Friday 6 January 2012

The Kemp Lie On BNP Ideas

This is Kemps farsical statement on the BNP Ideas site ;

I hadn’t until someone emailed me a copy of Barnes’s latest rant. Apparently I wanted to take over the British Freedom party along with Andrew Brons! (according to that story.)

That story is pure fiction and completely made-up. There is no truth to it whatsoever.

Classic Barnes dementia—at least I had a good laugh.

For the record, I am not a member of any party, and have no intention of joining any one either. I wish you all good luck.

1) I never said Kemp wanted to take over the British Freedom Party what I was said that a senior member of Andrew Brons entourage had contacted Peter Mullins - saying he was acting under the authority of Andrew Brons - to ask for Andrew Brons to takeover the party.

The deal, as I stated, was that Andrew Brons would take over the party - not Kemp.

The person who spoke to Peter Mullins said that as part of the deal Arthur Kemp had demanded that I and simon bennett be removed from the party EC.

Kemp is being his usual disingenuous self when he says I said he wanted to take over the party - I never said that and that was never Kemps demand.

It was Andrew Brons who was going to take over the party according to the person making the offer.

It seems that Kemp and the person making the offer may not have been acting under Andrew Brons authority - that was very naughty of you Kemp and the person who made the offer.

2) The story is 100 % true - ask Peter Mullins and the people who were involved in the debates around the offer at the time - the EC members of the party who were informed of the offer

3) Classic Kemp diversionary technique to label someone demented to try and obfuscate the issue - seeing as Nick Griffin used to tell me all the time how Kemp was a maniac sociopath whose ego was such that he thought himself superior to every nationalist in the country !

4) As for his ' I am a member of no party and have no intention to join any' - thats the sort of guarantee that Neville Chamberlain put his faith in !

I dont expect you to believe me - I simply say to you contact those people who I named in the article below and ask them.

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Anonymous said...

I believe you Lee.

Kemp is nothing but an information traitor.

Look at the mans history to find out how loyal he is to "his" people.

Anonymous said...

Brons was considering taking over the Democratic Nationalists but true to form bottled it.