The first is that it continues as it is.
That means the cult members ignore the allegations of sexual assault against Dowson, the allegations of theft, fraud and financial mismanagement are ignored and the party continues as a cult around Griffin.
The public image of the party has been destroyed, the fact that the allegations of sexual abuse have been ignored are used to destroy the parties credibility in election after election (no-one will vote for a party led by perverts who are protected by Griffin) and it staggers on drawing in 2-3 % in local elections until finally Richard Barnbrook is voted out of the GLA, our sitting councillors are wiped away and eventually both Griffin and Brons are voted out.
This is the Griffin Option.
Griffin has stated many times in the past that he is not the man to lead the party forward into the future.
His statement that he will stay on for four years was designed solely to allow him to financially feather his own retirement nest.
He is an albatross around the neck of the party, whose endless gaffes have devastated our party image, our internal skills base (by him purging people or good people being sickened by his actions and leaving) and damaged our ability to reach out to the masses.
The senior officers in the party are obviously either self serving minions or who are on the payroll, as if they truly cared about the party and its Nationalist principles then they would demand the following ;
1) An independent internal investigation into all the allegations
2) A Reconciliation Committee be set up to allow people to air their greivances and allow the party to go forward
3) internal changes to protect party officers and employed officers of the party from un lawful dismissal in order to financially protect the party
4) internal changes to protect members from unawful suspensions.
These are the bare minimum of what is required.
But even these are too much for Griffin and his cabal of foot lickers and idiot sycophants that surround him.
The BNP vote has fallen to a new low over recent months.
The party is bankrupt and its skill base so damaged by purges and resignations, that Griffin has now appointed himself the London Organiser as well as being an MEP and Chairman of the party.
Even though he spends half his time in Brussels and half his time in Wales - he now thinks he can be the London Organiser as well.
The man is truly delusional.
The vote we are achieving now is pathetic.
But that will get worse, as the internal skills base of the party comprised of our most dedicated, talented and hard working activists have just been purged by Griffin.
In relation to internal skills, the party is now back to around 1995.
We as a Nationalist movement do not have another twenty years to win the struggle, nor do we have four more years to wait until Griffin retires.
In four years time the nationalist movement under Griffin will have been destroyed.
Whilst the British people are angrier than ever, they have en masse rejected the BNP as the vehicle for their political greivances.
That is because they despise Griffin.
Unlike the inner cult members of the BNP, they see him for what he is.
The ONLY people that sustain Griffin's position are the morons in the party that still believe the asinine party propaganda put out by Griffins supporters.
They are as much a liability as Griffin, for without their support then Griffin would be forced to resign.
Now if Griffin does resign who should lead the BNP ?
I personally believe that the 'Cult of Personality' that is a feature of British Nationalism, and a relic from its days of Mosley and Tyndall, is as dangerous to our future political development as Griffin is.
Frankly it is embarrasing that intelligent Nationalists feel they have to fawn over and flatter little men with big ego's.
It makes the party over centralised and infantile, and leads to senior officers having to arse lick 'the leader' to get their jobs done.
The BNP does not need a a new leader, it needs a whole new leadership.
The BNP must reform on the following model in order to advance ;
A) The role of the Chairman of the party must be scrapped. In its place comes a party President whose sole power is to cast the deciding vote in any Executive Council meeting if the vote it tied. The Presidents role will be to ensure good order at meetings, to follow procedure at meetings and to ensure accountability from officers delegated responsibilities by the Executive Council.
2) The Executive Council of the party will be comprised of senior party officers with a vote. They then vote on proposals put forward by officers and members. No decision is taken in the party as regards business decisions, staff appointments, disciplinary actions, staff sackings etc etc unless the issue is first debated and voted on.
3) Regional Organisers are appointed by their local members by a majority vote. That way the best people locally get the job, as opposed to Griffins placemen being given roles they are not suitable for - such as when Griffin appoints himself the new London organiser.
Candidates put themselves forward and are voted in by the members who know them and who work with them, and this ensures the most dedicated and skilled activists are appointed, not Griffin stooges.
4) All officials of the party must be appointed solely on the grounds of long standing loyalty and service to the party, competence in their roles and integrity in their personal character.
The BNP is a pathetic over centralised relic of the Cold War.
