Image - From the political left to the political right, all of the politicians are puppets of the media and the public are slaves of the media.
The pictures of the 100,000 german lemmings lining up to listen to a speech of Barack Obama is evidence of the utter, horrifying power of the media to influence and manipulate the minds of the public, both in Europe and America.
This Obama hysteria in the US, Europe and germany is a sign of a deep sickness in all our democracies, and also a deep sickness in the soul of the german people.
Of the crowds that came to see him in germany not one of them would have any ideas of the policies of Obama, his ideas or his plans if elected - they come because they have been taught to come.
Political correctness has unleashed a terrorist war against the psyche and soul of the german people and the white race in particular.
The enemy marked for eradication and extermination by Political Correctness is the White Race itself.
Political correctness seeks the extermination of the entire genetic lines of the white phenotypes.
It is a genocidal, insane ideology that rules by fear and by directing hatred against its opponents.
It has inculcated a sense of shame and guilt for the war that has been passed like some defective mental gene from generation to generation. Political correctness is how each generation is infected with his poison.
The endless incultation of poisonous war guilt in the minds of young people in germany has resulted in the creation of a pathological germany, a germany sick, twisted and at war within itself.
The german people have a death wish. They abort their children and their future in the name of excorcising the ghost of the past.
Political correctness is the terrorism of the soul.
This terrorism of the soul has resulted in a poisonous self hatred that manifests as a cringing and servile obedience to the icons of liberalism peddled to the public in the media.
Obama is the perfect Liberal Icon for the conditioned masses.
His black skin allows the media to trigger the 'slave guilt reflex' inculcated in white children (inserted into their minds during school) whilst his part white racial heritage means he can be sold to the public as part of the 'inclusiveness' agenda and the new advertising niche that has taken hold in the mind of the media, that of the mixed race.
An mixed race actor in an advert is employed as you manage to hit all the racial demographics at the same time, and this is also why the mixed race relationship is now a staple of the advertising industry.
The fact that the BBC showed live the speech of Obama in Berlin was an example of the way the media has such power to influence the British public.
I cannot remember any time before where the BBC has interrupted the news at 6 to show a speech from an American Democratic candidate on a visit to a foreign country.
THIS WAS PURE MANIPULATION - the intent was to violate the perceptions of the British public and to bolster the Obama reflex.
As I type this Obama has been on the BBC news live for over 5 minutes.
I have no doubt the BBC will not allow John McCain the chance to speak live to the British public when he visits a foreign country.
The fawning, sickening, lickspittle liberal scumbag of the BBC, Matt Frei, as usual was introducing Obama.
The BBC love to use Matt Frei, the blonde cringing male poster boy for the self hating white liberal elite. As he is of German heritage how fitting the BBC saw it to use this servile lackey of the liberal elite to fawn over the latest icon of liberalism.
He is the same arsehole who they also used to peddle the myth during the New Orleans floods, that the floods themselves were George Bush controlled genocidal attacks on the 'poor black descendants of slaves'.
The population of New Orleans at the time of the flood was only 28 % white, but the numbers of white people dead in the New Orleans flood represented 33 % of the total of victims.
This means whites were disproprotinately victims of the floods.
But do you remember the way the media chose to peddle the floods - as though they were some sort of black holocaust deliberatly inflicted by a Bush controlled Nazi organisation (FEMA) who let a concentration camp for black americans (New Orleans) to be deliberatly flooded.
It was Matt Frei in his canoe paddling amongst the bodies talking bullshit who did most to perpetuate this lie.
Race did play in the New Orleans floods - if you were white you were more likely to die.
I cannot remember a single news report from the BBC where the plight of whites was reported in such a race based way as the plight of blacks.
Whilst black mobs threatened to rape lone white women in the Super Dome ( where there were at least 6 murders, and 12 rapes among the enclosed evacuees ) the BBC REFUSED TO RELEASE THAT INFORMATION TO THE PUBLIC ! The BBC mentioned the race attacks here ;
But not once did the news report on the BBC point out that whites were being murdered, raped and attacked by black mobs just because they were white.
You would have thought that such race attacks would have been of as significance as the flood itself, but the BBC refused to highlight those rapes.
IMAGINE THOUGH IF WHITE MOBS HAD BEEN RAPING BLACK WOMEN OR KILLING BLACK MEN - then you could just imagine the howls and paroxysms of the media over those vicious racial atrocities !
