The power of lies, deception and self-delusion
By Christopher King
19 June 2011
Christopher King considers the bubble of deception and lies that underpins the British political establishment and the ignorance and self-delusion that sustain public support for this establishment.
”My friends, you have not yet recognized that we are at war within our country. We are living on capital, on the fat accumulated by past generations of inventors, builders and social reformers. It will soon be gone and our war will become exactly like those of Tunisia, Egypt or Syria. Perhaps like Afghanistan. You don’t believe it? Just look at the speed of collapse in Greece.” (Christopher King)
My family has an investment in Libya. It is a small plot of land in the Knightsbridge War Cemetery at Acroma, eastern Libya, where my uncle, my father’s brother, is buried. He died fighting Rommel’s forces in World War II and left a young wife. My grandmother mourned him, her youngest son, for the rest of her life. You might say that my father was more fortunate. Although he was captured by the Japanese when Singapore fell due to British military incompetence, he survived his period as a prisoner of war.
You might think that my parents were able to take up their lives where they left off. That was not the case. Warfare, it seems, changes people. Suffice to say that the war destroyed our family.
“...our public is afraid of the truth which is in plain sight. We are witnessing the triumph of illusion over reality; of lies over truth; of hope over the death of our economy.”
That is why I despise the warmongers Barack Obama, George Bush, Anthony Blair, Gordon Brown and David Cameron along with the Gaddafis and Saddams – men who enrich themselves and advance their interests in others’ blood and suffering. Nor do I exclude the British Chiefs of Defence Staff who wring their hands in mock sorrow at the deaths of their men. If they had a scrap of courage themselves they would cite the Nuremberg Principles and bring their men home. These people are all the same. Every country has them – failures as moral humans. Why do we tolerate them?
It is a mystery to me why anyone voted a second term for Anthony Blair after he had hawked the Americans’ Iraq invasion around Europe. Our public next voted him in for a third term! David Cameron, Gordon Brown and Nick Clegg all stood on a pro-war platform. Everyone voted for them as if it were the most natural thing in the world for these men to conspire to invade other countries, bomb and shoot their inhabitants and assassinate them with drones. It can be no surprise that our politicians are engaged in yet another American war in Libya.
The British public accepts being led by men who prefer war to peace, to being robbed by their paymasters, the bankers, American and British, rather than controlling our own money and to being parasitized by America rather than ruling ourselves. There can be only one explanation: our public is afraid of the truth which is in plain sight. We are witnessing the triumph of illusion over reality; of lies over truth; of hope over the death of our economy. Yes, of evil over good. When tens, even hundreds of thousands of men, women and children have been killed in ten years of warfare, something is very wrong. Someone is doing something very bad. The simple, even trivial explanation: our public does not want to hear the bad news.
The bad news is that the consumer dream of infinite growth and never-ending plenty is at an end. The country’s economic trend is now downward. Our political and business leaders are engaged in a desperate conspiracy to conceal this trend to general poverty while ensuring that they and their families live in luxury. Anthony Blair, the bought-and-paid-for multi-millionaire is the model. He and his family live well at the cost of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives and Afghan lives.
The good news? I shall have to think about it.
“One day soon, perhaps seven or 10 years time, the British public will awaken cold, hungry, with children badly clothed, food and energy in short supply, bank accounts empty, debts unpaid, jobs impossible to find, social security non-existent. “How has this happened?” will be the cry.”
Our public clearly believes that our leaders and bankers are capable, responsible men. They know more than us, they must know what they are doing! And it is true.
They are indeed responsible men: our politicians are responsible to their banker and industrialist paymasters, our bankers to their co-conspirators. They do know more than we do – and ensure that we do not find our what they know by using the Official Secrets Act, invoking commercial confidence and a hundred tricks and evasions in and out of the courts and Parliament. And they know what they are doing very well – robbing us as ruthlessly as any Mubarak or Gaddafi.
One day soon, perhaps seven or 10 years time, the British public will awaken cold, hungry, with children badly clothed, food and energy in short supply, bank accounts empty, debts unpaid, jobs impossible to find, social security non-existent. “How has this happened?” will be the cry. “Where is the economic recovery?” My friends, the economic recovery will exist only in politicians’ mouths, in the pages of the Murdoch press and, of course, in banking inventions.
One of the best of men, Brian Haw, has lived in a tent in Parliament Square, protesting our wars for the last 10 years. It is no coincidence that those who have the fewest possessions see reality most clearly. That is why Jesus said (Mark 10:25) that a rich man will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven. It is always a matter of money. Wars are for money and those who kill foreigners to steal their resources will hardly shrink from killing their own countrymen to add to and preserve their wealth.
Why should anyone imagine that our prime minister and his deputy are any more virtuous than Saddam, Mubarak or Gaddafi when all the evidence is against it? Public illusion is possible because we are still able to live on the capital that past generations built up in this country. It will not last long in competition with over two and a half billion persons in China and India alone, whose ambition is to achieve our living standards and whose current income averages about GBP 50 to 60 per month. Note: averages. Hundreds of millions have no measurable income. These are not merely statistics. They are part of the dynamics of global production and markets.
“It is not our corrupt politicians who act in the best interests of our people and our country. It is the Julian Assanges and Brian Haws. They are the prophets of our time and the rich Great and Good hate them.”
