It is not to get Eddy Butler to replace Nick Griffin as the BNP leader.
The aim of the Reform Group is to ;
1) Persuade Nick Griffin to put the interests of the party first and resign as Chairman and concentrate on his work as an MEP to ensure he gets re-elected. If he doesn’t do that then the aim of the Reform Group must be to force the membership to demand the resignation of Nick Griffin as leader of the BNP and then to ensure the removal from the BNP constitution of all dictatorial powers that are at the whim of the BNP chairman.
2) To create a steering committee to run the party after Griffin resigns or is removed in order to ensure a smooth changeover from Griffin to the new steering committee and until the new democratically elected leadership are voted in by the members
3) To work on creating a new democratic constitution to replace the present dictatorial one
4) To reform the parties internal structures to make them more democratic and accountable in order to protect the interests of the members
5) To re-brand the BNP and ensure we are see as an electable party instead of a dictatorship
Obviously number 1 ) making sure Griffin resigns as chairman s the most important.
If that doesn’t happen, then 2) to 5) cannot occur.
If sections of the Reform Group think that the party needs to go from being led by Griffin to being led Butler, then they need to think again.
No-one wants to go from the Griffin frying pan and straight into the Butler fire.
We are not going to have any credibility as reformers, if the aim of the Reform Group is to perpetuate the present over centralisation in the party, the same powers for a chairman, the same cult of personality, the same constitution and the same nepotism and cronyism as under Griffin.
The Reform Group must stand for root and branch reform of the BNP, not meaningless cosmetic change.
The final option is that in the event that Griffin will not resign as chairman, and cannot be removed, then a new party has to be formed.
This means the BNP can be left as a rump for Griffin, his Griffinites, and for Far Right extremists to remain in.
This then means that any new political party which is formed does not have any of the political baggage of the BNP by ‘absorbing‘ extremist elements within the BNP, none of the negtive public imagery associated with Griffin, and nor would it have to tolerate any of the Griffinites that would seek to destabilise and wreck it.
The BNP can be left as a party for racists and far right extremists.
The new party would then allow a new start for British Nationalism and British Nationalists to enter mainstream politics.
These are my suggestions for the people to hold positions on the Steering Committee.
They would only hold these positions until the new democratic constitution is created and then if that constitution is supported by the members, they would then have to stand for election by the members to be appointed to their positions ;
1) Peter Mullins as Party President - his role would be simply to ensure the steering committee functions efficiently and to oversee the role of the steering committee in relation to the drafting up of the new constitution and nominations for party positions in elections
2) Michael Barnbrook as head of the parties Internal Disciplinary Unit
3) Michaele Mackenzie as head of the parties Staff and Human Resources Unit
4) Peter Phillips as Party Events Organiser
5) Eddy Butler as National Elections Officer
6) Adrian Davis as the BNP Legal Officer. In the event that Adrian Davis is not interested in the role, then I would be glad to have my old position back.
7) John Savage as BNP Treasurer
8) Michael Newland as BNP Business Director. If Michael Newland is not interested in the role, then I would suggest that the job be taken over by a small committee staffed by Michaela Mackenzie, Michael Barnbrook and John Savage who are responsible for checking and authorising party business decisions and who then report back their decisions to the Party President and steering committee for approval.
9) BNP security stays as it is under Martin Reynolds
10) Simon Bennet as BNP webmaster
11) Simon Darby is re-appointed as BNP Media and Communications Officer
12) James Whittle as head of the BNP internal Communication and Ideological Training School
13) A Constitutional Development Committee be formed of co-opted officers, officials and members to draft up, in consultation with the members, the new BNP Constitution
14) Richard Edmonds be appointed as BNP Liason Officer to work on recruiting into the party people who have left the party over recent decades
15) Jonathan Bowden as Party Cultural Officer
16) Jenny Noble as BNP Training Officer to train up appointed regional and branch officers of the party in essential internal skills
As the party would no longer require paid officers to be responsible for the functions above, then this would allow the party to restore financial stability.
The above positions would be paid only their expenses.
This would then ensure that the party could restructure its debts and move back into credit.
All councillors and other officials who have resigned or been suspended will be offered their old jobs back.
Those who left the party due to fall outs with Griffin will be invited to rejoin the party.
Officers in present paid party positions will be interviewed and their positions decided on a case by case basis, based on loyalty to the party and merit as opposed to loyalty to Griffin and cronyism.
Note that I will not be on the steering committee.
Once the steering committee are in charge of the party, then I will rejoin the party and then offer to assist the party as its Civil Rights and Community Activism Co-Ordinator.
If the steering committee accepts that then that is fine, if not I will stay just as a BNP member.
All those appointments must be validated by a democratic vote from the membership after the new constitution is drafted up and agreed on by the members.