The only newspaper that revealed the race attacks on whites by blacks during the floods was an Australian one here ;
Note her comments ' it has turned into a BLACK AGAINST WHITE thing ' - not as usually peddled by the media a WHITE AGAINST BLACK thing - note how the subtle movement of just two words completely change ones conception of the incidents.
The media always report such things as 'white against black' but in this case, due to the witness stating what happened, we get a verbatim report of the facts not a media spin of the facts which changes the entire emphasis of the facts.
The article here debunks the bullshit BBC / Matt Frei propaganda offensive about the New Orleans floods killing more blacks than whites and the response to the floods being a 'racial incident' against blacks ;
In fact the real racial impact was after the floods, take a look at how the crime rates rose after residents of New Orleans were moved to other areas and the crimes rates went through the roof ;
In the article below Jamie Glazov interviews Theodore Dalrymple (in real life London psychiatrist Anthony Daniels who works in a prison hospital) about political correctness and the damage that it does.
FP: You make the shrewd observation of how political correctness engenders evil because of “the violence that it does to people’s souls by forcing them to say or imply what they do not believe, but must not question.” Can you talk about this a bit?
Dalrymple: Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.
The media is the primary tool of the destruction of our civilisation, culture and future.
It is the true Weapon Of Mass Destruction and Mass Deception that we should all fear.
The real terrorists killing our democracy are those that control the media.
Those that control the media and who control the people through the media, are the enemies of the people.
They are the destroyers of democracy, the usurpers of our cultures and the gravediggers of our race and nations.
Whilst the traitorous political elites pass the laws that kill - the media bury the truth for the politicians they get elected. The politicians commit the crime, the media cover it up.
The media get the politicians elected and then protect them as they destroy our countries and people.
The media are the enemy of everything we hold as sacred.
Very true, its amazing how blind some people can be.
Im starting my international politics degree in september and I reckon im going to have one hell of a first year when they find out im a BNP member. Im looking forward to the challenge of convincing people that we are sanity in an insane world and these blog posts are fantastic resource aswell as others in helping me.
I completely agree.
The true enemy of Western nations, and their peoples, is found in the information organs of our respective countries.
Here in America federal [elementary] public education, academia, television, film, and mainstream press form a near-perfect organization of media which originate, modify, and enforce various aspects of anti-Western thought. My nation is ruled by this combination of media & intelligentsia since they are capable of shaping the minds of the voting masses - rendering them politically impotent.
It would appear that, in many instances, Europeans aren't fairing any better.
How I hate, with a perfect hatred, these wretches who are destroying us.
They had a small clip on the ITV news at 6.30 that managed to include the words one and world in the same sentence. I'd hoped I could find it online but I couldn't. The exact sentence isn't in this clip but the segment itself is pure NWO 'one worldism'. The elite are obviously making a big push for Obama with McCain in the background, the safe hands just in case he messes it up in the election.
Very good post Lee.
Here's some great videos(audio only) of Jim Marrs on the Alex Jones show that aired today. It explains quite a lot and helps to understand the big picture. They're in order from pt.1 to 5.
You might find this interesting Lee, I expect you already know about it.
As I have suspected all along, the US and UK are not the solution to anything in Iraq, they are the problem.
That glue was Saddam Hussein and the fact that he was building Iraq into a European-style nation in the Middle East to the horror of Israel and the various Arab Royal kingdoms that do not want democracy because that will mean they are 'Royally out of power'. Such nations as Saudi Arabia, Jordan, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, etc were willing spectators to the total annihilation of Iraq and the slaughter of over 1 million so they did not have to have democracy delivered to them by gun point, by their own citizens or by the US UK Faux Empire.
"If you refer back to the comment made by hardliner Pro-Israel Neocon Edward Luttwak as to why Saddam must be attacked (in 1991, not 2002), that Saddam was a threat to the Middle East status quo and then compare to Baker's comment regarding Germany being an enemy under "the war was actually only an economic preventive measure" the picture should become a little clearer on what I am trying to emphasize.
BO (!) has attracted a large following, in what would have seemed an unlikely place.
This is instructive, because when the Antichrist turns up, he will attract a global following, being a fully-integrated man; black, white, oriental, Revelation 13.
When he gets partly disabled, verse 3, his following will intensify. Nazism, 60-70 years ago, which projected one race only, was simply a step in the process. It helped foster the notion of white Caucasian self-loathing and in turn the notion that anything 'anti-white' must be good. So BO is now the non-white knight in shining armour, i.e. fools' gold.