Griffin appoints people not on the basis of talent or loyalty to the party, its members or British Nationalist principles but solely on the basis of their loyalty to him.
This has meant the party is run by over paid incompetents whose only talent is arse licking Griffin.
We must never again have a party run as a cult around one person.
The BNP is a dinosaur of a party, both in relation to its functions and form.
However much Griffin and his cronies talk about 'modernisation and professionalism' the party will always still be lumbered with Griffin, his idiotic constitution and over centralised around him.
The idiot at the top appoints other idiots who then do an incompetent and idiotic job for the party.
When the party talks about 'modernisation and proffessionalism' it must start with ;
1) Removing the position as Chairman. Whoever is Chairman has too much power, too little accountability and too much of a public profile. The post of Chairman is a total liability for the party, as we have seen with Griffins regular abuses of power over the years.
The present power of the chairman under Griffins constitution is a dictator.
He can do as he wants when he wants, as we have all seen time after time.
That is not the constitution of a democratic political party, it is the constitution of dictatorship and one that I would argue is inherently unlawful as regards the parties role in a democracy.
A new constitution must be drafted to protect the members, to protect employees of the party and to protect officers of the party.
2) Appointing people into the Executive Council on the basis of a proven track record of loyalty to the party.
Those on the Executive Council are appointed by the members on the basis of their skills, wisdom, loyalty, personal integrity and honesty.
The party members should be able to vote for the ten officers that sit on the Executive Council.
They stand for election as officers of the EC and are voted in by the members.
They must promise to serve only the interests of the party in their roles and also to protect the rights of members and to act only in regard to the interests of British Nationalism.
Those individual EC officers can be removed only by a majority vote of the EC or by a vote from the members expressing no confidence in them.
The Executive Council role is to appoint party officers on two criteria - their qualifications and loyalty to the party.
The Executive Council will appoint say a Party Business Officer.
They will ensure they are investigated, their qualifications checked and their business credentials verified.
They will then order an outside employment lawyer to draft up their contract.
They will also be made to sign a formal legal agreement as regards their duties to the party. They will be made to join the party and agree to bound by internal party disciplinary procedures such as in the event they molest a female BNP member and need to be expelled for doing so.
If the qualification check is passed as correct, they join the party and agree to be bound by the party internal disciplinary procedures and they also sign their contract- then these documents will then be passed to the Executive Council to vote on.
If the vote is a majority one it is passed and they are appointed and tasked by the EC to do their job.
Then every couple of months they will attend an EC meeting with a report on what they have been doing.
In the meantime the EC communicate on a daily basis with each other as regards internal party performance and activities.
The EC will read this evaluation report and then debate amongst themselves on their performance as an appointed officer.
If they are happy with the work they are doing, then they sign them off for a further period.
If there any problems then either the EC can investigate as a group or appoint an investigating officer to find out any potential issues.
If the issues are serious the EC can vote for sacking, expulsion from the party or an investigation to be undertaken by the parties properly appointed and trained Internal Affairs Unit who are tasked to investigate such issues.
Then the parties properly constituted and trained Disciplinary Panel will be tasked by the EC to follow the existing legal case law and party constitutional procedures and suspend them prior to a full disciplinary hearing.
At every level of the party nepotism, corruption, secrecy and abuse of power must be reined in and prevented.
The more the party is open and accountable to scrutiny from its senior officers then the safer the party and the members are from abuses of power by officers who are accountable only to Griffin for their actions.
At the moment one person does the hiring, one person decides they are doing a good job and one person fires them.
That is Griffin.
And that is a monstrous and truly pathetic conflict of interest.
No organisation, let alone a political party, can be run like that.
Without internal structures and accountability - then abuses of power are able to occur as we have seen time after time.
At the same time as the party reforms internally, the parties internal training skills must be ramped up.
Many good people who have left the BNP would rejoin if Griffin and Dowson resigned.
Their skills would be able to be then utilised again.
Rather than the party relying for its entire public image on one man, the party will become a localised movement that concentrates on community activism and community building.
I have spent the last year designing for the party a revolutionary Political Activism, Community Activism and Community Building Model.
I was planning to run this out for the party, and I note that Griffin is still going to try and peddle some of my ideas as part of his Civil Rights Group.
Griffin is clueless on what is required.
I have fed him the bare bones of the Model, but he has has no idea how to run it, integrate it or ensure it functions as a model.
