I think few people have recognised the true significance of the recent events concerning the now dead gunman, Raoul Moat.
The outpouring of support and sympathy for him on the internet reveals much about the present condition of the White English and British collective unconscious, and it does not bode well for the present ruling regime.
The hundreds of thousands of people who are empathising with Raoul Moat are doing so as they have experienced similar things to Raoul Moat at the hands of the government, police, social services, council officials and the ever expanding army of politically correct parasites in the Servile State that infest our countries public services.
No-one gives a shit about the White English and British Working Class anymore.
We are hated and despised by our 'ruling elites'.
Whilst the government pours billions of pounds of our taxes into the foreign aid budget, to subsidise the International Health Service, to find council houses for illegal immigrants and asylum seekers, to bribe communities into not supporting the terrorists that attack us from their midst, to build the endless community centres, housing estates and community colleges etc for ethnic minorities we see in every 'enriched area' - we have been forced to fund all this whilst we get fuck all back.
We are being raped as a nation and community and then being told we have to pay for the rapists to commit their crimes.
Decent fathers from failed marriages who have spent hundreds of thousands of pounds fighting child custody cases through the useless and corrupt family courts even if they win the case are told by politically correct socialist judges that they will not enforce court judgements against defaulting mothers.
Men kill themselves every month from the pain of such events.
Meanwhile politically correct coppers arrest ordinary English people for having opinions their politically correct ACPO social worker bosses disagree with.
The Labour government turned the police service into social workers in uniform, the para-military wing of political correctness, ever ready to cosh a citizen who dared mutter something, in public or private, some PS Gestapo underling regarded as a speech crime.
The generals sold their souls and integrity for shiny medals, peerages and promotions and turned our armed forces into the agents of the American oil corporations and a mercenary army fighting for the interests of America, Israel and AIPAC.
While bombs were exploding on British streets, and Islamists formed hundreds of terrorist cells to attack us in places like Leeds, Bradford and Tower Hamlets - the British Army had been sent by their traitor generals to fight 'terrorism' in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Whilst we were being killed here at home by the Islamists, our sons and daughters were being slaughtered in the streets of Baghdad and the hill of Kandahar.
We see our wounded soldiers with their limbs missing being spat on by Islamists in our streets as the police protect their 'human rights'.
Raoul Moat is the sign of a turning point in the archetypal history of the White English and British collective unconscious.
Nobody now trusts the government.
The police are regarded with hate, fear and suspicion by millions of people.
The decent beat police officers have been betrayed by their own bosses in ACPO who used them as the stormtroopers of political correctness, crushing in skulls outside Parliament, killing street protestors, arresting members of the white community simply to ensure the cops are not labeled as 'institutionally racist' by some Liberal Fascist or Marxist using the terrorism of the word that is 'racism'
We are sick of being ignored, our interests as a community marginalised and our rights taken from us.
We have watched the bankers and politicians steal from us and then destroy the British economy because of their greed and stupidity and yet we are supposed to pay for it. The Welfare State is being dismantled that our forefathers built to pay for the bankers crimes.
Enough is enough.
There are millions of people who know hate the government and the police and most of the state institutions.
They are ready to rebel.
The EDL is another sign of this stormfront developing in our people.
The anger of an oppressed majority is getting ready to erupt on the streets.
It will take only a spark to ignite the conflagration.
This government is a ship of fools.
In the name of political correctness, fear of being called 'racist' and because it is in the grip of the corporate media, Islamist oil money and Zionist political influence - our government continues to betray us.
All those White English and British Working Class people who have been betrayed, abused and abandoned by the politicians and the system, are now ready to revolt.
Yet still the government ignores the angry millions amongst us.
The symbolism of what happened in the Raoul Moat affair is also tragic and interesting.
Moat shot a police officer, a figure that for him represented the State which had let him down and abused him, and this attack tragically blinded the officer.
This despicable and evil act of Moats, the shooting of an innocent police officer, is though deeply symbolic in relation to the figure of 'Justice' itself being blindfold.
