I wonder if they will publish it !
The BNP is not right wing or left wing, we are British Nationalists, that means we put the interests of Britain and the British people first, not any trite ideological notions of global free market capitalism versus international fabianism both of which relegate Britain to the status of a slave nation under the domination of the same Global Corporate Fascist system. The notion of a left wing / right wing in British politics is archaic nonsense peddled only by those in the pantomime of Parliament and the media which elects the political puppets of the media corporations into power.
The only political struggle now is between Nationalism and Globalism in its left wing/ right wing/ Fabian guises.
As for the BNP being 'racist', this is simply the same old sloppy thinking. The definition of racism is PREJUDICE + POWER = EXERCISED TO DISCRIMINATE ON THE GROUNDS OF RACE. Racism is a manifestation of political power, and as the BNP have never enacted any of the laws in this country responsible for racism, then the BNP as a political party cannot be racist.
In the multi-cultural system all ethnic communities are expected to organise to represent their collective community interests, yet when the indigenous British people do this we are called racists.
This hypocrisy is staggering, this is our homeland and if we dont defend our interests as a nation and a people who will ?
To be frank I am sick of idiotic people pontificating about the BNP when they have been too lazy to actually educate themselves about the reality and instead have merely parroted the usual asinine rhetoric of the media.
The brainwashing is deeper than most people know !
I spoke to a WPC a few days ago after being stopped in my car.
As I do,I started to talk of much pleasantries ; I then noticed a Hebrew tattoo on the underside of her left wrist.
I asked her what the translation was to English, she immediately blurted out "its not Racist"
Woooosh,reality quick, where did that come from ?.
I said calm down, I never asked you that , what does it mean, she said "family", ironic isn't it !
When the masses eventually find out what they have done to us, there will be lots of angry puppies looking for the retribution for the countless crimes against our people
Unbelievable; no one is immune from the Marxist dumbing down of our kin, well not many ;o)
There is, of course, no similar condemnation of the Scottish Nationalist Party; but, then again, Gordon 'Gormless' Brown happens to be Scottish...
'When the masses eventually find out what they have done to us, there will be lots of angry puppies looking for the retribution for the countless crimes against our people
It's worse than most people think.
Dumbing down Society
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