, race or creed but to one of the finer aspirations of mankind, that the people of the world may be united in common economic purpose.”
Global Cities
Since Barnet and Muller wrote their book, the internationalising and levelling tendency of global capitalism has become evident in New Zealand with our malls and the way our towns and cities now look much the same in whatever part of the country one may visit. Of course, the trends towards globalisation and the “global consumer culture” including the “global shopping mall” are even more evident throughout the Western world, with increasing encroachment on the former Eastern bloc and the Third World by global corporations.
In the 1970s Howard Perlmutter and Hasan Ozekhan of the Wharton School of Finance Worldwide Institutions Programme prepared a plan for a “global city”. Prof. Perlmutter is a consultant to global corporations. His plan was commissioned by the French Government planning agency on how best to make Paris a “global city.” Perlmutter predicted that cities would become “global cities” during the 1980s. For Paris this required “becoming less French” and undergoing “denationalisation.” This, he said, requires a “psycho-cultural change of image with respect to the traditional impression of ‘xenophobia’ that the French seem to exclude.” Perlmutter suggested that the best way of ridding France of its nationalism was to introduce multiculturalism. He advocated “the globalisation of cultural events” such as international rock festivals, as an antidote to “overly national and sometimes nationalistic culture.” Of course such modernist music has from the start been a means by which a ‘global culture’ can be imposed from above, whilst simultaneously making large profits, and breaking down cultural and ethnic barriers among the generations of youth, until everyone has become “detribalised”. In more recent years we have witnessed the phenomenon of the young, right down to toddlers, being targeted by corporate advertising as consumers in their own right.
This “global city” concept being discussed three decades ago is interesting for New Zealanders at the moment considering the current Government enactment that made Auckland a “super city” by centralising the various district council’s into a single entity. Such super-cities are panned for Wellington and elsewhere. A World Bank report for ‘reshaping geography’ according to global economic requirements has recently been issued which would appear to be a globalist blueprint for the increasing absorption of townships into the type of “super city” now being proposed for New Zealand, being undertaken under the demand for ‘economic efficiency’ and condemning any opposition as ‘parochial’.
Funding the Multicultural Revolutions Multicultural agendas throughout the world are the recipients of much largesse from the global corporations channelled through tax-empts foundations such as the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations.
The currency speculator George Soros, whose foundations and networks have been particularly active in fomenting ‘colour revolutions’ around the world under the auspices of his Open Society Institute, specialise in the subverting of traditional institutions and customs especially in the Middle Eastern and former Eastern bloc countries. Feminist issues are particularly high on the agenda. In the area of multiculturalism Soros set up the Emma Lazarus Fund to dispense funds for immigration lobbying.
Emma Lazarus was the 19th Century poet, novelist and critic, and an early proponent of Zionist colonisation of Palestine, whose words from her poetic tribute to the Statue of Liberty, The New Colossus, adorn the statue: “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” The Fund was set up by the Open Society Institute spanning 1996-1997 for the sole purpose of dispensing grants totalling $50,000,000 to pro-immigration lobbies and projects.
La Raza: How the Ford Foundation Created a New Ethnic Group.
Until the 1960s the problem of Mexican migration was economically based, and involved the demand for cheap labour by the giant agricultural combines in the USA. However, during the 1960s, with the rise of “identity politics”, “black power” and the well-funded “civil rights” movement, the Ford Foundation expanded its ethnic outreach to Mexican migrants. The aim was to begin a process of forming previously diverse nationalities into a unified “Hispanic” ethnic movement intended to further erode any vestiges of an American nationality, identity or culture. The Ford Foundation, through its grant-making strategies, formed a new “race” (La Raza) that threatens to secede parts of the USA to Mexico or at least declare a separatist Hispanic nation.
