Note how the story has not been picked up in the Daily Mail.
They all need to be killed.
One day we shall dispense justice for our people in the courts of a Nationalist Government.
A 14-year-old was forced into prostitution and sexually abused by a series of men after going missing from her home in Greater Manchester.
Nine men were convicted in connection with the abuse, which took place in February and March 2008.
The girl, described as vulnerable, was "used as a commodity" for sexual activity with the men, police said.
Supt Paul Savill, of Greater Manchester Police (GMP), said she had been through an "absolutely horrifying ordeal".
Police said the girl, who first went missing on 16 February 2008, had been abused by a number of different men "as she went from one vulnerable situation to another".
In each case the men identified her vulnerability to take advantage of her.
In a statement issued following the convictions, the girl said: "These people exploit young girls, introduce them to prostitution, feed them drugs and alcohol and tell them they love them.
'Changed my life'
"I know this because it has happened to me and it has changed my life enormously.
"I just hope that people will be more aware of this now and will be able to prevent this from happening to other vulnerable young girls."
" She has been treated like a commodity: beaten, threatened and sexually exploited”
End Quote Supt Paul Savill Greater Manchester Police
Over a series of separate hearings and trials, Manchester Crown Court heard how the girl was first picked up in Rochdale town centre by Asad Hassan.
He took her to a nightclub where she was plied with drink and taken to a flat along with two other men, Basharat Mohammed and Mohammed Atif, who all later sexually exploited her.
A few days later she travelled to Manchester where she met another man, Aftab Khan, who also plied her with alcohol and drugs before ordering her to work as a prostitute.
Over the next 10 days she was forced to have sex with a number of men for money, before flagging down a couple in the street and begging them for help.
Supt Savill said the level of abuse the girl had suffered was "almost beyond belief".
"She has been treated like a commodity: beaten, threatened and sexually exploited.
"These men took advantage of her vulnerability with no regard for her wellbeing.
"I commend this young girl for her bravery in supporting this case. Even after her ordeal she was able to revisit the sites where she was abused and testify against her abusers in court."
'Nightmare experience'
The girl's parents added: "We are very proud of our daughter for her courage in assisting Greater Manchester Police with the prosecution of these abusers who caused her such terrible harm.
"No family should have to endure a nightmare experience like the one we have been through.
"We support our daughter in hoping that these successful prosecutions will send a message that will help protect other children."
Nine men convicted at Manchester Crown Court in connection with the abuse were:
* Aftab Khan, 31, of Tarporley Avenue, Fallowfield pleaded guilty to one count of controlling a child prostitute and one count of sexual activity with a child. He was sentenced to nine years in prison. This was later reduced to seven years on appeal
* Abid Khaliq, 30, of Shrewsbury Street, Stretford was sentenced to eight months in prison after admitting perverting the course of justice
* Noorzai Ahmed, 29, of Royce Court, Hulme was sentenced to four years in prison after he was found guilty of paying for the sexual services of a child
* Mohammed Anwar Safi, 29, of no fixed address, was sentenced to 31 months in prison after admitting paying for the sexual services of a child
* Mohammed Khan, 26, of Royce Court, Hulme was sentenced to four years in prison after he was found guilty of facilitating child prostitution
* Najibullah Safi, 33, of Reabrook Avenue, West Gorton was sentenced to two years in prison after admitting to sexual activity with a child
* Asad Yousaf Hassa, 28, of Rivington Street, Rochdale was sentenced to two years in prison after admitting two counts of sexual activity with a child
* Mohammed Basharat, 28, of Prospect Street, Rochdale was sentenced to two years in prison after he pleaded guilty to sexual activity with a child under 16
* Mohammed Atif, 29, of Rivington Street, Rochdale was sentenced to two years in prison after admitting to sexual activity with a child
the girl was first picked up in Rochdale town centre by Asad Hassan.
ye, Rochdale that Muslim Town with squat toilets and a super mosque and the msulim flag outside town hall..
Rochdale well known for its pak attack on loan whites..
the whole country's filthy no go ghettos should be cleansed
Whilst this disgusting abuse was being distorted to a large degree by the MSM (the girl not afforded a nationality merely her skin colour mentioned, the "religion of peace" perpetrators referred to solely as Asian) in East Anglia we are presented with the attached "news" item as though we are a bunch of half wits
There was also a 5 minutes filmed report on this on the regional news.
Nauseating, truly nauseating.
When will the British ever wake up to the constant b/s they are fed?
They simply don't seem to care they have given away their children's future.
Agree, give the parents and the girl a weapon of their choice and 24 hours to do as they wish with them.
Lee, Please, please, please push the Party to take up this issue. This in not just everyday bad news -this is sick attack against our people by a whole group of another people. This is not an isolated incident; this is a commonplace defilement of morality, a stain on modern society.
