Islam is not a monolithic religious entity with one defined set of rules, there is in fact many Islam's.
To say there is an single 'Islam' is like saying there is a single 'christianity' which includes protestantism, Jehovahs Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists and Catholics as they are all the same.
They are not. Go and ask the people in Northern Ireland if Catholicism and Protestantism are the same.
They each use the Bible as the basis of their faith, but each have massive doctrinal differences.
This is why each will kill the other in the name of some minor doctrinal differences.
The same is with the Islamic religions.
They each use the Koran but each are fundamentally different.
A Muslim can reject Sharia Law just as a Christian can reject Christian Fundamentalism.
One can be a Muslim and a Christian without being a fundamentalist nutter.
The problem is always the extremists - the Sharia law nutters, the Christian Fundamentalist rapture nutters, the Zionists and the Islamists etc etc.
This is why the enemy is not Islam, but Islamism.
This is why the problem is fundamentalists not Muslims.
To say the problem is Islam or Muslims is simply wrong.
One can be a decent human being and a Muslim just as one can be a decent Catholic priest and condemn the pederasts in the Church.
The problem is when people conflate Islamists with Muslims or pederasts with the Church and try and say the problem is Islam or the Catholic Church - it isnt.
The problem is fundamentalism and evil individuals.
You don't know what you're talking about. There are many "Islams" but all follow the Koran as you say and all believe in Mohammed.
All believe that Islam has to be the world's religion as commanded by Allah in the Koran and sharia law - law based on the Koran, that is, the word of God - is inherent to Islam. You CANNOT be a Muslim and disown Sharia. To state otherwise is a nonsense. The only time muslims will do so is to advance Islam or wait until Islam is in a strong position - google Al Taqiyya.
That's why if you go to ANY Islamic country you will never see unbelievers, women and children treated as equals. Even the Buddhists of Southern Thailand are now realising this. Which peaceful Islamic non-sharia sect would be responsible for slaughtering over 3000 of them Lee? I wonder where they get their inspiration from?
But if what you say is true, then name one Islamic state where unbelievers live as equals to Muslims.
And like most people who do not know what they're talking about with Islam, you fail to mention the example personally set by the man who is the embodiment of Islam no matter what sect. The Islamic prophet Mohammed. A murderer, a rapist, an enslaver, a torturer, a wife-beater, a paedophile, a deceiver, a pervert and a mysogynist.
The sects of Christianity don't kill each other en masse nor do they kill unbelievers nor do they worship an evil psycho like Mohammed. To draw a comparison with them and Islam is crass.
Islam is the problem. It is the problem wherever it goes. FACT. It is a supremacist, intolerant ideology whose deity commands believers to wage war on the unbleivers. FACT. It has been doing so since 622. FACT. It is either us or them. FACT. Don't believe me? Ask the Christians of Turkey, The ME, and especially Kosovo.
The problem is being outbred by Muslims who are growing at a rapid rate in this country. The problem is the dhimmi attitude and cow-towing of our political and religious leaders to foreigners in general and muslims in particular. The problem is that ordinary Brits have forgotten how to stand up for themselves. The problem is that the BNP has managed to become unhinged.
Bahaism Chris ?
The Bahai faith is not Islam and it isn't even a sect of Islam either. They are regarded as mushrikoun by muslims and are being dreadfully persecuted in Iran.
You believe that there is a peaceful Islam that treats unbelievers - infidels, kuffar - as equals. So I give you a challenge. Find these peaceful muslims and offer to accompany them on the hajj to mecca. In fact, just go to mecca or medina (the two most sacred cities in Islam) and say you're coming in peace.
I cast-iron guarantee you will no longer believe in this nonsense about "peaceful Islam".
"There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. These descriptions are very ugly, it is offensive and an insult to our religion. Islam is Islam and that’s it."
Racep Erdogan, PM of Turkey.
the historic bonds of fundamental cultural and philosophical rabid nationalism is firmly routed in most if not all Muslims and in a pack they will attack.
What you say is correct,but only within individualism, not as a collective.
I have a local shopkeeper who is Muslim that I would class as a friend more than the shit down the road and the scum in the councils. But there is very sinister mechanisms at work that the masses will attack when the time is right and when that time comes,you and I will identify our own, warts and even silly morris's too !
