The image of Norway is one of tranquility and a society embedded with liberal and democratic principles. However, before the recent killing spree by Anders Behring Breivik it was apparent that the changing nature of places like Oslo, Drammen, and others, because of increasing immigration was leading to tensions within parts of society.
In Oslo the immigrant population is now 27% and in the past Anders Behring Breivik had spoken negatively about Marxism, Islam, and multiculturalism. However, it is also clear that many Europeans in many nations are worried about immigration. Therefore, liberal societies like Holland are seeing a powerful shift to movements which are fed up with elites who appear to be intent on destroying the social fabric.
The speed of immigration is clear for all to see in many major cities and it matters not if you are pro-immigration or anti-immigration; the point is that it is causing many individuals pain, anguish, suffering and leading to confusion.
Obviously, for others they welcome multicultural societies and believe in the vibrancy that it creates. However, political leaders in nations like Germany have stated that it is a failure and this “failure” is being hidden because clearly some cultures assimilate and others do not.
At the same time radical Islam is gaining ground in many major cities and on the one hand you have a British government establishment which is introducing equal laws for homosexuals which were needed; but on the other hand is bending over backwards to elements within the Islamic community.
The contradictions are clear because under Islamic Sharia law it supports killing homosexuals. Also, many Muslims support killing all apostates from Islam in the United Kingdom and in recent times the English Defence League is demonstrating against stealth jihad.
The liberals and trendy left are hypocrites. Would the overwhelming majority of Muslim families welcome their Muslim daughter marrying a white/black Christian male or a Hindu male? Of course not, therefore, where is the real discrimination coming from?
It appears that the dominant culture must tear itself apart in order to bow down to a more militant threat and in this confusion was created Anders Behring Breivik.
This does not excuse Anders Behring Breivik nor vindicate his thinking. Obviously killing innocents like he did is a crime against humanity and the law will clearly deal with him and never allow him to see the outside world again.
Yet the white elites who have allowed massive immigration without any democratic vote on this being passed in many European nations are creating problems. If Oslo is 27% immigrant today, then what will the size be in a few decades time and in one hundred years?
When will enough be enough? Or is it fine for Oslo to one day be 40% immigrant and then 60% immigrant and so forth? If endless immigration is allowed then clearly nations with small populations like Norway will see a ticking time bomb.
Of course, people will point out and say look at America, Australia and Canada.
However, you have two problems with this because firstly immigrants shared an overwhelming “Christian European home” in this period and the real crisis in Holland is aimed at the growing power of Islam. After all, if immigration to America had been 30% Christian, 30% Muslim and 40% from Buddhist and Hindu backgrounds; then do you really think that it would have worked to the same extent?
Secondly, in order for America, Australia and Canada to grow then massive immigration altered the ethnic make up for ever. This meant that indigenous people were victimized, had their land stolen and in time their culture was destroyed. Therefore, will the Dutch become like the Native Americans in 100 years time or 200 years time?
Geert Wilders, a leading politician in Holland, stated in a speech before the Dutch Parliament the following:
“Islam is the Trojan Horse in Europe. If we do not stop Islamification now, Eurabia and Netherabia will just be a matter of time. One century ago, there were approximately 50 Muslims in the Netherlands. Today, there are about 1 million Muslims in this country. Where will it end? We are heading for the end of European and Dutch civilization as we know it. Where is our Prime Minister in all this?”
“In reply to my questions in the House he said, without batting an eyelid, that there is no question of our country being Islamified. Now, this reply constituted a historical error as soon as it was uttered. Very many Dutch citizens, Madam Speaker, experience the presence of Islam around them. And I can report that they have had enough of burkas, headscarves, the ritual slaughter of animals, so‑called honour revenge, blaring minarets, female circumcision, hymen restoration operations, abuse of homosexuals, Turkish and Arabic on the buses and trains as well as on town hall leaflets, halal meat at grocery shops and department stores, Sharia exams, the Finance Minister’s Sharia mortgages, and the enormous overrepresentation of Muslims in the area of crime, including Moroccan street terrorists.[62]”
Apparently Anders Behring Breivik admired Max Manus and this would appear to refute his links with far-right organizations to any major degree. After all, Max Manus was a legendary anti-Nazi war hero. Therefore, the patriotism of Max Manus may have appealed to Anders Behring Breivik and also the bravery that this individual showed in fighting against Nazism.
It could just be that Anders Behring Breivik believes that the new Nazism is called Islamism which supports killing apostates, enforcing dhimmitude on non-Muslims, killing homosexuals and other draconian laws.
Interestingly to note, Max Manus was from a mixed background and this applies to his mother being Danish and his father being Norwegian. Therefore, again the far-right angle is clearly being over-used by major agencies who desire quick answers or overtly simplistic statements in order to meet their aloof thinking.
Anders Behring Breivik may have linked the thinking of Max Manus with the reality of modern Oslo where immigration is changing the nature of society. This does not imply that immigration is right or wrong; however, the speed of change is overwhelming many people who fear the loss of their identity.
Also, immigration is complex because it would appear that Anders Behring Breivik feared radical Islam. After all, his hero Max Manus was mixed blood and clearly some immigrant communities assimilate much easier than others and the same applies to people from different religious backgrounds.
Therefore, in the world of Anders Behring Breivik he may have seen himself to be patriotic and protecting Norway from the failed policies, in his eyes, of Islamic immigration and the changing nature of major cities like Oslo.
