Monday 12 July 2010

A British Navy or African Schools

If we shut down Parliament, closed the House of Lords and imposed a decade of Liberal Fascist dictatorship then the money saved on keeping the pigs in Parliament could be spent on educating Africans as well.

These are the wankers we have in government.

Whilst these middle class, liberal arseholes spend our money on fucking foreigners we are sacking millions of British workers, not repairing schools and cutting money for poor kids school dinners.

The scum in the Labour Party when elected into power squander billions of pounds of tax payers money on their idiotic politically correct schemes, then the Conservatives are voted into power and steal billions more from the taxes of the people to pay back the money squandered by Labour.

This is the joke of the British 'democratic' system.

You morons voted for these bastards.


Two thirds of children in Africa not currently in primary school could be educated for the cost of two new aircraft carriers for the Royal Navy, Britain’s development secretary has suggested.

Andrew Mitchell said that Britain would continue to fund and support the campaign for universal primary education around the world but that it could not increase its spending without saving elsewhere.

He added that all governments should reassess their spending priorities and that if Britain were to modify its plans for two new aircraft carriers, it could single-handedly achieve the aim of 1GOAL.

The World Cup organisers’ legacy project aims to provide the 72 million children out of school around the world with a primary education by 2015, an ambition that forms part of United Nations development goals. Mr Mitchell was speaking at a summit of world leaders hosted by South Africa’s president Jacob Zuma ahead of the World Cup final to raise awareness of 1GOAL and push leaders to honour their commitment to extending education. Western donors have pledged to spend £7.3 billion a year to get 32 million African children into primary education.

His comments follow strong hints from Defence Secretary Liam Fox that he will seek to withdraw from the order for the “Cold War era” aircraft carriers in an attempt to plug a defence budget black hole. The cost of the project so far is £4.9 billion.

Mr Mitchell said Britain funded primary education for 4.8 million children in the UK and five million around the world but much more could be done “for the cost of the aircraft carriers”. “Achieving that goal for children everywhere to go to school is extremely important”.

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