Mr. Peter Marshall's home address is listed below. He appears to have blocked e mails to his account from people who are requesting that he remove their details of off the list. Therefore I would advise people to go to his house and deliver a letter to him with the request for him to remove the list and their details off of it.
Peter Marshall
Contact details:
Street: 45 Butler Road
Town: Solihull
Postcode: B92 7QL
Region/nation: West Midlands
Country: United Kingdom
Telephone: 07932303469
Mobile: 07932303469
This person below is also holding a copy of the list - so please contact him by telephone or a home visit to ask them to remove it. Make sure you take with you a signed and dated Data Protection Act notice , as written below, to demand he removes the list. If he is not in then just pop it through the letterbox.
Please provide me with both the links to the site the person is hosting and also their names, home address and e mail contact details please.
This gentleman below though it was big of him to threaten an 80 year old BNP lady member and then post footage of him doing it on Youtube.
Please fell free to call / and or write to him to express in a lawful manner your repugnance and indignation at his behaviour.
This has been removed as the video on Youtube has been removed.
Dont EVER be a naughty boy again Ian. We are watching.
This chap was one of the first people to leak the list online. He perhaps lives in Belfast, so perhaps some Belfast folk might like to check the address out then give him a visit and ask him to remove their details under the Data Protection Act 1998.
This website is also registered to Michael Reid, but it gives his Belfast address instead.
Registrant's address:
1 St James Street
BT14 6BD
He also has an open Bebo site with pictures of himself. One of his photos shows the front of his house in Malta, with a plaque saying 'Shekinah' which is his domain registration address.
If the above contact details are incorrect then please contact me.
Thank you.
Good on you Lee,these things think they can put BNP members details on the web with no consequence to themselves?Well they can think again!
Thank you i will most certainly be paying them a visit.
Well done Lee. I have only just found out about your site and immediately came here - the scum who think they are clever leaking our details will find themselves in for a big shock.
Perhaps the whole country - media included - should be asking itself why so many ordinary men and women in this country have joined the BNP. We are watching our country slowly die, what Hitler couldn't do our government are doing, ie destroying Great Britain.
Rule Britannia!
Another list-holder to be tracked down.
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