Friday 20 June 2008

Gary McKinnon, NASA and the UFO hacks.

The story of Gary Mckinnon is an interesting one. He faces 20 charges in the US, including stealing computer files, obtaining secrets that might have been "useful to an enemy", intentionally causing damage to a protected computer, and interfering with maritime navigation equipment in New Jersey.

He is facing extradition to the US. He had, the US prosecutors said, perpetrated the "biggest military computer hack of all time". He "caused damage and impaired the integrity of information. The US military district of Washington became inoperable and the cost of repairing the shutdown was $700,000 US." These hacking attacks occurred immediately after September 11, 2001, they said.

The fact that Mckinnon was stoned some of the time, as the article links state, he was doing his hack attacks does not mean his integrity is damaged, seeing as US presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, Zachary Taylor and Franklin Pierce were all hemp smokers whilst they were running America.

The famous NASA footage of the missile being fired at the object is also evidence of an American satellite weapons capacity which is long denied ;

Note that the existence of many of these such satellites in the link above are not officialy listed as existing as they are top secret, but they still exist.

It may be that the US has advanced air craft and advanced energy and propulsion systems, but if it has then it is time to come clean about them.

The NASA footage reveals that not only does the US have satellites with missiles attached in orbit capable of shooting at objects AWAY from the earth ( fired at who we wonder ) but they also appear to have space craft capable of achieving speed and performance levels in orbit unseen so far by known science.

It is possible that the US has that sort of technology, but if so when is it going to tell its citizens - the people who pay for it.

NASA video footage of the missile attack here ;

NASA Astronauts ;

According to transcripts of the technical debriefing following the Apollo 11 mission, astronauts Armstrong, Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin and Michael Collins told of an encounter with a large cylindrical UFO even before reaching the moon. Aldrin said, “The first unusual thing that we saw I guess was one day out or pretty close to the moon. It had a sizable dimension to it...” Aldrin said the Apollo crew at first thought the object was the Saturn 4 booster rocket (S-IVB) but added, “We called the ground and were told the S-IVB was 6,000 miles away.” Aldrin described the UFO as a cylinder while Armstrong said it was “...really two rings. Two connected rings.” Collins also said it appeared to be a hollow cylinder which was tumbling. He added, “It was a hollow cylinder. But then you could change the focus on the sextant and it would be replaced by this open-book shape. It was really weird.”

Even more strange was the experience of Aldrin and Armstrong, after they reached the moon.

According to an Associated Press story of July 20, 1969 (my file copy is from the San Bernardino Sun-Telegram), the astronauts sighted eerie lights inside a crater near the point on the moon where their lunar lander was due to touch down the next day.

On their first sweep around the moon, Armstrong described a mysterious bright light on the inner wall of the crater Aristarchus, located north of their flight path. “It seems to have a slight amount of florescence to it. The area in the crater is quite bright,” he reported. “That area is definitely brighter than anything else I can see. There doesn’t appear to be any color involved in it…It looks like an eerie sight,” confirmed Aldrin.

Two astronauts who appear to have broken ranks are Dr. Edgar Mitchell and Gordon Cooper. On a Oprah Winfrey Show on July 19, 1991, Mitchell hinted that all information regarding UFOs has not been released, saying, “I do believe that here is a lot more known about extraterrestrial investigation than is available to the public right now (and) has been for a long time....It’s a long, long story. It goes back to World War II when all of that happened, and is highly classified stuff.”

On “Dateline NBC” in 1996, Mitchell was even more candid. “I have no firsthand experience, but I have had the opportunity to meet with people from three countries who in the course of their official duties claim to have had personal firsthand encounter experiences...with extraterrestrials,” he said. Recently, Mitchell flatly stated that some advanced military craft use technology derived from alien spacecraft that have been collected by the U.S. Government.

Cooper, in a letter read during a 1978 meeting at the United Nations to discuss UFOs, stated, “...I believe that these extraterrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet form other planets, which are obviously a little more advanced than we are here on Earth.”

Also that year, Cooper wrote a letter to the ambassador of the Mission of Grenada to the United Nations supporting a UN initiative to study UFOs. In his letter, Cooper stated that astronauts “are very reluctant to even discuss UFOs due to the great numbers of people who have indiscriminately sold fake stories and forged documents abusing their names and reputations without hesitation. Those few astronauts who have continued to participate in the UFO field have had to do so very cautiously. There are several of us who do believe in UFOs and who have had occasion to see a UFO on the ground, or from an airplane.”

Cooper’s mention of a “UFO on the ground” apparently was a reference to his own experience at Edwards Air Force Base on May 2, 1957. In 1993, Cooper gave this account of the incident, “...I had a crew that was filming an installation of a precision landing system we were installing out on the dry lake bed, and they were there with stills and movies and filmed the whole installation and they came running in to tell me that this UFO, a little saucer, had come down right over them, put down three gear, and landed about 50 yards from them, and as they proceeded to go on over to get a closer shot of it, it lifted up, put the gear in, and disappeared in a rapid rate of speed. And so I had to follow my directions as a military...I had to look up the regulations on who I was to call to report this, which I did, and they ordered me to immediately have the film developed, put it in a pouch, and send them by the commanding general’s plane to Washington, which I did. And that was the last I’ve ever heard of the film.”