The Reform Group must not fall into the trap of thinking its role is to get Eddy Butler appointed as a new BNP chairman.
Eddy Butler is not the man for that job, as he himself admits.
Therefore the Reform Group must not be used as a base for Eddy Butlers supporters to push Eddy Butler on the party.
Eddy failed to win enough votes to stand for leadership and so he cannot subvert the will of the members by imposing himself on the party via the Reform Group.
The moment the Reform Group appears as an Eddy Butler Group, then the case for reform is lost.
Therefore we must ensure that this does not occur.
Where doe's this leave me?
I agree with some points on both sides but strongly dis-agree with threatening the party's stability with public airing of the linen.
Would I be branded Fascist?
"10) Simon Bennet as BNP webmaster"
and watch the website get shut down with an attack posted in its place just before an election over some personal dispute?
errr...have you run out of medication?
Butler didn't get the nominations due to not being on the forms and not being given the membership list he would have got them if he was given the list.
Simon Darby is not wanted by most reformers he hasn't helped and is too close to Griffin.
You are forgetting key people like Nick Cass, Scott Mclean and Chris Beverley who should have roles in a new reformed BNP they have years of AC experience.
Lee, you are mentioned in this Sky News article.
BNP Appeals For £150k To Keep 'Wolves At Bay'
Sounds good to me Lee, but
Eddy failing to win enough votes was because the nomination form was fixed - only one person being named.
When the new party is formed it might be a good idea to get members to do most of the printing themselves. Not being able to pay tradesmen isn't good.
some comments
1 at least 95 % of the voting membership do not want Griffin to resign and they understand he is stepping down in another three years after he brings on the organizational changes necessary
2,3,4,5 an unelected steering commitee to be in charge without a new constitution and you call yourself an attourney??
next the "steering committee"
2, 11 Mike Barnbrook and Darby will not leave the BNP or serve with Mackenzie or Bennet.
3, 5, 10. These people have all demonstrated beyond any doubt their unsuitability for the positions you would put them in. especially Bennet. Butler by his support of anyone who was against the current party leadership including Shelly,s lies and Collet and Bennet show where he is at and he did an awful job in the last election.
And where are now all the accusations of financial impropriety when it has been shown that the elections overspend by the various regions was where the money went?? do you think that people will not remember all your ranting about theft??
Next everybody can see the vast jump in donations after Dowson was given the job, You would have to be brain dead to believe returning to the old system would work.
Finally Lee with your savage outburst against Griffin and his supporters (who are most of the party) you showed you are not fit for any office. Even Butler had enough sense not to do this.
Keep on writing you are just digging the hole deeper.
There must also be an image, Blair, Cameron got into no 10 on smarm, they are selling out the country, destroying our industries, exterminating our own people, poisoning our children with neurotoxins, but because they do it with a smile and wear a nice suit, people will vote for them.
The BNP also needs an agressive psychological warfare / propaganda unit publishing regular comments on what is going on in the media that week.
Most people don't have the time to look that deep, they are too busy, it needs to be spelt out to them, they just accept what they are told.
It never dawns on them to ask why are the people on the Jeremy Kyle show always White Brits, yet other programmes, adverts and news full of minorities.
Just watched a programme on Boedica, of course she lost in the end, next program in the series is The Battle of Hastings, oh, we lost that one too, is there a pattern here.
Gerrard Batten on Immigration
Any chance of a class action, if 10% of the population are getting 90% of new jobs then that is a 900% chance of a White Brit getting a new job.
IE you are 9 times less likely to get that job.
These sort of stats don't happen by accident, it's Govt policy.
Westminster is at war with its own people.
Another suggestion, that you start teaching people how to bring civil actions themselves against the establishment.
I've found it relatively easy to get cases into court, not quite so easy wining them but I've won a few.
It's far cheaper to do it on your own than with a solicitor, most solicitors I've been in contact with are lazy ( sorry lee, only my opinion ) they seem to want me to give them money up front and a signed confession from the defendent before they will take on a case.
Great Documentary site on British History
Dirty linen kills political parties unless it cleared, aired and then put away properly.
re Simon Bennet - you are obviously a griffinite idiot who still believes every lie you are told by Griffin about Simon, hence you peddle his propaganda not the truth.
I am not an attorney. Thats what Americans have, so that reveals where you are from and what you know about the present situation.
In three years the party will be dead and the opportunity to move into the mainstream lost.
We havent got three years to waste on Griffin.
As for the rest of the grifinite bilge, you are obivously one his idiots, so blah blah all you wish.
You obviously know nothing about the BNP.
On the issue of dowson, your statement is so stupid it deserves only contempt. Dowsons ideas re donations have left the party insolvent you mug.
Perhaps you can hire an 'attorney' to educate you about the BNP.
#election overspend' is where the money went !