This issue is so important that even the BBC have reported on it.
We need this outrage plastered all over the North West. We need the BNP to construct a flyer on it; we need this abhorrence to remain on the BNP site as a persistent reminder, an article always at the top of the page and always available. This must not be allowed to be buried, to become tomorrow's chip wrapper. Why not set up a special fund on the homepage (like the EHRC fund) to ask for monies to produce leaflets on this issue for a mass mail merge and hand delivery.
If we allow this to be forgotten, if we allow this attack to wither away in website archives, then we should all hang our heads in shame.
I offer £50 toward such a fund -am I'm sure some will equal my offer but many more will, out of wretched disgust, surpass my humble outlay.
As a father, I feel physically sick.
Just how long is it going to take for the so called 'authorities' to recognise that this girl's case is one of many (if not hundreds) and take the appropriate action. While they continue to be blinded with political correctness in order to maintain a non existent community cohesion, our young people are being assaulted and abused by animals such as these.
If the people who are paid to protect our young are refusing to recognise the problems that exist in our society because of its multi-culti culture, then the time must come when we say to these people that enough is enough and we, the ordinary native citizens will take on the job for them.
Perhaps we whites should regard the abuse of our chidren by Muslim men as honour crimes against us and react accordingly. That is something these barbarians will understand and respect.
When is the BNP going to stop prattling and publish the truth about what the liblabcon is doing to our country?
The fact this girl is described as "vulnerable" means nobody cares enough about her to wonder where she is all night. Nobody gives a shit about these very young white working class girls from disadvantaged/broken homes. The only time anybody shows concern is when they are raped by niggers. Prior to their rape they are just white trash benefit scrounging chavs and half the country would have them killed to help the economy. Shes been raped allright but way before Mohammed got his hands on her.
Don't wait for the BNP, there are plenty of grooming vids on youtube.
burn em to dvd and start handing them out.
The reason the British public are not up in arms is because they do not know it is going on.
That is the very idea of censorship, simply put the message out on the telly that all is well in multiculti heaven and although it wont fool tens of thousands it will fool tens of millions.
Burn the truth to disc and hand them out.
Right on, Ade.
The BNP have had their chance and done fuck all about it.
As I recall, the BNP was the first to highlight this abomination, showing how the Qur'an justifies the predatory actions of Muslim males. It has since then (2005) become more pre-occupied with other issues, e.g. elections. Regrettably so, for the child victims.
Mohammed was himself a paedophile, as is now well known. It's not surprising that his true followers follow him in this respect.
The BBC tried to hush up the nature of the criminal element by means of an interviewee who said all races target vulnerable children. He didn't say in what proportion, naturally.
All 9 should have been hung, no doubt. (And a BNP Gov't should knock down the wall that now blocks Traitors' Gate so that the Islamophiles in the 'old gang' parties can be conducted through there.)
Another issue, though, is the parents who now 'support' their daughter. Here is a 14 year-old, picked up wandering the streets of Rochdale late at night and, to start with, willingly lured into 'substance abuse' by complete strangers.
What does that say about the victim's home life?
OT but here is some more 'community cohesion,' actually combustion.
Muslim females, burnt, beaten up, murdered or disfigured with acid by their own male co-religionists merit sympathy. The 'honour' criminals should be hung, too.
Any chance of circulating the acid attack item far and wide, especially to the likes of the PM and the Archbishop of Canterbury (both Islamophiles, I believe)?
kill these filthy muslim scum
Here's the background to this story.
The cult of the dead paedophile has no place in my country.
Anonymous said...
When is the BNP going to stop prattling and publish the truth about what the liblabcon is doing to our country?
I am taking to the streets With my Cam!¬! and Question the Sheeple!
"give the parents and the girl a weapon of their choice and 24 hours to do as they wish with them."
my sister in law was almost gang raped assaulted, well she was assaulted by a pack of feral half breeds and white trash. Old PC plod came, and my wife told them that her sister would now be carrying hairspray to spray in their eyes. Old PC plod turned to her and warned her that "she would be breaking the law".
Police never caught them. I went out later with a hammer to sort it out myself, unfortunately (fortunately for them) I never found them.
Anonymous said...
Right on, Ade.
The BNP have had their chance and done fuck all about it.
Anonymous said...
When is the BNP going to stop prattling and publish the truth about what the liblabcon is doing to our country?
Lee isnt the BNP And Lee DOES NOT PRATTLE
LEE GETS THINGS DONE and Lee states EXACTLY what is happening in our country.
Its the apathy of the people in our country that lets these things happen., They dont give a damn.
All i hear is 'i'm alright Jack'
Except from Lee.
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