His crime was to download an article from the internet about womens rights.
He was sentenced to death and then given twenty years in prison.
Now the Islamist / NATO / US Puppet scum that run the country have passed laws that allow child marriage, rape in marriage and that end a womans right to an education.
Fuck Afghanistan.
Let them live in the rathole they create for themselves.
We have no moral obligation to these Islamist nutters.
Let them kill each other if they wish - its nothing to do with us.
Bring our troops back home and have them defending the docks of Dover and fighting the war on terrorism in British streets, such as Oldham, Leeds and Rotherham where the real Jihadists are.
The real Jihadists are the ones planting bombs in Britain, the ones importing heroin into the UK to kill our people with drugs and they are the ones who are raping our children and prostituting them in our streets.
Fuck Afghanistan.
A single drop of a British soldiers blood is worth more than the entire country.
We should never have been there and we should never get involved in foreign wars again.
The only borders our troops should defend are British borders and the British people - fuck the rest of the world.
They despise us even though we donate billions every year to them and our people die for their demented idea of a society.
Its time for us to withdraw and take care of our own people.
Instead of sending new British troops to Afghanistan in order to arse lick Obama, the idiot Brown should be withdrawing them.
Yes, fuck Afghanistan. We are only there because the Yanks want to put gas & oil pipelines through the country. Remember they said they went there because the Taliban would not give them Bin Larden?
Well they never had him to give to them, so why are they still there?
A bit OT but if Obama keeps sending troops to Afghanistan while they slide back, he'll end up in the same hated position Bush is in...maybe worse.
In a way, I agree with you. It makes no sense to send young people to their deaths for a nation that clearly cannot be liberated. No amount of military force can change warped minds. It's not worth it.
Hi Lormaire,
Just as I told you before the election - The new boss is the same as the old boss.
Obama is in Turkey today - I wonder whether he will demand that Turkey accept the genocide of the Armenians as a a genocide , or will he no longer mention it ?
Another of his broken campaign promises ( along with withdrawal from Iraq and fiscal prudence ) was that he would recognise the genocide as genocide.
I betcha he dont.
You are 100 % correct - whats the point of regime change if the people wont change the savage, ignorant culture and mindset they embrace ?
Hi Odin,
Another Imperial Oil War that was a total waste of time,
Couldnt agree more.
Is Obama negoiateing Turkeys entry to the EU some time soon?
Yes I agree out of Afghanistan and out of The EU
I think I'm in love with this man. Truer words have never commited to the blinking electrons on my computer screen.
Yes absolutely fuck Afghanistan and fuck moral relativism. FUCK KARZAI and fuck his crazy medieval tribe of warlords. Get Canada and the U.K. out of Afghanistan instead of shedding their blood and treasure for pond scum like him. Let the rest deal with it.
With love,
A Canadian brother.
You guys sound like huge fucking vaginas. Yes. Fuck Af-shit-stan. I would know first fucking hand since I am IN the mother fucker as I write this. But you guys are being crying bitches. What needs to happen is just airstrike the fuck out of this whole country and turn it to glass. And what the fuck is that comment about oil. In Afghanistan? REALLY? Theres no fucking oil here you dipshit. Theres only shitty muslim terrorists. So quit crying about it because its not going to change no matter how much you whine about it.
I think we both agree that Afghanistan is a rat hole with no strategic value for the west and that the country is never going to change as the people will not change.
The only reason we are in there is because of our imigration policies - the threat is not in afghanistan as if the terrorists wanted to turn that country into a faILED muslim state then who gives a shit , its their country isnt it. The problem is that we have no borders anymore, we are swamped with millions of illegal immigrants, terrorist supporters and islamist terrorists in our country.
because the politicians will not seal our borders to ensure the terrorists cannot get in and they will not execute the terrorists in our countries nor deport their supporters, you poor bastards have to sit over there and take their shit.
The answer is simple - withdraw from afghanistan, secure our national borders with our returned troops, execute all the terrorists in our own countires, deport all the islamist supporters in our nations and ensure no more illegal immigrants come into our nations.
Then the terrorist threat ends.
If they want to live in the stone age - then fucking let them.
If they start getting a bit too cocky then fly over their camps and bomb the shit out of them at 30,000 feet or with aerial drones.
We dont need boots on the fucking ground in afghanistan if we secure our borders properly and get rid of the inner enemy within our own nations,
but the politicians are all pussys who rely on the immigrants for cheap votes and cheap workers - and so you poor fuckers have to sit over ther getting shot and bombed because the politicians are all getting elected and rich from importing in immigrants and creating our internal national security threats.
The real terrorists are the fucking idiot politicians in our own countries that allowed the terrorists into our nation, who wont stop them and who allow terrorism to flourish as they are oh so liberal.
If afghanistanis want to live in the stone age then let em - its fuck all to do with us.
The soldier seems completely taken in by the establishment bullshit that we need to fight the Islamic terrorists in Afghanistan. It's a shame someone who is actually engaged in the bullshit war actually thinks that we have a legitimate fight there... er, no, we should get out and let the fuckers fight amongst themselves. Once we have secured our borders, any Islamic terrorist would never, ever be a threat to us.
I have heard this line before from military personnel; that being that they regard Afghanistan as a legitimate fight, to defend the west from Islamic terrorism... and as well intentioned and as courageous as our servicemen and women are, I am afraid that it's just complete garbage. We are in Afghanistan for the geopolitical agenda of the global elite, pure and simple. Of course its always easier to make people commit themselves to war if you somehow convince them it is a righteous cause.
We are not whining about the situation merely exposing it for the bullshit it is... if you mean that anyone who disagrees with the propaganda is a huge whining vagina then that's your opinion, but my opinion is that anyone who says that things ain't gonna change so quit whining, is laying themselves wide open to be arse raped by politicians.
