Sunday 8 August 2010

Destruction by Demographics

Whilst British Nationalists attack each other and drag the BNP down into the gutter, our nation, heritage and future is being stolen from us by simple demographics.

Revealed: The UK maternity units in which only 1 in 10 mothers is of white British origin

By Jack Doyle
Last updated at 7:26 AM on 9th August 2010

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Just one in ten babies is born to a white British mother in some parts of the country, figures reveal.

The statistics - based on NHS monitoring of the ethnicity and nationality of patients - show a sharp contrast in the backgrounds of new mothers in urban and rural areas.

While white British mothers accounted for just 9.4 per cent of all births in one London health trust, the figure was 97.4 per cent of all births in Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust.

The birth statistics reflect how mothers described themselves, not the ethnicity of the fathers or the babies.

Across all of England's 150 NHS Trusts there were 652,638 deliveries last year, around six out of ten of them to women who called themselves white British.
Enlarge motherhood map

But in some trusts serving rural areas more than 95 per cent of mothers fell into that category.

These included Northern Devon with 97.4 per cent, Co Durham and Darlington with 97.1, and Northumbria with 96 per cent.

At the other end of the spectrum, in North West London Hospitals NHS Trust, which covers Harrow, just 9.4 per cent of mothers were white British. Another inner city trust - Sandwell and West Birmingham - had 16.5 per cent. And a little over one in four new mothers were white Britons at Guy's and St Thomas' hospital in central London.

The proportion of mothers of white British origin at Bradford Teaching Hospitals trust was 34 per cent.


* Baby boom creating 'critical' shortage of primary school places

Even some NHS trusts in the home counties reported fewer than six in ten deliveries were to white British mothers.

In West Hertfordshire NHS Trust, which covers St Albans, just 57 per cent of women giving birth were white British.

Across England 62 per cent of all births last year involved a white British mother.

The largest other single ethnic groups were 'other white' - including Eastern Europeans - which made up 7 per cent of births, black (5 per cent), Pakistani (4 per cent) and Indian (3 per cent).

Of the rest of the mothers 8 per cent described their ethnicity as 'other' (including mixed-race women) and the remainder were listed as 'not known'.

Backbench Tory MP Douglas Carswell said: 'I think we have to face reality and that is if you continue to have mass immigration it's going to have a very significant impact on the demography of our country - and it's going to have a significant impact perhaps on the sort of country that we are.'

Last month it emerged that Britain's population growth is outpacing every other country in Europe.

Immigration and rising birth rates driven in part by the children of new arrivals - the so- called 'immigrant baby boom' - meant the UK gained more people than anywhere else in the continent.

Ministers have proposed forcing non EU migrants to buy their own private health care for non-emergency treatment on the NHS.

David Cameron has pledged to reduce the level of net migration - the number of people arriving minus the number leaving - from the hundreds to the tens of thousands.

The Prime Minister has proposed putting a limit on the number of immigrants from outside the EU given work permits for the UK.

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