" I am currently in Los Angeles at the annual convention of Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist Organisation of America .... "
An interesting meeting Melanie, and what are you talking about there ;
" But it is nevertheless astonishing that American Jews are so blinded by hatred of the Republicans that they are prepared to ignore the fact that Obama speaks out of two sides of his mouth over Israel; ignore the fact that every single one of his foreign policy advisers is hostile to Israel; ignore the fact that he would appease the genocidal fanatics of Tehran; and not only ignore the fact that for twenty years his spiritual adviser was a man who supports the Islamist antisemite Louis Farrakhan but regard it as definitely ‘off-limits’ even to mention it. "
Yep thats right - ISRAEL !
When in a hole Melanie, its best to stop digging.
Heres my version of melanies speech ;
" But it is nevertheless astonishing that British Jews are so blinded by hatred of the BNP that they are prepared to ignore the fact that Brown, Clegg and Cameron speak out of two sides of their mouths over Israel; ignore the fact that every single one of their foreign policy advisers is supine before Israel but also supine before mass immigration and Islam; ignore the fact that they would appease the genocidal fanatics of Tehran because the all rely on Arab oil and are slavish to the Eurabia EU ; and not only ignore the fact that for decades their advisers supported the Islamist Saudi Arabian theocracy spreading global antisemitism and Wahabbism but regard it as definitely ‘off-limits’ even to mention it "
Get the picture yet melanie ?
It is interesting that if few people speak about an 8 year old photo, Melanie calls it shameful.
But what would she name the deafening silence with the incident where an armed soldier shoots a bound, blindfolded and unarmed man at close range?
It will be good to see what Melanie's imagination
comes up with this time.
When it comes to an opportunity
to bash a minority for the fault of
disoriented few, Melanie is always seen amongst those rushing to jump on the bandwagon.
But before she blames others of sleeping over the issues did she herself wake up to the following facts:
When it comes to interpret the results, why we don't see specialists in youth mindset/psychology elaborating on probable conditions? Is this an expression of disconnection, disengagement and disenchantment that may have led some respondents to answer in a particular tone?
When a group of youth says they like or dislike a tendency, were champions of social cohesion capable to distinguish the relations that merit to be examined between:
Different types of value discrepancies,
Subjective well-being, and
Need for uniqueness?
Urge to brag/boast
Any sincere effort to comment on violent tendencies among all youth or a minority requires consulting genuine sociologists to decipher why youth of certain age tend to express opinions that range anywhere from non- conformist to rebellious.
Would a respectable institution such as those behind Pew Religious Landscape Survey or Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life ever consult report authors John Thorne and Hannah Stuart or their director Douglas Murray as experts on Muslim youth opinion? Looking at the academic qualifications and professional exposure of these three doesn't help get a convincing yes.
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