Immigrants come into our country, take our homes and leave us on the street.
Its as if the entire story of the multi-cultural society has been encapsulated into one incident.
Family shut out of their 'dream home' by gang of gipsies who moved in over Christmas
By David Wilkes and Nick Mcdermott
Last updated at 8:43 PM on 12th January 2010
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With the building works nearly over, Julian and Samantha Mosedale and their three children were looking forward to moving into their 'dream home'.
But now their future has been thrown into doubt - after a gang of Romanian gipsies beat them to it and took over the £285,000 property.
To add insult to injury, when the law-abiding couple questioned the squatters' right to be in Britain, police told them that they were being 'racist'.
Julian and Samantha Mosedale with their children Finn, Jake and Toby (left to right) had hoped to move back into their 'dream home' in March
Julian and Samantha Mosedale with their children Finn, Jake and Toby (left to right) had hoped to move back into their 'dream home' in March
The unwanted guests entered the three-bedroom terrace house over Christmas, changed the locks and began moving in furniture.
Mr Mosedale, an illustrator, and his wife, a catalogue manager, both 45, had moved out of the house in Tottenham, North London, in July 2007 while extensive structural and renovation work was completed.
They rented another property, and regularly visited the house to project manage the work.
But, after spending Christmas visiting relatives in Essex, they were horrified when they next visited the house on January 3 to find the squatters had moved in.
They now fear they could soon be homeless because they can only afford to foot the dual monthly cost of rent and mortgage payments until March.
One of the alleged Romanian gipsies 'Daniel' leaves the Mosedale's house in Tottenham
One of the alleged Romanian gipsies 'Daniel' leaves the Mosedale's house in Tottenham after taking over during Christmas
The couple also claim the police have left them 'feeling like criminals' even though they are the innocent victims - because they dared to wonder if the squatters were illegally claiming benefits from their home.
Mrs Mosedale , whose three sons are 10, eight, and five, said: 'We called the police as soon as we found out they were in there. An officer suggested I was racist when I asked if they were Romanians, and did they have a legal right to be in this country.
'We are hard-working citizens yet get treated like criminals when our home is stolen. This whole thing is making me feel constantly sick. All we want to do is get on with our lives.
'We feel let down by the law, by government, and by the police, in fact all the authorities that one would expect to protect society.
'The house had builders in it while the renovations were being done. It was only in the last couple of months that it was left completely empty.
'Our lawyers don't know how long it will take us to get them out and the stress is really getting to the whole family.
'The kids are upset at the idea that other children are playing with their toys in the garden. Our son Jake is old enough to understand what is going on and he is finding it difficult to sleep.
'All the children are incredibly unsettled.'
The Mosedale's house in Tottenham where squatters have moved in
The Mosedale's house. When the family questioned the squatters' right to be in Britain, police told them that they were being 'racist'
Today the couple obtained an order at the county court giving the squatters 24 hours - until 2.15pm tomorrow - to leave.
But Mr Mosedale fears they will not give in easily.
He said: 'When the papers were served on them they tore them up and threw them back at the guy who'd taken them round.'
He and his wife are also worried that a drawn-out battle to evict the squatters could leave them homeless within weeks if the legal costs mount up. They planned to move back into the house in March.
Mrs Mosedale said: 'We were in the process of creating our dream home and it has been ruined. At the moment there are at least four women, four children and one man living in our home, but neighbours said they have seen many more people going in and out.
'In the meantime we face the prospect of becoming homeless ourselves, since we had only budgeted to pay both rent and our mortgage until Mid March.'
Last night the squatters claimed they had a legal tenancy.
One woman, who would not give her name and spoke little English, said they paid £300 a week to a landlord - but she was unable to name him and could only describe him as a 'black man'.
Have to do this in two parts and probably not for publication as its off topic
Completely off topic this Lee but I have over the past few yrs been researching what the hell is going on in the world.
I've just been reading about the Defence seretary's niece and believe very strongly something of importance may have been missed in peoples eagerness to convict.