Until the creation of MALDEF (Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund) by the Ford Foundation, Mexican Americans regarded themselves as “whites” who aimed to completely assimilate into White America. Joseph Fallon , writes:
“The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), the nation’s oldest and largest ‘’Hispanic’’ organization, was established on February 17, 1929 ... “From 1929 through the 1950s, LULAC was a middle-class, patriotic organization of U.S. citizens of Mexican descent whose activities centered primarily on education. Its agenda was traditional ‘’Americanism’’ — Mexican-Americans must assimilate to the ‘’Anglo’’ culture of the United States and acquire proficiency in the English language. It stressed ‘’Mexican-Americans’’ were ‘’Americans,’’ not ‘’Mexicans.’’ An integral part of its activities was the promotion of U.S. citizenship and loyalty to the United States. LULAC rejected the idea the U.S. Southwest should be returned to Mexico and opposed establishment of Spanish-language enclaves in the United States. Because illegal aliens from Mexico were violating U.S. laws and posing an economic burden on Mexican-Americans by lowering wages, LULAC endorsed immigration control and supported President Eisenhower’s ‘’Operation Wetback’’ which deported a million illegal aliens back to Mexico.”
This orientation among Mexican –Americans changed when the Ford Foundation promoted the formation of MALDEF, whose founder Peter Tijerina, had been an official of LULAC.
“MALDEF was a creation of the Ford Foundation in more ways than just funding. The Ford Foundation soon took control of virtually all important matters from where the headquarters should be located, to the appointment of its executive director, and the type of legal cases it should pursue.”
MALDEF was created to establish a separate identity for Latin American immigrants, which would undermine the cohesion of the USA by, of example, demanding legal status for the Spanish language on par with English.
In addition to largesse from the Foundations, MALDEF also receives funds from globalist corporations including AT&T;and IBM. Joseph Fallon writes:
“MALDEF obtains the funding to support its activities primarily from corporations in particular AT&T;and IBM, and philanthropic foundations. For the period 1991-1995, the total amount of ‘’gifts, grants and contributions’’ to MALDEF was over $17 million. Between 1996 and 1998, MALDEF received over nine million dollars from just three foundations the vast majority, over six million dollars from the Ford Foundation, $1,200,000 from Carnegie Corporation, and another $1,525,000 from the Rockefeller Foundation. The National Council of La Raza was established in 1968 with support from the Ford Foundation and was originally called the Southwest Council of La Raza.”
Hence a new ethnicity was formed in the USA through the largesse of Ford, Rockefeller AT&T;and IBM, a new ethnicity which moreover has become a significant factor in the breaking down of an American national identity. It is relevant to conjecture as to what extent the creation of this Hispanic ethnicity will serve as a leeway for pushing the American Free Trade Agreement that includes Mexico, as one of many such regional economic groupings that, like the EU, and the projected Trilateralist Asia bloc, serve as a further step towards a global economic system where there is a free flow of labour, resources, money and goods unhindered by national, cultural and ethnic boundaries and traditions. The end product will not be the individual living in peace and harmony with everybody else across the world, but a rootless serf: Homo Economicus, the ‘interchangeable cog’ referred to by Chomsky.
K R Bolton, is a Fellow of the Academy of Social & Political Research
( Published works include: Thinkers of the Right, England, 2003; “Russia and China: An Approaching Conflict?”, Washington: The Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies, Vol. 34, No. 2, Summer 2009; “Trotskyism and the anti-family agenda”, CKR, Sociology Dept., Moscow State University, October 2009, and Geopolitika, Moscow, November 2009. This article “Multiculturalism as a Process of Globalisation” originally appeared, footnoted and fully referenced, in the peer reviewed quarterly journal of the Academy of Social and Political Research, Ab Aeterno, No. 1, November 2009.
by K R Bolton
Academy of Social and Political Research
Multicultural politics, including that concerned with immigration, is a method of social engineering. Whoever raises a voice in public in opposition or even merely of caution is pilloried as a “racist” and a “reactionary”. Conversely, those who champion multiculturalism are upheld as the paragons of ‘progress’ and humanitarianism. Yet behind the moral façade multiculturalism is a cynical stratagem, an important part of the process of globalisation in the interests of a small, self-appointed plutocratic elite. This essay examines how multiculturalism is an aspect of globalisation.