This post, from Free Republic is instructive and reinforces your second main point, Lee. Consistent with the above, only BME folks 'suffer,' according to the MSM:
Posted on 16 June 2008 03:47:44 by not2worry
Have you all noticed that Cedar Rapids is under 10 feet of water. Thousands upon thousands of people are displaced?
Have you noticed that nobody is looting every empty property in site?
Have you noticed that nobody is shooting at rescuers?
Have you noticed any victims on TV wondering where the federal government is to 'take care of them'?
Or, have you noticed victims, who have lost everything, make comments like 'life goes on', 'we'll just need to pick up the pieces and start over', and 'at least we still have our life'.
Maybe Barak could help make victims of these survivors as well, convince them that they aren't strong enough to take care of themselves, [they're] not smart enough to survive. Maybe we should subsidize their lives for the next 2+ years, free housing, $2000/month to not work....
Just food for thought
But do you remember the way the media chose to peddle the floods - as though they were some sort of black holocaust deliberatly inflicted by a Bush controlled Nazi organisation (FEMA) who let a concentration camp for black americans (New Orleans) to be deliberatly flooded.
It was Matt Frei in his canoe paddling amongst the bodies talking bullshit who did most to perpetuate this lie.--DOL
I was unaware that the European media covered the floods in this manner. Conspiracy theories such as that isn't good journalism, IMO. I'm not attacking all or most of the Euro media, only those who covered it while speculating.
"His black skin allows the media to trigger the 'slave guilt reflex' inculcated in white children (inserted into their minds during school) whilst his part white racial heritage means he can be sold to the public as part of the 'inclusiveness' agenda and the new advertising niche that has taken hold in the mind of the media, that of the mixed race.
An mixed race actor in an advert is employed as you manage to hit all the racial demographics at the same time, and this is also why the mixed race relationship is now a staple of the advertising industry"--DOL
Again, Europe appears to be a lot different than the US. Obama is viewed primarily in terms of his black heritage and thus would be classified as America's first black president. Appearance/physical features has a lot to do with it. Mixed people who are white in appearance (like actor Wentworth Miller and the Chancellor of the CUNY system--if I'm not mistaken) are not thought of as black. I also don't see mixed relationships as a staple of the advertising industry, at least not here in the US.
Alanorei makes a brave and perceptive comment above concerning Obamamessiah.
"This is instructive, because when the Antichrist turns up, he will attract a global following, being a fully-integrated man; black, white, oriental, Revelation 13."
Although I am not a Christian and oppose all forms of institutionalised establishment and orthodox religions, it should become self-evident that humanity's beliefs shape the world and that the collective unconsciousness of humanity is to some extent determined by that consciousness, which in turn to some extent conditions humanity.
The Judeo-Christian belief system, its ideology, its 2000 years of prayer and worship, its symbols and archetypes and its expectations in terms of prophecy, have created its own functioing belief spectrum within that collective unconsciousness. So powerful and so pervading is that belief sytem (which due to colonialism, global missionary work and mass media has affected a consisderable part of the palnet)that we are all now automatons to the belief system, whether we are Christians or not.
The expectation that an apocalypse will ensue and a Messiah will come (Second Coming of Christ) as well as an Anti-Christ, is already there.
All we are waiting for is something to light the blue touch paper.
Within a certian defintion therefore we are waiting the arrival of an "Anti-Christ" figure (although to some any such figure will be a "Christ")and such a personage will appear to fulfill those expectations as they become that archetype and sometimes that archetype will take over that individual. The collective unconscious will literally materialise what we, as a species or as a group, believe in and expect. Such is the functional operation of the collective unconsciousness.
I have certain presentiments that Obamamessiah may represent one such appreance of the archtypeal Anti-Christ. He seems to fulfull some of the characteristics of that archtypal prescence, and films such as 'The Omen' have contributed to creating a more modern and materialist version of the biblical figure.
It is possible therefore that this figure may yet herald the arrival on earth of the "Anti-Christ".
Let all those actors now waiting in the wings be ready to walk on to the stage as the curtain draws up, ready for the next theatrical drama of man's story and his relationship with the hidden spiritual side of himself...
Hi Lormarie,
the BBC and British reporting of the Hurricane Katrina tragedy was that it was a Bush engineered act of genocide against black New Orleans residents. It was utterly disgraceful.
