We now have the IHS and EHS
The IHS is the International Health Service which treats any foreign and illegal immigrant sponger from around the world who comes in our country and whose treatment is paid for out of our taxes and we also have the EHS, the European Health Service, which is run by the European Union for the benefit of the EU and in accord with its regulations and rules.
And all the while the British tax payer has to pay for it whilst standards drop, waiting times rise and people die.
You mugs voted for it.
You mugs got it.
You killed the NHS you stupid, media brainwashed bastards.
Tests on foreign nurses scrapped: EU order means Britain must open NHS jobs to thousands from Eastern Europe
By Sophie Borland
Thousands of foreign nurses will be allowed to work in Britain without any safety checks – because EU rules demand that the tests are axed.
They will not need to sit rigorous competence exams before treating NHS patients. And they will no longer even be required to show they have looked after patients in the past three years.
Critics say the change will 'almost certainly' lead to lives being lost. The Nursing and Midwifery Council will stop administering the tests in the autumn after being told it could be sued by the European Commission for breaking EU law on 'freedom of movement' for workers from the Continent.
How can they justify this?...Look at this "German" Dr who gave an elderly man a lethal dose of morphine, he is now free to practice in another European country, the dead elderly mans son confronted him at a Conference in Europe to ask the reasonable question why he is still being allowed to practice and HE was arrested!....Donna
I've said this many times before.
I SINCERELY WANTED to vote BNP at the last election - but the BNP didn't bother to put up a candidate where I live.
Why do you insist on calling me a 'stupid bastard'?
I am not talking about people like you mate - I am talking about those total mugs and idiots that voted Labour, Tory, Liberal or one of the others.
They are the guilty ones, not people who did not have a choice to vote for the BNP.
The answer to this problem is simple though - BE YOUR OWN BNP CANDIDATE.
Let people vote for you as the BNP candidate in your area.
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