The party of the fops, popinjays and whore masters.
No wonder they support mass immigration as they like to molest immigrant women.
No wonder they support liberal drugs policies as they are coke fiends.
No doubt these members of the 'family' party are married.
The definition of a liberal is someone who votes so as to ensure their depravities and crimes remain legal.
The definition of a tory is someone stupid enough to still believe that anyone with a posh voice is a person with class and morals and who can be trusted.
Tory scandal: Vice madam to name four top Tories in tell-all book
EXCLUSIVE by James Saville, News Editor 19/04/2009
Leading Tories 'enjoyed' degrading sado-masochistic sex sessions with woman at centre of Smeargate scandal.
Tory sex scandal
The vice madam at the centre of the Smeargate scandal is set to name and shame FOUR high-flying Tories in a tell-all book.
Natalie Rowe will reveal how the men enjoyed degrading sex sessions which saw them whipped and handcuffed while high on cocaine.
Two of her former clients are in Tory leader David Cameron’s top team today, while the other two are former Tory ministers – one was in the Cabinet. Her £1million memoirs – already snapped up by a major publisher – threaten to send shockwaves through David Cameron’s party ahead of next year’s general election.
Natalie, 45, is the woman at the heart of the Smeargate emails over her relationship with shadow Chancellor George Osborne.
The former vice madam shared nights out with Osborne and his wealthy friends and claimed to have taken cocaine with him.
Osborne admits he knew Natalie, but has always denied taking cocaine with her. He refuses to comment on ever taking the drug. But Natalie claims the young Tory was fascinated by her world of whips, chains, rubber bondage equipment and sex toys.
But she has told the Sunday Mirror that his involvement is merely the tip of the iceberg – and she is set to expose four Tories for their seedy past in her tell-all book. She said: “It’s time the truth was told about some of the men who could end up running the country. Men who have been on all fours before me, crying like babies, taking massive amounts of drugs as I whip them senseless.”
The book is a warts-and-all account of Natalie’s venture into vice – from her days as a teenage runaway to her life as madam of her own high-class escort agency in fashionable Chelsea.
Two of the four prominent Tories are currently serving in David Cameron’s inner circle.
She says she had repeated sex sessions with them over a year-long period when they paid to be sex slaves. One snorted copious amounts of cocaine during the sessions.
“I had them barking like dogs and begging for mercy,” she said. “Quite often they would take me wholly in their confidence, discussing deep, personal matters about their past and their thoughts on other politicians. Most of them are desperately insecure and at war with their own egos.
“Now every time I see them on TV or in the newspaper, I just think, ‘How long are you going to be able to keep all this secret?’ Well, the answer is–not for much longer.”
Natalie will reveal in the book how:
“Tory A” – one of the two current senior MPs – falsely claimed to be a breast surgeon and fondled her breasts while “checking for lumps”.
“He used to bring a ‘special’ piece of equipment to enhance his sexual prowess... he was actually unable to perform without it.”
She will also expose a string of high-profile public figures, including a bank chief and a world-famous TV host. One banking executive told her after he was late for a session: “Sorry, I couldn’t get away from a meeting with the Prime Minister.”
She said “Tory B” insisted on wearing rubber pants so her whip would not leave marks on his backside. “He was nervous at first, but he soon got into it. He’d snort cocaine before, during and after the session – lots of it,” she said. “He liked to wear a dog’s collar and play sex games including whipping... he would call out ‘Please give me mercy, please give me mercy’.”
Natalie reveals she was hired by “Tory C” after his wealthy friends bet him he couldn’t get a black girlfriend. But then he became addicted to her weekly whipping sessions.
She said: “I’d turn up for sessions at his home … but what was bizarre is that he was still living with his mum and she’d be in the house while it was going on.”
But she says he was a let-down when it came to sex, earning him the nickname Two-minute Wonder.
“One night he was having a session with me and another girl and we got so bored we left him handcuffed to his radiator for a couple of hours while we went out to a nightclub.”
Natalie also tells how “Tory D” – now a Lord – was set up to visit her by his own WIFE, apparently in a bid to spice up their sex life. Natalie said: “I was gobsmacked when he told me, but I guess it takes all sorts. I couldn’t work out what was in it for her. I think it was so he could indulge in one or two of his fantasies.
“We had one session, but then he never called again and I was left wondering whether it was something I’d done – or maybe hadn’t done.”
Natalie worked under the name Miss Whiplash or Mistress Pain, and ran her own agency, Black Beauties.
Her memoirs will also tell of the wild parties she threw at her West London flat in the early 1990s, where young Osborne was a regular guest.
She says she also supplied drugs for parties for some members of Oxford’s notorious Bullingdon Club drinking circle, which included the future Tory Shadow Chancellor. She met them through her boyfriend at the time, William Sinclair – grandson of Sir Winston Churchill’s wartime air minister Sir Archibald Sinclair.
She said: “George Osborne was always fascinated with what I did for a living, he was interested in what clients I was seeing, how much I charged and what happened.
“I showed him the chains, the handcuffs and belts.”
She said that on one occasion Osborne – who denies ever having sex with Natalie – and his friends were at her flat at the same time she was having sex with a paying client.
She also reveals how she was often racially abused by Osborne’s friends – and even though he was offended by their comments he never had the courage to speak up.
But her damaging new revelations could shake the high command of the Tory party, as they trade on a “strictly no-sleaze” policy. Natalie found herself unwillingly at the centre of the emails scandal last week when she was identified by Gordon Brown’s shamed spin chief Damian McBride in a dirty tricks campaign.