“See, capitalism is not fundamentally racist—it can exploit racism for its purposes, but racism isn’t built into it. Capitalism basically wants people to be interchangeable cogs, and differences among them, such as on the basis of race, usually are not functional. I mean, they may be functional for a period, like if you want a super-exploited workforce or something, but those situations are kind of anomalous. Over the long term, you can expect capitalism to be anti-racist - just because it’s anti-human. And race is, in fact, a human characteristic - there’s no reason why it should be a negative characteristic, but it is a human characteristic. So therefore identifications based on race interfere with the basic ideal that people should be available just as consumers and producers, interchangeable cogs who will purchase all the junk that’s produced - that’s their ultimate function, and any other properties they might have are kind of irrelevant, and usually a nuisance.”
Noam Chomsky
It is ironic that an intellectual championed in particular by the anarchist-Left has given such a cogent definition of the motivating force behind multiculturalism. Among the numerous references to Chomsky made by the Left his diagnosis of capitalism as being “anti-racist” because it aims to create a society of humans as nothing more than “interchangeable cogs”, does not receive the same attention as his other views. As Chomsky states, individuals cannot function at an optimum level as producers and consumers if there are racial or what we might further categorise as cultural and national, divisions.
Chomsky is outside the mainstream of Leftist ideology, which sees humanity and the individual in precisely the same terms as capitalism sees humanity as defined by Chomsky in the above passage. Both capitalism and Marxism are globalist, and both are reductionist in seeing economic factors as the primary determinants of human behaviour and history. Marx himself was not adverse to Free Trade capitalism. He supported Free Trade insofar as he saw it as a dialectical catalyst for the destruction of national boundaries, which would internationalise “the proletariat” and eventually lead to a global system. Global capitalists maintain the same outlook today. Marx’s analysis in regard to Free Trade was correct, although his alternative is nothing more than to change the ownership of production and distribution. Marx said of Free Trade:
“National differences and antagonisms between peoples are daily more and more vanishing, owing to the development of the bourgeoisie, to freedom of commerce, to the world market, to uniformity in the modern of production and in the conditions of life corresponding thereto. The supremacy of the proletariat will cause them to vanish faster.”
Today’s global corporate executives and planners concur with Marx. Marx further identified “protectionism” as the conservative position, Free Trade as subversive and revolutionary. Those – mainly political scientists and journalists, especially in the English-speaking world – who insist on defining “conservatism” (sic) as Free Trade liberalism, should return to an actual source; in this instance Marx, to re-evaluate their definitions:
“Generally speaking, the protectionist system today is conservative, whereas the Free Trade system has a destructive effect. It destroys the former nationalities, and renders the contrasts between workers and middle class more acute. In a word, the Free Trade system is precipitating the social revolution. And only in this revolutionary sense to I vote for Free Trade.”
South Africa Succumbed to Plutocracy – Not Communism
A classic example of the way by which multiculturalism is sold behind the moral guise of ‘anti-racism’, ‘equality’ and ‘human rights’ in the interests of plutocratic exploitation is that of South Africa. Without arguing the merits or otherwise of apartheid, the salient factor in considering multiculturalism as part of the globalisation process is that the fall of the Nationalist Government was the outcome of a nexus between Black communist-inspired terrorists from below and plutocracy headed up by the Oppenheimer interests working from above. Here communism and Big Business served as pincer movements with the ‘Boer’ in between. In eulogising Harry F Oppenheimer on his death in 2000 Mandela stated:
“His contribution to building partnership between big business and the new democratic government in that first period of democratic rule can never be appreciated too much.”
The result has not been a regime that would deliver South African wealth to the Blacks in a new utopia of peace and plenty. Rather the African National Congress (ANC)/Communist Party regime has opened South Africa up to globalisation and destroyed the remnants of the economic nationalism of the Afrikaner nationalist governments. It was the Afrikaner nationalists who stood for State economic intervention and who stood up to monopoly capitalism, since the days of the old Boer Republics. The Black regime has reversed this economic nationalism in favour of globalisation and privatisation.
