1) Stop teaching White children about the Holocaust (though not the communist genocide of course), Slavery (though of course not white slavery under Rome and Islam )
2) Stop teaching White kids about black racism - and start helping white kids who are the primary victims of racism
3) Stop spending money on community centres, sports grounds, role models for blacks and muslims and spend it on the community sufering the most - the white working class
Middle class white liberal PC brainwashed drones make me sick.
'Aspiration gap' for white poor
Working class white boys are too often limited by "low horizons" says report
More needs to be done to raise the aspirations of young people, especially boys, from isolated white working class communities, a government report says.
The Cabinet Office study said young people's hopes for their future varied by gender, ethnicity and social class.
It said living in working class areas, especially in former industrial towns and cities, may stop young people from reaching their potential.
But the problem was not as marked in ethnically mixed urban neighbourhoods.
The report confirmed what official statistics already indicate: that children from deprived backgrounds tend to do worse at school,.
It said that poor white boys have the lowest aspirations of all ethnic groups.
Attitudes often form over generations as a rational response to the situations in which people find themselves
Cabinet Office research
Last week, an analysis of the 2008 GCSE results showed that only one in six white boys who are entitled to free school meals obtained the government's benchmark of five good GCSEs.
The Cabinet Office report focused on different types of deprived communities and asked how their characteristics could feed into children's aspirations.
By analysing a long-term study of 14,000 young people in England, it found that youngsters in certain neighbourhoods were less likely to stay on in full time education after the age of 16.
The areas with the lowest educational aspirations, termed "low horizons" by the researchers, were characterised as deprived, close-knit cohesive communities with high levels of social housing and a history of economic decline.
The areas also tended to be inward-looking. with low population mobility, and few wider connections with people outside the immediate area.
'Ethnically diverse'
The report said: "Residents may lack broader links with people places outside their immediate neighbourhood.
"Attitudes often form over generations as a rational response to the situations in which people find themselves, but sometimes they linger on after the circumstances have improved.
"They can infiltrate communities: passed from parent to child, teacher to pupil: from the Job Centre Plus worker to the father who has been out of work for too long."
The areas pinpointed by researchers were mainly those formerly dominated by heavy industry, often in the north of England.
However there were also clusters of neighbourhoods in isolated rural areas of East Anglia and the west country.
But the researchers did find higher levels of aspirations among young people living in ethnically diverse, mobile, urban neighbourhoods.
In these places, about nine out of 10 young people intended to stay on at school after the age of 16, the study found.
'Negative influences'
The researchers suggested recent migrants to Britain might have more positive, optimistic views of what they could achieve compared to those whose families were more deeply entrenched in generational poverty.
They added that targeted work needed to be undertaken in communities particularly afflicted by low aspirations, rather than just by deprivation in general.
They said: "The negative influence of low aspirations on educational attainment and a broader range of life outcome mean that there is a strong case for intervention."
The study also suggested that locally-targeted projects aimed at changing behaviour could be effective in shifting attitudes.
The Association of Teachers and Lecturers argued at their annual conference that schools need to be able to vary the curriculum locally to give working class white boys a sense of identity and raise their achievement.
Recommendations on how such projects might work are due to be published as part of the Social Mobility white paper in January.
The report confirmed what official statistics already indicate: that children from deprived backgrounds tend to do worse at school,.
"It said that poor white boys have the lowest aspirations of all ethnic groups."
Could this be due to the beliefs passed down to them? From what I'm told, England is very class based. If people are members of a certain class, they are led to believe that they will remain there. I haven't read any peer reviewed studies to confirm if those beliefs are true...it's just something I hear from Americans who spend a good amount of time there. Immigrants are known for having the will to succeed in their new environments. That could be a reason why white boys have lower aspirations than nonwhites.
@ Lormarie
How come you haven't offered your analysis that this problem is due to "whites in power"? ... let me guess, it don't work like that does it?!
when it comes to understanding this issue isn't it funny how leftist idiots like Lormarie can offer statements like:
"Could this be due to the beliefs passed down to them?"
... and yet if this story was reversed and it was about how black boys are doing poorly then immediately, by some preprogrammed reflex, she would be saying it's due to institutional racism and "whites in power" - and anyone white person who said it could be due to inherited values would be classed as racist. Well, I have looked at Lormarie's website and seen she is black, therefore as she is commenting on whites, it must also be true that Lormarie's statement is racist. Basic logic.