It is interesting to note that, despite the continued protests that there is no government secrecy regarding UFOs, there is no public report on this incident. Although the event was listed in the Project Blue Book index, a full report and clear photos are suspiciously absent.

Yet Cooper, who reported the UFO landing, was selected as a Mercury astronaut only two years later. In a 1996 interview, Cooper said he discounts any conventional explanation for his experience. Asked his thoughts on UFOs, the astronaut said, “Well, I figured it was somebody coming from some distant place to visit us.”

This is what McKinnon says he discovered ;

Hacker fears 'UFO cover-up'

Watch an extended version of the interview, lasting 16 minutes
In 2002, Gary McKinnon was arrested by the UK's national high-tech crime unit, after being accused of hacking into Nasa and the US military computer networks.
He says he spent two years looking for photographic evidence of alien spacecraft and advanced power technology.

America now wants to put him on trial, and if tried there he could face 60 years behind bars.

Banned from using the internet, Gary spoke to Click presenter Spencer Kelly to tell his side of the story, ahead of his extradition hearing on Wednesday, 10 May. You can read what he had to say here.


Spencer Kelly: Here's your list of charges: you hacked into the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Department of Defense, and Nasa, amongst other things. Why?

Gary McKinnon: I was in search of suppressed technology, laughingly referred to as UFO technology. I think it's the biggest kept secret in the world because of its comic value, but it's a very important thing.

Old-age pensioners can't pay their fuel bills, countries are invaded to award oil contracts to the West, and meanwhile secretive parts of the secret government are sitting on suppressed technology for free energy.

SK: How did you go about trying to find the stuff you were looking for in Nasa, in the Department of Defense?

GM: Unlike the press would have you believe, it wasn't very clever. I searched for blank passwords, I wrote a tiny Perl script that tied together other people's programs that search for blank passwords, so you could scan 65,000 machines in just over eight minutes.

SK: So you're saying that you found computers which had a high-ranking status, administrator status, which hadn't had their passwords set - they were still set to default?

GM: Yes, precisely.

SK: Were you the only hacker to make it past the slightly lower-than-expected lines of defence?

GM: Yes, exactly, there were no lines of defence. There was a permanent tenancy of foreign hackers. You could run a command when you were on the machine that showed connections from all over the world, check the IP address to see if it was another military base or whatever, and it wasn't.

The General Accounting Office in America has again published another damning report saying that federal security is very, very poor.

SK: Over what kind of period were you hacking into these computers? Was it a one-time only, or for the course of a week?

GM: Oh no, it was a couple of years.

SK: And you went unnoticed for a couple of years?

GM: Oh yes. I used to be careful about the hours.

SK: So you would log on in the middle of the night, say?

GM: Yes, I'd always be juggling different time zones. Doing it at night time there's hopefully not many people around. But there was one occasion when a network engineer saw me and actually questioned me and we actually talked to each other via WordPad, which was very, very strange.

SK: So what did he say? And what did you say?

GM: He said "What are you doing?" which was a bit shocking. I told him I was from Military Computer Security, which he fully believed.

SK: Did you find what you were looking for?

GM: Yes.

SK: Tell us about it.

GM: There was a group called the Disclosure Project. They published a book which had 400 expert witnesses ranging from civilian air traffic controllers, through military radar operators, right up to the chaps who were responsible for whether or not to launch nuclear missiles.

They are some very credible, relied upon people, all saying yes, there is UFO technology, there's anti-gravity, there's free energy, and it's extra-terrestrial in origin, and we've captured spacecraft and reverse-engineered it.

SK: What did you find inside Nasa?

GM: One of these people was a Nasa photographic expert, and she said that in building eight of Johnson Space Centre they regularly airbrushed out images of UFOs from the high-resolution satellite imaging. What she said was there was there: there were folders called "filtered" and "unfiltered", "processed" and "raw", something like that.

I got one picture out of the folder, and bearing in mind this is a 56k dial-up, so a very slow internet connection, in dial-up days, using the remote control programme I turned the colour down to 4bit colour and the screen resolution really, really low, and even then the picture was still juddering as it came onto the screen.

But what came on to the screen was amazing. It was a culmination of all my efforts. It was a picture of something that definitely wasn't man-made.

It was above the Earth's hemisphere. It kind of looked like a satellite. It was cigar-shaped and had geodesic domes above, below, to the left, the right and both ends of it, and although it was a low-resolution picture it was very close up.

