Last year the true face of the people who run this country was revealed.
A cross party body of MP's have signed a document that explicitly states that whilst they support the rights of indigenous peoples across the world to keep their own lands and culture from immigration and invasion, they do not believe that the indigenous British people even exist.
This is in effect a deceleration of intent to commit genocide.
By refusing to admit that we even exist, then we can be removed and no crime has been committed.
In effect this document is a declaration of intent to destroy the entire British people.
As we do not exist then we have no national culture, no civil rights, no right to stop ourselves from being a minority in our own country - we do not exist therefore the Britain we built, and our ancestors died to defend, does not exist.
This is the ultimate act of treason.
Every Briton who died for this country has been stabbed in the back.
They died for nothing as their sacrifice was for nothing.
All those lad and lasses dying in Iraq and Afghanistan are dying for nothing, as if they do not exist as indigenous British people then why not just allow Islam to take over Britain as we are not a Christian country (we are just a country), we are not a country with a Christian culture ( we are just a country) and therefore we can be replaced and a new culture imposed.
All our families who died in the First and Second World War died for nothing.
As they are not indigenous British people, just pawns in a political game, they therefore died not for Britain but for the politicians.
This document is like the (missing) one that Hitler signed to send the Jews to the death camps.
This document means we do not exist, and therefore we can be replaced and removed as the politicians wish.
For decades the BNP have been saying that the elite are traitors and that their aim is to use immigration as a way to displace and destroy the British people - this document is conclusive proof that this is the plan.
If we do not exist, then this is not our country.
If we do not exist, then we are not the British people.
If we do not exist, then when we are killed it is not a crime.
Now we know who the traitors are.
Over 122 MP's signed this motion.
Over 122 MP's who you elected are traitors.
Remember them.
Until the day of justice comes.
Early Day Motion
EDM 1299
Horwood, Martin
That this House welcomes the 20th anniversary of International Labour Organisation Convention 169 on Tribal and Indigenous Peoples, which recognises and respects the land rights of indigenous peoples; notes that protecting the land rights of indigenous peoples is the most effective way to protect the world's rainforests, crucial in the battle against climate change; further welcomes a memorandum submitted to the Environment Audit Committee by the Department for International Development and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs which recognises the importance of ensuring indigenous peoples' rights are respected in terms of ownership of the carbon asset;
notes the Government's continued refusal to put these rights on a firm legal footing and ratify Convention 169, on the grounds that there are no indigenous peoples in the United Kingdom;
further notes that this has not prevented either the Netherlands or Spain from joining the list of 20 countries, including Brazil, that have ratified the Convention; believes that protecting the rights of indigenous peoples is a matter of international concern; and calls on the Government to ratify Convention 169 without delay.
THESE ARE THE LIST OF TRAITORS THAT SIGNED THIS MOTION, NOTE THEY ARE TORIES, NEW LABOUR AND LIBERALS - these are the scum who have openly signed a motion declaring that the indigenous British people do not even existence and that this is not our country.
Remember their names.
Note that Jon Cruddas has signed this document, that will be remembered during the forthcoming election campaign in Barking and Dagenham.
Horwood, Martin
Drew, David
Cohen, Harry
George, Andrew
Russell, Bob
Hoyle, Lindsay
Spink, Bob
Jones, Lynne
Caton, Martin
Cryer, Ann
Bottomley, Peter
Leech, John
Illsley, Eric
Jackson, Glenda
McCafferty, Chris
McDonnell, John
Corbyn, Jeremy
Dean, Janet
Durkan, Mark
Turner, Desmond
Vis, Rudi
Wareing, Robert N
Williams, Stephen
Williams, Mark
Mackinlay, Andrew
Meale, Alan
Etherington, Bill
Hancock, Mike
Weir, Mike
Rowen, Paul
Davies, Dai
Mason, John
Singh, Marsha
Gerrard, Neil
Kilfoyle, Peter
McCartney, Ian
McGrady, Eddie
Stunell, Andrew
Riordan, Linda
Rogerson, Daniel
Reed, Andy
Jenkins, Brian
Llwyd, Elfyn
McDonnell, Alasdair
Clapham, Michael
Sanders, Adrian
Simpson, Alan
Iddon, Brian
Harris, Evan
Naysmith, Doug
Challen, Colin
Flynn, Paul
Stewart, Ian
Thurso, John
Alexander, Danny
Willott, Jenny
Ruane, Chris
Dobbin, Jim
Walley, Joan
Willis, Phil
Prosser, Gwyn
Havard, Dai
Mullin, Chris
Brooke, Annette
Cunningham, Jim
Taylor, Matthew
Williams, Betty
Short, Clare
Kennedy, Charles
Brake, Tom
Connarty, Michael
Abbott, Diane
Stoate, Howard
Heath, David
Williams, Roger
Galloway, George
Baker, Norman
Wood, Mike
Clark, Katy
Pugh, John
Younger-Ross, Richard
Hughes, Simon
Morgan, Julie
Harvey, Nick
Marshall-Andrews, Robert
Austin, John
Howarth, David
Hosie, Stewart
Opik, Lembit
Price, Adam
Barrett, John
Featherstone, Lynne
Swinson, Jo
Holmes, Paul
Carmichael, Alistair
Hoey, Kate
Oaten, Mark
Cruddas, Jon
Cummings, John
Curtis-Thomas, Claire
Doran, Frank
Battle, John
Begg, Anne
Hopkins, Kelvin
Dobson, Frank
Baldry, Tony
Humble, Joan
George, Bruce
Lazarowicz, Mark
Burgon, Colin
Pelling, Andrew
Smith, Robert
Love, Andrew
O'Hara, Edward
McIsaac, Shona
Gapes, Mike
Betts, Clive
Mitchell, Austin
Campbell, Menzies
Prentice, Gordon
Kramer, Susan
Osborne, Sandra
1 comment:
I don't want to sound obsessive, but could someone who knows these MPs count up how many of these are (or, rather, imagine they are) Jews? Many people - Kevin McDonald being maybe the best documenter - assert Jews are doing their best to destroy white races.
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