@ Chris
"But if what you say is true, then name one Islamic state where unbelievers live as equals to Muslims"
1) Malaysia
2) Trinidad and Tobago
3) Tanzania
4) Albania
5) UAE
6) Oman
7) Kuwait
8) Iraq (pre war)
Want more examples? LOL
Time to educate you:
1)Malyasia -
200 Shias Arrested
2) Trinidad And Tobago - Not Islamic.
Islamic Countries
3)Neither is Tanzania.
4)Albania - That's the same Islamic state that has just conquered Kosovo into Greater Albania and is a hotbed for drug jihad and human trafficking.
5)UAE - Maybe the best of the bunch but equals? They flog people of all faiths:
UAE Not A Free State
6) Oman - Another state that isn't free where women suffer:
7)Kuwait - One of the main funders of Islamic jihad along with Saudi Arabia. Women suffer again:
8)Iraq (pre war) - where Saddam gassed the Kurds? Where Saddams goons raped women and tortured them? Where dissenters were imprisoned, tortured and executed? Here, read about Iraq - pre-war and let's not forget they're now ethnically cleansing chaldean Christians from their land, just as they did with the Jews.
You can give more examples if you want but I suggest you read up about them first.
Albania, Kuwait and Iraq treating people as equals - MegaLOLZ.
@ Chris
Ok since you ASSUME all muslim countries treat non-muslims as non equals then answer this simple question:
if places such as UAE treat non-muslims as inferiors then why do some BNP members prefer to live and work in UAE? Kind of goes against your theory doesn't it? :)
You'll find this hard to believe but in pre-war Iraq Saddam Hussain treated Christians and Shia's as equals...Tariq Aziz (christian)...ring a bell? In fact Christians enjoyed much more freedom under Saddam than they do now in a puppet government. As for Saddam gassing Kurds, you do know that the majority of kurds are muslims? No, saddam simply gassed them for rebelling against the state, ie they wanted a separate homeland. If the whole of Scotland tomorrow decided to take up arms and started to kill english army in scotland do you think the English wouldn't use force to quell the uprising north of the border? That is all that Saddam did to the kurds, call him evil if you want but he was a 'necessary evil'. Under Saddam the ordinary man and woman on the street of ALL religions could go about their daily business without look at the hell hole that's been created.
I have friends who work over there, they're there for the money. And they also tell me what happens to workers from third world countries. Not pleasant. And be honest: What happens to them if they proselytize Christianity and how many Jews (these countries used to have large Jewish communities) are living there now?
As for Iraq, you are forgetting conveniently that they fought a war against Iran. All part of the war going on between Shias and Sunnis who see each other as apostates. I really don't care if Saddam was good bad whatever. We shouldn't have been there, none of our business. The entire middle east is a retarded hell hole as far as I'm concerned. With the notable exception of Israel of course.
But as you are so sure muslims treat non-believers as equals, do the challenge I gave Lee earlier. Find these "tolerant" muslims and go to mecca and medina with them.
Islam = Religious and gender apartheid everywhere it goes. FACT.
Cheers and a Merry Christmas to Lee and all nationalists,
@ Chris
Ok ask your Gulf friends one question: are there any churches where they live? You will find that all Middle east countries (with the exception of saudi) have churches...yes i know its hard to believe, but its true, having visited every GCC country myself. It seems your ignorance of Islam is based on one country ONLY...saudi arabia. Yet you conveniently forget Muslim countries such as Tunisia, Senegal, Indonesia, Morocco treat EVERYONE as equals on their lands. But no, you ASSUME ALL muslim countries are like saudi arabia because its then easy to vilify muslims. Using your analogy is it fair to say that ALL Christians are evil, based on genocide carried out by Christian Rwandans right? And if islam is such an evil religion what the f*ck was Nick Griffin doing in Libya in 1986? You do know that he is good chums with the Colonel don't ya? LOL
Answer me a question: Can Christians freely proselytize in those countries?
And my knowledge of Islam is based on study of the Qur'an, Haddith and Sira. It is also based on the study of the history of Islamic jihad.
The only one demonstrating ignorance here is you with your continual lies and apologies for muslims as I have clearly shown. And I will do so again now:
What happened to the Jews of North Africa? They were all either expelled or executed.
What happens to gays and apostates in the countries you mention - including the UAE? Death.