This thing was hanging in space, the earth's hemisphere visible below it, and no rivets, no seams, none of the stuff associated with normal man-made manufacturing.

SK: Is it possible this is an artist's impression?

GM: I don't know... For me, it was more than a coincidence. This woman has said: "This is what happens, in this building, in this space centre". I went into that building, that space centre, and saw exactly that.

SK: Do you have a copy of this? It came down to your machine.

GM: No, the graphical remote viewer works frame by frame. It's a Java application, so there's nothing to save on your hard drive, or at least if it is, only one frame at a time.

SK: So did you get the one frame?

GM: No.

SK: What happened?

GM: Once I was cut off, my picture just disappeared.

SK: You were actually cut off the time you were downloading the picture?

GM: Yes, I saw the guy's hand move across.

SK: You acknowledge that what you did was against the law, it was wrong, don't you?

GM: Unauthorised access is against the law and it is wrong.

SK: What do you think is a suitable punishment for someone who did what you did?

GM: Firstly, because of what I was looking for, I think I was morally correct. Even though I regret it now, I think the free energy technology should be publicly available.

I want to be tried in my own country, under the Computer Misuse Act, and I want evidence brought forward, or at least want the Americans to have to provide evidence in order to extradite me, because I know there is no evidence of damage.


Nasa told Click that it does not discuss computer security issues or legal matters. It denied it would ever manipulate images in order to deceive and said it had a policy of open and full disclosure, adding it had no direct evidence of extra-terrestrial life.


He did a few trial runs, hacking into Oxford University's network, for example, and he found the whole business "incredibly exciting. And then it got more exciting when I started going to places where I really shouldn't be."

"Like where?" I ask.

"The US Space Command," he says.

"What was the most exciting thing you saw?"

"I found a list of officers' names," he says, "under the heading 'Non-Terrestrial Officers'. It doesn't mean little green men. What I think it means is not Earth-based. I found a list of 'fleet-to-fleet transfers', and a list of ship names. I looked them up. They weren't US Navy ships. What I saw made me believe they have some kind of spaceship, off-planet."

"The Americans have a secret spaceship?" I ask.

"That's what this trickle of evidence has led me to believe."


Anonymous said...

Firstly, let us state by condemning without hesitation the atrocious and supine treatment by Gary McKinnon by 'his' government - the UK authorities - as well as by the vicious and fascist US authorities.

All those who look to the US to preserve 'democrac' and 'liberties' has better wake up and smell the cawfee.

Bin Laden's right-hand in the UK is allowed to remain in Britain, pampered with 000s of pounds of public dosh in benefits and refused extradition to the US because of his 'yuman rites'.Who could not think of a man more dangerous than him yet a BRITISH computer geek is due to be extradited to the US authorties because he dared to hack into THEIR government computer system.

McKinnon is likely to be considered as a 'terrorist' case unless he pleads guilty. So much for liberties and justice in the New World Order.

All those who profess belief in freedom and liberty should be subscribing to this case and demand from the British Government and their MPs that Gary McKinnon remain in the UK and receive punishment under the UK law (Misuse of Computers Act), and not be treated as a 'terrorist'. President Bush and his fascist New World Order should be told to MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS.

Anonymous said...

I would be very suspect about the whole issue of the claim against Gary McKinnon in having gained access to 'secret' US data about UFOs.

Think about it.

It would be well within the mindset and capability (and past experiences) of the US authorities to 'hide' so-called 'secret' and 'sensitive' files on UFOs and secret research and even alien visitations etc and ensure that a persistent hacker could break into the system, hence 'discovering' what amounts to a whole library of 'top secret Black projects'.

I doubt very much that the US authorities responsible for the contianment of secret technology and 'UFO' information would keep such material so loosely and unprotected.

The whole thing smacks of pre-planned leakage, even a planned 'leak' of 'secret' documents about the 'alien' origin of UFos and government cover-ups etc.

Anyne who has studied ufology and the history of cover-ups and who has not been sucked into the whirlpool of secret government cover-ups and the extraterrestrial origin of UFOs, will only be too familiar with the depths that the authorities have gone in not only using deceptions for terrestrial secrets and projects and sensitive incidents of huge political and military consequences, but also the extents that they have gone in hiding the REAL origin of UFOs.

Roswell and the MJ-12 cases are just the tip of the icebery in a whole catalogue of government disinformation desiged to hide the real secret of UFOs.

Of course, the origin of UFOs is NOT extraterrestrial. Why would so many 'leakages' come out withe reference to this hypothesis?

No, rather like an onion skin the real secret is hidden beneath a 'secret' and probably another one beneath that.

That is the way of the secret services and deception.

The real origin of UFOs is ULTRATERRESTRIAL.

They are already here. They exist on earth and have probably done so well before man. They co-exist with us and there is nothing that the authorities can do.

Now, that IS scary and governments DO NOT like to be powerless.

The secret is NOT somewhere out there.

It is somewhere WITHIN.