Monday 14 March 2011

Chris Bev Suspended

News just in that in the last days of his dying Welsh Reich, the insane tyrant Nick Grffin has just ordered the execution of one of his last competent officers, Chris Bev.

As the Red Army ( or bankruptcy as it also known) hammers at the door of the last derelict BNP welshpool bunker, Fuhrer Griffin is busy handing out cash, job titles and medals to the last of the morons that still surround him.

Will the last dickhead left in the BNP please turn off the light and deliver the coup de grace to its pathetic twitching corpse.

Its beginning to stink up the bunker.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Will the last dickhead left in the BNP please turn off the light and deliver the coup de grace to its pathetic twitching corpse.

That will be grapevine Chris Vanns who each day puts a dodgy burger up griffins rectum and gets house points and a geen star in his book for keeping griffins arse twitch free.