McBride, who was hunting for gossip and rumours about Tories at the request of disgraced Labour aide Derek Draper, mischievously claimed George Osborne had sex sessions with Natalie – an allegation he strongly denies.
McBride is believed to have pointed to the existence of a tape-recorded conversation between Natalie and a close friend of Osborne’s in which the friend claims Osborne slept with her and took cocaine.
In another smear, the emails also said that an ex-girlfriend of Osborne’s has photos of him in a bra, knickers and suspenders.
The Sunday Mirror has decided to withhold the names of the four perverted Tories – although Miss Whiplash will show no such mercy.
“This book will be the opposite of Belle du Jour – the real story of my life as a dominatrix,” she says. “It’s not dressed up or sanitised – just the gritty truth involving some very powerful men.
“And I would like nothing more than for one of them to sue me so I can stand up and face them in court.”
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Referring to two senior Tories previously jailed for perjury, she added: “For anyone thinking about lying in court, I have two words for them… Aitken and Archer.
“I want to show how this business isn’t at all glamorous. When I moved to London as a teenager from Yorkshire all I had was 30p in my pocket.
“I got a job as a chambermaid in a top London hotel while I was working hard at college and got myself a good education. I ended up meeting my future husband who had lots of rich friends. One night they asked me to bring some of my friends along to a dinner party. I think they liked the idea of having some black girls along.
“I soon found out that his friends were not just interested in the food and wine and some of my friends were happy to have sex for money. But I saw it as a business opportunity and started up my own agency.
“I didn’t start off as a dominatrix – that developed because so many clients demanded kinky sex. It just so happened that I was a natural!
“I loved my job and got paid extremely well. Some clients spent an extortionate amount of money and I ended up being flown to some of the most expensive locations in the world.
“One multi-millionaire client – a British businessman who is in the annual rich list – flew me and six of my girls to a hotel in Monaco for four nights. He also organised couriers to send over large amounts of cocaine.
“We had the run of the hotel and could order champagne, lobster, even cash his cheques. Halfway through the trip he got bored of the girls and I had to send them back and replace them with new ones. The amount of money he was spending was obscene.
“He once spent £100,000 in one night in London. He had six black girls and a briefcase of money. Every time we turned him on, he’d dip his hand in, grab a fistful of notes and throw it at us, saying, ‘OK you f***ing bitches, here’s the money’.”
‘He claimed to be a doctor and fondled my breasts’
Married and a serving MP, he is seen as one of the most respected men in politics. He is also tipped to make the Tory Cabinet if they are elected.
Natalie said: “When he first came to see me I had no idea he was an MP. In fact, he claimed he was a breast surgeon and offered to give me a check-up. He would fondle my breasts for a good few minutes, checking for any lumps before saying, ‘No, everything’s fine.’
“He used to turn up to see me in this long beige mac which, frankly, he looked a bit like a flasher in.
“He always used to bring a ‘special’ piece of equipment along which would enhance his sexual prowess. The truth is he was actually unable to perform without it.
“For goodness sake, this is a man who could be one of those running the country in 12 months’ time!”
‘Wore a dog-collar for his whippings, but a nice guy’
A married man, tipped for a prime role in any future Tory government. Natalie claims she had five cocaine-fuelled sessions with Tory B, who got his kicks from being whipped while in a dog’s collar.
She said: “I really fancied him when we first met at the home of one of his friends. At first he had no idea what I did for a living, but his wife kept giving me the evil eye. Then one day his friend let slip what I actually did and he booked me for a session.
“A lot of the men I meet are cold and uninteresting, but he had a good soul. But he would soon go off on a rant as soon as anyone mentioned politics. He was very critical of William Hague, the Tory leader at the time. He said after hoovering up a line of coke ‘I’ll be Prime Minister one day’ and I joked, ‘And I’ll have all the evidence on you.’
“He paid me £360 plus pop, which means he had to pay for cocaine on top.”
‘Kinky sex at his mum’s house.. with her at home’
A wealthy former minister who first hired Natalie to act as his black girlfriend.
“He phoned the escort service I was working for and asked for a black girl. When I got there he said, ‘Don’t let on that I’m paying you to be here.’ He’d bet his friends that he could pull a black girl.
“At first I was a bit worried I’d be the victim of racism, but they were all very welcoming. I actually had a great night and we got on quite well.
“He became a regular client, and I’d turn up at his home in London once a week without fail. Bizarrely, he was still living with his mum and she used to give me funny looks as we headed to his bedroom, like ‘Why’s my son sleeping with a black girl?’
“After eight months he told me he had to stop seeing me as he’d become addicted to it. I didn’t even know he was an MP until I saw him on TV making a statement about something important.”
‘His wife sent him to me.. to spice up their sex life’
Natalie had just one sex session with this married former minister, now a highly-respected peer – and it was arranged by his wife.
She said: “A friend of his was already my client and was having dinner with the minister and his wife. Apparently they got talking about me and my client said how much fun it was and exactly the sort of services I offered.
“The minister’s wife asked his friend to set a session up with me and her husband.
“I was gobsmacked when he told me, but I guess it takes all sorts. I think it was to spice up their own sex life, and so he could indulge in one or two fantasies.
“We had just the one session, which was very gentle, then he never called again.
“I often wonder if it was something I’d done… or maybe hadn’t done.”
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