The election of Barack Obama is groundbreaking - but not for the reasons the media is saying.
It is groundbreaking as the election of Obama destroys the very foundations of the greatest lie of the 20th Century.
The greatest lie was comprised of four facets ;
1) The Myth of White Privilege
2) The Myth of Black Victimhood
3) The Myth of Multi-Culturalism
4) The Myth Of Racism and The American Dream
Myth 1 was destroyed as Barack Obama is a black man who was capable of raising the most amount of political campaign money in history. This then enabled him to bribe the media to support him and this allowed him to win the election campaign for president.
His election has proved that race was not the reason why blacks did not get elected to power in America, it was simply because the only people and party that gets elected in America is the one with the most money to spend on bribing the media.
The myth of white privilege is that being rich and powerful in America depends upon you being white, and that whiteness equates to wealth. This retarded nonsense is now peddled only by idiot leftists and liberals.
There are millions more poor white people in America than there are blacks or other ethnic groups, and poor whites have always been the majority of poor people in America.
Whiteness did not equate to privilege, it was only CLASS that equated to privilege.
There are millions of black millionaires and rich people in America, in fact on a per capita percentage scale there are probably more black millionaires in America than in the White European American population.
What was always blamed on racism was simply an issue of class.
Poor whites, like poor blacks , dont get elected to power into America.
Rich blacks and rich whites do get elected.
What matters is simpy money, not race in America.
Showing black and white clips of the 'civil rights' struggle in America from 50 years years ago is like showing film clips of the Soviet Union.
America has undergone a racial revolution both in relation to civil rights and demographics - IN MANY CITIES ACROSS AMERICA IT IS WHITES WHO ARE THE PRIMARY VICTIMS OF RACISM AND WHO ARE THE MAJORITY POOR.
It is whites who are about to become the demographic minority in America.
To perpetuate the lie that America is still as it was in the 1950's is absurd.
Those images of white cops beating black rioters in the streets are the images of ancient history, they bear no relation to today as America is now run by the Maoist heirs of the civil rights struggle - the race relations industry.
They should show clips of the beating Reginald Denny got in the LA riots when he was dragged out of his cab and stoned. They would be more relevant than black and white film clips over fifty years old.
Here they are - and they are not 50 years old ;
Poor whites have always existed in America, whilst rich blacks and other ethnic groups have always existed in America. Money equals power.
The only colour that counts in America is GREEN - it is the man with the most dollars that holds the masters whip.
2) The myth of Black Victimhood is like the Palestinian Myth of Victimhood and the Jewish Myth of Victimhood - they are all myths.
The Holocaust was not a unique event in human history, Whites in America who were not Protestant or part of the Anglo-American elite were treated just as badly as blacks by the White Anglo-American Protestant elite and the Palestinians suffered less than what the 9 million Germans did at the end of the Second World War.
The black race are not the only people to have had a crap time with the Ku Klux Klan and other 'racist groups'. The KKK were a protestant organisation and regarded Catholics with as much hate as they regarded Blacks and Jews.
The history of KKK anti-catholic terrorism, hatred and attacks has been airbrushed out of history as it did not suit the racial agenda of the media. It wasnt just blacks they did not want in schools, it was also Catholics.
The Irish, Italians and other White Catholic groups were treated even worse than blacks in America, as many blacks were Protestants.
The issue for the poor whites was that they suffered the Internal Racism of the WASP elite, who despised the Irish in particular as ethnically and racially inferior and also as Catholics as a religious group.
Whilst blacks suffered only racial discrimination - the poor Irish immigrants suffered both Racial and Religious discrmination.
Yet whilst Blacks have the race relations industry and the legacy of the civil rights struggle, the poor whites of Irish and Catholics backgrounds have never had any voice for them in the racialised contemporary US society, except the IRA groups that took their money and guns to kill fellow Irish people and whites in Ireland and Northern Ireland.
Read a bit here on the KKK anti-Catholicism and anti-Irish racism ;
3) Myth 3 - The Myth of Multi-Culturalism is that a non-racial utopia is possible. As long as human beings are comprised of different racial groups then racism will occur. Much of what is blamed on racism is simply class difference.
White americans are already the main victim of racism in America, and this will get worse as white americans become a demographic minority. Everyone hates whitey and blaming whitey for every single individuals own self failures and communal failures is a profitable industry.
The racist propaganda of Hollywood against whites and the media lies about racism have incited other ethnic groups to regard the white race as evil and to blame for all of histories eveils - this is even taught in US universities as part of their Whiteness Studies courses.
For info read here ;
This racist dehumanisation process within Liberalism has to be faced down and smashed.
White Americans must resist all forms of liberal racial terrorism that promulgates race hate against whites.
4) Myth 4 - It was never racism that was the issue in America is was class.
Whoever forms the demographic majority in a state control the development of society and awards the benefits of that society to its own people.
Now that blacks in South Africa run the country they give the benefits of ruling that nation to their own people - and have created a new Black Class system that replaced the inner class system of the previous white society.