Justice is blindfolded in order to make her blind, in order to ensure the judgments and justice that is delivered by her is also blind - in that it favours no man more than any other.
Moats hatred of the system was based on the events which happened to him that he saw as being acts which were never just, equitable or fair to him.
He hated the police as an unjust institution and hence shot the innocent officer as a way of attacking the entire police service itself.
The blinding of the officer can be seen therefore as a continuation of the archetypal motif at work in his mind and within the collective unconscious.
The Zeitgeist of these times is now a dark spirit.
Whenever a person like Raol Moat arises and is then 'adopted' as a figurehead or 'idol' by a section of the community, then the intelligent thing would be to analyse what this means.
The morons like David Cameron and the media journalist idiots will just issue knee jerk comments and simply abuse the public.
They are too stupid to understand the significance of what these events mean.
The wise will seek to discern what the significance of these events.
There are millions of potential Raoul Moats out there.
The recent film 'Rampage' by Uwe Boll also touches on this phenomena.
The film poster has the byline 'Have you ever considered it', suggesting that the idea of a 'rampage' is one we have all had at some time.
For those whose lives are defined by injustice and psychological injury, then the concept of the 'rampage', at least according to Uwe Boll, seems not so insane.
The dark spirit in the collective consciousness always manifests itself in the world around us through such things as the film, books and images we see around us.
It feeds upon what makes it makes it stronger.
It may be that the Americanisation of our culture, and its glorification of guns, violence and aggression, may be the way in which this dark spirit will define itself.
With the criminals and the cops the only ones with guns, is it any wonder the people may feel they need to be armed to defend themselves ?
There are now hundreds of thousands of Raoul Moats out there.
They like Raoul Moat may have sought psychological help and been denied it, and then watched with mounting anger as illegal immigrants, asylum seekers and colonists are given priority over our own people.
The more this happens the more the dark spirit is empowered.
We ignore the meaning of such events, only when we fear the knowledge they will bring.
The most important revelation to come from the Moat case was the first massive display of police tactics and equipment in recent years, they really have been blowing the budget. i expected tanks and an A10 to swoop in on Moats position.
At one point the SAS turned up from an impromptu training session. This was a disgrace similar to when the tanks rolled up at Heathrow and really highlights who the real kings of terror.
Parlaiment are raping and pillaging this once Great Nation, for the International Bankers.
When the Bank of Englands promissary notes have become worthless shitpaper and there is no food on supermarket shelves, quite a few poeple will be glad of a gun to put to their heads, just to end the misery.
And those who rule from enchanted castles, will wish they had a Moat.
The NWO would love more white men to go on a rampage. No wonder their puppet Uwe Boll is asking you to "consider it". How more blatent could they get? White men going on a rampage would give the NWO the excuse they are looking for to further crackdown with a police state. They are positively desperate for a crackdown. This whole hero worshipping of Raoul Moat was probably seeded by the NWO to encourage more rampages. White men will be more likely to rampage if they think they are going to be hero worshipped afterwards.
The NWO wouldn't have been scared by Moat going round killing a few random people. Maybe if Raoul Moat had done a carefully targeted headshot on a politician or newspaper editor they would be more worried. But a few members of the public as sacrificial lambs to the NWO agenda? No worries for the NWO. All in a days work as far as they're concerned. Remember how many people they were willing to kill on 9/11.
One film Uwe Boll and his NWO masters won't be making is "The Artist: Have You Considered It Yet?". A film encouraging the likes of Raoul Moat to turn to their paintbrushes and create art that awakens the public to what's really going on and humiliates the establishment. Thats's one thing the NWO really wouldn't want to happen. Not in a million years. So don't expect and films or novels like that to be made by NWO puppets like Uwe Boll anytime soon.
Also, notice how gun rampages by enrichers in our lovely cities never get the massive coverage that Raoul "NWO enabler" Moat got. Can't think why.
Spot on Lee, this echos what was discussed on Question time and ironically enough the fact that Galloway was highlighting the signifigance of this to the white working classes.
Makes you wonder if Galloway is going back to Scotland seeing as londonistan don't want and dont need him anymore.