I'm a "yank" but I agree.
There will always be tyrants that rule in the middle east.
If the west kills one there's a thousand more waiting to take his place.
And as far as I'm concerned it would take a thousand tyrants to equal the worth of one UK or US servicemember.
We need to get all troops out of Afghanistan NOW!
Dear brother, you are right to some extend about your comments, but not all of them are right.
You are right about that journalist in Afghanistan.
You are completely wrong about child marriage, rape and all these lie stuffs. You might hear about them from media. Trusting media completely is not right.
Afghan people are not killer. And they are not agree with presence of your military in their land. you should mention it to your politician to withdraw your army and soldier from not only this country, but other countries too-like Iraq.
afghans were living in that part of land for many thousand years. they are not interested in you, but it is you that left your country and come miles away to their country.
from your blogs it seems that even you people are not completely peaceful people. since conflicts and tension exist in british streets. when you are having conflicts, then how do you dare to call other people "killer".
yeah you should never have been out of your country and interfere in other's affairs. it is non of your business.
I agree with the ultimate aim of your comments but I wouldn't condemn the Afghan people because a lot of what you say about them is untrue. Yes, there is absolutely no reason for UK troops to be there and we should get our boys home right now. The whole deal with the Taliban was America's mess as they trained / funded / armed them to fight the USSR in the 80's then failed to rebuild the country as promised when the cold war ended. Afghanistan was invaded under false pretences (9/11) to distract the fact that the perpetrators were Saudi nationals (the Saudi royal family being best pals with the Bushes). America should sort this shit out, but as we know from history America's leaders are a bunch of fucktards who couldn't organise a pissup in a brewery. Let their soldiers die, not ours.
Which parts of comments were untrue??? I am an Afghan boy, and I think I know my society better than any one else. What ever the west and rest of world heard about Afghanistan is not right completely. There are some misunderstanding about afghans and afghanistan.
After my coming to India, I came to know that the world has a complete different view and opinions about us, which their views are not right.
I read a story about my city ( Mazar e Sharif) in National Geography which was wrong. So, now I can claim that sources of information dont carry right info all the time.
Yep, USA was a strong supporter of taliban. Or we can say America created this disaster. But I want to ask you a question, that why your government is co-operating with USA??
At the end, as u mentioned in your comment that " let american soldiers die not ours", I want to say, I dont want soldiers or any one else dies. Each one has a family or at least someone waiting for him or her. Instead I pray that this conflict gets solved as soon as possible and we live in peace as we were living, and your soldiers get back home safe.
Which parts of comments were untrue??? I am an Afghan boy, and I think I know my society better than any one else. What ever the west and rest of world heard about Afghanistan is not right completely. There are some misunderstanding about afghans and afghanistan.
After my coming to India, I came to know that the world has a complete different view and opinions about us, which their views are not right.
I read a story about my city ( Mazar e Sharif) in National Geography which was wrong. So, now I can claim that sources of information dont carry right info all the time.
Yep, USA was a strong supporter of taliban. Or we can say America created this disaster. But I want to ask you a question, that why your government is co-operating with USA??
At the end, as u mentioned in your comment that " let american soldiers die not ours", I want to say, I dont want soldiers or any one else dies. Each one has a family or at least someone waiting for him or her. Instead I pray that this conflict gets solved as soon as possible and we live in peace as we were living, and your soldiers get back home safe.
Which parts of comments were untrue??? I am an Afghan boy, and I think I know my society better than any one else. What ever the west and rest of world heard about Afghanistan is not right completely. There are some misunderstanding about afghans and afghanistan.
After my coming to India, I came to know that the world has a complete different view and opinions about us, which their views are not right.
I read a story about my city ( Mazar e Sharif) in National Geography which was wrong. So, now I can claim that sources of information dont carry right info all the time.
Yep, USA was a strong supporter of taliban. Or we can say America created this disaster. But I want to ask you a question, that why your government is co-operating with USA??
At the end, as u mentioned in your comment that " let american soldiers die not ours", I want to say, I dont want soldiers or any one else dies. Each one has a family or at least someone waiting for him or her. Instead I pray that this conflict gets solved as soon as possible and we live in peace as we were living, and your soldiers get back home safe.
Which parts of comments were untrue??? I am an Afghan boy, and I think I know my society better than any one else. What ever the west and rest of world heard about Afghanistan is not right completely. There are some misunderstanding about afghans and afghanistan.
After my coming to India, I came to know that the world has a complete different view and opinions about us, which their views are not right.
I read a story about my city ( Mazar e Sharif) in National Geography which was wrong. So, now I can claim that sources of information dont carry right info all the time.
Yep, USA was a strong supporter of taliban. Or we can say America created this disaster. But I want to ask you a question, that why your government is co-operating with USA??
At the end, as u mentioned in your comment that " let american soldiers die not ours", I want to say, I dont want soldiers or any one else dies. Each one has a family or at least someone waiting for him or her. Instead I pray that this conflict gets solved as soon as possible and we live in peace as we were living, and your soldiers get back home safe.
well listen you fucking cocksuckers!
if you have balls, do not delete this message!
First of all, you do not know anything about England’s history, maybe only how queen Victoria shaved her ass, but nog how you motherfuckers rubbed the whole world, for exam. India, Japan, etc etc.
you are nothing but thieves, the only reason you motherfuckers operate in Afghanistan is because you want to steal more and more, you motherfuckers are the business mans of gold, and drugs their, cock mother fucker suckers!!
Fuck you all british people with your fucking country England. you mother fuckers are to loot afghanistan but, you will be sorry and you will lose all your lives and nobody will bo out alive except one person half dead to tell you the story. fuck all britian and all infidels.
Long live Afghanistan.
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