In 1996, according to a Reuters report, Nelson Mandela, heralded as a saint by the capitalist press and the Left alike, stated that: “Privatisation is the fundamental policy of the ANC and will remain so.” Now the ANC Government is busy dismantling the state economic structure erected by the Afrikaner nationalists to safeguard their nation from the incursions of international finance capitalism. The ANC/CP Government is turning State run utilities over to global corporations, just as ‘privatisation’ and globalisation in New Zealand was originally enacted under a so-called “Labour” Government. For e.g. the State has divested itself of its 40% share in South African Airways, once the most profitable airline in Africa. The Johannesburg municipal water supply has been privatised and is now under the French corporation Suez Lyonnaise Eaux. Eskom the state electricity producer, was made into a public corporation to pave the way for privatisation. The ANC stated that: “Eskom is one of a host of government owned “parastatals” created during the apartheid era which the democratically elected government has set out to privatise in a bid to raise money.”
This good comrade, Mandela, nurtured by the Communist apparatus in South Africa, lauded by the Western media as a saint, paved the way for the privatisation and globalisation of the South African economy. He has followed the example of the rest of de-colonised Africa, where the global corporations moved in once the colonial administrations had pulled out. Global Capitalism and Cultural Identity
It is with the view to destroying national, cultural and ethnic boundaries that global capitalism promotes open immigration.
In their study of global corporations based on interviews with the corporate elite, Barnet and Muller state that both Adam Smith, theorist of Free Trade, and Marx, predicted that capitalism would become international, which has been pointed out in the opening passages of this essay. Barnet and Muller write that, “The world managers are the most active promoters of this Marxist prediction” of globalisation , of which we have previously quoted from The Communist Manifesto.
Barnet and Muller state that Jacques Maisonrouge, president of the IBM World Trade Corporation “likes to point out that; Down with borders, a revolutionary student slogan of the 1968 Paris university uprising – in which some of his children were involved – is also a welcome slogan at IBM.” Maisonrouge states that the “World Managers” (as Barnett and Muller call the corporate executives) believe they are making the world ‘smaller and more homogeneous”; that the “global corporation is “the great leveller’”, or as Chomsky puts it, everyone is being levelled down as an “interchangeable cog” in a world economy. Maisonrouge approvingly describes the global corporate executive as “the detribalised, international career men.” It is this “detribalisation” that is the basis of a “world consumer culture” required to more efficiently create a world economy.
These “detribalised, international career men” were more recently described by G Pascal Zachary, financial journalist, as being an “informal global aristocracy”, recruited over the world by the corporations, depending totally on their companies and “little upon the larger public”, a new class unhindered by national, cultural or ethnic bonds. They are without nationality, and are quite literally ‘interchangeable cogs’.
Creating The World Consumer
National, cultural and ethnic boundaries hinder global marketing. Barnett and Muller quote Pfizer’s John J Powers as stating that global corporations are “agents for change, socially, economically and culturally.” Barnett and Muller state that global executives see “irrational nationalism” as inhibiting “the free flow of finance capital, technology and goods on a global scale.” A crucial aspect of nationalism is “differences in psychological and cultural attitudes, that complicate the task of homogenising the earth into an integrated unit ... Cultural nationalism is also a serious problem because it threatens the concept of the Global Shopping Center.”
Barnet and Muller cite A W Clausen of the Bank of America as stating that national, cultural and racial differences create “marketing problems”, lamenting that there is “no such thing as a uniform, global market.” Harry Heltzer, Chief Executive Officer of 3M stated that global corporations are a “powerful voice for world peace because their allegiance is not to any nation, tongue, race or creed but to one of the finer aspirations of mankind, that the people of the world may be united in common economic purpose.”
Global Cities
Since Barnet and Muller wrote their book, the internationalising and levelling tendency of global capitalism has become evident in New Zealand with our malls and the way our towns and cities now look much the same in whatever part of the country one may visit. Of course, the trends towards globalisation and the “global consumer culture” including the “global shopping mall” are even more evident throughout the Western world, with increasing encroachment on the former Eastern bloc and the Third World by global corporations.