Poor whites in South Africa are forgotten and despised, they cannot claim the benefits of politically correct affirmative action programmes even though they are the MINORITY in their nation - the rainbow nation has merely ensured the slow death of the white working class in South Africa. Both poor white and black suffer as the new black elite build their new black class system and turn whites into the New Kaffirs.
The American Dream is dead. The race relations industry killed it.
Poor whites are now the forgotten, despised, voiceless underclass who are slowly rotting away in the trailer parks and urban slums of America.
There aint no white lobby groups to represent the white poor of America, no charities to help the white poor, no affirmative action plans for the white poor.
Obamas triumph is not the triumph of hope, it is yet another triumph for wealth.
The media are too stupid to understand history.
Their role is to peddle lies to the masses today.
Their attention span is simply the next days copy and how well it sells.
Today the Great Lie died, and a new Great Lie was born.
This day is the death rattle of the Republic, the moment when the capitalist elite of America, the DOLLAR GREENS, who are the true raceless master race of America, exposed the lies of the old system.
To hear the hystrical reporting of the sanctimonious white liberal media elite, the quasi-religious hysteria of the blacks across America, the constant references to 'God' by the people interviewed by the media suggest to me that America has created a cult of personality based simply on media propaganda.
The moment their hopes are dashed and reality sets in then the price will be chaos in America.
There are no more lies to hide behind for all the communities today - no more lie of white guilt promulgated by white liberals and no more lies of black victimhood by those that refuse to see the poor white families suffering in their communities.
It is time white liberal America and black liberal America wiped the lies from their eyes and saw the millons of poor white working class people lost in their midst.
If they dont then the Second American Civil War may begin.
The racial demonisation of the poor white working class by the media has to stop and the race relation industry be dismantled.
Obama has proved that race does not matter in America, it is money.
Now remove the chains of the race relations industry that are weighing so heavily upon the shoulders of the white working class poor of America, and end the system of racial terrorism that profits from their perpetual misery, impoverishment and suffering.
A very good article, well-written and supported by research and also enjoyable to read (though the reality of the poor whites in America is not good reading).
It's not agood analogy but a rough comparison with the first Rainbow Nation, South Africa, is educational and on a much smaller scale and different historical origins also.
There in South Africa that other Black Messiah, Nelson Mandela, was hailed as the New Black Hero and Messiah, and the antitthesis of the former White Rulers. Now look at South Africa with its anti-white racism, hyper-positive discrimination for Blacks, a new and growing Black middle class, a corrupt and cut-off Black elite. economic stagnation and a soaring crime rate, not least the death of Black expectations to what Mandela and the ANC would do for Blacks once in power.
Obama and his new regime will achieve broadly the same, despite the differences of scale, background and national circumstances.
I sure as hell am waiting patiently for the Obama balloon to burst and fall silently to earth.
When that time finally comes it'll be damn good to say to those Blacks and Hispanics and stupid liberal Whites who voted for Obama and went along with that messiah shit, "Eat Shit,You Dumb Ass M***** F******!".
But by that time the rot would have long set in. Obama is merely the outer manifestation of the Long Slow Decline of What America Once Was. Demographics and the Decline of White Civilisation and Confidence has put paid to America and, unless there is a reversal, we must look to South Africa to see how America and White Americans will fare.
Excellent post Mr Barnes. As an ex British Nationalist now living in the USA you hit the nail on the head in this post.
The myth of white privilege is that being rich and powerful in America depends upon you being white, and that whiteness equates to wealth. This retarded nonsense is now peddled only by idiot leftists and liberals.
When I hear of white privilege, it has nothing to do with wealth, but with whiteness in general. A white person has advantages over nonwhites simply for being white. That would be true whether he/she is rich or poor. A less qualified white applicant is more likely to get a job over an over qualified black applicant. Whether or not white privilege exists in all cases is a different story. It does exist to some degree so I can't call it a myth.
Lastly, wealth does not make a black person immune to simply makes life easier than what it would be for a black person who isn't rich.
Hi Lormarie,
I hope you are well,
Your ideas on white privilege are out of ancient history Lormarie, it is vapid sixties nonsesense.
The America you think you see around you actually died at the end of Summer Of Love.
Myths of white privelige are peddled by mainly white middle class idiots who have never grown up, who have never left the sixties and who have been lifelong academics in universities with no contact with the real world, and these myths peddled by the white acaemic idiots are then adopted by black academics and radicals in order to extort money from the government through the terrorism of the racism industry.
Its like the last twenty years havent happened.
Have you never heard of positive discrimination, affirmative action plans, quotas for black students etc etc - who do you think these schemes hurt, the white working class poor thats who.
For every black raised up from the ghetto through affirmative action, a white man has been kicked down into the trailer park.
That is the reality of affirmative actions - there are only so many jobs in the job markets, and every job that has a quota for ethnic minorities removes the ability of a white man to apply for that job and get it simply on the basis of merit.