Again, don't expect her to answer this point, as such glaringly obvious contradictions in hers, and those like hers, reasoning (and there are many contradictions) will go unanswered as it underpins their whole delusional existence and is central to their demented egos.
However, the reason we have a problem in education is just because of such double-think as posited by Lormarie, by extension she is the problem. This double-think is prevalent amongst the Marxist teaching establishment. Problems will never be solved all the time problems are not looked at honestly - something the left are incapable of doing as Lormarie excellently demonstrates.
So please stay Lormarie as you are an excellent example of everything we are saying... living proof of the nonsense of the lunatic left.
Re: aspirations of host and immigrant populations, taking the last first.
For England, in answer to LM's question, no. Blacks and Asian Muslims actually do poorly - both are driven to gang culture* (one by demonic 'rap,' the other by demonic religion) that is basically a social (and national) cancer. Black gang violence i.e. knifings and drive-by shootings, is a chronic problem in London. Muslim paedophile gangs are a scourge in many UK cities, particularly in NW England.
These groups are basically reverting to the savagery of their racial and ideological ancestors. Blacks have an added disadvantage in that, on any sort of level playing field, intellectually, as a group, they cannot compete with the host population and never have been able to. That is why the playing field has to be artificially tipped (by renegade Marxist white politicians and educationalists bent on destabilising and ultimately destroying hated WASP Britain) increasingly in the blacks' favour, though gang culture still wins out, for the reasons given (inferior average intellect and an innate tendency to tribal - now postcode - violence).
*As are some whites e.g. the killers of the young boy Rhys Jones, sentenced today. But white gang culture isn't endemic as in the BME examples cited above.
Indian i.e. Hindus, by contrast, do well, mainly because the original Hindu immigrants were high-class professionals e.g. medical doctors, who came in the 1950s. Many still are, likewise immigrant Sikhs and their descendants.
Re: the host population, in spite of appalling social deprivation, far worse than either real or imagined today (or suffered by blacks on southern US plantations before the Civil War), England became 'the workshop of the world' in the 19th century, a distinction that survived even into the 20th century. The first Anglican bishop of Liverpool, Bishop J.C. Ryle spoke glowingly in the latter part of the 19th century of "the hard-handed masses of the middle class and intelligent artisans, the brain and muscle of England."
He was in a position to know. Check out The White History link on the main BNP site for more information.
What you see w.r.t. white English pupils at present is an aberration brought about largely by the gangster-traitor Common Purpose politicians in power over the last 50+ years, in order to, as mentioned, destroy hated WASP Britain.
It's also in large part the reason for the British Resistance, spearheaded in the political realm by the BNP.
I hope this clarifies things for the UK perspective.
For England, in answer to LM's question, no. Blacks and Asian Muslims actually do poorly - both are driven to gang culture* (one by demonic 'rap,' the other by demonic religion) that is basically a social (and national) cancer. Black gang violence i.e. knifings and drive-by shootings, is a chronic problem in London. Muslim paedophile gangs are a scourge in many UK cities, particularly in NW England.--AO
No argument as this is a problem in the US.
These groups are basically reverting to the savagery of their racial and ideological ancestors--AO
A woman (from one of the womanist boards I frequent) alluded to the same conclusion. Not saying I agree with the "source" of your comment, but the behavior (of SOME) is quite savage. However, I wouldn't limit this to BME's as you put it.
"Blacks have an added disadvantage in that, on any sort of level playing field, intellectually, as a group, they cannot compete with the host population and never have been able to."--AO
Of course I disagree with the above, no further clarification needed.
That is why the playing field has to be artificially tipped (by renegade Marxist white politicians and educationalists bent on destabilising and ultimately destroying hated WASP Britain) increasingly in the blacks' favour, though gang culture still wins out, for the reasons given (inferior average intellect and an innate tendency to tribal - now postcode - violence).--AO
I don't see a legitimate reason to "tip scales in favor of blacks" in England since they don't have the same history that black Americans have. That is not to say that social programs are necessary here. It's to say that there is a concrete reason why it's done in the US.
I hope this clarifies things for the UK perspective.--AO
I understand your perspective. The problem I have is that many will blame laziness or the so-called inferiority of blacks for disparities in performance. Others place blame where it is due...on blacks. It is my humble opinion that whites are solely to blame for their failures as well.