In the 1970s Howard Perlmutter and Hasan Ozekhan of the Wharton School of Finance Worldwide Institutions Programme prepared a plan for a “global city”. Prof. Perlmutter is a consultant to global corporations. His plan was commissioned by the French Government planning agency on how best to make Paris a “global city.” Perlmutter predicted that cities would become “global cities” during the 1980s. For Paris this required “becoming less French” and undergoing “denationalisation.” This, he said, requires a “psycho-cultural change of image with respect to the traditional impression of ‘xenophobia’ that the French seem to exclude.” Perlmutter suggested that the best way of ridding France of its nationalism was to introduce multiculturalism. He advocated “the globalisation of cultural events” such as international rock festivals, as an antidote to “overly national and sometimes nationalistic culture.” Of course such modernist music has from the start been a means by which a ‘global culture’ can be imposed from above, whilst simultaneously making large profits, and breaking down cultural and ethnic barriers among the generations of youth, until everyone has become “detribalised”. In more recent years we have witnessed the phenomenon of the young, right down to toddlers, being targeted by corporate advertising as consumers in their own right.
This “global city” concept being discussed three decades ago is interesting for New Zealanders at the moment considering the current Government enactment that made Auckland a “super city” by centralising the various district council’s into a single entity. Such super-cities are panned for Wellington and elsewhere. A World Bank report for ‘reshaping geography’ according to global economic requirements has recently been issued which would appear to be a globalist blueprint for the increasing absorption of townships into the type of “super city” now being proposed for New Zealand, being undertaken under the demand for ‘economic efficiency’ and condemning any opposition as ‘parochial’.
Funding the Multicultural Revolutions Multicultural agendas throughout the world are the recipients of much largesse from the global corporations channelled through tax-empts foundations such as the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations.
The currency speculator George Soros, whose foundations and networks have been particularly active in fomenting ‘colour revolutions’ around the world under the auspices of his Open Society Institute, specialise in the subverting of traditional institutions and customs especially in the Middle Eastern and former Eastern bloc countries. Feminist issues are particularly high on the agenda. In the area of multiculturalism Soros set up the Emma Lazarus Fund to dispense funds for immigration lobbying.
Emma Lazarus was the 19th Century poet, novelist and critic, and an early proponent of Zionist colonisation of Palestine, whose words from her poetic tribute to the Statue of Liberty, The New Colossus, adorn the statue: “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” The Fund was set up by the Open Society Institute spanning 1996-1997 for the sole purpose of dispensing grants totalling $50,000,000 to pro-immigration lobbies and projects.
La Raza: How the Ford Foundation Created a New Ethnic Group.
Until the 1960s the problem of Mexican migration was economically based, and involved the demand for cheap labour by the giant agricultural combines in the USA. However, during the 1960s, with the rise of “identity politics”, “black power” and the well-funded “civil rights” movement, the Ford Foundation expanded its ethnic outreach to Mexican migrants. The aim was to begin a process of forming previously diverse nationalities into a unified “Hispanic” ethnic movement intended to further erode any vestiges of an American nationality, identity or culture. The Ford Foundation, through its grant-making strategies, formed a new “race” (La Raza) that threatens to secede parts of the USA to Mexico or at least declare a separatist Hispanic nation.
Until the creation of MALDEF (Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund) by the Ford Foundation, Mexican Americans regarded themselves as “whites” who aimed to completely assimilate into White America. Joseph Fallon , writes:
“The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), the nation’s oldest and largest ‘’Hispanic’’ organization, was established on February 17, 1929 ... “From 1929 through the 1950s, LULAC was a middle-class, patriotic organization of U.S. citizens of Mexican descent whose activities centered primarily on education. Its agenda was traditional ‘’Americanism’’ — Mexican-Americans must assimilate to the ‘’Anglo’’ culture of the United States and acquire proficiency in the English language. It stressed ‘’Mexican-Americans’’ were ‘’Americans,’’ not ‘’Mexicans.’’ An integral part of its activities was the promotion of U.S. citizenship and loyalty to the United States. LULAC rejected the idea the U.S. Southwest should be returned to Mexico and opposed establishment of Spanish-language enclaves in the United States. Because illegal aliens from Mexico were violating U.S. laws and posing an economic burden on Mexican-Americans by lowering wages, LULAC endorsed immigration control and supported President Eisenhower’s ‘’Operation Wetback’’ which deported a million illegal aliens back to Mexico.”