We had weeks of it - and then when the facts came out about the numbers of white dead, the BBC never even reported it.
They left their lies to fester in the minds of the people.
I find it absurd that whilst the British media constantly call Obama 'black' because of the colour of his skin, they call anyone who talks about 'race' as an objective reality in society 'a racist'.
The mixed race actor / actress / relationhip /family is now the largest adertising growth area.
Mixed Race is the New Black it seems.
Whilst race is exploited as a factor in advertising, politics, economics and culture - anyone that seeks to discuss racial issues directly is also called a racist.
Liberalism is an insane ideology that only the insane understand or emrace.
the anti-christ of the Christian Bible is Jesus Christos. This is because the Christian Church does not worship the true god Abba (spiritual God of the pleroma) or Christos, instead they worship the demiurge of the Old Testament Yahweh and the 'false' Jesus that they created in their book the Bible.
The Jesus of the Bible is merely a shadow of the true sun. The Church serves the demiurge and its own power.
This is because the Christian Church itself is now the 'synagogue of satan' as Blake called it.
Obama is just another one of the false prophets who will serve the Church.
Obama is another 'christian' Jehovah/ Yahweh / Allah / Yaldaboath / Saklas / Demiurge worshipper and he will serve the interests of the Church and the US to destroy the anti-christ.
The true teachings of the Christos are contained in the Gnostic Gospels - the teachings of the demiurge are in the Old Testament.
Thanks, Mr Potter, also for your recent comment re ufology, which I will continue to consider as you suggest.
Re: ufology and a mixed-race antichrist, two books by Baptist minister Dr Peter S. Ruckman provide a scripture-based explanation, that is comprehensive, as far as is possible for now. They are Black is Beautiful (1996) and The Mark of The Beast (1960).
Whether or not the KJB is accepted as authoritative is beside the point. These works at least provide overall rationales for these subjects that are consistent with observations and reports. I'm not sure that such rationales can be developed outside of the KJB.
Re: Jesus Christ vs. Antichrist, John Lennon disparaged the Lord Jesus Christ of the Bible not long before he was shot dead.
Elvis Presley, when high on drugs, used to quote scripture to his entourage intermixed with obscenities.
When he was found dead in his bathroom in 1977, he was collapsed off the toilet seat with his face buried in the floor, on his knees, clutching a religious book.
"As I live, saith the Lord, every knee to me shall bow" Romans 14:11
It is worth remembering.
Defender of Liberty,
Spot on.
One man's "Anti-Christ" is another man's "Christ".
The Church will definitely view the new force of a resurgent gnosis spirit embodied within the Coming New Man as the Anti-Christ.
Yet he will represent the Forces of Light whose task is to sweep away the relics of the Dark and the trash of materialism and the legacies of the old conventional politics and establishment religions.
He will show us how to find the spirit within and to liberate ourselves from spiritual oppression forced on us by the Demiurge through thousands of years of corrupt institutions and ideologies that seek to imprison us spiritually.
He will be the Christ.
The Anti-Christ forces wilbe be embodied within individuals, possibly Obama Barack.
Individuals like Obamamessiah will use the media to shape public opinion whilst the luciferic media itself will use him to steer human destiny their way in their efforts to prevent the gnosis from being realised.
People believe many things about the antichrist. I've heard that he will likely be Jewish or a political star out of the EU. In fact, there are some who believe that the crown prince of Spain is the antichrist. Back in my former fundy Christian days, I never would have believed the antichrist to be a black man...and in some ways still don't. Whatever the case, the Obama hysteria isn't so much for him, but against the hated administration that's on its way out. McCain represents that which is why he isn't as popular. So to suggest that Obama may be the antichrist (that is, if one believes in such a concept) is to make more of it than what it is. According to many in fundamentalist Christian circles, the antichrist would only be obvious to those who are true christians...again, if you believe in such concepts.
"Political correctness is the terrorism of the soul.
This terrorism of the soul has resulted in a poisonous self hatred that manifests as a cringing and servile obedience to the icons of liberalism peddled to the public in the media.
Obama is the perfect Liberal Icon for the conditioned masses."
Excellent statement Lee.
It sums up perfectly the essence of Political Correctness and its consequences.
The only way to defeat this is through both direct means or indirect means.
Directly by ensuring that laws are passed to ensure the media are restrained, and also by ensuring that our people are motivated and trained enough to work as journalists and editors.
