Meanwhile, inside the Belfast Fuhrer Bunker, Der Fuhrer Plankton takes a call from his most trusted officer 'Patrick' Jefferson ;
" Aaah fuck Richard Barnbrook.
We dont need him do we Jim.
We dont need any of them !
Fuck 'em all !
Its you and me now Jim, just us against the world.
Jim .....
Er Jimmy boy .......
Has anyone seen Jim ?
Hello is anyone there ?
Oh bollocks. "
After being banned from the green arrow forum twice,oNce as a global moderator for nothing and once as an orginary member for reproducing your blog comments.I have resigned today as a BNP member afer 6 years.I cannot support the party after your revelations.Its just a great shame there is actualy no political party to replace the BNP.
I certainly appreciated Richard Barnbrook's statement on his blog.
It stands in sharp contrast to the way the old gangsters behave in similar circumstances.
Or any possible new ones, for that matter.
I trust that Richard speaks for genuine BNPrs and that therefore the Party will both survive the current crisis (in the manner that Richard proposes) and move on, even if it has to be 'capped.'
Am I blacklisted?
Ok, thanks Lee; I will take that as a "no".
Lee, have you been expelled as legal officer only (and thus remain a member) or have you been expelled from the party altogether?
I know you resigned. But what exactly is your relationship with the party now?
Andraste said...
Lee, have you been expelled as legal officer only (and thus remain a member) or have you been expelled from the party altogether?
I resigned.
Then I was expelled for resigning I think, although I may have been expelled for not resigning = one or the other, as its not really that clear from Griffins e mail that he sent me 1 hour and 45 minutes after I resigned that expelled me.
So you are no longer a member of the BNP full stop? I ask this because it is important to me to know how the party have treated you; and there is a difference between being expelled and being removed from your position as legal officer. Thanks Lee.
Bye Lee, I thought you might have something interesting to say having followed your blog for a few years but no you have just joined the anti BNP mob. weird eh?
How about spending 10% % of your time fighting for the British people instead of spending 99% of your time now attacking the BNP
Anonymous said...
Bye Lee, I thought you might have something interesting to say having followed your blog for a few years but no you have just joined the anti BNP mob. weird eh?
How about spending 10% % of your time fighting for the British people instead of spending 99% of your time now attacking the BNP
olded said....
Lee is not attacking the BNP he's attacking the corruption that has become the BNP, and as for spending 10% or 99% fighting for the British people, he is doing just that by exposing that corruption,
As for me I resigned today, because of that corruption.
Anonymous said...
Bye Lee, I thought you might have something interesting to say having followed your blog for a few years but no you have just joined the anti BNP mob. weird eh?
How about spending 10% % of your time fighting for the British people instead of spending 99% of your time now attacking the BNP
another stupid comment, by someone who chooses to ignore what you have said Lee.
In reply. did you not read Lees reasons for resigning?
Do you not know that Lee has spent the vast majority of his time over the last 10 years fighting for the British people, i think that equates to far more than 10% dont you?
What have you done for the British people?
Why dont you take a look at what Lee has done for the 'British people' or come to that anyon who has asked for help really.
You never know it just might inspire you to do something...anything...
Oh by the way Voluntary of course Oh and, 24/7
Oh and, whilst recovering from a serious illness,
Oh and with a family too,
and trying to ..well i could go on but im sure you get the picture.
This deranged ranting is not helping anyone.
I get it, you have resigned, now stop the mudslinging.
Return to your informed, rational posting now please. This used to be a great blog, and I've been reading it for years.
While Drake and his commanders argued no one seemed to notice the Armada sailing full speed to England's shores.
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