This orientation among Mexican –Americans changed when the Ford Foundation promoted the formation of MALDEF, whose founder Peter Tijerina, had been an official of LULAC.
“MALDEF was a creation of the Ford Foundation in more ways than just funding. The Ford Foundation soon took control of virtually all important matters from where the headquarters should be located, to the appointment of its executive director, and the type of legal cases it should pursue.”
MALDEF was created to establish a separate identity for Latin American immigrants, which would undermine the cohesion of the USA by, of example, demanding legal status for the Spanish language on par with English.
In addition to largesse from the Foundations, MALDEF also receives funds from globalist corporations including AT&T;and IBM. Joseph Fallon writes:
“MALDEF obtains the funding to support its activities primarily from corporations in particular AT&T;and IBM, and philanthropic foundations. For the period 1991-1995, the total amount of ‘’gifts, grants and contributions’’ to MALDEF was over $17 million. Between 1996 and 1998, MALDEF received over nine million dollars from just three foundations the vast majority, over six million dollars from the Ford Foundation, $1,200,000 from Carnegie Corporation, and another $1,525,000 from the Rockefeller Foundation. The National Council of La Raza was established in 1968 with support from the Ford Foundation and was originally called the Southwest Council of La Raza.”
Hence a new ethnicity was formed in the USA through the largesse of Ford, Rockefeller AT&T;and IBM, a new ethnicity which moreover has become a significant factor in the breaking down of an American national identity. It is relevant to conjecture as to what extent the creation of this Hispanic ethnicity will serve as a leeway for pushing the American Free Trade Agreement that includes Mexico, as one of many such regional economic groupings that, like the EU, and the projected Trilateralist Asia bloc, serve as a further step towards a global economic system where there is a free flow of labour, resources, money and goods unhindered by national, cultural and ethnic boundaries and traditions. The end product will not be the individual living in peace and harmony with everybody else across the world, but a rootless serf: Homo Economicus, the ‘interchangeable cog’ referred to by Chomsky.
K R Bolton, is a Fellow of the Academy of Social & Political Research
( Published works include: Thinkers of the Right, England, 2003; “Russia and China: An Approaching Conflict?”, Washington: The Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies, Vol. 34, No. 2, Summer 2009; “Trotskyism and the anti-family agenda”, CKR, Sociology Dept., Moscow State University, October 2009, and Geopolitika, Moscow, November 2009. This article “Multiculturalism as a Process of Globalisation” originally appeared, footnoted and fully referenced, in the peer reviewed quarterly journal of the Academy of Social and Political Research, Ab Aeterno, No. 1, November 2009.
One Law For Immmigrants - One For Us
Play the race card - walk away.
Bristol Boys Get Community Orders For "Sex Attack"
Friday, November 27th 2009 00:00
A gang of copycat 'Hell Boys' from Bristol have been given community orders, after forcing other children to carry out sex attacks on each other.
The two brothers and a friend forced two of the young victims to strip and carry out sex acts.
In a mirror image of the 'Hell Boy' attack in Doncaster this summer, the trio made their victims, among other things, drink urine.
All three received 12-month community orders for the attack on September 12 this year in Hengrove Park.
Bristol Youth Court heard the two groups of boys were known to each other and had met in a park to ride each others bikes.
But one group tried to escape after an argument broke out only to be trapped when one of the victim's bikes became caught in the park gates.
Margaret Kelly, prosecuting, said: ''The victims throughout were threatened with being beaten up and while they completed what they were being told to do it was out of fear.
''The boys found a bottle cap on the ground and urinated into it. He handed it to one of the victims and with threats told him to drink it.
''The victim was so frightened he actually pretended to drink it. The defendant then found a bag of dog faeces which he passed to a victim. Under pain of threats he forced him to smear it over his face.
''One victim was told to take off his clothes. He was then told to smack one victim's bum - which he did. He was then told to kiss his penis.