"He was in a position to know. Check out The White History link on the main BNP site for more information."--AO
I have a hard time believing that a white history month is needed in Britain. Sounds like the BNP doth protest too much.
Re: the behavior (of SOME) is quite savage. However, I wouldn't limit this to BME's as you put it.
True, which is why I gave the example of the Rhys Jones murder. However, the accelerating BME savagery is endemic.
Re: Of course I disagree with the above, no further clarification needed.
As indeed you are entitled to but that does not alter the fact. Denial does not constitute refutation.
Blacks as a population in the UK have never excelled in anything other than some sports and aspects of the entertainment media and never will.
Re: I don't see a legitimate reason to "tip scales in favor of blacks" in England since they don't have the same history that black Americans have.
I gave you the reason. National destablisation, largely orchestrated through a Marxist movement called Common Purpose. The history of blacks in the UK is irrelevant.
Re: That is not to say that social programs are necessary here. It's to say that there is a concrete reason why it's done in the US.
No social programmes exist explicitly for white pupils in the UK. Scores of organisations - involuntarily tax payer funded - exist for BME advancement in the UK.
Re: It is my humble opinion that whites are solely to blame for their failures as well.
Again, you are entitled to your opinion. However, it was not ordinary white Brits as a whole who swamped their own country with mass foreign immigration or who dumbed down the education system, or who have allowed the spread of racist hate crimes against whites or who have allowed the Muslim menace to multiply out of control. Check out the BNP Booklet Racism Cuts Both Ways. It is a well-researched work.
Re: I have a hard time believing that a white history month is needed in Britain. Sounds like the BNP doth protest too much.
You would not say that if you knew how much the British education system has been distorted in the last 50 years in many schools. I suggest check the site and related articles on the BNP site. Many British school children are taught little or nothing about their country's heritage. To take a local example, our sons went to a very good high school and 6th Form college. Yet, at age 17, our younger son had never heard of King Alfred the Great or why he was called that. School children immediately post WW2 would have had this knowledge and understood its significance.
True, which is why I gave the example of the Rhys Jones murder. However, the accelerating BME savagery is endemic.--AO
But some people would claim that no group is more savage than white (males). I think that's why many are concerned with the rise in European nationalism. One need only look at WW II to see what happens when whites become nationalists. Not saying this view is right or wrong. It is a view nonetheless.
As indeed you are entitled to but that does not alter the fact. Denial does not constitute refutation.
Blacks as a population in the UK have never excelled in anything other than some sports and aspects of the entertainment media and never will.--AO
But (you) stating such doesn't make it a fact. The issue is, you are using the white perspective as the default perspective. From my perspective, no group excels at anything. But, people from all races have excelled in many fields. Admittedly, I don't know of too many Asian sports stars. But there are quite a few Asian entertainers. There are also blacks who have done exceptionally well in medicine, academics, science in general, etc. For me to debate this topic is similar to debating the existence of Santa Clause as told to children.
I gave you the reason. National destablisation, largely orchestrated through a Marxist movement called Common Purpose. The history of blacks in the UK is irrelevant.--AO
I read your comment. However, my point is that there is no good reason to create special programs (like affirmative action) for blacks in the UK. The history isn't the same as it is in the US.
No social programmes exist explicitly for white pupils in the UK. Scores of organisations - involuntarily tax payer funded - exist for BME advancement in the UK.--AO
No group is entitled to social programs for their specific group, IMO.
"Again, you are entitled to your opinion. However, it was not ordinary white Brits as a whole who swamped their own country with mass foreign immigration or who dumbed down the education system, or who have allowed the spread of racist hate crimes against whites or who have allowed the Muslim menace to multiply out of control. Check out the BNP Booklet Racism Cuts Both Ways. It is a well-researched work."
But if whites have a higher level of intelligence, should they not be expected to do better than BME's? Therefore, whites have no excuse to fail. If they in fact fail, it's their own fault. In fact, it is MUCH worse for a white person to fail than it is for a BME. It screams laziness. Higher levels of intelligence comes with higher standards for that group.
On the other hand, I do agree that hate crimes against whites should be called out and dealt with. Nonwhites can and do commit acts of racist violence.
"You would not say that if you knew how much the British education system has been distorted in the last 50 years in many schools."