His 'idea' for a Civil Rights Group is simply intellectual plagiarism from yours truly.
He will cock it up as he always does and appoint people with the wrong ideas, the wrong skills with the wrong tactics following the wrong strategy.
He will run it as a money making scam, rather than what is required.
Griffin is intellectually vapid.
All he does is steal the credit for other peoples ideas - such as Solidarity which I thought up, set up and got running and also the Civil Liberty group which I thought up and set up and got running.
I know Griffin better than virtually any other party officer apart from Simon darby and Dowson, and they know he doesnt have good ideas.
He just steals them and then tries to pretend they are his.
All you get with Griffin is always negative.
Your ideas are a charter for disloyalty, rebellion and instability.
We have a leader. At the moment that leader is Nick Griffin but if he were to die or retire we would have another leader. Hopefully somebody who will carry on in Nick's footsteps.
It is the duty of BNP members to be loyal to their leader. The recent troubles, now behind us, came about through disloyalty and the petty egos of small men who cannot accept that they themselves are not leader.
Nick Griffin has put the BNP where it is today. I am proud to call myself a supporter and follower of Nick Griffin and I will shed blood to keep him where he belongs, at the head of our party.
My contribution is a modest one but I always send 30% of my benefit to the party. I am pleased and proud that the party accepts my contribution.
To you that makes me a "moron", for me it makes me a proud member of the BNP.
Those of you who, through jealously or a sense of personal inadequacy, cannot bring yourself to support the leader should do the honourable thing.
" It is the duty of BNP members to be loyal to their leader. "
You complete fucking twat.
It is the primary duty of BNP members to be loyal first to their people, then to their Nationalist principles, then to their party comrades and then to the party.
Last of all is loyalty to their leader.
People like you make me sick, as you are moronic, deluded idiot cult members who know nothing about the reality of the BNP at the senior levels - you are loyal to your own stupidity and the BNP propaganda you believe is real, you complete fool.
You will ignore the fact that female BNP members have made allegations about serious sexual assaults by an officer in the party to protect the chairman and his corrupt underlings - and that makes you scum.
Just like the Muslim paedophile gang members protect their own people when they rape white children, you also protect perverts the same way. You are as bad as them.
You have betrayed every principle that the BNP once stood for - you should be ashamed of yourself.
Now crawl back under whatever stone you came from you sick vermin.
" It is the duty of BNP members to be loyal to their leader. "
You complete fucking twat.
It is the primary duty of BNP members to be loyal first to their people, then to their Nationalist principles, then to their party comrades and then to the party.
Last of all is loyalty to their leader.
People like you make me sick, as you are moronic, deluded idiot cult members who know nothing about the reality of the BNP at the senior levels - you are loyal to your own stupidity and the BNP propaganda you believe is real, you complete fool.
You will ignore the fact that female BNP members have made allegations about serious sexual assaults by an officer in the party to protect the chairman and his corrupt underlings - and that makes you scum.
Just like the Muslim paedophile gang members protect their own people when they rape white children, you also protect perverts the same way. You are as bad as them.
You have betrayed every principle that the BNP once stood for - you should be ashamed of yourself.
Now crawl back under whatever stone you came from you sick vermin.
Tell it like it is Lee. Your right, now it,s time to move on - Eddy for a year then hopefully Michaela. Nicks time as chairman is over.
The role of a transitional leader will be to allow the party to develop the new constitution and internal model.
Then they resign and stand as a candidate for the Ten new Executive Council officer places.
Any member of over five years can stand for a position on the Executive Council.
We must have no more 'leader' - what we need are LEADERS.
Eddy and Michaela would be required to work together alongside other party officers to create the new constitution and new internal structures within the party.
The role of leader is now redundant.
What this party requires is LEADERSHIP, in that the best people possible are the ones with the power to promote the interests of the BNP, its nationalist principles and membership and our people, country and culture.
The role of chairman is a relic.
It must be scrapped and done away with.
"You will ignore the fact that female BNP members have made allegations about serious sexual assaults by an officer in the party.."
But the person making the allegation is not a BNP member. She is suspended.
It is despicable that so many so-called BNP members do not automatically rally round the leadership when digusting allegations of this kind are being made.
I agree.