''In his statement he said he was too scared to refuse so he got close to his penis and made it look as though he kissed it. He was then told to put his finger up another victim's bottom.
''They did this out of fear. After this happened then the three victims were allowed to leave.''
All three defendants pleaded guilty to two counts of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.
Sally Helliwell, defending, said that the brothers, who are from Botswana but have lived in the UK for two years, carried out the attack after struggling to come to terms with racist attacks against them.
The mother of one of the bully boys broke down in tears during the hearing.
She told magistrate David Parsons: ''The case has had a very big impact upon him. It has been very difficult for him.''
The brother's mother told the court: ''It has affected them quite a lot because they even had to leave their school and home.
''They are too scared to go outside after stones were thrown through the windows.''
One of the brothers, described in court as the ''ring leader'', said: ''I feel bad for the kids. I wish it had never happened.''
Magistrate David Parsons sentenced all three to twelve-month referral orders to work with youth offending teams.
He said: ''The eldest, in fairness, has bravely accepted that he was the most seriously involved. He has expressed to this court genuine remorse.
''It is clear to me that each of these three young defendants truly wish that what happened had never taken place. They have all pleaded guilty and that is to their credit.
''Thankfully it has saved the young victims from having to attend court to give evidence.
''The defendants are eleven and twelve years of age. The maximum power of this court is a sentence in the community as they have never offended before.
''The sentence that I impose for each of you is a 12-month referral order that will place you under the supervision of the youth offending team.''
A spokesman for Avon and Somerset Police, speaking outside court, said: ''Crimes of cruelty and abuse committed by children against children understandably arouse strong emotions.
''The victims and their families are extremely shocked by what has happened.
''The determination of the police to ensure the defendants face punishment before a criminal court sends out a strong message that behaviour like this is not accepted.''
Bristol Boys Get Community Orders For "Sex Attack"
Friday, November 27th 2009 00:00
A gang of copycat 'Hell Boys' from Bristol have been given community orders, after forcing other children to carry out sex attacks on each other.
The two brothers and a friend forced two of the young victims to strip and carry out sex acts.
In a mirror image of the 'Hell Boy' attack in Doncaster this summer, the trio made their victims, among other things, drink urine.
All three received 12-month community orders for the attack on September 12 this year in Hengrove Park.
Bristol Youth Court heard the two groups of boys were known to each other and had met in a park to ride each others bikes.
But one group tried to escape after an argument broke out only to be trapped when one of the victim's bikes became caught in the park gates.
Margaret Kelly, prosecuting, said: ''The victims throughout were threatened with being beaten up and while they completed what they were being told to do it was out of fear.
''The boys found a bottle cap on the ground and urinated into it. He handed it to one of the victims and with threats told him to drink it.
''The victim was so frightened he actually pretended to drink it. The defendant then found a bag of dog faeces which he passed to a victim. Under pain of threats he forced him to smear it over his face.
''One victim was told to take off his clothes. He was then told to smack one victim's bum - which he did. He was then told to kiss his penis.
''In his statement he said he was too scared to refuse so he got close to his penis and made it look as though he kissed it. He was then told to put his finger up another victim's bottom.
''They did this out of fear. After this happened then the three victims were allowed to leave.''
All three defendants pleaded guilty to two counts of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.
Sally Helliwell, defending, said that the brothers, who are from Botswana but have lived in the UK for two years, carried out the attack after struggling to come to terms with racist attacks against them.
The mother of one of the bully boys broke down in tears during the hearing.
She told magistrate David Parsons: ''The case has had a very big impact upon him. It has been very difficult for him.''
The brother's mother told the court: ''It has affected them quite a lot because they even had to leave their school and home.
''They are too scared to go outside after stones were thrown through the windows.''
One of the brothers, described in court as the ''ring leader'', said: ''I feel bad for the kids. I wish it had never happened.''
Magistrate David Parsons sentenced all three to twelve-month referral orders to work with youth offending teams.
He said: ''The eldest, in fairness, has bravely accepted that he was the most seriously involved. He has expressed to this court genuine remorse.