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
you idiot !
Mr barnes, I decided to check out the reform group side of events for myself having only read about its function from GA. I have been a member of the BNP for over 7 years on and off and i am currently off but a member of TC. I admit to being an "armchair" Nationalist having never even met another BNP member let alone attended an event. All that aside the main issue for me is that we get our country back. I don't care how but as long as it happens and the current fragmentation is not going to achieve that.
One side pitched against another will only lead to an end of British Nationalism. I posted a comment to GA a few back suggesting that the best way forward would be for NG to either give up his seat as an MEP and "LEAD" the BNP or continue to build the European Nationalist bridges and hand over to someone else to run the BNP, he can't do both. I think he would be best to hand-over and hand-over now because it doesn't give a new leader time before the next election if he stands down in 2013. NG could still have a consultancy/advisory role to a new leader and contimue to build the European bridges. It is my persoanl belief that we have run aground or gotten as far as we can becuase NG has too much baggage, he is not electable.
to be honest the only person I see as electable is Mr Brons, but he unlike Cameron and blair isn't as fresh faced and unfortunatly that is what the people want.
I am disheartened by this whole escapade and does not give me any hope at all. If Mr Griffin is not going to budge then I would suggest a new party is formed, that is not what i would like to see, I would like to see unity but, united we stand divided we fall.
The BNP did better than the NF and that was a strategic split and if a new party is to go further then another split might be the welcome thing. Labour became NEW Labour which was merely a re-branding exercise, away with the cloth caps and whippets of the 70's and into fresh faced politicians with nice shiny suites. It worked for them and needs to be done I believe with the BNP. A re-branding excersise but that doesn't look like it is about to happen any time soon. so I would suggest a strategic split, form a new party a "NEW BNP" get out the advertising "look at us" we are new and shiny without the baggage. find a new leader that the journo's don't have anything on and that way they cannot attack. We have about 4 years to do this starting now. New logo, new shiny people, new message, new hope!!
The important thing though is no one falls out. We are all Nationalist and have the same aim and by taking swipes at each other it is only wasting energy and resources that could be used to fight the real enemies. We have the EDL who also have a common aim, wether they are government funded or not does not bother me, the fact is we could be using them. When they stage a demo why arn't we out as well at some other location on the same day, that will split the reds down the middle and water down their resistance and message, we as Nationalists should be working togethor and untill we do we might as well sit at home and throw things at the TV.
Mr barnes, I decided to check out the reform group side of events for myself having only read about its function from GA. I have been a member of the BNP for over 7 years on and off and i am currently off but a member of TC. I admit to being an "armchair" Nationalist having never even met another BNP member let alone attended an event. All that aside the main issue for me is that we get our country back. I don't care how but as long as it happens and the current fragmentation is not going to achieve that.
One side pitched against another will only lead to an end of British Nationalism. I posted a comment to GA a few back suggesting that the best way forward would be for NG to either give up his seat as an MEP and "LEAD" the BNP or continue to build the European Nationalist bridges and hand over to someone else to run the BNP, he can't do both. I think he would be best to hand-over and hand-over now because it doesn't give a new leader time before the next election if he stands down in 2013. NG could still have a consultancy/advisory role to a new leader and contimue to build the European bridges. It is my persoanl belief that we have run aground or gotten as far as we can becuase NG has too much baggage, he is not electable.
to be honest the only person I see as electable is Mr Brons, but he unlike Cameron and blair isn't as fresh faced and unfortunatly that is what the people want.
I am disheartened by this whole escapade and does not give me any hope at all. If Mr Griffin is not going to budge then I would suggest a new party is formed, that is not what i would like to see, I would like to see unity but, united we stand divided we fall.
The BNP did better than the NF and that was a strategic split and if a new party is to go further then another split might be the welcome thing. Labour became NEW Labour which was merely a re-branding exercise, away with the cloth caps and whippets of the 70's and into fresh faced politicians with nice shiny suites. It worked for them and needs to be done I believe with the BNP. A re-branding excersise but that doesn't look like it is about to happen any time soon. so I would suggest a strategic split, form a new party a "NEW BNP" get out the advertising "look at us" we are new and shiny without the baggage. find a new leader that the journo's don't have anything on and that way they cannot attack. We have about 4 years to do this starting now. New logo, new shiny people, new message, new hope!!
The important thing though is no one falls out. We are all Nationalist and have the same aim and by taking swipes at each other it is only wasting energy and resources that could be used to fight the real enemies. We have the EDL who also have a common aim, wether they are government funded or not does not bother me, the fact is we could be using them. When they stage a demo why arn't we out as well at some other location on the same day, that will split the reds down the middle and water down their resistance and message, we as Nationalists should be working togethor and untill we do we might as well sit at home and throw things at the TV.
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