Political correctness stops the police doing their job and we will ensure that ;
1) ACPO is shut down and police chiefs allowed only to form a body under the supervision of the government
2) Political correctness in policing will be banned
3) The separatist Black Police Officers Union will be shut down
4) All diversity training ended and it replaced with proper police training
5) All police officers involved in political correctness and organisations promoting political correctness sacked
Anger over return of 'Sus' laws that will let police target minorities
By James Slack
Last updated at 12:31 AM on 16th October 2010
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Police will soon be allowed to return to the days when they could stop and search people on the basis of their ethnic background.
Last night the news threatened to ignite a huge row between the Government and civil liberties groups.
So-called ‘Sus laws’ were scrapped in the 1980s after the alleged targeting of black people by police led to race riots in London, Birmingham and Liverpool.
Rewind: Police will now be able to stop and search people on the basis of their ethnic background in a hark back to the past
Rewind: Police will now be able to stop and search people on the basis of their ethnic background in a hark back to the past
Police have since been expected to target suspects only on the basis of ‘reasonable suspicion’ they are involved in or plotting a crime.
They could not target specific groups – such as focusing on Muslims in the event of an apparent threat from Islamic extremists.
* Britain is losing its battle against Islamic extremists... says French MP who banned the burqa
But draft Home Office police guidance, obtained by Liberty, sets down new rules that would allow race to be a basis for stop and search without suspicion.
The civil liberties group claims the proposal flies in the face of recommendations in Sir William Macpherson’s Inquiry into the death of Stephen Lawrence – and would also breach Labour’s Equality Act 2010.
The Act, framed by Labour Deputy Leader Harriet Harman, prohibits race discrimination by public bodies.
A Tory MP says ‘lazy and incompetent’ police officers should be forced to undergo fitness tests.
Backbencher Mark Pritchard unleashed a blistering attack on rank-and-file officers during a Westminster debate.
He accused some police of being ill-disciplined and willing to ‘lie’.
Mr Pritchard added: ‘Far too many of my constituents agree that the police, like the BBC, are one of the last great unreformed national institutions, which is concerning.
‘It is indisputable that a sizeable minority of officers are increasingly overshadowing the dedication, courage and professionalism of the vast majority.’
Isabella Sankey, director of policy for Liberty, said: ‘Stopping and searching individuals without suspicion is divisive enough without telling police they can directly discriminate on the grounds of race.
‘Significant progress has been made since the Lawrence Inquiry but the Home Office’s planned changes will set the clock back and jeopardise race relations in the UK.’
The controversy centres on Section 60 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994.
This allows for a police officer to stop and search without suspicion in a designated area for a 24-hour period.
Currently, it does not give any ground for targeting a person on the basis of race.
But the Home Office’s suggested amendments to the guidance state that – while officers ‘must take particular care’ not to discriminate – there ‘may be circumstances where it is appropriate for officers to take account of an individual’s ethnic origin in selecting persons and vehicles to be stopped’.
Officers must be responding to some form of intelligence, but not specific to the person involved.
Last night, a Home Office spokesman said: ‘The proposed new guidelines make clear that ethnicity may not be used as the sole basis for stopping and searching anyone under Section 60.
‘The previous guidance does not place any explicit restrictions on who may be stopped and this change is intended to protect civil liberties.’
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1320983/Anger-return-Sus-laws-let-police-target-minorities.html#ixzz12Vg5Fbd1
Some Marxist organisation will stop the Police from targeting criminals, you will see.
Lee, not doing y'self too many favours @ BDF but here you go: http://proxy.org/
BDF is a bear pit mate, a sewer for the worst elements of Nationalism to infest.
Its a waste of time.
They are not motivated by logic, and 99 % of the people on there are people that should not be allowed to join the new party anyway.
I shall not be posting on there any more.
Thanks anyway.
Some encouraging trends evident in your summary, Lee, thanks.
Points 1-5 are excellent but I'd add that constitutionally, Britain has a legal basis for expelling all aliens judged undesirable, especially Muslims because their ideology is blatantly subversive.
Once again, I'd urge that this be highlighted. Our Constitution remains our best (and most under-used) weapon against Shari-ism and all forms of Marxist, 5th Column 'multi-culti-pc-ism.'
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