Perhaps, but I think it would be better for me to take a look at curriculum guides from an unbiased source...like an education department or school district. Common sense should tell me and everyone else that African history is not English history. It is only logical that most of what should be taught is white history since England is a traditionally white nation. Children should also be taught about the history of others.
Re: I don't see a legitimate reason to "tip scales in favor of blacks" in England since they don't have the same history that black Americans have.
Jeez, talk about going round in circles... why then does the Black Police Association exist if there is no reason to tip the scales in favour of blacks?
We have already been here and your argument has been completely (and easily) dismantled, yet still your brain trips back to it's hard-wired reflex programming and trots out the same contradictory nonsense. But as I say, please stay as you are providing excellent first hand evidence of the lunacy of the left, so in that sense keep up the good work.
Re: But some people would claim that no group is more savage than white (males). I think that's why many are concerned with the rise in European nationalism. One need only look at WW II to see what happens when whites become nationalists. Not saying this view is right or wrong. It is a view nonetheless.
WWII was not started by whites becoming nationalists. Quite the reverse. Before allying himself to the so-called national socialist cause, Hitler was a Bavarian separatist.
It can safely be said that Britain was not a 'savage' country pre-WW2 i.e. pre-massive immigration, as a perusal of Home Office crime figures will show.
Re: But (you) stating such doesn't make it a fact. The issue is, you are using the white perspective as the default perspective.
Check out the racial identity of pioneers in any field of science, arts, medicine, politics, sociology and any humanitarian endeavours e.g the international Red Cross. You will see from the results that I was not merely stating an unqualified opinion. The results are independent of anybody's perspective, white, black, default or otherwise.
There are also blacks who have done exceptionally well in medicine, academics, science in general, etc. For me to debate this topic is similar to debating the existence of Santa Clause as told to children.
All of whom were trained by whites. Agricultural pioneer George Washington Carver, for example, was greatly helped by his adoptive father, Moses Carver.
No prominent black medics, academics or scientists exist in this country. Apart from exceptions like Carver, you'd have difficulty naming any in your own - as evidenced by the fact that you don't.
If you want to read the truth about Santa Claus, I suggest obtain The Two Babylons, the definitive work on the Babylonian religion, by Rev. Alexander Hislop, a white English historian.
As another example, if you want to keep on using a pc, I suggest you remain grateful for the work of Charles Babbage, the white father of computing.
there is no good reason to create special programs (like affirmative action) for blacks in the UK...No group is entitled to social programs for their specific group, IMO
Which doesn't stop it from happening, which is in part the reason for BNP protests.
But if whites have a higher level of intelligence, should they not be expected to do better than BME's?
They still do, in 'middle-England' type areas of the country less afflicted by pc-ness and where good education still happens. For example, check out the racial identity of RAF aircrew, according to those who can meet the high standards required and with the aspirations so to do, both male and female.
The same can be said for the vast majority of commissioned officers in all the UK armed forces, the vast majority of police officers at detective level and above and, I might add in my own experience, the vast majority of academic lecturers and practising engineers in the chemical process industries, where I had some involvement for several years.
Therefore, whites have no excuse to fail. If they in fact fail, it's their own fault. In fact, it is MUCH worse for a white person to fail than it is for a BME. It screams laziness.
Along with all the other specific references I have given earlier, you have totally ignored the outline I gave of how white Britons are being subverted by their own government - an entirely separate issue from individual shortcomings and a crucial one.
I think it would be better for me to take a look at curriculum guides from an unbiased source...like an education department or school district.
They are not unbiased. Please try to understand that is the problem. Thus 'Black History Month' is forced on white pupils along with the abomination of Islam - for example, white Briton pupils being forced to enact the vulgarities and idolatry of Muslim 'worship.'
Children should also be taught about the history of others.
Traditional history school lessons included both ancient and modern history e.g. Egypt, Greece, Rome, the Crusades, the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Spanish conquest of Latin and South America, the great continental and maritime explorers, starting with Marco Polo and (to some degree) the French and American Revolutions in addition to bog-standard English/British history, which included an overview of the formation of the Old Dominions and India as part of the old British Empire.
RE classes, which used to be called Divinity, also included Old and New Testament history.
Much of of this valuable material has been junked in modern school curricula, I understand.
