Lets be honest eh lads, this is nothing to do with a fear of a riot is it, this is simply about the costs of policing these events - and the more they have to spend their millions given to them from the taxpayers on actual policing, as opposed to diversity days for gypsies, days out in a Burkha for WPC's, open days for non-whites and arse licking any minority group that uses a BUZZ WORD at them such as 'Homophobic', 'Racist', 'Anti-semitism' or 'Satanophobic' for devil worshippers, 'Cannibalolphobic' for cannibals, 'Alienophobic' when they confront the Daleks etc etc then the less the ACPO idiots can simper and ponce about in the press in fancy dress and abase themselves before the liberal fascists who keep passing the laws that have turned our nation into a surveillance society - you get the point.
Therefore as the old bill idiots in ACPO are worried about not having enough money to ponce around like a load of sad social worker wankers in uniform, they demand an end to democracy, free speech, the right to assemble and to protest.
Grow your spine black lads and stop bullshitting to the public - the idea that Birmingham is about to undergo spontaneous combustion into race riots is the sort of old bollocks they peddle to the mug punters in the Guardian.
If Birmingham is about to burst into flames then that is a result of the policies of the labour government who the ACPO sluts serve, for they have created the social conditions, and imposed the liberal policing policies, that have encouraged terrorism.
We all know that the old bill are in the pocket of the Labour government, and that pocket is almost empty.
This is simply a cost cutting measure, nothing more.
The hysterical irony is that the multi-cultural icon the senior arse lickers of ACPO obey ze orders from , Baroness Scotland, is now know to be a criminal herself.
Oh the irony.
P.S ring Michael Barnbrook of the BNP up and he will do the job you obviously cannot.
He was a decent old fashioned senior copper who put law and order and liberty before arse licking the Labour government for a nice pension and the interests of the Labour Party before the rights of the people.
The case against a teacher and British National Party member accused of religious intolerance has been postponed because police fear it will cause flare-ups in the community.
The unprecedented intervention in the case of Adam Walker, a former soldier and karate expert from Durham, who was due to face the General Teaching Council (GTC) in Birmingham tomorrow, was made because of tensions between far-right activists and the Muslim community.
The council will decide if Mr Walker, 39, should be struck off the register after he was alleged to have used a school computer to contribute racist and religiously intolerant views to online discussions during lessons.
If found guilty he will be the first teacher to be banned for religious intolerance.
Violent clashes between the right-wing English Defence League and Muslims in Birmingham earlier this month heightened tensions in the community.
Ahead of the hearing, Superintendent Matt Ward of West Midlands Police wrote to the GTC expressing “concern about the potential public order consequences of the hearing being convened in Birmingham at this time,” the council said today.
Superintedent Ward requested that the hearing be postponed or relocated to prevent further outbreaks of violence.
The council and the parties involved have seven days to find an alternative date and venues to prevent further delays.
Mr Walker, who is president of Solidarity, a trade union closely associated with the BNP, has already been called before the GTC on two previous dates. Both were postponed on different grounds.
He left his post as a technology teacher at Houghton Kepier Sports College in Houghton-le-Spring, near Sunderland in 2007 following the allegations.
The alleged incident, in which he is said to have criticised Muslims, homosexuals and asylum-seekers, is said to have happened between February and March 2007.
He was first brought before the teaching watchdog in November 2008 but the hearing was adjourned after Patrick Harrington, representing Mr Walker, successfully argued that the presence of Judy Moorhouse, a former president of the National Union of Teachers and a “known opponent” of the BNP, could prejudice the hearing.
Police officers, some wearing riot gear, were deployed outside that hearing after dozens of BNP supporters and anti-fascist activists gathered in Birmingham’s Victoria Square outside the offices of the GTC.
Mr Walker’s brother, Mark, lost an appeal against his sacking from Sunnydale College, Shildon, County Durham. Mark Walker, also a technology teacher, is accused of accessing the BNP’s website during school hours. Sunnydale Board of Governors upheld a decision to terminate his contract owing to ill health.
Belgium the death of a nation
by Mindstorm » Tue Sep 22, 2009 6:06 am
Here, undercover police explain how the state actually prevents it’s own institutions from acting against immigrant crime, and how ‘no go zones’ form. The time to stop calling this a ‘youth’ issue is now. The time to call it jihad against the west is well past due. Belgium shows us all how nations die. This is serious. Is it exaggeration? you decide. History will prove you correct or no.
Re: "Grow your spine black lads"
Freudian slip there, mate. I think you meant back, which in the context would have the opposite meaning.
Top notch article, though, thanks, again.
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