''It is clear to me that each of these three young defendants truly wish that what happened had never taken place. They have all pleaded guilty and that is to their credit.
''Thankfully it has saved the young victims from having to attend court to give evidence.
''The defendants are eleven and twelve years of age. The maximum power of this court is a sentence in the community as they have never offended before.
''The sentence that I impose for each of you is a 12-month referral order that will place you under the supervision of the youth offending team.''
A spokesman for Avon and Somerset Police, speaking outside court, said: ''Crimes of cruelty and abuse committed by children against children understandably arouse strong emotions.
''The victims and their families are extremely shocked by what has happened.
''The determination of the police to ensure the defendants face punishment before a criminal court sends out a strong message that behaviour like this is not accepted.''
Failing White Children - planned dispossession
Teach white children about racism, slavery and multi-culturalism so they feel ashamed of their race, their identity and their country.
Teach them left wing bollocks by left wing teachers.
Then when they fail, and the immigrants do better at school, the immigrants can be used to create a new Labour voting middle class to replace the white working class.
Are you so fucking stupid that you think this is an accident.
This has been planned - this is the slow dispossession and ethnic cleansing of our people from our country.
Never mind, the civil war will happen spontaneously and naturally in the future - and the left and the liberals will have laid the foundations for it.
How schools 'turn white working-class boys to crime'
By Laura Clark
Last updated at 4:33 AM on 27th November 2009
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Failing state schools are turning thousands of poor white boys into criminals and social misfits, a report claims today.
Schools are accused of letting down 'potentially decent' children on a massive scale by failing to instil proper discipline or teach them to read.
Youngsters are condemned to a life of crime, drugs and prison - and watching their own children fail - because they leave school without a grasp of the three Rs or basic social skills.
Youth with a knife
Failing: State schools are turning thousands of poor white boys into criminals and social misfits (file picture)
They live on benefits because they lack the skills needed even for menial jobs.
The report from the Centre for Policy Studies said only six per cent of white boys on free school meals and 16 per cent of black Caribbean boys go on to further education. One in five 14-year-old boys has a reading age of nine or below.
Author Harriet Sergeant blamed the crisis on the rise of left-wing education ideologies which disdain tough discipline, competitive sport and rigorous teaching methods such as phonics.
Schools also used poverty as an excuse for under-achievement by pupils and were too quick to blame their parents.
The report also highlighted the 'perverse influence' of a benefits system which leaves youngsters with more cash if they stay on state handouts than if they find work.
Read more:
Teach them left wing bollocks by left wing teachers.
Then when they fail, and the immigrants do better at school, the immigrants can be used to create a new Labour voting middle class to replace the white working class.
Are you so fucking stupid that you think this is an accident.
This has been planned - this is the slow dispossession and ethnic cleansing of our people from our country.
Never mind, the civil war will happen spontaneously and naturally in the future - and the left and the liberals will have laid the foundations for it.
How schools 'turn white working-class boys to crime'
By Laura Clark
Last updated at 4:33 AM on 27th November 2009
* Comments (6)
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Failing state schools are turning thousands of poor white boys into criminals and social misfits, a report claims today.
Schools are accused of letting down 'potentially decent' children on a massive scale by failing to instil proper discipline or teach them to read.
Youngsters are condemned to a life of crime, drugs and prison - and watching their own children fail - because they leave school without a grasp of the three Rs or basic social skills.
Youth with a knife
Failing: State schools are turning thousands of poor white boys into criminals and social misfits (file picture)
They live on benefits because they lack the skills needed even for menial jobs.
The report from the Centre for Policy Studies said only six per cent of white boys on free school meals and 16 per cent of black Caribbean boys go on to further education. One in five 14-year-old boys has a reading age of nine or below.
Author Harriet Sergeant blamed the crisis on the rise of left-wing education ideologies which disdain tough discipline, competitive sport and rigorous teaching methods such as phonics.
Schools also used poverty as an excuse for under-achievement by pupils and were too quick to blame their parents.
The report also highlighted the 'perverse influence' of a benefits system which leaves youngsters with more cash if they stay on state handouts than if they find work.
Read more:
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