Black and Asian history were omitted because they had little or no influence on large-scale world events (though the slave trade was covered, except the bit about African chiefs willingly selling off their own people in return for rum and muskets etc.)
If you want to read about how education should be conducted in principle, read The Seven Laws of Teaching by John Milton Gregory, a white American educationalist (may be hard to obtain but it's worth trying).
You refer to common sense. Sense is not common. That is why the UK is in its current mess and I daresay the USA.
Once again, Lee has been very patient with both of us. If you wish to continue this exchange, I suggest email me (my address is the same) rather than either of us taking up more space on Lee's blog.
"Once again, Lee has been very patient with both of us. If you wish to continue this exchange, I suggest email me (my address is the same) rather than either of us taking up more space on Lee's blog."
We were sticking to the topic...but if it's a problem to keep discussing this here, fine.
My last word about this here is this: The only way to know if a white history month is needed (and I doubt that) is to look at the curriculum guides. I'll attempt to find them. If in fact white history is ignored or distorted, I'll be the first to admit there's a need. If not...
It's not really a problem unless the blog owner decides it is. My concern was for the increasing length of the posts.
Am therefore quite happy to continue the discussion here, or separately.
Your proposed way forward is quite constructive. Note that one way white history in Britain can be distorted is by means of unrealistic comparisons with some of today's standards, e.g. how hard it was for RN sailors aboard Nelson's fleet. It certainly was but the hardship was also largely accepted as part of everyday seafaring.
A book you might consider perusing in the light of the topic is The Abolition of Britain by veteran British journalist Peter Hitchens. Rest assured that Hitchens is no friend of the BNP - quite the reverse - but his book is a very informative overview of Britain's decline as a nation in the last 50 years.
Whether or not it is felt that a White History Month is necessary does not mean it can't be beneficial. I suggest have a look at the site. Moreover, BNPrs here with direct knowledge of contemporary British education (much more so than I have) say it is. I think their verdict should carry some weight.
WWII was not started by whites becoming nationalists. Quite the reverse. Before allying himself to the so-called national socialist cause, Hitler was a Bavarian separatist.--AlanOrei
Nationalist, separatist, same dance different steps since he was white nonetheless. He was one of many white savages throughout history. And if you ask me, most of the chaos in the world was and is committed by white (men). Do George Bush and Tony Blair ring a bell? Before fingers begin to point, this isn't about hatred for whites. I have no shame in admitting that we are all enjoying the benefits of societies created by white men. It is simply my humble opinion that whites have no room to talk about others. Again, just look at history.
No prominent black medics, academics or scientists exist in this country. Apart from exceptions like Carver, you'd have difficulty naming any in your own - as evidenced by the fact that you don't. --AlanOrei
I notice you make references to history or historical figures when you make a point. Carver hadn't even entered my mind. First I should say that I doubt there aren't any prominent black medics, academics, etc in your country. There are a number of prominent black physicians in my general area. To go on a name game is pointless since you will not know who they are nor do I care to prove anything. I will end this point here.
Along with all the other specific references I have given earlier, you have totally ignored the outline I gave of how white Britons are being subverted by their own government - an entirely separate issue from individual shortcomings and a crucial one.--AlanOrei
Alan, this is the same excuse that radical blacks use to "defend" any lack of progress among black people. "It's the system's fault." The excuse isn't good enough for blacks and it isn't good enough for whites.
As another example, if you want to keep on using a pc, I suggest you remain grateful for the work of Charles Babbage, the white father of computing.--AlanOrei
I've never heard of him. But if he's still alive, he needs to thank me and everyone else for embracing what he's done.
Black and Asian history were omitted because they had little or no influence on large-scale world events (though the slave trade was covered, except the bit about African chiefs willingly selling off their own people in return for rum and muskets etc.)--AlanOrei
If that's the case then perhaps the BNP should not push for a white history month. The history excluded was not as much of an influence as previously believed. You've got to apply the same standard for all. I agree about the African chiefs. Africans are just as much to blame as Europeans are.
"Whether or not it is felt that a White History Month is necessary does not mean it can't be beneficial. I suggest have a look at the site. Moreover, BNPrs here with direct knowledge of contemporary British education (much more so than I have) say it is. I think their verdict should carry some weight."--AlanOrei
I've looked at the site and heard many things about the BNP. Honestly, I'd have to "fact check" anything and everything they claim. I haven't had the chance to find the teaching guides yet.
