Role models are important in the development of individuals, especially in a society where the majority of families are divorced or with single parents.
This means that children may be missing a father as a role model and so seek to associate themselves with images of successful males in the media, or young girls may be missing the role models of an extended family and so their female role models are also via the media.
The role models of the white community below are the ones promoted by both the UAF and the media. The media glamorise them and their money and thereby glamorise them.
In a celebrity culture what matters is simply celebrity, not any form of integrity or positivity.
Young white girls are indoctrinated into sexually submissive and precious behaviours from an early age.
High Street Shops sell lap dancing bikini oufits to children, so that by the time they reach puberty they have already been exposed to a society that expects them to be sexualy servile to footballers and rap stars.
The porn star and the slut are promoted as positive role models for our female children, from Jordan to Lily Allen who admits being a drug dealer in her youth, and these people are then allowed access to our children as role models through the media.
Pete Doherty is promoted by the UAF as a role model for youth even though he is a heroin addict, a crack addict and a thief.
Amy Winehouse is celebrated for her singing, and this is somehow supposed to mean her drug addiction is irrelevant.
Kate Moss is sold as the face of London, yet she is a known drug user. In fact her drug use has made more wealthy as people like Phillip Green of Top Shop pay her millions to advertise his crap clothes.
Shane Mcgowan is an alcoholic.
Yet each of these people have been promoted by the UAF and NME as role models for white youth.
The NUT even supports the UAF and promotes the UAF in schools to children.
Note how positive black role models are promoted by the media and hollywood at the same time as the medie and hollywood promote negative role models for whites.
This is the way our society seeks to poison young white children.
You appear to be implying that the media promotes positive images of blacks while pushing negative images of whites. While I am not too familiar with the British media, I am skeptical of that implication. While it may be positive to you, Black British "subjects" would disagree. First, I would certainly not classify a woman such as Naomi Campbell as a positive black role model for obvious reasons. She only seems to get negative attention these days.
From what I've heard, the Big Brother UK series does an excellent job of presenting negative images of blacks. My point is this, I am quite sure that white celebrities will get free passes to misbehave while blacks would not.
Lastly, Hollywood does not promote positive images of blacks.
Hi Lormarie,
Naomi campbell in the UK has been for years pushed as a positive role model for black kids, it is only recently that the media has turned against her.
Even when she was revealed to be a druggie she was still feted and adored by the media.
The same is true of Linford Christie, even though he was revealed as a drug cheat he was not stripped of his OBE and still remains a role model.
Hollywoood has two roles for black actors as I explained before- Saints and Sinners.
Two stereotypes of blacks are perpetuated by hollywood - the hero and the criminal.
One balances out the other.
In relation to the English / British / Russians (and the Germans in the past) can you tell me one positive role model for white english kids ?
For example the cinemas greatest bad guy is Hannibal Lecter - English.
The main negative stereotype of blacks in the US comes from the music industry and its perpetuation of bling culture and rap hate.
Yet the music industry is now one of the main income sources for the black community - so whilst the images it perpetuates are negative it is enriching many blacks.
The big brother show is the most politically correct show on the planet, last year it called one of the contestants a 'racist' for them calling an asian contestant a bitch.
The 'racist' was herself half black.
The lastest idiot was a black woman whose boyfrend is in prison for a gang murder who threatened to get her gangster friends to shoot another constestant.
The show only allows positive images of blacks, gays etc etc - and it allowed the black woman who made the gun threats to stay even after she has threatened other contestants and abused muslims during previous weeks - if a white person had done any of those things they would have been kicked out immediatly.
Blacks get an easy ride on big brother - whites dont.
Its time to stop blaming whitey for all your problems - and realise the problem is the fault of your own people.
"Hi Lormarie,
Naomi campbell in the UK has been for years pushed as a positive role model for black kids, it is only recently that the media has turned against her.
Even when she was revealed to be a druggie she was still feted and adored by the media.
The same is true of Linford Christie, even though he was revealed as a drug cheat he was not stripped of his OBE and still remains a role model."
