What a hypocrite.
Are these people for real !!!
Years ago these hypocritical comments from Jews could be hidden away inside the Jewish community and kept from the public, but because of the internet we can all now see just how hypocritical some Jews are on the issue of race and nation.
It appears that Race and Nation are fine principles for Jews and Israel, but any other race or nation that dares do as the Jews do must be an 'anti-semite' or a 'Nazi' or a 'racist'.
Note that the Rabbi doesnt care about the immigrant goyim in Israel, only that the comments of the Rabbi may wake up people up to the utter hypocrisy of Israel and the Zionists who call everyone else a racist for doing as they are doing.
What a two faced snivelling hypocritical assehole this Rabbi is.
The motto of the Zionists is " Israel über alles. "
British rabbi hits out at Israeli 'xenophobia' after BNP's backing
By Simon Rocker, November 12, 2009
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A senior United Synagogue rabbi will use his sermon tomorrow to condemn comments made by Israel’s Interior Minister, which were cited approvingly by the BNP.
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet, of Mill Hill Synagogue, who is chair of the Rabbinical Council of the US, hits out at the “extreme xenophobic” remarks made by Eli Yishai, who said that foreign workers would bring diseases to Israel and threaten Israel’s Jewish identity.
According to a text of his Shabbat address, he also fears that the incident shows that Israelis “don’t care” about the possible consequences of what they say for diaspora Jews.
Rabbi Schochet makes clear that generally diaspora Jews should not be seen criticising Israel and “when a member of my family misbehaves, I’m not going to criticise him publicly”.
He goes on:“But there are red lines — and when they’re crossed then I have to distance myself from those remarks, from those actions — to make the point to everyone else that what they have said or done is not a reflection on the rest of the family, lest we all become guilty by association. ”
The rabbi complains: “When an interior minister verbalises extreme xenophobic sentiments, that then feed the BNP in this country to substantiate their abhorrent racist arguments, then that in itself demonstrates ever so forcefully how what happens there has direct bearing here.
“Are they truly oblivious in Israel that what they say and do has consequences for the Jew walking the streets of London or New York? I think so. I think they don’t care. That goes against the grain of a basic fundamental Jewish principle of all Jews being responsible for one another.”
He continues: “As much as we have to appreciate that our identity as a nation is bound as one with the land, they have to understand that their identity as a medinah [state] is bound as one with the people.
“And when things emanate from there that are in direct contrast to basic Jewish values, then we have to stand up and be counted. And when diaspora Jewry stays quiet, then there is something fundamentally wrong with our whole approach and attitude. Then indeed we share in the guilt and the shame.”
Reacting to Mr Yishai’s remarks on the deportation of illegal migrants, the BNP had said that Israel’s demand to remain a Jewish state matched its own for Britain to be an “ethnically majority” British state. Mr Yishai’s spokesman last week denounced the BNP as “a factory for anti-Israeli and anti-Jewish hatred”.
Last updated: 5:29pm, November 12 2009
It doesn't take an anti-semite to figure out that many Jews take hypocritical positions on race.
I could be wrong but Europeans appear to be less fearful of calling out the hypocrisy that exists among *some* within the Jewish collective.
I cant put your comment up as it is illegal, though I understand your anger and frustration,
Hi Lormarie,
Seeing as the UK is the poodle of the US, then we really need the anti-zionists in the US to get into power and remove AIPAC and the zionist media, as whatever foreign policy decision AIPAC makes for the US we also have to follow eg Iraq.
Thats why we need the US to shed the zionists ASAP,
Hi Lormarie,
Seeing as the UK is the poodle of the US, then we really need the anti-zionists in the US to get into power and remove AIPAC and the zionist media, as whatever foreign policy decision AIPAC makes for the US we also have to follow eg Iraq.
Thats why we need the US to shed the zionists ASAP,
To be fair, the misguided Rabbi is also accusing Israel's Interior Minister of 'extreme xenophobia', simply for telling the truth about immigration, so I do not see a particularly high degree of hypocrisy here.
The Rabbi might even consider himself to be a good Zionist, but I think he has displayed a very casual and traitorous attitude towards his homeland, and ours.
The Zionist Scout Troop -
Understood ;-)
By the way, the word 'Zion' always requires a capital letter, because it is a proper noun.
Zionism as a political movement is politically diverse, ranging from forms of Zionism which are opposed to nationalism, including Jewish-Israeli nationalism, to forms which approach and become analogous to European nationalism.