Conscious that this is Lee's blog, not mine, I shall try to be brief.
Re: Nationalist, separatist, same dance different steps since he was white nonetheless.
Wrong. The issue is one of globalist, not nationalist politics. I hestitate to extend the comments to this theme but you leave me no choice. Hitler was a tool of the Vatican, as are Bush and Blair. See the works by Paris and Manhattan, also Vatican Assassins III by Eric Jon Phelps, an 1800+ page study that you can get via Eric's website, Vatican Assassins. That is where the white savagery comes from. Check out Revelation 17, 18.
Note also that the Catholic belief system is in large part North African Baal worship. Dr Ruckman's books, Commentary on The Book of Revelation, Chapter 2 and Mark of The Beast, Chapter 4, will help you a lot on this. That's why I put forward Obama as a type of the coming antichrist. (Count the number of letters in his full name.)
Re: I notice you make references to history or historical figures when you make a point.
Of course I do. Identification of the pioneers in any field is crucial to the identification of racial differences in this respect.
Re: To go on a name game is pointless since you will not know who they are nor do I care to prove anything.
On the contrary, it is far from pointless. It is one of the most stringent tests of irrevocable racial distinctives.
Re: names, I know the names of many of the scientific and medical pioneers; Newton, Boyle, Faraday, Clerk Maxwell, Lord Kelvin, Sir James Simpson, Listor, Watt, Stephenson, Brunel, the Wright brothers, Von Braun etc. Where are the Africans?
I also know the names of 6 prominent UK surgeons/physicians or ex-surgeons, 4 of whom operated on me in the last 30 years. None of them are black. Rest assured, any such black men of prominence would be given a consistently high profile by the UK MSM. They haven't been.
Re: Alan, this is the same excuse that radical blacks use to "defend" any lack of progress among black people. "It's the system's fault." The excuse isn't good enough for blacks and it isn't good enough for whites.
I didn't say it was the system's fault. I said it was the treachery of national leaders (from the late Edward Heath onwards). A fault also lies with the British people who elected these traitors, being unaware of their 5th column designs. "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" Hosea 4:6.
Re: Charles Babbage, I've never heard of him.
Look him up on the web - like you did for Lothrop Stoddard. Don't shy away just because you may not like the result w.r.t. Babbage's race.
Re: If that's the case then perhaps the BNP should not push for a white history month...You've got to apply the same standard for all.
The same standard is not being applied for white British history - please re-read my earlier emphasised comment.
White English pupils are not being taught about prominent white Britons; Alfred, Bede, Wycliffe, Tyndale, Drake, Fox, Frobisher, Hudson, Elizabeth 1st, James 1st, Cromwell, Bunyan etc. That's only up to the end of the 17th century and that list is not exhaustive. Check out the race of the 47 scholars that King James 1st commissioned in 1604 to compile the new Bible translation. Then find for me any equivalent black textual scholars.
Re: I'd have to "fact check" anything and everything they claim.
Good. "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good" 1 Thessalonians 5:21.
"The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going" Proverbs 14:15.
I look forward to the results of your research.
The issue is one of globalist, not nationalist politics. I hestitate to extend the comments to this theme but you leave me no choice. Hitler was a tool of the Vatican, as are Bush and Blair.
That's why I put forward Obama as a type of the coming antichrist. (Count the number of letters in his full name.)
Would you believe that if here were 100% white? I doubt it.
I also know the names of 6 prominent UK surgeons/physicians or ex-surgeons, 4 of whom operated on me in the last 30 years. None of them are black. Rest assured, any such black men of prominence would be given a consistently high profile by the UK MSM. They haven't been.
I'll refrain from commenting on your operations. No offense of course. I am simply not comfortable discussing one's personal details. But as for the doctors, I'll consider them or any other doctor great when they discover cures for cancer, AIDS, diabetes, etc.
Re: Charles Babbage, I've never heard of him.
Look him up on the web - like you did for Lothrop Stoddard. Don't shy away just because you may not like the result w.r.t. Babbage's race.--alanorei
I skimmed a wikipedia site, read part of a sentence, and was bored to tears. If makes you feel better, I would thank William Shakespeare if he were still alive (and many of the other "dead white male" authors). I'm much more impressed with literary efforts than science or math skills.