Ever since Griffin became the BNP chairman he has been moving towards a Dictator's Charter.
Step by step he has lead good party members to this sorry state of party we have here today.
Finally he has managed to install in every conceivable position those who suck up big style to him or those who are equally greedy, perverted, egocentric, maladjusted or just plain damn thick.
This should never be allowed to happen again in nationalism.
No man(I use that term loosely) should EVER have that level of control.
No decent honourable man would have strived for that in the first place.
Griffin is a wrecker. He thrives on destruction and chaos.
He is driven to feed his huge ego with the devastation of others.
He sees the lives and hopes of others there purely to use, abuse and discard.
Since he became an MEP he will have become a legend in his own mind.
All those who turned a blind eye (sorry about that, as I am not mocking the afflicted) should be ashamed of themselves.
Those who have allowed his unfettered malice and greed to grow unabated should have heeded the words 'evil flourishes whilst good men do nothing'.
Maybe it is all too late.
Maybe the damage that Griffin has done with the support of so many has allowed us to go past the point of no return.
Well done BNP and proud.
We can never give enough to our leader.
I currently give 50% of my child benefit to the party and I am considering selling one of my kidneys.
Mr Barnes you are a TRAITOR!
I couldn't afford to donate 30% of my income to the party because i spent so much on petrol and loss of wages by being active for up to 7 days aweek.
The above is surely an arm chair activist and knows nothing about whats been going on in the party.
My friends and i regularly have debates on whether Nick Griffin is working for the state or not.If hard working(ex) members are having these debates then there is something wrong, we should not be having them.
"Any member of over five years can stand for a position on the Executive Council. "
I see an immediate problem. Hundreds of good people have quit or been purged in the past few years. They will not have continuity of 5 years membership. All that will be left to choose from will be the rump of Griffinites, toadies and some genuinely good people who are (for the minute) not saying anything.
Agree with what you have said and I really hope "BNP and proud" is taking the piss to try and galvanize you into a rant for peoples entertainment.
If not its scary that people can be this intellectually barren and he makes a good case for eugenics laws!
Defender of Liberty said @ 05:20
We must have no more 'leader' - what we need are LEADERS.
As an ex mil I can assure you that someone has to be in overall command or you are asking for trouble. If there is a difference of opinion, someone has to have the last say, otherwise things can quickly get out of hand. By all means have Eddy and Michaela working 'closely together' alongside other party officers to create the new constitution and new internal structures within the party, but one of them has to have the final word as it were. This is as important for the other party officers as it is for Eddy, Michaela.
I've worked in occasional places decades ago now where the chain of command was not as clear as it should be but I was always able to work out who my boss actually was by asking one simple question: "Who writes my annual confidential report?" The party officers need to know who is in charge, be it ever so tenuous.
Excellent new approach, optimism is much better than pessimism.
However, who is as skilled and is as good as Nick Griffin at the moment, because the shower of shit of opponents I see are truely pathetic !I have wondered how they even run their own lives, let alone a Nationalist Party.
Also on the movement we spoke of, if this is implimented wrong, with any wrong ingrediants, including the marketing of it, it would be another disaster.
Business people need to be brought in to ensure that it changes as it moves, to ensure sastainablity and continuous growth.
|Even the best model needs constant tweaking and understanding for it to be a long term strong vehicle.
Over the past 21 years of business I keep reinventing myself and what I sell,not just to keep with the demand, but to tailor to the sort of customers I want to deal with.
Ie, every product, whatever the difference will attract an entirely different clientel. We all have different attitudes toward all aspects of what we buy and how easy someone would part with the money.
Also , I agree entirely that there are many people who deserve to be nurtured ,supported and encouraged, I dont see any of it. Their efforts and are being inhibited before they have a chance, by wankers who want a moment of glory, the sort of idiots who should not even be in the possition they hold.
I see real talent come and go and it is a crying shame.
We need drastic change from the bottom to the top, or any Nationalist Movement will simply die before it begins.
This is still a limited post, as it has always have been and will always be.
The job of the leader is to lead within a nationalist framework, he has to be in control but he also has to be answerable to the membership.
In short, if Nick does not satisfy the membership they will boot him out, that is how you keep on top of people trying to subvert the party.
This also prevents state factions from subverting the BNP, though it will do it's best by creating division.
first the membership has stated that they are happy with Nick to continue at the moment, so we must pull together until any further challenge comes about.
