David Blunkett was the worst Home Secretary in British history.
Whilst his attention was focused on trying to get into the knickers of any slapper within reach of his guide dog and he was busy buying off the top cops of West Yorkshire Police with pensions, shiny medals and promotions in order to try and get Nick Griffin and the BNP out of the way in elections so as to bolster the Labour vote which they had lost through the Iraq War - in the meantime those police officers who should have been busy investigating potential terrorists, investigating Islamic extremists and trying to prevent terrorist attacks were all busy on Blunketts vanity driven 'Destroy The BNP Project'.
The blood of the people who died on 7/7 is on the hands of Blunkett and all his pet monkey coppers who collaborated in his Stalinist attempt to imprison a politician who threatened to take votes from his own party.
Now comes the news that the government has scrapped a report into the intelligence failures of 7/7 - and we all know why dont we.
The truth has to be kept secret.
They have to protect those corrupt coppers that sold out the police service and their principles to Blunkett and they also have to prevent the fact that Blunkett was an incompetent, lecherous, pathetic sex obsessed twat who was busy shagging other blokes wvives and chasing skirt instead of doing his job, being revealed to the public.
Dont forget the idiot Blunkett writes for The Sun, where he peddles his pro-Labour anti-BNP bullshit on a regular basis.
The Labour Party are a pathetic joke - and as we can see from the parade of crooks, idiots and incompetents it is has been forced to place into cabinet jobs over the years - the last resort of the fool is to work for the government.
Shame on the top cops of West Yorkshire Police who put their own careers and greed before the safety of the public ;
Critical report on anti-terrorism intelligence shelved· Inquiry into MI5 and police points to missed tip-offs
· Prosecutors look at next move in liquid bomb caseRichard Norton-Taylor and Vikram Dodd The Guardian, Wednesday September 10 2008
A critical report on the conduct of the police and MI5 in the run-up to the July 7 attacks on London has been shelved for legal reasons, the Guardian has learned.
The intelligence and security committee, which consists of senior peers and MPs, was due to have published its report today. It is understood to relate to communications between MI5 in London and West Yorkshire police.
The committee, known as the ISC, undertook to draw up a report last year after concluding that it was possible the chances of preventing the July 7 2005 attacks in London "might have been greater had different investigative decisions been taken in 2003-05".
It emerged that MI5 and the police had many opportunities to identify Mohammad Sidique Khan and Shehzad Tanweer, two of the suicide bombers.
The report is believed to criticise the exchanges of information between those leading the investigation into the plotters and West Yorkshire police, and how potentially crucial tip-offs were ignored or lost.
Officials familiar with the issues say the ISC report, which has been seen by Gordon Brown, is now unlikely to be published until next year.
The shelving of the report saves the police and counter-terrorism officials from fresh embarrassment as they consider whether to retry several men over the alleged plot to blow up airliners over the Atlantic.
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