But that's the problem between our perceptions. While you see their "branding" as role models to be a case of media race preference of blacks over whites, I see it as harmful (to blacks in general). Therefore, how can you claim that the media pushes positive images of blacks while negatives for whites? The black examples you gave were not positive at all.
"The main negative stereotype of blacks in the US comes from the music industry and its perpetuation of bling culture and rap hate.
Yet the music industry is now one of the main income sources for the black community - so whilst the images it perpetuates are negative it is enriching many blacks."--DOL
I wouldn't call it an income source for the black community, only for those who are making the music. Besides, movies have been pretty negative as well.
"the black woman who made the gun threats to stay even after she has threatened other contestants and abused muslims during previous weeks - if a white person had done any of those things they would have been kicked out immediatly."--DOL
I thought she had been kicked off recently but that is beside the point. Ask yourself honestly, which community image was actually hurt by the presence of that woman? Now ask yourself why she was allowed to stay as long as she did? You mentioned that a white person would have been kicked off immediately...I agree. But again, the question is why. The media would rather tarnish the image of nonwhite people than whites.
"Its time to stop blaming whitey for all your problems - and realise the problem is the fault of your own people."--DOL
One of two classic assumption made by holders of the race card. The first is that all whites are racist for questioning blacks, the second is to assume that all blacks blame whitey for their problems. But let's get to the bigger picture. You mentioned this:
"In relation to the English / British / Russians (and the Germans in the past) can you tell me one positive role model for white english kids ?
For example the cinemas greatest bad guy is Hannibal Lecter - English."
Could it be that you should not blame the Jews who control hollywood for the negative images of English/Russians? Perhaps white English/Russian people should blame themselves? Or is it just blacks who should blame themselves? In answer to your question, no. I can't think of too many positive English character role models. But again, who is at fault?
How has linford christie or Naomi campbell (before they took drugs) being in he media harmed black people- both were positive role models before their fall ?
Are you saying that the media allow blacks to stay longer on programmes such as big brother when they would have kicked whites off for less, simply because they want those blacks to perpetuate negatove stereotypes ?
I think its more likely they let them get away with a hell of a lot more than whites could get away wth simply because they are black and they are scared of being called racist by them.
Are you saying that many blacks dont blame whites for their problems ?
How can I blame english people for the stereotypes of english people in the movies when no english people make those films or control hollywood ?
Are you saying that the racist stereotypes of the english are correct ?
I dont blame blcks or native americans for their depictions in the movies simply as blacks dont make those movies - except for spike lee who i once admired but who now also plays the race card all the time.
Are you saying that their are no positive english role models !!!!
"How has linford christie or Naomi campbell (before they took drugs) being in he media harmed black people- both were positive role models before their fall ?"--DOL
Your original post did not specify their roles before their fall. You simply titled it "black role models."
"Are you saying that the media allow blacks to stay longer on programmes such as big brother when they would have kicked whites off for less, simply because they want those blacks to perpetuate negatove stereotypes ?"--DOL
Yes, that's what I'm saying. Ever talk to someone who has been on a talk show or reality TV? The industry encourages people to make up stories that are based on racist stereotypes. The entertainment business thrives on negativity.
"Are you saying that many blacks dont blame whites for their problems ?"--DOL
Nope, I'm not saying that. I'm saying that it is an accusation that is similar to the "you are white so you must be a racist" diatribe. It is something flung around way too much.
"How can I blame english people for the stereotypes of english people in the movies when no english people make those films or control hollywood ?"--DOL
I am asking you to be fair with your criticism. If blacks are at fault for the negative images in the media, the white English should be responsible for theirs. I know you later mentioned that you do not blame blacks, but it wasn't made clear before.
"Are you saying that their are no positive english role models !!!!"--DOL
No, I am saying that I cannot think of any. Since I live in America, I don't really give much thought to who may be a positive English role model. The white English celebs that I see here are the Beckhams, Simon Cowell (sp), that frightening Scottish (or is he English?) chef named Gordon Ramsey, or the foul mouthed Osbournes to name a few. The US media does negatively stereotype the English as well as all Europeans (and whites in other parts of the world). But, how has that hurt foreign born whites?