If things are as important and as destructive at the top as you say they are Lee then Nick will soon be gone, If Nick looks after the party the party will look after nick, if Nick goes awole eventually he will be seen as a liability and be gone, but to do this the party must hold together and be civil in its critism and not feed the press with tittle tattle.
As for the alegations against Mr Dowson, these are a concern, though not as much as some would suggest, if these were the alegations that you make them out to be - then it is up to the person claiming to be a victim to go to the police not creat a kiss and tell video for political gain, that is a disgrace in itself.
What we have is two adults sharing a room by consent! perhaps dowson manipulated the situation or perhaps the other party did, we will never know, but considering this issue comes to light at a later date and only for DESTRUCTIVE political gain purposes then i am sceptical of the whole thing and the FAKE outrage showed by many seems to be simply a case using anything to attack Griffin.
It seems from what we have read that Nick already carried out an internal investigation into this as it appears that the person involved could have been state.
Yes it is true that this makes Dowson a potential target for such honey traps if this was indeed one and that is a concern.
perhaps Mr Dowson has learnt his lesson, we will never know if Dowson is in fact the victim here, it will always be he said she said.
and as you judge ask yourself how many middle aged men would be able to resist the attention of an attractive young female?
Again I repeat for the outraged rightious, they were both adults, who consented to share a bed.
So please get off the moral high horse, the long and short of it is nothing happened, no one was forced, no one was attacked, police were not called, no further evidence has come forward, Nick investigated the situation as he clearly thought it was a trap (which in fact reasures me rather than alarms me like the morons outraged) and Dowson should have learnt his lesson.
" But the person making the allegation is not a BNP member. She is suspended. "
Yep, thats the sort of mentality you are dealing with when you get a Griffinite trying to think for themselves.
Ex- Military ; You misunderstand the model I propose.
For instance, someone on the Executive Council would stand for election as Financial Officer.
They and others who also want to be Financial Officer would put their individual personal skills and history to the membership for election.
If elected then they would be responsible as the officer tasked with business development.
They would be the line manager for the party Business Officer, merchandising wing, finance related to business decisions etc etc and responsible for making sure each internal BNP unit attached to the Financial Office reported on what they were doing to the Executive Council - that way each leader is the person best qualified to lead their own particular skills section within the BNP.
That way you get internal TACTICAL leadership and lines of authority for day to day decision making and a shared STRATEGIC leadership at the Executive Council level as regards internal monitoring of each unit of the parties productivity and efficiency.
So Nick investigated the allegations concerning Dowson.
So thats all righty then isnt it.
Nick Griffin, the omniscient entity said its okay.
You moron.
( shakes head side to side and sighs loudly )
Jeez, where do they come from.
lmfao, I love it.
Some people say you are uncouth,but I say it is passion and I want to see more of it !
Brilliant idea's mate, keep em coming,hopefully the Master may listen ;o)
But dont ever expect me to be disloyal to anyone in Nationalist circles; I wont.
You have many proper Morons following your comments, bring it on I say, they ae making complete fkn idiots of them selfs.
If idiots like that want proper progress,donate to them so they can do the right thing for carbon emissions and buy a big bottle of pills ;o)
I hear that Green Sparrow and John Walker have put their livers on eBay to raise funds for Nick and Jim.
Bidding is stuck on 99p.
Appears Gri££in has gone completely mad? This is his latest Twitter.
"Busy evening putting together a great new London management team. I'll be acting as their Reginal Organiser while they find their feet. I pass by while on the way to Europe anyway, so a bit of hands on leadership won't be too hard. Vital we organise now to maximise chances in 2012 gla election......"
Arrogance,Smug Walker made a big mistake visiting that Jap War shrine, this stunt will back fire on us, War veterans and the general public will be fuming and rightfully so! Watch him here.
Anonymous said...
Appears Gri££in has gone completely mad? This is his latest Twitter.
"Busy evening putting together a great new London management team. I'll be acting as their Reginal Organiser while they find their feet. I pass by while on the way to Europe anyway, so a bit of hands on leadership won't be too hard. Vital we organise now to maximise chances in 2012 gla election......"
