Forget whether she has any quialifications for the job.
What makes me laugh is that all these 'diversity ' joke jobs are only ever given to ethnics, which in itself is a racist statement that all whites are racist and therefore cannot be given a 'diversity' job.
The other racist side of these jobs is that the ethnic given them is supposed to give jobs to ethnics and not whites, which is also a racist position.
If a white person was employed to only employ whites or seek to employ more whites then that would be called racist as well.
Implict in the creation of such a diversity job is also the notion that the Channel 4station is racist and that all its white employees are racist - which is also a racist statement against WHITES in Channel 4.
My god, the Chanel 4 employees must be as thick as pig shit not to see just how little their bosses regard them.
Yet another of the PC Cult ensuring the jobs go to the girls with the right patina.
King to be Channel 4’s head of diversity
Published Friday 9 January 2009 at 17:35 by Matthew Hemley
Former Labour MP Oona King has been appointed head of diversity at Channel 4.
In her role, Channel 4 said King, who is currently senior policy advisor to the prime minister on equalities and diversity, will “champion diversity across all Channel 4’s activities, both on and off-screen”.
The broadcaster said she will work with external suppliers to ensure that similar standards and policies are applied across all production and business activities on behalf of Channel 4.
King will report directly to Channel 4 chief executive Andy Duncan when she takes up her new post in the spring.
Channel 4 announced its intention to appoint a head of diversity when unveiling its Next on 4 strategic blueprint last year, which also included initiatives designed to renew Channel 4’s commitment to reflecting social diversity on and off-screen.
Duncan said: “Oona has an impressive mix of experience. Her appointment signals our ambition to take the lead in helping broadcasting better reflect the diversity of modern Britain. I’m very hopeful that she can play a pivotal role in improving portrayal, attitudes and working practice, not just at Channel 4 but right across the industry.”
King said that Channel 4 had been an “amazing platform for diverse voices and perspectives from across British society for more than a quarter of a century”, but added: “There’s more work to be done to connect and reflect social minorities within mainstream broadcasting, and I’m very much looking forward to this challenge.”
King, a broadcaster and writer, was the MP for Bethnal Green & Bow from 1997 to 2005, and her diaries were published by Bloomsbury in 2007.
1 comment:
Oona King is an establishment puppet, she can do no wrong... she is to be maintained in a secure position at all costs.
The establishment doesn't care about ability or merit, it cares about its own self-serving interests, so it is not surprising that oft it will cut off it's nose to spite its face - and promote political agenda over ability. And this is why the problems at the heart of our society will not ever be fixed, because the current establishment is fundamentally corrupt - their paradigm is one of self-interest and nepotism. We need to wipe the slate clean, and the only way this will be achieved is when the BNP come to power - anything else is merely window dressing.
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