The more money we give them, the more we insult them and the more they hate us.
You middle class people that go abroad thinking they like you are total mugs.
They hate you because you are 'infidel swine', they just pretend to like you as they want your money.
Unwitting Western couple mocked as 'infidel' and 'swine' by 'minister' during foreign language wedding ceremony at luxury Maldives resort
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 9:28 AM on 28th October 2010
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A luxury resort in the Maldives has sparked outrage after a video appeared on You Tube showing members of staff abusing and mocking their guests using a language they were unable to understand.
Employees at the Vilu Reef Beach and Spa resort can be seen calling an English-speaking couple ‘infidel’ and ‘swine’ and calling their guests' marriage illegal in their native Dhivehi tongue throughout the 15-minute wedding ceremony.
According to the Maldives news service Minivan News, the video which was uploaded to You Tube ‘as a joke’, shows an employee named Hussein Didi conducting a service as a 'celebrant' - a person who is empowered to perform a religious ceremony.
After explaining the ceremony in English, the group stands and 'minister' starts chanting in Dhivehi. Unfortunately for the happy couple, he is insulting them
After explaining the ceremony in English, the group stands and the 'minister' starts chanting in Dhivehi. Unfortunately for the happy couple, he is insulting them
Couple humiliated during ceremony at Maldive resort
Oblivious: The couple are unaware that they are being insulted during the ceremony that was conducted in the traditional Maldivian tongue of Dhivehi
The document he uses, of which there is a brief close-up in the video, has absolutely no relation to marriage laws in the Maldives.
Words that are legible on the document refer to ‘staff employment’, suggesting that it is a document relating to employment regulations.
Asking the couple and other ‘officials’ to raise their hands as is customary for Muslim prayers, the ‘celebrant’ begins his marriage vows.
‘Fornication has been legalised according to Article six, 1.11 of the Penal Code,' he chants in a tone favoured by religious scholars. ‘That is, frequent fornication by homosexuals. Most fornication is by males,’ he continues.
‘You are swine. The children that you bear from this marriage will all be bastard swine,’ he says to his guests.
‘Your marriage is not a valid one. You are not the kind of people who can have a valid marriage. One of you is an infidel. The other, too, is an infidel – and we have reason to believe – an atheist, who does not even believe in an infidel religion.’
The hapless couple remain oblivious as the ‘celebrant’, surrounded by 10 to 15 employees, calls for the marriage to be enshrined in Islamic law, followed by further personal insults against the couple.
None of the employees attempts to stop the 'ceremony' and several take photographs.
At the end of the 'service' the couple plant a coconut tree as Hussein Didi and his crew make rude remarks about the bride's breasts
At the end of the 'service' the couple plant a coconut tree as Hussein Didi - who conducted the ceremony - and his crew make rude remarks about the bride's breasts
Various types of insults about the woman and the man, their clothing and demeanour, are spoken throughout in the form of a running commentary in a sports video.
The woman speak English, largely just in reply to the 'officials', and it appears from the video that their surname is Alexander, although one news agency maintains they are Swiss.
As the bride bends down to plant the coconut tree, a man is heard is exclaiming: 'Can see her breasts!' The ‘commentator’ observes: 'She is wearing something', he knows, he says, 'because my beard has gone grey watching those things… I have seen so many of them now that I don’t even want to look any more when I see them.'
A police investigation has been launched into the incident while management at the resort have said that the employees have been sacked and evicted from the resort altogether.
But the resort admitted that it does not have a person who is specifically designated to perform the rituals.
Vilu Reef Beach and Spa Resort
Paradise lost: The couple who were renewing their vows at the resort were humiliated by employees during the ceremony
The groom, who is watering the new coconut tree which they have just planted, is totally unaware of the manner in which his wife and her breasts are being discussed by the group of Maldivian men ‘officiating’ at the renewal of their wedding vows.
‘Celebrant’ Didi tells the couple they should return soon to check on the progress of their plant, testament to what had taken place on the island that day.
The video concludes with the ‘commentator’ repeatedly urging the ‘celebrant’ to make the couple ‘suck mouths, suck mouths’ - an expression used by Maldivians to denigrate the act of kissing.
Vilu Reef Beach and Spa Resort
A stay at the exclusive luxury resort can cost £850 per person
In a statement the resort expressed its ‘deep concern and regret’ over the incident. Set on its own exclusive island in the Indian Ocean, the Maldive resort is a popular destination for couples intending to renew their marriage vows.
A stay at the Vilu Reef beach and Spa costs from $1335 per person and it is advertised as a place where couples can ‘celebrate and capture the special moments of your life and mark a milestone in your amazing journey together or wish to rejoice another year of life’.
The video has sparked outrage from tourism authorities in the country. Deputy Tourism Minister Ismail Yasir said ‘we are investigating the matter through the resort management.
'The management informed us in writing that it would send us its findings as the matter involves the company’s employees.’
• Do you know who the hapless couple so cruelly treated in the video are? Contact the Mail Online newsdesk on 020 7938 6011 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 020 7938 6011 end_of_the_skype_highlighting or email
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1 comment:
Don't balme it all on me. Don't say that I did not do enough to develop a respectful society in Maldives.
Don't say that I didn't educate the people. I've built school.
However, people may say these schools were with low quality school systems, low quality syllabus, low quality teachers - most who're drop-outs from the school. Also people may say there is not a single university in the country after I've reigned in power for 30 long years. Yes, true. I was going to build one this year but the people wanted to elect Mohamed Nasheed (oh, how much I hate that little guy.....#%^&).
So please elect me or Yamin again in 2013. You need a good leader. A leader who studied in an Arab country. Not a leader who studied in the UK.
I will make sure these things are totalls erased from the face of Maldivian lands when I or my party people get back to power. Just imagine how smoothly we were running the country before.
Also if anyone of us get elected again, we will install the hatred to other religion like we've always been doing. We can't let the current president make friendly agreements with Chrisitian USA and Jew Isreil.
(yes, the wannabe president again)
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