R.I.P Jorg Haider.
January 26, 1950 – October 11, 2008.
Nationalist - Patriot - Martyr.
Whether it be by fate or design, his death shall not prevent our rise.
In Memoriam For An Eagle.
Sleep now brother, let your wings rest
Upon starshine, prayers and dreams,
Your eyes that saw so far ahead,
Are now closed to the cares of this world.
Awake now, to the realm of shining hills,
Where walk our dead in eternal glory,
An eagle you were and will be again,
In steel and stone when the wind turns anew.
The flag will not fall for it will pass,
Into the hands of other heroes who come forward,
As one wave breaks, another shall rise,
For our bonds of blood cannot be broken.
"Whether it be by fate or design, his death shall not prevent our rise."
Your poem and words express the right sentiments.
No one knows how he truly died or indeed why, by design or by destiony, but we must be sure that Fate will ensure that another takes his place so that the blood flag is taken higher twoards Destiny.
Jorg Haider was the son of two unemployed teachers who lost their jobs after the war as they were not sufficently marxist/frankfurt school orientated for the occupying US/Anglo/Soviet forces( the so called de nazification kangaroo tribunals) , so his hostility toward those in Austria who cosyed up to their new rulers was understandable. A clever articulate man , there are many new nationalsts who will follow in the path to gain power as established by the mainstream nationalists like Haider and Pym Fortuyn in Holland
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