White people can be racist to white people, just as blacks can be racist to blacks.
Watch this video here and watch the racist prick Piers Morgan, with his smug sneer, wiped right off his fat fucking face.
A poor white man comes on stage, all the cosmopolitans, blacks and whites who despise poor white people, all laugh at him.
He is everything these fucking idiot TV babies and cosmopolitans have been raised to despise.
Poor, white, southern, a farmer, dressed in scruffy jeans and hooded top.
He is a hick, a redneck and as such everyone can be racist towards him with impunity.
They laugh, they sneer as everyone knows you can mock poor whites - even the black presenter in his slick suit has a pop - and then he sings.
He has more talent than any of the talentless 'celebrities' that are judging him.
Go Kevin Skinner !
Beautiful. What a fine man.
Left a lump in my throat ....
Yeah, are you seriously suggesting that no bugger heard this fellow audition or practise before the set? That he just wandered in off the street? That is not the way that things work if you think about it.
What happened was very similar to the way that Paul Potts was introduced to British audiences. First the fake scepticism to get the punters ready for a disaster, then turning the singer loose to wow 'em.
1) look at the audience - they definately had not heard him sing
2) the sneer on morgans face tells us he didnt hear him sing before he went on stage
The format requires the audience and the panel NOT hearing the person before they sing.
If it was fixed we would have heard of it long before now.
Awesome talent...
Shame it will count for nothing as he is not mixed race, on early release from prison for mugging an old lady, or a gangsta rapping, break dancing hoodie on drugs which seems to be what the judges look for to represent diversity and the enforced liberal view of "real" talent!
Piers Morgan nasty slimy git!
Should get this guy on Britain's got the shittest terriorists....
Another deightful yet unfortunately convicted NF/BNP supporter/member...
Would that be the Piers who probably got a few more extremists to go to Iraq and kill our boys based on his newspapers lies?
This man should be in prison for treason and shunned by the public and media alike.
Stunning voice. English, Scottish, Irish and Welsh (white) folks went out to the Appalacians and took their musical talent with them in the 18th and 19th centuries.. it's still alive and kicking today. We're moving to beautiful West Virginia in September, from the UK, and music is part of life there. Those white folks may be poor, but I've never met such a genuine and wonderful bunch of people in my life. It is a privilege to be going.
Should get this guy on Britain's got the shittest terriorists....
Another deightful yet unfortunately convicted Labour/Communist supporter/member...
Now anon, why don't you go fuck yourself, as we Americans love to say.
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