They always rejected his obsessed marxism, any fool but a marxist fool knows this, they reject PC except the parts that benefit their community, they used him and he used them, they wanted further power for their community only and he wanted to usher in marxism riding a trojan hoarse that would eventually cast him off once inside the gates.
All the while that trojan horse he helped build trampled on the people he now claims concern for!
Building another marxist tojan horse Galloway?
This is why the BNP have to target the NWO in order to not let the marxists and liberals in, long before the marists and the liberal get back on their feet, to again sell the people down the river.
exposing the NWO also exposes the marxists and liberals as their stooges and the real betrayers of the British people.
Galloway does not even recognise a British people, he claims we are all world citisens, the same as all marxists, liberals and the NWO.
So when Galloway says British, it means nothing to him other than a plot of land where people can sit their ass, he has no sense of roots and the stability that it brings.
But he did bring some truth to the matter no matter how much he himself hypocritically contributed to the problem.
why was Galloway on question time anyway, the BNP did not get an invite yet have some real political standing, respect have none, where are respects MEP? London assembly member?
Seeems the BBC have moved the goalposts again, but then they will claim it is because he is now a broadcaster, yes perhaps but a broadcaster riding on the back of his now defunct political career, the fact that the BBC can do this means that they can manipulate any debate simply by their choice of unaccountable guest.
beware the marxists bearing gifts for the white working class communities, they have every intention of undermining you and destroying your communities which they don't even recognise as a worthwhile or valid construct, once they get a whiff of power.
but back to the main point, yes as soon as i saw the few few tributes i said this was an anti establishment protest, and the shallow whoars that call themselfs politicians just dig a deeper hole with every condemnation while ignoring the bigger picture.
don't let the marxists pull the wool over the publics eyes, get our membership down to £10 asap.
Spot on Lee, this echos what was discussed on Question time and ironically enough the fact that Galloway was highlighting the signifigance of this to the white working classes.
Makes you wonder if Galloway is going back to Scotland seeing as londonistan don't want and dont need him anymore.
They always rejected his obsessed marxism, any fool but a marxist fool knows this, they reject PC except the parts that benefit their community, they used him and he used them, they wanted further power for their community only and he wanted to usher in marxism riding a trojan hoarse that would eventually cast him off once inside the gates.
All the while that trojan horse he helped build trampled on the people he now claims concern for!
Building another marxist tojan horse Galloway?
This is why the BNP have to target the NWO in order to not let the marxists and liberals in, long before the marists and the liberal get back on their feet, to again sell the people down the river.
exposing the NWO also exposes the marxists and liberals as their stooges and the real betrayers of the British people.
Galloway does not even recognise a British people, he claims we are all world citisens, the same as all marxists, liberals and the NWO.
So when Galloway says British, it means nothing to him other than a plot of land where people can sit their ass, he has no sense of roots and the stability that it brings.
But he did bring some truth to the matter no matter how much he himself hypocritically contributed to the problem.
why was Galloway on question time anyway, the BNP did not get an invite yet have some real political standing, respect have none, where are respects MEP? London assembly member?
Seeems the BBC have moved the goalposts again, but then they will claim it is because he is now a broadcaster, yes perhaps but a broadcaster riding on the back of his now defunct political career, the fact that the BBC can do this means that they can manipulate any debate simply by their choice of unaccountable guest.
beware the marxists bearing gifts for the white working class communities, they have every intention of undermining you and destroying your communities which they don't even recognise as a worthwhile or valid construct, once they get a whiff of power.
but back to the main point, yes as soon as i saw the few few tributes i said this was an anti establishment protest, and the shallow whoars that call themselfs politicians just dig a deeper hole with every condemnation while ignoring the bigger picture.
don't let the marxists pull the wool over the publics eyes, get our membership down to £10 asap.
Many other Raoul Moat's out there,what an understatement, if only people realised how right you are .
I have been there, in fact I'm still living it.
I have had so much abuse and persecution from the Authorities, I could write a book on it;really.