It is known that Anders Behring Breivik admired Geert Wilders and it must be stressed that Geert Wilders is democratic and desires to preserve a culture which supports freedom, equality and the traditional ethics which created a modern society. However, Geert Wilders fears, like many others, that Islamization is waiting in the wings and this applies to the demographic change and stealth jihad.
The world of Anders Behring Breivik will be like the world of Osama bin Laden. After all, Osama bin Laden wanted to keep western culture out of Saudi Arabia and to preserve the Islamic identity of this nation. Anders Behring Breivik appears to have shared the same logic but with the need to keep draconian Islamic Sharia law out of Norway.
It would appear that his killing spree was aimed at what he perceived to be the enemy in his eyes. Therefore, he killed innocents at random and without emotion or passion.
He certainly deserves to never see the light of day again because all extremism is a danger to society. However, to claim that he is “mad,” a neo-Nazi or whatever is false.
Also, aspects of his thinking about Islamic immigration and the threat of Islamization are held by many individuals throughout Europe. The elites can close their eyes and the mass media can rebuke people for not sharing their liberal agenda but for Islamists their agenda is not liberal and it is scary and barbaric.
It is easy to scoff about people who fear but what is the difference between 40% Han Chinese in Tibet and how the Tibetans fear losing their culture and identity and the thinking of Anders Behring Breivik? After all, Oslo is changing quickly?
The Tibetans in the last few years have killed innocent Han Chinese in brutal ways during tensions because they fear being overwhelmed by an outside culture. Anders Behring Breivik killed innocents because he felt that he couldn’t take much more. Also, he believed that the elites in Norway should wake up to the internal crisis which will grow in time because of the demographic time bomb.
His methodology was barbaric and to kill like he did is a crime against humanity. However, if Norway closes the door on the reasons behind his thinking and just claims that he is a madman then nothing will be learnt.
Clearly, one hundred per cent of all people will condemn the barbaric and brutal actions of Anders Behring Breivik in Norway. Yet aspects of his thinking are not so alien to others when it applies to rampant immigration and Islamization.
At the moment the mass media is clutching at straws because information about Anders Behring Breivik remains patchy. However, the psychology behind his thinking is much deeper than people are commenting on and to claim that he was a far-right nationalist is too simplistic and clearly not based on real facts.
After all, Anders Behring Breivik admired an anti-Nazi war hero, he also admires Geert Wilders who is a democrat and elected Member of Parliament in Holland and he quoted John Stuart Mills shortly before he massacred so many innocents.
The quote he gave from John Stuart Mills, the famous British philosopher, was that
“One person with a belief is equal to the force of 100,000 who have only interests.”
He clearly appears to be articulate and like Osama bin Laden he is cold bloodied.
However, unlike the Norwegians who are reviled by his actions and disgusted it must be stated that many Muslims celebrated when thousands of people were killed during September 11 in many nations. Therefore, how much of his hatred was based on fear?
Norwegian law may well turn out to bite them in the arse. the maximum sentence is 21 years, regardless of the crime. He'll be out when he's 53, after a cushy liberal jail sentence where he'll have access to a designer gym, tv, internet, conjugal visits, great healthcare, work programs, education and 21 years to write and publish his manifestos.
check out this video of a violent offenders jail. here violent offenders, rapists and murderers work on an island farm, allowed to swim in the lake and bike ride around the island.
Norwegian jails run on the idea of rehabilitation rather than your regular western punishment of lock them up and throw away the key.
The Norwegian elite are hypocrites and so are the Norwegian people, living in a make belief schizophrenic fantasy land. They claim to be the most liberal, progressive country in the World yet their main economy is Oil (a non green energy), they still hunt and kill whales, they are engaged in Afghanistan and Libya, check out this article...
"Norway’s F-16s have flown so many missions to remove Colonel Gaddafi they are running out of bombs."
Read that, the Norwegian's have dropped so many bombs on Libya they are running out!!!! How many innocent Libyan civilians have those bombs killed??
You never read that in do you?
For the crime 21 years- after the 21 years the judge can then keep him in prison for whatever time he thinks fit- to keep public safety- unlike here when it's almost against their human rights to put them in nick no matter what they do.
It was five Israelis that were dancing and doing high fives while the planes hit the twin towers!
It was Israelis attacked the USS Liberty killing American sailors.
It's jews that want to make sure no white exists again...
America is currently swirling around the bowl, looking at a possible Second Great Depression as our economy creaks and groans under the weight of 100 million Third World people. All attempts to close our borders to Third World immigration have been frustrated by Jewish control of our politicians. The Jews want a large non-White population in America. The Jews want to destroy the White race by encouraging race-mixing with these non-Whites because Jews fear that a pure White population might rebel against them.
Wilders et al- all go smoching to Israeli IMHO- it's they that are nutters.
These Bastards will be the death of us all- sly cunning and quiet.
IAP News) -- An Israeli professor and military historian hinted that Israel could avenge the holocaust by annihilating millions of Germans and other Europeans.
Speaking during an interview which was published in Jerusalem Friday, Professor Martin Van Crevel said Israel had the capability of hitting most European capitals with nuclear weapons.
"We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets of our air force."
Creveld, a professor of military history at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, pointed out that "collective deportation" was Israel's only meaningful strategy towards the Palestinian people.
"The Palestinians should all be deported. The people who strive for this (the Israeli government) are waiting only for the right man and the right time.
Wilders-Judeo/Christian- he must be joking.
IT'S A MYTH...These are two seperate belief systems.
He comes over as another Zionist Christian- Lackey to jews!!
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