Have you ever wondered why it is that Hollywood churns out endless films about the Holocaust, endless films and documentaries about Hitler and the Nazis and endless films about World War Two filled with evil blonde Nazis strutting around in SS uniforms shooting innocent Jews - but why a film like Valkyrie by Tom Cruise which addressed the issue of German resistance to Hitler was so viciously attacked by Hollywood, media critics and film critics - EVEN BEFORE IT WAS RELEASED !!! ?
Hollywood, as is well known, is run primarily by Jews. All of the major studio heads are Jewish. If all the major studio heads were Bantu Pygmys then we could, and would say that Hollywood is run by Bantu Pygmys.
But there are no Bantu Pygmy studio heads in Hollywood.
There is of course nothing wrong with the fact that Hollywood is run primarily by Jews, but the fact is that those Jews in Hollywood have a vested interest in constantly reinforcing the idea that the Holocaust was a unique evil in human history.
It wasnt of course as the genocide of the Armenians, the massacres by Tamerlaine, the Killing Fields of Pol Pot, the Soviet Holocaust and the black on black genocide of Rwanda all demonstrate that the planned systematic slaughter of millions of people for a variety of reasons is something that permeates all of human history.
The reason why the Holocaust is so well known, and so well propagandised, is simply because the Jews in Hollywood and the Liberal Left politicians in the West all see the issue of the Holocaust as useful politically and communally to them - the Jews in America use the Holocaust to consolidate their power over the political, economic and media systems and to inculcate guilt in Europeans and Christians for the crime of the Holocaust and the Liberal left elite use the Holocaust as a way to attack Nationalism, nationalist politics and anything that dares stand against their politically correct multi-cultural society. Anything that is against political correctness and multi-culturalism can therefore be equated with 'nazism'.
In order for this conditioning trick to work then the Holocaust must be 'resold' to every generation via movies, books and popular culture in order to condition them into regarding Nationalism = Nazis = Holocaust.
This is why every few years a remake of the same stories are made, such as the Anne Frank story or a new Schindlers List or the Boy In The Striped Pyjamas or The Pianist etc etc.
Every generation gets sold their own Holocaust - and each time with better special effects and made more horrific in order to burn the event in the psyche of both Jews and non-Jews.
The recent attacks on the film Valkyrie directed by Tom Cruise that was denigrated by critics was attacked primarily on two grounds - first that Cruise as a Scientologist was somehow 'sinister' and also that the film was wrong as it portrayed what has become known as the 'good nazis' - those who were against Hitler.
Scientology is a threat to many powerful Jews in Hollywood as it is popular with many Jewish and non-Jewish people who are choosing to reject their Jewish racial and religious background, and Christian backgrounds, and adopt Scientology as a religion - which thereby weakens the hold the Jewish elite have on Hollywood.
Tom Cruise and the scientologists are the rising power elite in Hollywood who threaten the Jewish elites power grip over the film making, and hence conditioning, process.
Thereby the media demonises scientologists as a cult.
The other issue is lot deeper than simple power politics.
The very notion of the 'Good Nazi' brings with it the obverse, that of the Jews who through their actions facilitated the rise of the Nazis to power in pre-war Germany.
Simply put - the whole focus on history has been solely on German culpability for Hitler and not ever Jewish responsibility for the rise of anti-semitism in pre-war Germany and how their actions as individuals and a community assisted the rise of the Nazis to power.
The staple of the majority of Hollywood films, and hence conditioning, over the last 70 years since the end of the nazi regime is that ALL Germans were Nazis and hence all germans were evil. This perception of unique German evil was essential in order to ensure that the idea that any Jews in pre-war Germany, who may have been somehow also responsible for the rise of Hitler, could never even be regarded as existing.
If all germans were evil nazis then this meant that the Jews of Germany were absolved from any role in the rise of Hitler.
This was always utter rubbish - as shown by the many germans who fought against Hitler, housed Jewish refugees, who died in Concentration camps and who died organising attacks on Hitler.
The idea that all germans were bad nazis is a calumny that has been accepted only because people have been cowed into silence by the media.
The issue of Jewish responsibility for the rise of Hitler has NEVER been debated, spoken about or even addressed - let alone in a movie !
Valkyrie, the movie, challenges the great myth that all Germans were Nazis, all German were evil and therefore opens the door to the other issue - that not all Jews were simply 'victims' of the Germans and also what exactly was their role in the atmosphere of the times that generated such anti-semitism in German society and therefore that led to the rise of the Nazis.
One of the issues that dare not ever be debated is simply this - every year we see another legal claim for billions of dollars worth of reparations for artworks stolen by the nazis from german jews, land stolen by the nazis from the german jews, money stolen by the nazis from the german jews etc etc - yet no-one ever asks the questions - how was it that a minority of Jews in pre-nazi Germany managed to accumulate such vast wealth.
The question that goes along with this must also be - what effect did it have on poor, mainly working class Germans who suffered in the Great Depression who saw this tiny community with such massive wealth, power and privilege ?
It is this issue, and the many associated issues such as ;
1) How did the Jewish community in pre-Nazi Germany accrue such wealth, power and privilege in pre-nazi germany ?