Are women treated as equals in Morocco? Categorically not. And Morocco is conducting drug jihad against Europe:
Morocco And Hashish
The Christians are fighting against Jihad in Indonesia:
Catholics Not Allowed To Celebrate Mass
Ongoing Jihad In Indonesia Against the Chritsians And Buddhists
As for Senegal, here's how they treat their children:
Child Trafficking Senegal
FGM is also practiced in Senegal.
Senegal also hosted the OIC conference which resolved to silence Western criticism of Islam. That means it's also playing an active part in the Islamic jihad against us.
There are restrictions on religious speech in Tunisia and Muslim women are not permitted to marry outside their religion.
Your knowledge of Islam is in severe lack and people like you who apologize for Islam are nothing but collaborators who help to further Islamic jihad.
I think I've offered more than enough evidence to disprove your claims and shall not bother to pursue this further. You could take the challenge though if you're so sure? Don't forget to keep us posted - which may prove rather difficult if you know what I mean? Maybe it would be easier if you explained why non-believers are prohibited from entering Mecca or Medina - on pain of death? Can you Mark?
Your anologies are straw men and utterly risible.
Morocco and Indonesia secular societies - ROFLMAO!!
Part two:
Are women treated as equals in Morocco? Categorically not. And Morocco is conducting drug jihad against Europe:
Morocco And Hashish
The Christians are fighting against Jihad in Indonesia:
Catholics Not Allowed To Celebrate Mass
Ongoing Jihad In Indonesia Against the Chritsians And Buddhists
As for Senegal, here's how they treat their children:
Child Trafficking Senegal
FGM is also practiced in Senegal.
Senegal also hosted the OIC conference which resolved to silence Western criticism of Islam. That means it's also playing an active part in the Islamic jihad against us.
There are restrictions on religious speech in Tunisia and Muslim women are not permitted to marry outside their religion.
Your knowledge of Islam is in severe lack and people like you who apologize for Islam are nothing but collaborators who help to further Islamic jihad.
I think I've offered more than enough evidence to disprove your claims and shall not bother to pursue this further. You could take the challenge though if you're so sure? Don't forget to keep us posted - which may prove rather difficult if you know what I mean? Maybe it would be easier if you explained why non-believers are banned from entering Mecca and Medina - on pain of death?
Your anologies are straw men and utterly risible.
Morocco and Indonesia secular societies - ROFLMAO!!
So you think Muslim countries/Islam promote and export drugs to Europe? Then why oh why do most Islamic countries carry the death penalty for the use/dealing of drugs? You do know that Saudi Arabia executes HUNDREDS OF MUSLIMS every year for dealing in drugs? You do know that the Taliban wiped out more than 90% of opium production in Afghanistan whilst they were in power? (probably the only good thing they did).
And here's the 64 million dollar question: considering that Islam has been around for centuries, why did it only become 'evil' since 10 years ago? Could it have something to do with a bunch of bearded nutters who killed thousands of innocents (of all faiths) in NY on 9/11 under the banner of Islam and proclaimed this is from ALL of Islam? Why were the likes of you not so vocal when nationalists such as Gri££in were visiting Islamic countries bumchumming Islamic leaders (Col gadaffi). Was Islam a different religion then? I suspect it was LOL. And using your warped logic, its also fair to say Christians are evil...based on the genocide carried out by Christian Rwandans in Africa. Look forward to your reply based on 'facts' from jihadwatch LOL
You are now becoming hysterical.
I gave you the example of Morocco with supporting evidence. You have now started banging on about ME countries but it was YOU who mentioned Morocco. I just pointed out that you were completely wrong about that country. As you have been wrong all through this debate.
You'll also find that muslims taking drugs or dealing to muslims is the issue. Dealing drugs to dirty kuffars to further Islam is no problem at all. It's a major part of the jihad against us.
As for your question, again you construct a straw man and attack it. Islam didn't become evil on 9/11, it became evil in 622 and has brought evil to the world ever since. A point I have been mentioning throughout regarding the history of jihad which seems to be beyond your powers of comprehension. As for Griffin's tip to Libya, what relevance that has I don't know but I for one think it another almighty cock-up in a long list of many.
$64 million question? It wouldn't even be worth 64 pence. You could try answering the question I asked you, if you know the answer that is which I doubt.
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