Follow this guide and investigate the charities.
Are they Common Purpose linked ?
Do they support multi-culturalism and political correctness ?
How much do they spend on staff and wages ?
Is Your Favorite Charity Infiltrated? By Cassandra Anderson
March 8, 2011
Before you write a check, sign a petition or declare your unwavering support for foundations or "nonprofit" organizations (NPOs), you may wish to investigate their agendas by using this step-by-step guide. Many large foundations and nonprofit organizations have destructive agendas in opposition to public interest or they receive funding from dubious sources and may be unduly influenced.
Lawyer and former tax expert, Michael Shaw now President of says, "Foundations, Non Governmental Organizations and non-profits are generally exempt from income taxes. They have been arranged from the beginning to promote globalism and today this is accomplished through the implementation of Agenda 21. The creation of the Federal Reserve coupled with the adoption of the income tax in 1913 provided the one world elite opportunity to avoid taxes through the formation of Foundations and other tax exempts. This was key to creating the financing system that has promoted globalism and which now threatens us all with world tyranny."
There are 1.6 million so-called nonprofit 501(c)3 organizations in the US. Nonprofits are misnamed and are anything but not-for-profit; a more accurate description is that they are TAX EXEMPT organizations. This article will explore two major types of tax exempt organizations:
•Foundations- these are the grantors and they are required to donate 5% of their assets each year to charitable organizations. They enjoy enormous tax breaks from the federal government and pay no income tax, no corporate tax and no capital gains tax. States and local governments may also exempt them from property and sales taxation. Some powerful foundations are extremely influential in setting political policies and making laws that benefit their enterprises and pass the cost onto taxpayers.
•Nonprofit Organizations or NPOs also enjoy the same tax exemptions as foundations (no income, corporate or capital gains taxes). NPOs are structured like a business and seek grants from foundations, government subsidies and corporate and private donations. They do pursue profits.
For instance, Planned Parenthood is a NPO with deep roots in eugenics and they seek to have employees promote abortions to boost profits, according to a former employee whistleblower. Planned Parenthood showed a $112 million profit in 2006 and received over $300 million in tax funded support. Whether someone is pro-life or pro-choice, most would agree that pursuing abortion for profit and population control is very negative.
Because tax exempt 501(c)3 organizations get a free ride on taxes but enjoy publicly funded benefits, they should be required to make their full financial documents available to the public. Furthermore, tax exempt organizations may also receive tax funded government subsidies, so it is simply wrong that there is little or no transparency. This is important because many organizations that receive tax exempt status influence political policy that works against the public.
G. Edward Griffin described controlled opposition as a strategy to defeat one's opponent by placing an agent in the enemy camp who will provide false leadership. The agent's mission is to fail while looking sincere. Mr. Griffin gave an example of a boxer who throws a fight. Imagine a scenario with a prizefighter who stands to win $1 million in prize money if he wins a match, but then is offered $3 million to take a dive. If he chooses to throw the fight for the bigger paycheck, he will have to battle in the ring to make it look convincing before failing. This is why it can be difficult to detect controlled opposition.
Here are some tips on how to spot whether a tax-exempt entity may be controlled opposition or may have been infiltrated or influenced by agents working against the public's interest:
1. Check the website for their stated goals and compare what they actually support to what they claim to support.
An example is the National Association of Wheat Growers who say that they are working toward a better future for wheat growers, the industry and the public. However, most of their partners are the biotech giants who have damaged farmers and put public health in jeopardy.
2. Does the tax exempt organization support phony global warming?
This is a huge red flag because the man made global waring myth is used to promote depopulation and create draconian regulations. 'Endangered species' has the same objective (one single species has yet to be saved by any rules imposed by the restrictive Endangered Species Act!).
