Saturday 23 October 2010

David Cameron, the missing Nukes and the 17 million Tory Party overdraft

A while ago I posted on this blog a series of articles about David Cameron vising apartheid South Africa and his involvement in selling three nuclear bombs and the money raised then going into the Tory Party coffers to pay off their overdraft.

Thanks Ade for posting this heads up ;

Well, I'm sure David Cameron can soon clear up all these accusations of the involvement of Dr David Kelly in the 3 Covert purchased Conservative Pelindaba Nukes.
It's Easy, provide the identity of the donor of £17.8 Million laundered into the EMPTY Tory Coffers in 1991 as uncovered by the Labour Party, of note the vocal Margaret Beckett
Recorded in Parliamentary Reports Q and A of HANSARD
HANSARD 22 JUNE 1993 from Col 197.
Dr David Kelly under the watch and entrusted to oversee the loading and rail transport into 20 foot ISO Containers from Pelindaba to Durban Harbour and sign off the UOR along with safe in order arrival in OMAN of the 3 Nukes, thus freeing the transfer of payment where Kleptomaniac Bredenkamp laundered into the Conservative accounts of £17.8 Million, this a deliberate pre arranged fraud overcharge to the Treasury for the Nukes.

You see, Dr David Kelly had all the Identities of those on the UOR for the purchase of the 3 Nukes.
As they were Stolen, 3 Conservative Battlefield Nukes, you want reason for silencing Dr Kelly to ensure their Senior Government Names were kept well out of this.

As Bredenkamp sold at least one of the Nukes on the Open Market, the one exploded by North Korea in 2009.

Ever heard of the Nuclear Explosions Act.

So, Follow the Law, How Very Dare You! Lock up our Glorious figure Heads, Margaret Thatcher, MP Peter Lilley, MI6 plant Stephan Kock,Lord MacAlpine, Ken Warren, David Cameron, Tony Blair, Sir Mark Thatcher, Lord Levene, Sir Nicholas Lyell, Al Fayed, Mohammed Adnan Khashoggi, Gordon Brown and a list of others we have, all known to the
4 VIP Directors of :

You see, Police are Banned from raiding this Covert Intelligence address associated to Mohamed Adnan Khashoggi and also the same service address of over 300 Financial Disaster, Bank "Toxic Asset" "Virtual" Oil and Gas, Gold, Diamond, Silver, Uranium, Cobalt, Zinc, Copper, Coal, Director only "Exploration" AIM L.S.E. Cash Shells and
ZURICH FINANCIAL SERVICES. who strangely enough, employ ex PM TONY BLAIR.

You Doubt. Check the Directorship details of:
You will open PANDORA'S BOX.

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