Hi Lormarie,
I tink you may have a point when you say that the extra inches given to blacks in the meia in relation to their right to say what they want without censure causes problems. Whites resent the fact that it appears there are 'one rule for them and one rule for us, whites resent the fact that they get the right to say what they want about us without being called racist and we resent the fact that a double standard exists in that we are criticised for what they would not.
I THINK THE MEDIA AS IT IS DOMINATED BY WHITE, INSIPID, PC, LIBERALS has a 'race complex' and lets other races say what they want but automatically censures whites.
You may be correct when this extra tolerance of blacks, which would be attacked if whites said the same things, makes blacks appear as agressive, ignorant etc. By allowing them to say what they ban whites saying, this allows a stereotype to be perpetuated that may be negative.
This is due to misplaced paternalism and an attitude that 'well, they are blck arent they' in white liberals - a form of reverse racism.
I agree that the media is based on stereotypes, it is just that the black stereotype has moved from the criminal and gangster to the hero and scientist - whilst the english are always the villains !
The main negative stereotype of blacks is perpetuated in the rap music genre - which is from primarily black musicians.
Eminem doesnt rap about 'shooting niggers and whores' as he couldnt get away with it (he would be called racist of he rapped that ) but black rappers pump out that message all the time.
Therefore the negative stereotype of rap as regards blacks is self created and self perpetuated - unlike the hollywood movie business where the english have virtually no input.
The main stereotypes that are damaging the english kids here are from rap - we already have young white kids who talk like they were born in jamaica, dress like they were in LA and who carry guns like they are in NWA.
Hollywood perpetuates this loss of identity by creating self loathing for an english identity, and hence young white kids want to be seen to be cool 'like blacks are ' as they are depicted as cool in movies and in rap songs and on MTV.
"Eminem doesnt rap about 'shooting niggers and whores' as he couldnt get away with it (he would be called racist of he rapped that ) but black rappers pump out that message all the time."--DOL
He is a classic misogynistic rapper which is just as bad as being a racist. Eminem is said to have gone on a nigger tirade but directed at women. But there was never an outcry labeling him as a racist. (again, the fault of misogyny in the industry).
"The main stereotypes that are damaging the english kids here are from rap - we already have young white kids who talk like they were born in jamaica, dress like they were in LA and who carry guns like they are in NWA.--DOL
Hollywood perpetuates this loss of identity by creating self loathing for an english identity, and hence young white kids want to be seen to be cool 'like blacks are ' as they are depicted as cool in movies and in rap songs and on MTV"
I teach at the high school level. Teens go through phases that they will certainly outgrow at some point. There is enough positivity aimed at English youth for them to maintain a sense of self-love. So this affection for hip hop is just that, a phase.
Hi lormarie,
Tteenagers cannot outgrow being shot.
In this country we have an epidemic of gun and knife crime due to the popularity of rap and rap culture amongst both black and white youth.
White English youth are not taught to be proud of their race or culture - the only people who are taught positive role models in schols are black kids during Black History Month.
We have no White History Month.
Does your school have a White History Month to give white kids a positive identity - or do only black kids get that benefit ?
Bceause politics is dominated by PC and the left and right of politics is dominated by middle class liberal whites and middle class blacks, then the interests of the white poor and working class are ignored.
Blacks in the democratic party, like yourself, are proud to articulate the interests of their community - but who dares articulate the interests of the poor white working class.
The minute ANYONE talks about ' defending the community rights of whites ' we are labelled as RACISTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hip hop culture is taking root in white communities as whites are the new blacks.
Whilst many backs have entered the middle class, most of the poor whites have stayed where they are.
The hip hop ethos is mainly about poor people making money through music and violence - and this is what the poor whites are copying.
This is not a phase this embrace of hip hop culture by poor whites - this is the birth of a social crisis that will one day destroy Amaerica.
When you have young white kids raised with guns and with the gangster ethos - you have a disaster in the making.
"Hi lormarie,
Tteenagers cannot outgrow being shot."--DOL
Agreed. But most kids aren't shooting or getting shot. They're just listening to music and dressing a certain way. Soon, this phase will just be a memory like the belief in Santa Claus.