3. Does the NPO have a large staff? This costs money and grassroots efforts are usually low on funds.
The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), for instance, has an enormous staff. The financials that they post on their website reveal that they received over $90 million in donations in 2009. The Board of Trustees lists Laurence Rockefeller (this family is a primary source of America's troubles), Leonardo DiCaprio, James Taylor and Robert Redford. Remember Redford's Sundance channel constantly trumpeted phony environmentalism. The NRDC was founded by the Ford Foundation.
4. Is financial data listed on the website? If so, check for a donor list.
It is uncommon to find financial information on these types of websites, but some are documented. The ETC Group portrays an interest in stopping geoengineering (chemtrails, et al), but then insisted the UN control it. Remember that the UN is a supranational organization that answers to no one. ETC is partially funded by the Ford Foundation that was partnered with the Rockefellers in the Population Council eugenics movement and has many ties to the UN.
5. You can cross reference the name of the organization and board and staff members' names with the UN, Rockefellers and Bill Gates for intriguing reading.
6. Wealthy foundations may have obtained their investment money from reprehensible sources that can be investigated.
A possible example of this is the John Merck Fund that was founded by the Merck family, in memory of a son who died at a young age. Merck & Company is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world and produces dangerous drugs. George W. Merck, the father of the dead son, was responsible for developing patentable synthetic drugs and leading the War Research Service that initiated the US biological weapons program. The Merck Foundation has provided grants to the Abortion Access Project, the Center for Food Safety, the NRDC, the Organic Consumers Association, the Rockefeller Family Fund, the Tides Foundation and many others.
7. is a great website to look into financial data for foundations. A free membership is offered to independent researchers and allows access to IRS 990 information that usually includes grant recipients. Some of the foundations' IRS 990 forms include donor lists and amounts. It may also contain information on how the foundation invests its vast fortune and increases its wealth (tax exempt) to support its agenda.'s free membership allows investigation into many NPOs, but only the aggregate amount of the donations are listed and donor names are generally not available. More complete information can be obtained for foundations.
According to tax forms provided by, the Center for Food Safety, a NPO whose lawyers have represented farmers against Monsanto, is a recipient of a grant from the Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors foundation for $75,000 in 2008 and the Center for Food Safety's sister agency, the International Center for Technology Assessment, received $147,000 from the Rockefeller Family Fund in 2008. This would appear to be a deep conflict of interest because the Rockefellers have been primary funders for advancing the genetically modified food revolution and agricultural manipulation as chronicled in F. William Engdahl's book 'Seeds of Desrtuction'.
Not all tax exempt organizations are corrupt, but the powerful ones that influence public policy deserve close scrutiny.
Find out more about foundations here.
Now that you are armed with some good research tools, there are thousands of tax exempt organizations and foundations that need to be exposed, so please help investigate these entities and report on your findings in order to awaken the slumbering masses.
Michael Shaw, President of,has been active in ending Agenda 21 for over a decade and his website provides a wealth of information on this topic.
1 comment:
Lee multi culti is finished, did you not get the elites memo that they have plastered the world over, it has served its purpose of destroying the national identities of nation states and now the stong bonds within said multi cultures will be destroyed by the elites the same as ours has been.
any united and strong culture is a threat to them, so everthing is managed to destroy all cultures to be replaced with the elites culture.
That culture is slavery and worse.
You will see the scapegoating esculating, the cultural attacks, the changing of immigration laws, false nationalism (masked globalism in fact) promoted by the EDL and pushed by the elites media.
You seem to think like the moronic tories and Labour supporters in that you support the tiny parts that fit with your ideology (whatever that may be these days?)
ignoring the fact that your support of such parts added to the bits Labour and tory supporters support adds up to build a giant slave camp, you have missed the big picture, you are like a goldfish in their bowl.
and they are playing you and the other shortsighted blinkered fools to perfection and it is this method that allows them to get all that they desire as they know small parts will appeal to someone somewhere and when you and the rest lend their voices to each part - eg the EDL, you help them tighten their grip.
you need to focus on the big picture and not get tied up in the details and you are being lead down a blind alley shoulder to shoulder with Labour and Tory mugs.
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