2) How did ordinary Germans regard the wealth and power of the Jews in Germany ?
3) How did the Jews use their wealth, power and privilege in pre-nazi Germany ?
4) Was anti-semitism the cause of the rise of Nazism, or was Nazism the cause of the rise of anti-semitism ?
5) How aware were ordinary Germans as to the wealth and power of Jews in pre-nazi germany and how did this affct both their perceptions of the Jews and their feelings toward Nazism and Hitler ?
These are issues that Hollywood has barely addressed. The film Max, with John Cusak, where Hitler is shown as a poverty stricken artist jealous of the wealth and talent of Max, a wealthy Jewish art gallery owner, touched on the issue but never explored it - instead it was once again the issue of simple jealousy that was used as the motivation for Hitlers anti-semitism.
Yet the question - how did Max and his family accrue such wealth, power and privilege in the midst of such poverty that afflicted ordinary Germans, was not addressed.
It is this question, the issue of Jewish culpability in the rise of the Nazis, that is the last great taboo.
I find it difficult to navigate around this blogger site but at last I've found a way to leave a comment!
I am currently researching White nationalism in Europe and have an interest in US too but I am rarely on this blogger thing because I find it difficult to connect with people because of the layout, I don't know how you have found it.
Anyway, I am currently setting up a network for private members only called Nationalism Explored where I hope to be able to properly get to grips with what it really means and how what we can actually do about our current situation.
I am set up on ning.com which has a much better format than this and loads more space to write etc.
I'd be very interested in having someone as well versed as yourself on board and would like to invite you join and possibly invite a couple of your friends to come too.
The more we understand the better we will fight back.
This is a non-denominational group whose purpose is discussion and understanding, not hatred or the support of violent action.
Me again, if the www.smokinguns.ning.com doesn't work, try http://smokinguns.ning.com
but why a film like Valkyrie by Tom Cruise which addressed the issue of German resistance to Hitler was so viciously attacked by Hollywood, media critics and film critics - EVEN BEFORE IT WAS RELEASED !!! ?--DOL
I saw Valkyrie last week and it's worth the money spent.
I'm shocked that anyone would attack this movie. After all, its anti-Nazi. What more could they ask for? Can anyone expect us to believe that every single soldier in Hitler's army believed in the cause? Were they all evil? No. The film is much needed since it tells the story of those other than Jews. Don't get the wrong idea, their (Jews) stories are important. The problem is, we are often led to believe that Jews were the only victims during WW II. They clearly were not. We are also led to believe that all Germans were privy to everything going on and were in full support of racist policies. Another book I read, Destined To Witness: Growing Up Black In Nazi Germany, shows us the same. Even a few professed Nazis were "reasonable." I think that's why it will not be made into a movie. I'm NOT sticking up for Nazis as they were and are a cancer in society. I simply want to be told the "whole" story.
"I'm shocked that anyone would attack this movie. After all, its anti-Nazi. What more could they ask for?" - LorMarie's statement is of the typical intellectually vacuous nature that one expects of the great indoctrinated mass and reminds me of an article on the computer game Wolfestein (going back a few years now). Anyways, according to the reviewer the most salient point of the entire game was not the excellent graphics, game-play or atmosphere, no his fervour was singularly fixated on how great it was to have a game where you just got to run around killing hundreds of Nazi's by all manner of fantastic methods...
Thus, might I suggest LorMarie take her puerile intellect and exercise it in the field where it be better suited, namely hooking herself up to an Xbox and getting a copy of Wolfenstein (currently about £3 on eBay)... no doubt this will better serve her rampant anti-fascist desires than blasting blogs with her cerebral pea-shooter.
Another very perceptive article Lee. Nazi Germany portrayed by the Hollywood/Media is totally different from the reality of the times. The Germans at the time really did see themselves as the good guys the idealists bringing order, justice and freedom to Europe as they fought against the mafia of "Judeo Bolshevik" Russia and the plutocrats of the west, the latter had given them 6 million unemployed in 1933. Until you understand this you cant understand history . So many myths , so many lies. It was not a tyranny with a hated tyrant at the helm, Hitler whether you love or loathe him today was very popular. The reason the Germans went on fighting with the various legions recruited in Europe ,to the last man in Berlin was a love of homeland and a justified fear of the rapists and murderers from the Soviet Union. The last defenders of Berlin were the French.
The allies could have offered a conditional surrender in 1943 but Roosevelt and Churchill wanted to destroy Germany. If such an offer had been made millions of lives would have been saved, the US would have been kept out of Europe and Russia would have not been able to massacre millions .
Go to You tube and watch some Deutsche Wochenschau, good old propaganda I know, but it will show you not all German soldiers were bayonetting babies against Church doors, and throwing jewish babies into ovens.
Try this last wochenschau from Germany as they used everyone even women with panzer fausts to repel the soviet hordes.
Exploring the truth...its hard, its also illegal in most of Europe and will get you put behind bars.
well we all know Hollywood produces a holocaust movie every month but it seems this couple who were so keen to get on the band wagon have unfortunately been exposed before the movie could be made.