White English pupils are not being taught about prominent white Britons; Alfred, Bede, Wycliffe, Tyndale, Drake, Fox, Frobisher, Hudson, Elizabeth 1st, James 1st, Cromwell, Bunyan etc. That's only up to the end of the 17th century and that list is not exhaustive.
But you have to understand that children and teens are much more sophisticated than we can imagine. Are the endeavors of those above relevant to their lives? Children will quickly tune out what they don't feel connects. Perhaps that is the reason why students aren't taught about those you mention.
Check out the race of the 47 scholars that King James 1st commissioned in 1604 to compile the new Bible translation. Then find for me any equivalent black textual scholars.
I'll concede here. I can't think of black textual scholars who helped put together a bible translation filled with contradictions, inconsistencies, and what some call scientific errors.
Luke 10:27 (King James Version)
27And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.
1 Peter 2:17 (King James Version)
17Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.
1 John 4:18 (King James Version)
18There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
According to the translations created by these "great white minds", we should love
God, Fear God, BUT love rids us of fear and whoever fears is not made perfect in love. Tis the beauty of white superiority, huh?
I look forward to the results of your research.
I look forward to your response about the 47 white biblical scholars.
Re: Would you believe that if here were 100% white? I doubt it.
Check out Revelation 13. The individual is an integrated man, like Obama, not a 100% white man. Check out Mark of the Beast by Dr Ruckman, first published in 1960.
Re: But as for the doctors, I'll consider them or any other doctor great when they discover cures for cancer, AIDS, diabetes, etc.
For cancer and AIDS, read the works by Ransom and Day. They have made some interesting finds, e.g. as documented in their book World Without AIDS. But you might like to consider those who won the battles against malaria, cholera, TB and yellow fever. The pioneers were Ross, Koch and Reed, an Englishman, a German and an American. You should be prepared to give credit where it's due.
Re: I skimmed a wikipedia site, read part of a sentence, and was bored to tears.
Which has no bearing whatsoever on Babbage's rightful status as the father of computing.
Re: But you have to understand that children and teens are much more sophisticated than we can imagine etc.
All of which is entirely speculative, unsubstantiated and manifestly untrue. Otherwise, children would not need bringing up, Ephesians 6:4, KJB. If you want to know about the tragedy of English education in too many current schools, I suggest read It's Your Time You're Wasting by ex-teacher Frank Chalk (pseudonym). The tragedy is that in these schools, education is almost non-existent.
Re: a bible translation filled with contradictions, inconsistencies, and what some call scientific errors.
No scientific errors have ever been proved in the KJB. Creation scientist the late Henry Morris offered $1000 (many years ago) to anyone who could find such an error. No-one ever did. If you think that you can specify an error, please do so and I'll explain it for you.
As a practising and lecturing Chemical Engineer of 32 years' experience all told, I can personally vouch for the scientific accuracy of the KJB's statements of the 1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics in Nehemiah 9:6 and Isaiah 51:6 respectively. These laws underlie everything in the physical universe. (Charles Darwin was a deluded fool.)
Re: fear and love, Luke 10:27, 1 Peter 2:17, 1 John 4:18.
You've come up with 3 verses that embody an apparent contradiction.
I can give you 11 without even trying. However:
For a start, you are conflating two issues:
1. The actual wording of the scriptures.
2. Apparent contradictions in the statements of biblical writers.
Concerning 1., the King James scholars accurately translated from their New Testament sources. Both the Alexandrian (e.g. Nestle) and Antiochan (e.g. Stephanus) Greek texts read the same for the above three verses, at least as far as the English translations indicate.
So your attempt to demean the KJ scholars in this respect is invalid.
You'll find that any bible, e.g. the NIV, reads essentially as the KJB in these verses. So if you are going to denigrate the KJB and the King's men in this respect, you will have to denigrate not only all bibles, in any language but also all their extant sources and all biblical translators, w.r.t. the above verses. I suggest that is a project of some considerable magnitude.
Concerning 2., your exegesis is faulty. To love God is essentially to keep His commandments, John 14:21, 23, as Luke 10:27 indicates because it is a reference to keeping the Law, Deuteronomy 6:5.
In no way, therefore, does loving God conflict with fearing God. Quite the reverse, actually.