I call this 'Taking Over theControlling Heights of Culture', paraphrasing the old Leftist slogan of controlling the economy (it is no longer about economics, but about culture).
Defeating this Leviathan can also be done via indirect means by ensuring tyat new memes are created and seeded throughout the societies of America and Europe. New white role models must be recreated. The values of nationhood, ethnic loyalty and unity and patriotism moulded to give a new sense of cohesion again. We need proper, inspirational and accountable leadership. We need a sense of spirituality melded with a political leadership.
Only then will the West undergo a transformation and begin to reject the false liberal leaderships and liberal minsets hoisted upon us by the Corporatocracy and mass media.
The so-called 'Fifth Estate',the media, represent one of the most dangerous forces to freedom and political rights in the West today. They have effectively become one, if not THE, most powerful Estates in the West.
The Public have become enamoured with the media, seeing it as both 'news' and entertainment, the media having dumbed-down information to an absurd level whilst revelling in the amorality of mass culture and promoting social liberalism, eg pornography, degradation of women, teenage sex, the cult of violence, irresponsible drinking, drugs, and celebrity culture.
To paraphrase Marx, religion is no longer the opiate of the masses.
Today, it is the media who have become the cannabis of the masses.
Dumbing down and anaesthetising the masses with amorality and dumbed-down culture, and informing them of false facts, misinformation and concealing the REAL news.
Obamamessiah is no more than the latest incarnation of the plastic media image, a stool-pigeon of a politician set up for the masses to follow.
He is a Souffle politician. Looks good in the confines of a warm oven with plenty of feel-good about it. As soon as you remove it into the real cold world it collapses in on itself since it contains nothing but air.
No substance.
A facade of superficiality.
However, whilst it lasts it is a dangerous animal as it is designed by the media to entice voters away from the truth to a fable of their creation.
To fight back you have to play the game by their own rules.
Politics is now a consumerist market.
Nationalists have to apply the rules of the market and seek out the right image, but ensuring that they have a sufficient radical substance and programme to carry forward as having the right image is only part of the game.
Nationalists must become experts in mass propaganda and the techniques of marketing and selling.
Otherwise you can all kiss goodbye to your utopian dreams and embrace the New World Order.
The so-called 'Fifth Estate',the media, represent one of the most dangerous forces to freedom and political rights in the West today. They have effectively become one, if not THE, most powerful Estates in the West.
The Public have become enamoured with the media, seeing it as both 'news' and entertainment, the media having dumbed-down information to an absurd level whilst revelling in the amorality of mass culture and promoting social liberalism, eg pornography, degradation of women, teenage sex, the cult of violence, irresponsible drinking, drugs, and celebrity culture.
To paraphrase Marx, religion is no longer the opiate of the masses.
Today, it is the media who have become the cannabis of the masses.
Dumbing down and anaesthetising the masses with amorality and dumbed-down culture, and informing them of false facts, misinformation and concealing the REAL news.
Obamamessiah is no more than the latest incarnation of the plastic media image, a stool-pigeon of a politician set up for the masses to follow.
He is a Souffle politician. Looks good in the confines of a warm oven with plenty of feel-good about it. As soon as you remove it into the real cold world it collapses in on itself since it contains nothing but air.
No substance.
A facade of superficiality.
However, whilst it lasts it is a dangerous animal as it is designed by the media to entice voters away from the truth to a fable of their creation.
To fight back you have to play the game by their own rules.
Politics is now a consumerist market.
Nationalists have to apply the rules of the market and seek out the right image, but ensuring that they have a sufficient radical substance and programme to carry forward as having the right image is only part of the game.
Nationalists must become experts in mass propaganda and the techniques of marketing and selling.
Otherwise you can all kiss goodbye to your utopian dreams and embrace the New World Order.
"Re: ufology and a mixed-race antichrist, two books by Baptist minister Dr Peter S. Ruckman provide a scripture-based explanation, that is comprehensive, as far as is possible for now. They are Black is Beautiful (1996) and The Mark of The Beast (1960)."
Thanks Alanorei for the book suggestions. I will check out the two above though I've checked some Google references and Ruckma seems very controversial.
His work on the Anti-Christ seems to be highly regarded as a thorough reference tool. His 'Black is Beautiful'one, however, seems to be based on wild and unsupported conspiracy ideas and UFo accounts taken out of context. our own David Icke is guilty of that error too. However, Ruckman sugegsts that UFOs are demonic in nature and on that basis I would agree.