Of course I may be wrong on this aswell but I know you are in the legal profession, perhaps you can evaluate this and pass it on or not as the case may be.
One of the things I believe to be happening is that Prescription drugs are being over prescribed, particularly psychiatric medication.
Of course we all know this to be true, that there are vested financial interests at work here but I believe it is deeper than this.
Aldous Huxley predicted that the ruling elites, not the Govt, their puppet masters would use drugs to ensure that their 'slaves' remain happy about their enslavement.
A simple Youtube search will show up a number of interviews with Huxley making this claim, in any event it's prophesiseed in his book 'Brave New World'
A little more searching on youtube and google will reveal that 7 of the last 12 school shootings in the US, the kids involved were either on or withdrawing from antidepressants.
A large no of similar events too appear to be linked to psychiatric and other medication.
Now having been on these things I can vouch that they can put some very weird and at times scary thoughts, impulses into your mind, in my case they were relatively mild because I didn't trust the Docs were right so I took only fractions of what I was prescribed.
In Europe too a remarkable number of shootings have occured in which the perpetrator has been on Anti D's.
Here's Why I mention all this, Defence secretary's niece has just been convicted of Murder, she was on Anti D's.
I'm not a doctor but anyone not knowing what I do, and having abnormal impulses and thoughts would take their doctors word at face value, oh yes they are perfectly safe, very few side effects blah blah blah...
Anyone on medication having these sorts of impulses is very likely to think it is them, the thought that the medication might be doing this may not occur to them.
part 2
Anyone on medication having these sorts of impulses is very likely to think it is them, the thought that the medication might be doing this may not occur to them.
The Defence secretary's niece claims she does not know why she killed him but accepts full responsibility......sounds very rational thinking...
Her words were 'I'm a monster'
I'm quite sure that having done what she has done she might believe that, especially if she has no idea that the drugs can do this, and why should she, her docvs will have assured her....
if what I think is going on here, IE the medication has induced these impulses,( it may not have of course ) which I believe they do, both from research and my own experiernces.....
She may not be a Monster.
These drugs are being passed out like smarties, various combinations and types developed until we end up with their Brave new world' where we are enslaved under tyranny but 'love our servitude'
OK, I'm not a doctor, but I spent five yrs suing some of them so I do have some knowledge on how corrupt the industry is.
There is considerable possibility that this woman is 'innocent'
And a significant factor overlooked.
Youtube School Shootings Antidepressants
Google School Shootings Antidepressants
Look at this woman, she Claims
'I am a monster'.
IE what I have done is Monstrous,
A true monster would not think so, do our lot in Wesminster think wiping out the British people is monstrous.
She says,
I do not even dare ask forgiveness from Olivier's family,'
'What I did terrifies me,' Davies told the court.
'I don't remember killing Olivier, but I take responsibility for killing him.'
To me this sounds like someone sane acknowledging an insane act.
Daily Mail Article on the Case
Obviously I'm not a doctor and was not present at the trial but there is considerable evidence that something may have been a significant factor here that is not yet widely recognised.
A short section of a Video I put together a while ago.
Chemical Dumbing down of society
part 2
Anyone on medication having these sorts of impulses is very likely to think it is them, the thought that the medication might be doing this may not occur to them.
The Defence secretary's niece claims she does not know why she killed him but accepts full responsibility......sounds very rational thinking...
Her words were 'I'm a monster'
I'm quite sure that having done what she has done she might believe that, especially if she has no idea that the drugs can do this, and why should she, her docvs will have assured her....
if what I think is going on here, IE the medication has induced these impulses,( it may not have of course ) which I believe they do, both from research and my own experiernces.....
She may not be a Monster.
These drugs are being passed out like smarties, various combinations and types developed until we end up with their Brave new world' where we are enslaved under tyranny but 'love our servitude'
OK, I'm not a doctor, but I spent five yrs suing some of them so I do have some knowledge on how corrupt the industry is.
There is considerable possibility that this woman is 'innocent'
And a significant factor overlooked.