To fear God, 1 Peter 2:17, is simply to recognise the fact, from scripture, that He'll whip the tar out of you if you do wrong, like any responsible and indeed loving parent would, Hebrews 12:5-11, Proverbs 13:24, 19:18, 23:13, 14.
I appreciate that some of the modern generation may have a problem with that, of course.
Fear in 1 John 4:18 is not about fearing God as outlined above. It is about assurance of salvation casting out fear of hell and damnation. Read verse 17 and compare with John 5:24, 1 John 5:11-13. Always read the context when studying the Bible and then compare scripture with scripture.
You have to be careful about "rightly dividing the word of truth" 2 Timothy 2:15. On this occasion, you weren't.
Re: the KJV translators and their unparalleled scholarship, I suggest read Translators Revived by Alexander McClure and The Men Behind The KJV by Gustavus Paine.
You might also consider Final Authority by Dr William Grady and In Awe of Thy Word by Dr Mrs Gail Riplinger - heavy going, though, it's 1000+ pages.
But those works will tell you all about the KJB scholars.
For solving most bible problems, I suggest Answers to Your Bible Version Questions by David W. Daniels and The Book of Bible Problems by Dr Gerardus Bouw, a Biblical physicist and astronomer. (I disagree with these brothers about their interpretation of the word "replenish" in Genesis 1:28, 9:1 but we all agree it should be in the text.)
If you have any other contradictions you would like to have explained, please feel free to forward them to me by separate email and, as before, I'll be glad to help you out.
If you have any other contradictions you would like to have explained, please feel free to forward them to me by separate email and, as before, I'll be glad to help you out.--AlanOrei
Actually, the best help for anyone would be to admit that the KJB scholars put together an imperfect translation that would not have been accepted by a major publishing house today. The verses I brought in, along with many others, prove that. My point is that KJB scholars are certainly not the best examples of white intellectual superiority.
Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Eyre and Spottiswoode, formerly The King's Printer and Thomas Nelson and Sons are all major publishing houses that accept the KJB.
It is up to you to refute the explanation I gave w.r.t. the verses you mentioned. Denial doesn't constitute refutation.
I suggest read the references I cited before passing judgement on the intellectual capacities of the King's men.
Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Eyre and Spottiswoode, formerly The King's Printer and Thomas Nelson and Sons are all major publishing houses that accept the KJB. --AlanOrei
You didn't understand the point (or perhaps I wasn't clear). Had someone walked into a major publishing house presenting the bible for the first time, it would not be accepted since it would be deemed poorly written.
Re your point, you gave your explanation, but you did not address the contradiction that exists.
The biblical scholars that you highly esteem presented a text that tells us to fear God, Love God, but at the same time, love rids us of fear. In other words, the KJB shows us that love and fear cannot coexist but we are supposed to possess both. That makes absolutely no sense. Hand something like that (for the first time) to an editor at Harper Collins and guess what will happen. The ONLY reason why the KJB is still in print is because it is hundreds of years old. Is there something in the bible showing that fear and love are in harmony? Otherwise, the (scholars) did a terrible job, IMO. If I need to read a 1,000 page document to explain a concept in the KJB, something is wrong don't you think?
Re: You didn't understand the point (or perhaps I wasn't clear). Had someone walked into a major publishing house presenting the bible for the first time, it would not be accepted since it would be deemed poorly written.
I understand your point perfectly. That's why I answered as I did. I address reality, not fantasy. The reality is that at least 4 major publishing houses accept the KJB.
Find one major literary figure, genuine writer or scholar, who thinks the KJB is poorly written.
Re: Re your point, you gave your explanation, but you did not address the contradiction that exists etc.
You clearly ignored the explanation. See the distinction I drew between 1 Peter 2:17 and 1 John 4:18 with respect to the use of the word fear.
Re: The ONLY reason why the KJB is still in print is because it is hundreds of years old.
Wrong. It is still in print because it is still in demand. Apart from Shakespeare's later works and Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress, list any other 17th century works still in demand as the KJB is. Most books, apart from recognised classics e.g. Dickens (who thought the NT the best book ever written, btw) go out of print after about 50 years. The KJB never goes out of print apart from state suppression.
However, your comments overall show plainly that you are determined to reject the scripture wherever it runs contrary to your opinion, regardless of any explanation or information advanced in support of it.
I suggest therefore that you are wasting my time, I am wasting yours and we are both wasting Lee's.
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