VIOLENCE IN CITY: Rampage in Temple Bar area
By Ken Foy
Thursday July 07 2011
A MOB went on a wave of random race violence on Temple Bar, which left five Dubliners with horrific injuries.
One man -- a Dublin DJ -- was almost killed in the attack as he suffered serious head injuries when he was set upon by the gang.
The level of violence has shocked gardai and the many witnesses to the race hate orgy -- believed to be the first of its kind in the city.
One member of the African gang was arrested today in pre-dawn raids by detectives across the capital.
Five Dubliners, all aged in their 20s, were left with horrific injuries in the October 2010 attacks, which have only come to light now.
The gang -- all aged in their late teens -- savagely attacked six Irish people in the Temple Bar area of the capital in the early hours of October 10 last.
The gang, who are heavily involved in other street robberies and beatings, are all expected to appear in court.
Sources say that even seasoned detectives were left "horrified and shocked" by the extreme level of violence used in the attacks which occurred in the Eustace Street and Curved Street areas of Temple Bar at around 3.30am on the date in question.
A senior source explained: "We believe that what happened on the night was motivated by racism -- that is racism against white people.
"When the suspects were first questioned they tried to use racism as a defence -- they tried to say that they had been racially abused by the victims for being black.
"But absolutely no evidence of that was ever uncovered and gardai are satisfied that the culprits were not racially abused."
Dozens of people witnessed the shocking chain of events which started when two young men and a woman were randomly attacked at Eustace Street.
In the space of less than three minutes, five people were left with terrible injuries as bottles, punches and kicks were used to hurt the victims.
In the most serious incident, a DJ who was standing on Curved Street was set-upon and almost killed by the gang of thugs.
A source explained: "The DJ was standing outside a premises while other assaults were going on around him. His DJ bag -- with records in it -- was on the ground beside him.
"One of the gang picked up the DJ's bag and ran off, with the victim running after him. Then the attacker turned around and punched the victim, knocking him unconscious.
"When the DJ hit the floor, the culprit stamped on the man's head in what was a ferocious display of violence.
"This victim is very lucky to be alive -- the entire left side of his head was broken because of that stamping incident. The victim ended up having to have a metal plate inserted into his head -- if this did not happen he would have lost his eyesight."
Sources have revealed that another victim suffered a fractured skull in an incident in which gardai believe a glass bottle was used.
The gang are now expected to face a huge number of charges, including multiple serious assault charges, violent disorder, theft and production of an offensive weapon.
The arrest was made this morning after a massive investigation by detectives from Pearse Street Garda Station.
Other suspects were being hunted today.
The mother of one of the suspects has a conviction and served jail time for trafficking children into France from Nigeria.
The gang is suspected of being involved in other street assaults and have links to a criminal who was involved in robbing head shops and has been convicted of hijacking a Dublin taxi.
And to think, the Irish threw off British rule for this?
Andrew Brons Taking Legal Opinion on Leadership Contest after BNP Head Office Lies Go into Overdrive
Posted by admin on Jul 7th, 2011 //
I have a lot of very close Irish friends, I know how they work and think. They will not take this lying down, remember my words.
Off topic...Have you heard if NWO have hacked into the BNP leaked list members phone numbers?
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