Would this be the same time she was also a member of the ALF and infiltrating the far left animal rights movement when in Brighton - as revealed in Notes From The Borderland by Larry O'Hara ?
I WONDER HOW MANY OF HER SO CALLED 'FRIENDS' were aware of what her real name is ?
I wonder of Sadie Black is also her real name as well ?
No doubt we can expect a sunday telegraph story in the new year where Sadie ??????? reveals her real identity and motivations.
Wonder if she'll be offered a BBC Political Correspondent role when she gets out of gaol?
Stranger things have happened, when you consider the recent Scotland Yard appointment of Mohamed Ali Harrath.
I thought she had a married name these days or is she trying to initiate an anti-BNP fan club by keeping everyone guessing? (Pop stars do this a lot, I think.)
Sadie is a Snitch.
Joe Owens
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