If people knew to what extent, they would never believe it.In every possible way of Enforcement, failed illegal Asbo's,Crown Court cases, Civil Proceedings,catching them photographing me, persecuting my children .Spreading Rumours that I have Murdered people, I am a drug dealer, I steal cars, putting me on their "dangerous Register", illegally.
Circumventing Court orders, Changing plans to put my property on the Commons Register so that I couldn't sell it, then changing their mind when my Solicitor issued proceedings against them.
Changing public footpath routs so that people could walk on to my property. No less than 5 times, they corrected their position and then did it again.
Removing a wall from my land, telling me it is Highway.
Giving me Planning for a 5 bedroom detached house in my grounds, then taking it from me.
Strangers coming to my boundary and threatening me and my family.
Police deliberately trying to set me up(real long story).
There are 100's ,if not over a thousand incidents during the past 11 years, I couldn't cover them all on this blog.
Four years ago, it got that bad, I had a local Inspector and Sergeant come to see me and my Wife at our Home. They informed me in no uncertain terms in the best possible way that they were deeply worried about me(as if), they said the last time they witnessed what's going on, people were Murdered.
Lucky for them, I have the Patience of a Saint and I have a stable family life that keeps me in check.
I told them that they and their friends in the Council are to blame, it wont stop by attempting to crush me(I will never submit), it will only make matters worse .
I am subject to a terrific injustice, deal with it without Prejudice and deal with it Lawfully.
Shortly after they made serious efforts to deal with some local issues until I sold my House, within a few months of settling in my new Home, the Stasi from the new Council picked up were the old left off.
I had 23 letters from them in a period of 6 fkn weeks.
I had 4 visits from them and 3 Court summons in a matter of months.
Again, I was forced to sell and move.
Have no doubt about it, they were tipped off by the previous Council that I was on their patch !
Get him boys!
These job worth's imbeciles could never ever imagine what it feels like to be on the receiving end of continuous collective Harassment and that's is what it is, nothing less..
Remember the Cumbrian shooting's, I guarantee that we have a very similar situation that happened there.You would have noticed that there wasn't exactly full disclosure of all circumstances and why he drove around for hours shooting particular targets.
Since trawling the Internet for a number of years now, I am now completely aware of what is going on. This is happening to 1000's if not millions of individuals.
In fact every friend I have in business are being persecuted by the Authorities.
The single minded Morons like Cameron will never understand how people are becoming seriously radicalised by their own hand and why.
Justice is not just there to punish Criminals, like the scum above that I speak of, real Justice is for the victim to feel at peace with them selves and for closure.
Ill put it another way-
How would you feel if someone broke into your House and killed your wife in front of you and smiled, then taunted you for years about what you witnessed him do. Then the Authorities also laughed at you and told you to fuck off, live with it.
How would you feel, what would you do ?
How many Roal Moats are really out there ?
Next time we see a Roal Moat or a Mass Cumbrian shooting, hold your opinion just long enough to be a victim' (it wont be that long) then you will also understand and sympathise..
Many other Raoul Moat's out there,what an understatement, if only people realised how right you are .
I have been there, in fact I'm still living it.
I have had so much abuse and persecution from the Authorities, I could write a book on it;really.
If people knew to what extent, they would never believe it.In every possible way of Enforcement, failed illegal Asbo's,Crown Court cases, Civil Proceedings,catching them photographing me, persecuting my children .Spreading Rumours that I have Murdered people, I am a drug dealer, I steal cars, putting me on their "dangerous Register", illegally.
Circumventing Court orders, Changing plans to put my property on the Commons Register so that I couldn't sell it, then changing their mind when my Solicitor issued proceedings against them.
Changing public footpath routs so that people could walk on to my property. No less than 5 times, they corrected their position and then did it again.
Removing a wall from my land, telling me it is Highway.
Giving me Planning for a 5 bedroom detached house in my grounds, then taking it from me.
Strangers coming to my boundary and threatening me and my family.
Police deliberately trying to set me up(real long story).