Therefore, referring to 'the Zionists' without suitable qualifiers, such 'neo-conservative', 'neo-Bolshevik', or 'nationalist-' can lead to inaccurate and simplistic developments in thought and ideological failure.
I have defined the Zionism I refer too many times on this blog ;
1) It is a globalist ideology
2) Its followers seek to infiltrate, subvert and use the media, economics and political systems of nation states for the interests of the Zionists and the Zionist agenda in Israel
3) Zionism is a form of Nazism
4) Zionists owe their loyalty not to Britain or Israel but to the goals of Zionism eg bombing Iran and Greater Israel
5) The interests of Zionism are not the interests of Jews in Britain or in Israel
6) Zionism is not a Jewish ideology, it is an ideology of Fundamentalist Christians more than secular or nationalist Jews.
7) Zionism is a racist and nazi ideology that is hostile to the concepts of nationalism eg the Zionist vision of Greater Israel requires the absorbtion of nation states adjacent to Israel and therefore, like Nazism, it must be regarded not as a nationalist ideology but as an anti-nationalist ideology
What you refer to might be properly termed imperialist-Zionism.
Does that cover everything?
Zionist immigration policy relating to the 'Law of Return' is not a lot different from any other country, including our own:
I mention this, because a lot of anti-Semites and anti-Zionists do not like this, and call it 'racist'', even though they would consider such laws applied to their own people as eminently fair:
Just another example of double standards and different criteria being applied to Jews and Israel.
Israel has a strong element of public/state ownership combined with a limited free market sector, but there lacks any real comparison with a national-socialist ownership structure.
I detect a distinct lack of co-operative economics as a fundament of the Israeli economy, without which, the alleged national-socialism of Zionism and the Zionist state looks a bit patchy.
So you are just using the terms 'nazi' and 'fascist' as empty slurs.
Zionism is Nazism ;
1) The concept of the 'Chosen Race is the equivalent of the Aryans Ubermensch
2) The Zionists want a Greater Israel just as the Nazis wanted a Greater Germany or Germannia
3) The Zionist concept of Greater Israel like the Nazis idea of Germannia depended upon the invasion and theft of lands and nations adjacenty top germany / israel
4) The Nazi concept of 'stucke' meaning cattle as applied to 'untermensch' is the same as the Zionist idea of goyim meaning cattle
5) Zionism and Nazism worked together during WW2 - in fact the first Kibbutz were designed, built and the Jewish people trained to run them in Nazi Germany
6) The Zionists in Irgun offered to fight alongside the Nazis against the British
7) Zionists and Nazis collaborated throughout the Third Reich and zionist terrorists in Palestine were armed, funded and trained by the Nazis
8)Zionism as a social and economic mechanism is based on Nazism
Zionism is Nazism.
Then and now.
5) Zionism and Nazism worked together during WW2 - in fact the first Kibbutz were designed, built and the Jewish people trained to run them in Nazi Germany
That the first kibbutzim and the Jewish people who ran them were trained in Nazi Germany did not prove that they or Zionism itself, were Nazi. In fact, and as you well know, the Jewish Marxists dominated the Zionist movement, and so the kibbutzim were Marxist-inspired. I fail to see what you hope to achieve by propagating half-truths and lies, apart from maybe getting a mention on a few lame anti-fascist blogs.
6) The Zionists in Irgun offered to fight alongside the Nazis against the British
Does that make them Nazi? No.
Also, the Irgun were fighting against the 'Zionist' government at the time, and so the Irgun hardly defined the Zionism of the day, did they? That is what you were suggesting, right? In fact, it confirms what I have been saying; that Zionism is a politically diverse movement.
7) Zionists and Nazis collaborated throughout the Third Reich and Zionist terrorists in Palestine were armed, funded and trained by the Nazis
Which Zionist 'terrorists' where these?
Please, let me know.
Post a link.
1) http://www.counterpunch.org/brenner1223.html
Bader-Meinhoff ....
I maintain that Zionism is not Nazism because, it remains true that the Zionists of the past, and of today, are politically diverse and that Zionism also predates Nazism.
Some Zionists did seek to co-operate with Nazis. They may have had no other choice. They may have thought that by doing so, they could have saved Jewish lives. They may have had some political similarities with Nazis, but that does not make the whole of Zionism Nazism, which is what you have suggested.
Here are some links for you which might help to complete for you the reality of Zionism as a multifarious movement:
Whatever the influences Nazism had on Zionism, I am simply unable to accept that the Marxist totalitarians who have dominated the Zionist movement and Israel's political life could be described as being in any way 'Nazi', unless intended as a political slur...
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