"I find it difficult to navigate around this blogger site but at last I've found a way to leave a comment!
I am currently researching White nationalism in Europe and have an interest in US too but I am rarely on this blogger thing because I find it difficult to connect with people because of the layout, I don't know how you have found it." - Blackcrow.
Is the world all about you? Is this your underlying psychological driver? Hey, Blackcrow, here's an idea... how's about you go stick your studies right up your annus horribilis - yeah, that's latin.
I would say, without knowing nothing about it (yes, a double negative) that your observations about nationalism are about as valuable as chicken shit in a hen house. Ooh! Aren't I the resident troll?! - Btw, that's rhetorical - you do not have permission to answer - :-p
Anyways, you still here? Oh ok, then you are obviously pretty determined to unleash the inner demon! What do I mean by that? Well, imagine someone who is locked in a prison, a prison which keeps them confined, doesn't allow expression, for decades they are held captive, controlled... and one day through their bars they see the sun... the brightest light shows them someone walking free... and their prison disintegrates... in a single instant... how? Because there was never a prison...
Step outside the prison... breathe the air... see the stars... stop hiding behind the false constructs of fear...
Nationalism is the light... prepare you eyes!
Very interesting story here
that is relevant to your article.
I may be slightly naive about nazism and nationalism but I am well versed in many other subjects. The whole point in inviting you was to have someone on board who knows what they're talking about who I could learn from and share my views with. I have other members who are coming in who are involved with this subject in varying ways and I hoped that together we might find a way to better action nationalism in our societies.
It is just an idea and I have approached it with an open mind, I do not deserve the insults you threw at me. I have a degree in psychology and run a company from which I draw a salary of over £70,000 per year, I am neither stupid nor unreliable in terms of intelligent discussion and there are things going on in and around my life that you could not comprehend.
As regards my inner demon, you are correct, I am ready to unleash it, but not in the way you think or for the reasons you assume. There is a particular reason why I am called Blackcrow and why I am Asatru and I can assure you it is far deeper than demonology.
You have made a mistake here, but I shall not retaliate with empty insults. I follow the code of the nine noble virtues.
Instead I shall say that hopefully one day our paths will cross again and you may see the truth of the person you have insulted and dismissed so easily.
Blessed be brother, may the Gods protect you, Odin knows, you need it.
Hi blackcrow,
please remember that I rarely censor comments on this site, even those that slag me off - I only censor those that break the law - and therefore those comments I let through as posts onto the site are not my opinions, but the opinions solely of the posters.
Debate is therefore robust on this site, and often abusive. As a defender of free speech I support the right of people to post all comments, except illegal ones and ones designed to to stir up trouble in the nationalist movement overall,
All the best,
no his fervour was singularly fixated on how great it was to have a game where you just got to run around killing hundreds of Nazi's by all manner of fantastic methods...
no doubt this will better serve her rampant anti-fascist desires than blasting blogs with her cerebral pea-shooter.--Andastre
I know I said that I'd ignore you, but I had to respond to this because of what you imply. You accuse me of having anti-fascist desires. You would be correct. In making such an accusation, you imply that something is wrong with being against fascism which then implies that you are...pro-fascist. After all, I would never accuse someone of being anti-fascist, anti-Islamic extremist, or anti-child molestation for that matter. One should be against all of the above. Most freedom loving, free thinking and not to mention rationally thinking individuals would be anti-fascist. Doth the lady agree with me?
It will be interesting how "Hollywood" welcomes this movie which doesnt fit with the post 1941 Hollywood script. Since the film Casablanca, Hollywood has always portrayed the Germans as evil beyond belief and the Jews as the good guys. Has there ever been a Hollywood film since 1960 where a Jew ( the wealthiest ethnic group in the world per capita) or a person of colour has been given the bad guys roll?
Interestingly some directors have slipped in a little subversion . The Dutch director Paul Verhoeven's recent film Black book had a sympathetic German character whose children had all been killed in the Hamburg fire storm.
Two amazingly easy to respond to posts, by two amazingly intellectually inadequate opponents.
LorMaries point first; I state no preference for this movie, but merely state that you seem to have made a judgement upon it before viewing - this smacks of prejuedice of the highest order. And thus you are in fact the one who prejudges... again, I know I am wasting my time even answering but it will all become clear (see below).
Blackcrow: If you want to learn about nationalism then head directly to: www.bnp.org.uk - the fact that you have a degree in psychology means nout old chap, that's like a medal on a war criminal... know what I mean?! Anways, what I specifically objected to about your post is the notion (that you so charatcerise) that nationlists have to be "studied" and "observed"... like some bizarre alien creature... so to that I do swear and say a great big FUCK YOU.
Lee, don't waste your time with this goon... he's just a product of the indoctrination... as I know you know...
Au revoir.
LorMaries point first; I state no preference for this movie, but merely state that you seem to have made a judgement upon it before viewing - this smacks of prejuedice of the highest order.--Andastre
I've stated twice before that I saw the movie. All opinions have been made AFTER viewing it.
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