There are 100's ,if not over a thousand incidents during the past 11 years, I couldn't cover them all on this blog.
Four years ago, it got that bad, I had a local Inspector and Sergeant come to see me and my Wife at our Home. They informed me in no uncertain terms in the best possible way that they were deeply worried about me(as if), they said the last time they witnessed what's going on, people were Murdered.
Lucky for them, I have the Patience of a Saint and I have a stable family life that keeps me in check.
I told them that they and their friends in the Council are to blame, it wont stop by attempting to crush me(I will never submit), it will only make matters worse .
I am subject to a terrific injustice, deal with it without Prejudice and deal with it Lawfully.
Shortly after they made serious efforts to deal with some local issues until I sold my House, within a few months of settling in my new Home, the Stasi from the new Council picked up were the old left off.
I had 23 letters from them in a period of 6 fkn weeks.
I had 4 visits from them and 3 Court summons in a matter of months.
Again, I was forced to sell and move.
Have no doubt about it, they were tipped off by the previous Council that I was on their patch !
Get him boys!
These job worth's imbeciles could never ever imagine what it feels like to be on the receiving end of continuous collective Harassment and that's is what it is, nothing less..
Remember the Cumbrian shooting's, I guarantee that we have a very similar situation that happened there.You would have noticed that there wasn't exactly full disclosure of all circumstances and why he drove around for hours shooting particular targets.
Since trawling the Internet for a number of years now, I am now completely aware of what is going on. This is happening to 1000's if not millions of individuals.
In fact every friend I have in business are being persecuted by the Authorities.
The single minded Morons like Cameron will never understand how people are becoming seriously radicalised by their own hand and why.
Justice is not just there to punish Criminals, like the scum above that I speak of, real Justice is for the victim to feel at peace with them selves and for closure.
Ill put it another way-
How would you feel if someone broke into your House and killed your wife in front of you and smiled, then taunted you for years about what you witnessed him do. Then the Authorities also laughed at you and told you to fuck off, live with it.
How would you feel, what would you do ?
How many Roal Moats are really out there ?
Next time we see a Roal Moat or a Mass Cumbrian shooting, hold your opinion just long enough to be a victim' (it wont be that long) then you will also understand and sympathise..
Right on The Zeitgeist
I am completely ignored by MPs Councillors, by departments in the town hall , by brainwashed people in Labour strong holds, by all the Marxist infected cultural institutions...I am white working class, middle aged, healthy above average intelligence, who cant get a job as thousands of immigrants are still flooding into the country snapping up and being given low skilled jobs whilst every favor and care is given every last F**g immigrant..
and to question anything of this ...is to be demonised , criminalised
'Have you ever considered it',
Re-"I am white working class, middle aged, healthy above average intelligence".
Your fucked more than you know it, your in a "modern" Gulak right now, you just dont know it yet !
Fantastic article.
Spot on and so so correct.
extant said...
I have had so much abuse and persecution from the Authorities, I could write a book on it;really.
Writing a book or website about it sounds like a good idea. I'm sure a lot of people haven't got a clue about what really goes on. The abusers rely on the victims staying silent and keeping it to themselves.
And then one day, you are doing a book signing at a literary festival, when lots of others come up to you and say the same thing happened to them and that they thought they were the only one. Then a new political movement is born...
extant said...
Your fucked more than you know it, your in a "modern" Gulak right now, you just dont know it yet !
and since stood in the General Election for the BNP,
to do anything like social activism/cultural activism as become well nigh impossible...
I am now ''Known''by the local fascist Labour regime
Anonymous ,
Your probably right mate, but I am more random with my thoughts and comments than planned.
I must be very careful , it makes me very bitter every time I attempt to get it off my chest.I feel intoxicated with fucking anger when I give it to much thought.
Its all about "Injustice", this will create a country of real angry puppies .
We are on the brink.
I am trying my best to move on from it, but every time I try, they do something else .
I am now aware that I am far from on my own, that gives me reason to avoid single victimhood, I never want to live my full life as a victim , I still have some integrity.
If they lock me up one day, maybe that will be that time to start.
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