It is not our corrupt politicians who act in the best interests of our people and our country. It is the Julian Assanges and Brian Haws. They are the prophets of our time and the rich Great and Good hate them. We should be flocking to support our prophets in our own best interests and it is precisely because they speak for our best interests that they are hated.
We have several generations who think that war is a sort of movie or computer game. Soldiers’ families are shocked and surprised when their sons and husbands are killed. It’s not supposed to happen. They seek explanations. The explanation is that their loved ones have died to ensure that America’s rich get richer and to allow our bankers and big businessmen to pick over their garbage. That is what our country has come to.
My friends, you have not yet recognized that we are at war within our country. We are living on capital, on the fat accumulated by past generations of inventors, builders and social reformers. It will soon be gone and our war will become exactly like those of Tunisia, Egypt or Syria. Perhaps like Afghanistan. You don’t believe it? Just look at the speed of collapse in Greece.
The first steps in commencing rebuilding our country and re-establishing an independent, self-reliant Britain are:
•Abandon the American wars that we are engaged in
•Get rid of all American bases in this country
•Leave NATO, abandon US military purchases, join a European defence force.
The first steps in commencing an economic recovery are:
•Stop the sale of publicly owned banking assets.
•Mutualize all publicly owned banking assets
•Cease government guarantees of deposits with the private sector banks
•Give government guarantees only to deposits with cooperative or mutual banks
•Cease giving private banks access to Bank of England funds
•Channel Bank of England funds exclusively through mutualized banks
•Investigate the HSBC takeover of the Midland bank in relation to an alleged one million pounds donation to the Conservative Party from the Chinese government
representative on the board and if corruption is confirmed, to nationalize equivalent HSBC assets.
The chancellor of the exchequer, George Osborne, has announced that he will “ring fence” the banks’ domestic banking sections and guarantee their deposits. This minimal, token gesture, originating from the Vickers-chaired Treasury Select Committee, is hailed as protecting the economy by our chancellor. The chancellor and this committee are not concerned with the national economy. They are concerned about preserving the wealth and privilege of their banker friends and themselves.
The threats to individual and national wealth posed by the greedy banks are undiminished. The media are already predicting that the banks will recover their profits from increased banking charges. It is not a matter of painting the banks a different colour. They crashed the economy and have been robbing us ever since.
The present banking system gives private sector bankers access to government Bank of England funds, government guarantees of their deposits and government bailouts of their losses. This system is an outrage. It needs complete replacement.
My father kept himself alive in a Japanese prison camp and his brother died in fighting wars that they believed were for their families, their countries and for a good cause. It was not for these despicable, disgusting liars who are robbing their own people and murdering foreigners by the hundreds of thousands for obscene wealth and insane American world-dominance fantasies backed by threats of nuclear holocaust. This is what truth looks like. I suspect that the British public will have to experience some “Third World” poverty in order to see it clearly.
All military reservists up to the age of 60 should be called up, briefed and given the necessary training for what is about to hit us.
Assange has the same lawyer as the Rothschilds...
A European defence force- we already have one.British/French defence treaty.
Instigated by Blair signed upto 2010 by the Red Tory Cameron.
Britains armed forces should be just that-Britains!
When Cameron and co are finished implementing long term Fabian policies of removing our ability to defend ourselves- we shall have to fight with knives and forks.
American Wars?
I don't think so- thats' not what i'm finding out.
The Zionists are playing this as an all-or-nothing exercise
March 11, 2011
Dr. Kevin Barrett speaks with military affairs expert Alan Sabrosky (Ph.D. University of Michigan, former Director of Studies, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College). Dr. Sabrosky who pulls no punches when he states, “I have had long conversations over the last two weeks with contacts at the Army War College and the headquarters, Marine Corps, and I’ve made it absolutely clear in both cases that it is 100% certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation.’ Period. “The Zionists are playing this as an all-or-nothing exercise. If they lose this one, they’re done.”
American Veterans today- they at least are waking up.
Hope Cameron can read....
“My opinion of Christian Zionists? They’re scum. But don’t tell them that. We need all the useful idiots we can get right now.”
(Benjamin Netanyahu)
Leo Strauss, the godfather of the neoconservative movement,
so pro-Israel it actually puts America’s interests behind Israel’s. It has brought us the war in Afghanistan and the war in Iraq and will bring us many more unnecessary wars, death and suffering if people don’t wake up and do something.
Israel’s War on America’s Constitution
Our own ZOG is the reason we go to wars- nothing more or less.
Abolishing the Bank of England should be the first step- it's not our bank!!
All banks should be Nationalised after throwing out all Zionists from Westminster.
Serving two masters isn't what we voted for.
The flag of Israel isn't my flag.
If Israel falls - so will the Western World- absolute rubbish direct from the gob of Bernard Lewis a stirring jew.
Muslims will outbreed us- unless things change.
Demographics will conquer the UK and Europe.
The Clash of Civilisations the phrase coined by Lewis himself- is just another way to get the Goyim to fight their wars.
There are two fears around- one to be tagged RACIST.
The other ANTI-SEMITE.
Both have acted to silence people- a very-very clever Zionist tool!
No need to look for corruption in the banking system- thats' what has lead us to where we are today.
You all now about the need to buy silver by now, and a few of you will have heard about Bit coin, a decentralised anonymous ( if you can surf anonymously ) currency, No Banks or Govt needed, it strikes at the heart of the monetary Ponzi scheme.
Well worth buying a couple at least.
Bitcoin, the end of state controlled Money
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