17 August 2010 12:51
Clearly insane, the B and D group throw their toys out of the pram and then mutiny because they did not get elected, the loss of an ego fullfilling role in the party that was not dowen to griffin but down to the fact that their was a general election on that squeesed all small parties as everyone just wanted Labour out or were shit scared of the Tories.
That is a fact, that is why we lost so many council seats that and the gerrymandering importation of Labour voters.
But rather than pull to gether the B and D crushed egos gang and state agents decided to kick up a stink, it was not their fault so someone had to be the fall guy - they chose Nick and on the way picked up every malcontent moron they could find, with more and more of the more and more malcontents and state agents crawled out of the woodwork.
By now we would have brushed ourself off and looked to the future, Nick did and wrote several decent articles about it, the malcontents did their best to wreck any future we might have throwing as much mud as they could find hoping some would stick, a few bits did stick much to their surprize and delight, if nothing stuck after ten years of progress then i would have been very surprised, they patted themselfs on the back - look at all the loverly damage they were doing to Nick, unfortunately it was also sticking to the BNP.
As their numbers grew they even took in a few decent nationalists who got swept up in it all, though very few.
If Nick really wanted to destroy the BNP he would have handed it strait to Butler and his band of malcontents, that really would have finished the party off.
Are their problems, off course, always are and always will be, is Nick perfect - No, is he the bst we have at this time, by far.
has Dowson got too much power, influence - certainly, is that a party destroying issue - no.
will lee print my comments? who knows!
If Nick had won, everyone would be singing his praises, if this was not a GE and Labour not gerrymandered B and D would have still retained many of its BNP councilors and no toys would have been thrown out of the pram.
instead the deflated egos decalred war and ever gripe was blown out of all proportion.
I say f*ck the malecontents, good riddance, you jumped abord a sinking ship, so sink with it, no olive branches, you showed your metal and it was fools gold yellow.
The real nationalists will march on, leaner and fitter and more able to make real progress without the dead weight holding it back, the state will have triggered all their agents and blown it.
Time for real progress is here, you cling to the malecontents and the gripers, sniping from the sidelines, others have a party to support with a democratically elected leader.
We will brush ourselfs off and move on, using Griffins vision as our template, Griffins vision that has the mandate of the party.
You carry on sniping from the sidelines where you become distant memories of the past.
Anonymous said...
Arrogance,Smug Walker made a big mistake visiting that Jap War shrine, this stunt will back fire on us, War veterans and the general public will be fuming and rightfully so! Watch him here.
17 August 2010 13:29
Bullshit, the general public don't give a f*ck, the general public voted labour and Tory, the British hating media will spin it out of all proportion hoping people will be as moronic as you sucking up their hysterical searchlight shite.
Run along now the UAF are missing their teaboy.
From Canada I have followed all of the ups and downs within our ranks in the Motherland, for decades.
This website is carrying on for patriotism with a different approach.
It shouldn't be forgotten that allegations of sexual assault are simply that, allegations until proven.
If there was an assault, bring in the police.
It's very easy nowadays for women to do this, it's all part of the NWO plan to destroy our society.
If you want to take over society you have to bring the men to their knees, castrate them because they are the ones who are going to string you up if they ever find out what you are doing.
Why do you think simon hughes says ' Particularly the women to come forward in the political leadership.
Why do you think testosterone lowering BPA is put in plastics and on till receipts.
Just the amount of BPA from till receipts alone is enough to drastically reduce Testosterone production in men.
This does not include that released into drinks from plastic bottles every time you and your son drink a coke.
Chemical added to plastic drinks containers
The secret war against Western men
get organised or be marginalised>
Larouche Pac
We are all being emasculated by plastic bottles and till receipts.
Of course.
On topic, I now read this blog every day. I am enjoying the teases that Lee is supplying us with, but why not go the whole hog and dish up some cold hard facts that will bury Griffin for good and save the party?
“It is the duty of BNP members to be loyal to their leader”
You can’t be serious... That is like saying that it is the duty of all patriotic Brits to be loyal to the Prime Minister even though we know he is screwing us over.
All patriots should question everything. Everyone is corruptable. Accepting things at face value is not being patriotic. It is treason.
Please wake up and think about it. I am not saying Nick Griffin is corrupt but you can’t say it is our duty to be loyal to the leader. It is our duty to get this country back and make it fit for our future generations. Anything less is treason.
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