Wednesday 1 October 2008

The final Proof - whore politics

What did I tell you - Lancaster Unity / Labour Party / Conservative Party = CAPITALIST STOOGES.

October 01, 2008
Cameron hits out over BNP
Posted by Antifascist
David Cameron has launched a stunning attack on the British National Party in Stoke-on-Trent.

Speaking from his party's conference in Birmingham the Conservative leader branded the BNP as "a threat to our country" and said the Tories intended to win votes from the far-right party.

He said: " It is incumbent on all parties – Conservative, Labour and Liberals – to make sure that we campaign so hard and represent people so well, that we work our streets, housing estates and council terraces so well, that we don't leave any room for people to feel disaffected and turn to the BNP. In Stoke we will do everything to stand up for local people to help them and represent them so we can make sure that these people have absolutely no part to play in our politics."

The comments come the day before Mr Cameron is to make a key-note speech to thousands of delegates at the party conference.

The Sentinel
Labels: BNP, David Cameron, far-right, Stoke-on-Trent

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Anonymous said...

"In Stoke we will do everything to stand up for local people to help we can make sure that these people have absolutely no part to play in our politics."

It sounds like the BNP have already been successful in highlighting the plight of the people of Stoke, then.

alanorei said...

"In Stoke we will do everything to stand up for local people to help them and represent them so we can make sure that these people have absolutely no part to play in our politics."

Touch of irony. Grammatically, "these people" is actually a reference to "local people" as the antecedent.

Whatever Cameron and his lot do for the electorate in any part of the country, the 'old gang' coalition will make sure that "local people" have no part in running their own country.

Anonymous said...

It would be so easy for any of the mainstream parties to get rid of the BNP.

All they would have to do is come out against immigration and oppose the Islamists in their manifesto and the BNP vote would evaporate.

Strange that none of them are prepared to do this despite the massive support they would get from the population.

Hmmm... why could this be?

Anonymous said...

He said: " It is incumbent on all parties – Conservative, Labour and Liberals – to make sure that we campaign so hard and represent people so well, that we work our streets, housing estates and council terraces so well, that we don't leave any room for people to feel disaffected and turn to the BNP.

If they are concerned that the BNP is reaching too many people, I'd guess that the conservatives should be the ones to work harder. That is, assuming "conservatives" in England are the same as "conservatives" here in the US. Conservatives are probably the only ones who will be able to compete with the BNP. The fact that he would include the two other parties in his messages makes it appear like nothing more than pandering.