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'No Outsiders' is a 28-month research project based in primary schools and funded by The Economic and Social Research Council. The project is led by Elizabeth Atkinson and Renée DePalma at the University of Sunderland, in collaboration with researchers at the University of Exeter and the Institute of Education (University of London) and a team of three research assistants. During the course of the project, a team of primary teachers from three areas of the UK will develop ideas and resources to address lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality in their own schools and their communities. The outcomes will be disseminated via the Teacher Training Resource Bank, a documentary film and an edited book of teaching ideas.
The university-based research team:
Elizabeth Atkinson, Renée DePalma and Elizabeth Brace (University of Sunderland)
Judy Hemingway, Deborah Youdell and Michael Reiss (Institute of Education, University of London)
Alexandra Allan, Nick Givens and David Nixon (University of Exeter)
Schools participating in the No Outsiders project are using a collection of children’s books featuring non-heterosexual characters. Favourites include And Tango Makes Three by Justin Richardson, Peter Parnell and Henry Cole, the true story of two male penguins in Central Park zoo who bring up a penguin chick; King and King, by Linda de Haan and Stern Nijland, about two princes who fall in love; and Spacegirl Pukes, by Katy Watson and Vanda Carter, about a space-travelling girl with two mums who gets a tummy bug. Many of these books carry deeper messages: for example, One Dad, Two Dads, Brown Dad, Blue Dads, by Johnny Valentine and Melody Sarecky, takes a wry look at the strange explanations for why people are as they are, and suggests that we should just accept them as themselves.
These organisations have been involved in the planning of the project from the outset, and have representatives on the project's Advisory Group. We are deeply grateful for their support.
Schools Out
National Union of Teachers (NUT)
General Teaching Council for England
Another primary head says:
Teachers have used the project books in story sessions during the week and class assemblies linked to PSHCE. Our school serves a diverse community where children come from assorted family arrangements; there are many single parents, extended families from a range of cultural backgrounds, Looked After Children, those in differing step families and some families with same sex parenting, again of differing natures, in addition to those perceived as conventional.
At a basic level the books affirm this diversity. For some it gives them confidence that their own circumstances are shared by others. Even in our school there is a pressure felt by many children to conform and a consequence of this is for children to keep quiet about those aspects that might make them seem different. Books give a credibility to what may seem unusual to others.
Some of the stories provide a great starting point for children's discussions. Primary aged children are often far less judgemental and accepting of difference so it seems an ideal time to introduce many different lifestyles, views and attitudes. There are children who are questioning their own sexuality and the books provide again affirming role models and a sense of not being quite as isolated as they may feel.
The books have been introduced into a school that often talks about celebrating that we are not the same. This was picked up by a child in the art club who when asked for words that described a family said; 'they are all different - just like us'. Teachers are talking about sexuality, homophobic bullying and how to deal with issues in class - this is a very positive move.
In one primary school, the Y3 NLS objective (T9) requiring pupils to write their own versions of traditional tales has provided the framework for an exploration of diverse relationships. The teacher used King and King by Linda de Haan and Stern Nijland, in which two princes fall in love, as a starting point for work in which the children wrote alternative Cinderella stories. Drama work, with puppets made by the children, was used throughout the unit to allow the children to explore different identities for their characters.
The teacher says:
We read King and King [as part of our literacy work on altering traditional tales]. We began the lesson with a letter from the Prince asking the class for help (because he has to meet all these princesses but doesn't want to marry any of them) and then we read the book. The children then had to make puppets of their own Cinderella characters. Lots of boys decided to have male Cinderellas and a couple of boys decided to have gay characters.
In several areas of the country, primary schools and local authorities are rewriting guidance to focus explicitly on homophobia and sexualities equality. For example, a number of primary schools are revising their Sex and Relationship Education policies to include specific reference to same-sex relationships, and Local Authorities around the country are writing guidance specifically focusing on challenging homophobia at the primary level. Stand Up For Us, the DfES/Department Of Health guidance on challenging homophobia at all age-phases, is providing a framework for much of this work. In addition, primary schools around the country are bringing in specialist diversity trainers, such as Mark Jennett (principal author of Stand Up For Us - Mark Jennett, the Chrysalis team at Schools Out ( and Educational Action Challenging Homophobia ( to support staff in making their schools inclusive for all pupils, parents and staff, and to demonstrate how this fits in with key government initiatives, such as Every Child Matters and the Equality Act.
What's that stink? It reminds me of Common Purpose. All these parasites.
Iagree it's a Pedophiles charter, it sounds suspiciously like grooming to me, the teachers should refuse to co operate, how dare the state infringe on parents right's, it's up to the parents to decide when is child is emotionaly mature enough NOT the state, it's just sick sick sick using our children as their experiments.
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