Under the British Freedom Party government the Burkha and the veil will be banned.
You will be given a fair choice of complying with the law or having your British citizenship revoked and being deported from Britain.
The Burkha is a manifestation of colonisation, hence it will be banned in all public areas and if convicted of wearing it you will be deported.
Opponents of the veil claim it oppresses women and presents a barrier between those who wear traditional dress and the rest of society.
But in a new report from think-tank Civitas, Alveena Malik, a former faith adviser to the last Labour government, said the test of whether religious symbols are appropriate should be based on whether they are practical.
Politicians in France and Belgium have voted in favour of banning the full veil, or “niqab”, and other European countries are thought to be considering similar action.
In a new report, Women, Islam and Western Liberalism, Mrs Malik said: “We in Britain need to take a different direction from others in Europe and to accept the veil as part of a modern British way of life.”
She continued: “The wearing of religious symbols, including the full veil, should be a fundamental human right of an individual in both the public and private sphere.
“The real test for religious symbols in the public sphere should always be: ‘Does the wearing of a symbol (such as the kirpan, turban, yarmulke, crucifix and the veil) hinder a citizen’s ability to perform their public civic duties?’”
Britain is in a "unique" position to embrace such a public display of faith because of the role the church plays in the affairs of the state and its "multicultural diversity".
Mrs Malik was appointed by last government to a panel of faith advisers for the Department for Communities. She has overseen British Council guidance on “intercultural dialogue”.
I've not seen this Alveena Malik mentioned in connection with Civitas before. What she says runs very much against the grain of anything that they've previously stated, so I suspect that she'll not be 'on their books' so to speak for very long.
'Under the British Freedom Party government the Burkha and the veil will be banned.'
Hilarious, Lee! You couldn't make it up!
Yeah, its so funny that France, Italy and Holland are all passing laws, or considering to pass laws, to do the same whilst 90 % of the British public in poll after poll support banning the burkha.
Hilarious indeed.
I bet you will still be laughing as you are deported for wearing one.
I know we will be.
Lee, if you really want rid of the colonisers you'll want the cultural contrast to be as visible as possible. There's a reason the rest of Europe is banning the veil and that is to help integrate muslims, not 'get one over on them' as you seem to think.
You appear to be unable to understand what we are saying - we will ban the burkha to facilitate integration - and at the same time deport those who refuse to integrate.
Its not to get one over on them, its to get the job done of integration and population reduction.
You've taken leave of your senses if you think muslims are ever going to 'integrate'.
The irony of the 'British Freedom Party' imposing a dress code on it's citizens is obviously lost on you completely. Why not just call yourself the British Populist Party?
Man, you truly are thick arent you.
If Muslims, in reality Islamists are the ones who wear the Burkha etc, do not want to integrate - THEN GREAT !
Thats the point you moron - we give them a choice - INTEGRATE OR BE DEPORTED.
If they refuse to integrate - off they trot.
That way we accomplish one of our two main goals immediately - integration or deportation.
Jeez, you people are thick.
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