Since the UFO intelligence exists within mankind's collective unconsciousness and since it refelcts and conditions mankind's predominant archetypes and emotions, so essentially that intelligence becomes negative (or evil if you want to moralise it).
This UFOs and many entities are predominantly demonic and WE ARE RESPONSIBLE for that occurrence.
This would therefore satisfy the rationale for your comment above -
"These works at least provide overall rationales for these subjects that are consistent with observations and reports."
Re your comments on various rock artists who disparaged the Bible - yes, I would tend to agree with you that anything (Bible or similar holy book) that symbolises wholeness and unity and positivity would attract beneficial forces, whereas those channels of negativity ( some song-writers and rock artists) would become cvonduits of 'demonic' energies, whgich would tend to urge them to self-destruct.
Whether those forces emanate from an archetype within the unconsciousness or an intelligence (or both as they are one and the same in my view) is irrelevent as the consequences are the same.
A Christian will be part of a Christian consciousness system within the collective unconsciousness of mankind and hence their beliefs, symbols eg the crucifix, exorcism ), archetypes
will nullify those intelligent archtypal forces sich as 'demons' and 'spirits'.
Those same symbols and archetypes, however, will have little effetc on the UFO entities which form part of thats ame spectrum of intelligent archetypes within that same consciousness for the reason that there is no convergence of belief-consciousness between the two human belief-systems.
LorMarie makes some very pertinent observations on the Anti-Christ.
There are so many claims and figures who may be the archetypal Anti-Christ.
Personally, I think that the Anti-Christ has already been and gone. Adolf Hitler would seem to fit the bill in the descriptions that I have seen.
However, to be historically accurate the author(s) of Revelations probably had in mind the Roman Emperor Nero when he composed the work.
What I am, however, interested in are the archetypal representations of the Anti-Christ today. The fact that the Judeo-Christian tradition and its imagery is so powerful means that those who share in that tradition have become part of it and its archetypes. Hence the COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUSNESS of humanity 'expects' the arrival of a figure who will act the scene.
They may not necessarily fit in with the finer details as expected by fundamentalist Christians, but the point is that enough people will see that individual as REPRESENTING that archetype and will project that on to him (or her).
As that happens that individual may become energised enough to identify with that archetype and - as Lee has explained in his article on Heath Ledger and the Joker archetype - becomes taken over by that energy.
In effect, a prophecy becomes what it has prophesied, an almost self-fulfilling prophecy.
Mr Potter, thanks again
Re: Hitler and the antichrist. It is interesting that Hitler's Nazi Party card no. was 555. The final antichrist* has, of course, the no. 666, so they are different.
*Many antichrists have existed, as John warns in his 1st Letter, 1 John 2:18, 19.
Re: rock stars disparaging the Lord Jesus Christ etc. I picked those two examples because they are well-known. They just happened to be prominent rock/pop personalities.
In 1987, Muslims in NIgeria tried to bulldoze graves of Christian missionaries buried there in 1904-5. The bulldozer caught fire and 3000 Muslim houses mysteriously burnt down. The crisis ended only when Nigerian Christians convened an evangelistic meeting for Muslims, in which 400 Muslims became Christians. All this is written up in Who Is This Allah? by G.J.O. Moshay. I believe Moshay is an honest man.
All I'm really saying is, don't venture into the den with the lions if you don't have to.
Re: Dr Ruckman's work, he is heavily criticised by Christians and non-Christians alike. Perusal of his book The Christian's Handbook of Manuscript Evidence will reveal why.
Re: Black is Beautiful, I think Dr Ruckman would be the first to acknowledge that he cannot wholly verify all his material. But then, no-one can, who studies ufology. I've read this work twice. The charge of 'wild and unsupported conspiracy theories etc.' is, I think, unreasonable.
Re: demonic manifestations and their relation to ufology*, which I believe does exist, biblically they are separate entities from human beings. The Lord Jesus Christ, for example, was not talking to Himself during the wilderness temptations that He underwent.
*I believe Jenny Randles subscribes to the collective consciousness belief, though as I recall she doesn't substantiate it. It does seem, however, to match New Age doctrine, which I understand teaches all kinds of inclusiveness. But New Age doctrine is anti-biblical doctrine and indeed anatgonistic to it. So again, we're looking at separate entities, not mere opposite ends of a universal thought spectrum.
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