Youtube School Shootings Antidepressants
Google School Shootings Antidepressants
Look at this woman, she Claims
'I am a monster'.
IE what I have done is Monstrous,
A true monster would not think so, do our lot in Wesminster think wiping out the British people is monstrous.
She says,
I do not even dare ask forgiveness from Olivier's family,'
'What I did terrifies me,' Davies told the court.
'I don't remember killing Olivier, but I take responsibility for killing him.'
To me this sounds like someone sane acknowledging an insane act.
Daily Mail Article on the Case
Obviously I'm not a doctor and was not present at the trial but there is considerable evidence that something may have been a significant factor here that is not yet widely recognised.
A short section of a Video I put together a while ago.
Chemical Dumbing down of society
Without wishing to sound mean spirited - I don't really care about the plight of this family. Of course the children are innocents and they should not be exposed to this sort of nonsense. But I find it impossible to empathise with an "illustrator" and his well-to-wife who find their new-build invaded by admittedly scum. I will make a gross generalisation now and state that these people were probably exactly the type who would have previously condemned NIMBY's and "old-Englanders" as racists, but now that they are wearing the shoe all of a sudden they get a sense of reality and start prefixing every sentence with "I'm not racist but..."
I don't agree with gypsies taking over this couples homes, however I do not care one jot for this couple.
Moral of the story: lock your doors and windows
This couple were probably either Guardian or Independent readers. That they discovered a painful truth is interesting but they would have been I am sure at the front of any anti BNP demo.
.....that is a bit mean-spirited Andastre. A British couple and family, of whatever background (does it matter??), in their own country have spent their own money on a mortgage and renovation (this is called ASPIRATION and is a noble quality to better oneself and family) have had a bunch of c**t squatters steal their home which is bizarrely tolerated to an extent here - I presume in other countries you would be turfed out by the authorities with immediate effect.
To add to this they are a pack of mongrel gypos not from this country - I presume once more that proper Romanians dislike these gypos more so than us.
I am not sure his being an 'illustrator' has much to do with anything? It's his job - he does it most likely as he wanted to do so and trained to do so and probably pays well. Just because they live in London (the dwindling white population still exists) and apparently in a position of means does not go to explain that they support the ethnic genocide that has taken place there. It's a snobbishness on your part. You don't have to 'care' for this couple, no one is asking you to. It's a story that further demonstrates the disfunctional shitehole this country still descends to.
@ adrian
Medication for mental conditions have many side effects, as you mention. Most anti-psychotic drugs work by regulating dopamine and serotonin balances in the brain - with the effect that basically people are stupefied. Of course the full consequences of messing with the brain in such a way is not understood, but nonetheless more and more people are being prescribed these drugs.
The greater significance is that people become completely dependent on these drugs, both psychologically and physiologically - if you are part of the power elite this is great news because you have more and more people on these drugs, and therefore more money, and also you are controlling the functioning of people and regulating their mental state.
The NWO (the Huxley's were part of the intellectual NWO elite) have for many decades used pharmacology as another method in their assault on humanity.
Alex Jones regularly talks about this subject. Also check out Alan Watt. Much info can be found on Youtube.
mmm OK, well bit messy, couldn't upload in one go but since you published here is the concluding piece, why I don't think we should be so quick to condemn Jessica, why Mob rule should not be allowed to influence British Justice which is where I think Jack Straw would like us to go by publishing the names of Criminals on websites, etc.
The mob will most likely agree without thinking where this leads to, ultimately it leads to public square beheadings and amputations.
Ultimately it leads to the ruling elites being able to fabricate evidence against political dissidents who are then tried, without jury ( got that already now ) who can then be 'dealt with' by the mob.
This is why I don't agree with the Death Penalty, though I agree it can be a rare option for Judges in extreme cases, deliberate, premeditated Genocide of your own people, for example, wars for profit etc.
The baying mob would want this woman hanged when there is significant reason to believe that she and many others in our jails 'could' be
completely Innocent
Just who are the Monsters.
The idiots probably voted for it!
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