Affirmative action plans are the anti-thesis of a meritocratic society, open society.
Any employer that chooses to hire an incompetent white man, instead of a better qualified black man is an idiot. Business does not operate like that anymore. Laws prevent such things.
It may be true that once upon a time white protestant businesses had signs on their doors which said ' No blacks, No Irish and No dogs' but those days are gone.
Note also that the sign on the door also said ' No Irish' which was evidence of the extreme racial and religious discrimination suffered by Irish Catholics in America, yet they never got their share in the civil rights struggle - instead they were just re-classified as 'whites' and thrown back on the bottom of the new Multi-Ethnic Master Race Class Structure that took over from the old white protestant class system.
The only forms of racism that disadvantages blacks in America, is their own internal racism - the kind that allows a young black kid on one side of the street to regard another black kid on the other side of the street as an enemy, and then kill him.
The dehumansiation of the black community by rappers that glorify gang violence is a crime against humanity, inflicted for profit upon their own people.
The other kind of racism that scars the black community is its innate racism against whites, Koreans, Mexicans and other minority groups in America.
I posted this on Chuck Norris's Creators Syndicate Comments section. I think it applies:
Interesting that Barack Hussein Obama has 18 letters, 6+6+6, or 666. Another expression with 18 letters is found in Matthew 8:25, "Lord, save us: we perish." I think Americans (and Britons) who love the Lord Jesus Christ should pray that earnestly now.
Your article is comprehensive, Lee, as always. But on KKK anti-Catholicism, House of Death, Gate of Hell by American evangelist and ex-Catholic of the 1920s, L.J. King, is worth reading, if you can get it.
King documents the endemic sexual abuse by priests of nuns and the repeated attempts by Knights of Columbus to attack him during his open-air preaching. KKK members consistently defended King* against Catholic attackers.
*No relation to MLK, who adopted an illegal alias.
Have you never heard of positive discrimination, affirmative action plans, quotas for black students etc etc - who do you think these schemes hurt, the white working class poor thats who.--DOL
These programs were created to level the playing field that was already unbalanced due to white racism. I will admit, however, that a better system was and is needed that is fair to all.
Affirmative action plans are the anti-thesis of a meritocratic society, open society.--DOL
True. But again, I do believe that something is needed in order to make sure the system is fair. Most of the time things are fair. But there are always that 1 or 2 who will tip the scales unfairly.
Note also that the sign on the door also said ' No Irish' which was evidence of the extreme racial and religious discrimination suffered by Irish Catholics in America, yet they never got their share in the civil rights struggle--DOL
What's interesting about that is both sides are of the same race. I can't tell the difference between and Irish Catholic, Protestant, or English by looking at them. Thus one of the reasons why I don't believe in racial nationalism....but that's another story.
The only forms of racism that disadvantages blacks in America, is their own internal racism--DOL
Bingo!! It's really interesting when nonblacks notice this.
The dehumansiation of the black community by rappers that glorify gang violence is a crime against humanity, inflicted for profit upon their own people.
True again. It is far worse than anything Don Imus or Michael Richards has said or done.
The other kind of racism that scars the black community is its innate racism against whites, Koreans, Mexicans and other minority groups in America.
I disagree with it being innate, but blacks can be as racist as anyone (power or not). However, I don't hear as much chatter about other minority groups than what I hear about whites.
The extreme left-wing dhimmi Runnymede Trust has claimed that white disadvantage has nothing to do with race:
"'The white working classes are discriminated against on a range of different fronts, including their accent, their style, the food they eat, the clothes they wear, the social spaces they frequent, the postcode of their homes, possibly even their names,' it said. 'But they are not discriminated against because they are white.'
The Runnymede Trust's main claim to fame (or notoriety) is coining the word 'Islamophobia'
Meanwhile, Manchester hosts an ethnics-only job fair:
Absolutely brilliant... Lee, you have managed to summarise, succinctly and powerfully in a short article an entire history, no, it's more than history... you have eloquently presented the Truth... and come what may this article and the few other like it will resonate, like a bell struck in an empty cathedral. Fantastic stuff.
... One of the greatest articles I have read.
Has anyone noticed how LorMarie has the almost superhuman ability to dissappear up her own arsehole then come out acting like she smells of roses?
Me too, it's called delusion... big time delusion... LorMarie, if you spent half as much time reading the responses to your posts, instead of maturbating over your overt flight of fantasies that you dress up as a response, you would realise that you are talking shite... big time shite... hey, but if you got a video of you working that twat of o' yours, let me see girl... let me see... I'm just spreading the lover around, it's cool...
Remememer "I got 5 on it..."
And "living in a gangsters paradise..."
yeah, rock and roll...
tead of maturbating over your overt flight of fantasies that you dress up as a response, you would realise that you are talking shite... big time shite... hey, but if you got a video of you working that twat of o' yours, let me see girl... let me see... I'm just spreading the lover around, it's cool...--Andastre
You are absolutely disgusting! I can tell that you lack morals.
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