"In this country we have an epidemic of gun and knife crime due to the popularity of rap and rap culture amongst both black and white youth."--DOL
This is one of the reasons why I believe in censorship. If rap and rap culture has been identified to be the cause, why not censor it?
"White English youth are not taught to be proud of their race or culture - the only people who are taught positive role models in schols are black kids during Black History Month."--DOL
First I'd like to say thatI had no idea England celebrated black history month. Is it also in February? The shortest month of the year? The remaining eleven months are reserved for white history. But it's also known as plain old history. Get my drift?
"Does your school have a White History Month to give white kids a positive identity - or do only black kids get that benefit ?"--DOL
Our students are about 60-65% latino and 35-40% black give or take. But in answer to your question, all American schools celebrate white history. It's just not called white history. White history is "called" the founding fathers, the pilgrims, etc. We get white history day in and day out. That in and of itself gives white children a sense of pride.
"Blacks in the democratic party, like yourself, are proud to articulate the interests of their community - but who dares articulate the interests of the poor white working class."--DOL
I'll soon be making my exit from the democratic party. I should also mention that white democrats are generally sympathetic to the white working class. But, I consider myself to be a willing activist wherever there is a need.
The minute ANYONE talks about ' defending the community rights of whites ' we are labelled as RACISTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!--DOL
What is wrong with being labeled a racist? I'd guess fighters for "white rights" are labeled racist because they generally are. I have never listened to the sentiments of white nationalist who did not exhibit racist tendencies in addition to their nationalism.
Hi Lormarie,
I did a long post on this topic and my computer crashed.
I will retype it tomorrow, so please check back as I have to go out now,
In the Uk BLACK HISTORY MONTH is followed by 11 months of 'denigrate white history months'.
White kids are taught about everything fromthe nazis, slavery, the holocaust etc but never about Islams role in the slave trade, pol pot and communist genocide.
Its all one way of hate at white kids, to each them self hate.
Being labelled a racist would be ok if the same label was attached to all those of all races who all did the same thing, but only whites get called racist.
A double standard exists that impacts negatively only upon whites.
Why are you leaving the democrats party - with obama the candidate I though you would be well on board with it.
"Why are you leaving the democrats party - with obama the candidate I though you would be well on board with it."--DOL
First I'd like to say that Obama's candidacy can't do anything to regain my support for the democratic party in general. I made no secret that I would have supported McCain without hesitation had Clinton gotten the democratic nomination. The democrats are run by liberals. Some of them are so far to the left that they are no more earthly good. My point is that liberals encourage the victim mentality especially among blacks. It is this victim mentality that will slow down our progress as a race and eventually our nation. They do nothing but inflict pessimism in the minds of black people (think Jesse Jackson) and probably whites as well. I prefer ambition, economic empowerment, and social advancement rather than the Dem party solutions like affirmative action, abortion, and appeasement. I guess you can say that I don't need a government program to succeed against racism. If a racist places an obstacle in my way, I'll simply fight him (or her for that matter) myself. I should also add that democrats magnify racism to the 500th power...so things seem worse than they actually are.
I agree with 100 % with everything you say, its just a shame that if I said it I would be called a racist for doing so.
I have posted a series of articles on this site where I have shown to you just how much of a crisis the white population of the UK is in - yet anyone who dares seek to defend the interests of the white population is automaticaly called a racist.
Like you I prefer to fight the racists - the racists that tell me I am a racist when I seek to promote the interests of my community.
Liberalism has produced the most racist society in history with its endless labelling of people into racial groups and its hatred of whites who dare to organise in the multi-cultural process to protect white community interests.
In my case - white in the UK is the new black.
Once blacks in the UK were the victims of racism, now it is poor whites.
We are the sub human dehumanised class that can be abused, ridiculed and despised.
WE ALONE are denied the right to organise in the multi-cultural system to protect our community rights - even when all the evidence says we are the one community that is failing the most.
Thats why I can respect Chuck D when he said 'FIGHT THE POWER' - the power the black community once
fought has been defeated, it is us whites who now have to fight the power.
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